So they have two more years to poison us with toxic food coloring. I think it will be interesting to see which companies change their products immediately, and which ones drag it out as long as they can. I will still take this as a win, but I suspect that the powers-that-be at FDA are doing this in honor of RFK Jr. soon taking office -- to get on his good side. And I hope it doesn't work. The FDA has known about these poisons in our food for decades.
Every dollar is a vote and spent locally stays local every big corp dollar leaves for Wall Street
ALL the major food brands are filled with poisons & toxic GMO whitewashed as seed oil problem.. all food is fine for people but science miracles are not food.
If you can grow food it's a revolutionary declaration of independence and support for local farmers to grow self sufficient communities.. Organic Consumers has a locate by zip code map for regenerative farms & Local Harvest has decades of members w tips to join or start CoOp & CSA and small producers w yarns, candles, pies farm stand assortments too.. check them out.. grow goodness one meal at a time! :~)
True Lydia it is being done now because RFK Jr is coming in. Also, the FDA wants to try to show they were acting properly before Trump and RFK Jr came in. Which of course is just a ploy.
But to show they really never cared about our health, it should be brought up that this Red No.3 has been banned in cosmetics since 1990 by the FDA. So it was considered unsafe and harmful to put on the outside of your body but was considered safe by the FDA to ingest it. What an upside down and fraudulent world (from the top) we live in.
The trick is are they going to stop using it. My guess is no. I'll use the analogy of shopping backs in CA. The lunatic powers at be had a big "save the trees" campaign involving grocery bags. Paper bags weren't eliminated, the customer just had to oay for them and they brought in the plastic bags. Then the plastic bags wound up everywhere. Then it became save the planet, save the ocean, save the waterways. Plastic bags weren't eliminated, the customer just gets charged for them. Now they're "going back to paper, which they never eliminated. As for RFK, he's controlled op. He knows far too much data about all of the dangerous vaccinations children and adults are maimed and killed by, yet he just wants "safer" ones. He must know most, if not all of these diseases/viruses are manufactured by the government so they can trick people into taking the more dangerous "cure." If I know, he has to. Claims to have injured children. Just test them more on babies! Who's baby's would he like to use? The whole food dye thing is just a distraction from some of the bigger issues. There are many more poisonous dyes in our food, I mean most of our food is poisoned with sprays, waxes, plastics, and I believe some is synthetic, possibly containing vaccines. Just get a chic fil a sandwich with 55 different chemicals. Or how about the meat at McD, where a rabbi finkelstein claims they purchase most of the ground meat from children. Not my words, his. There's a company in san diego doing this already, I believe with spinach, and has contracts with Canada.
Join the movement against the bioidentical hormone manipulation of children. Every child deserves the right to grow into the body they were born in. 50 years of ongoing breast cancer research shows that many plants and "health foods" are contributing to estrogen dominance diseases. Commonly found commercial food brand ingredients like Soy, Flax, Sesame, Chickpea, Lavender, and even hemp/CBD are also causing a chronic feminization of the male species, and causing gender dysphoria in young girls. When people compound these plants, vegan diets, concentrated essential oils, supplements, herbs and other products, major hormone imbalance aka estrogen dominance occurs. During developmental stages this will have extensive irreversible damage, likely leading to gender confusion as they grow into adulthood.
Learn the truth about bioidentical estrogen and the massive spike in hormone related diseases including: breast cancer, ovarian and uterine cancer, PCOS, PMDD, PMS, Hypothyroidism, Low T, Trans, Gender Dysphoria, Nonbinary, Early Menopause & Early Puberty!
LEARN ABOUT THE LIES, IGNORANCE & CORRUPTION within the Healthcare Industry and even the vast holistic community, especially those who never actually studied Chinese Medicine or Herbology. Dr Wendy proves with visual and physiological context and evidence that simply cannot be argued. Everything is proven time and time again in her clinic.
Many women have supplemented themselves into an estrogen dependency, similar to an opioid junky treating the symptoms.
This is the entry from the back of my wife's 8th medical research book:
In the 1980s, Dr. Hobbins, a researcher in thermography, alerted the public about the link between soy consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer. The introduction of soy into processed foods in the late 1970s coincided with an increase in breast cancer rates, from 1 in 11 in 1980 to 1 in 8 by 1992. Since 1979, there was a reported annual increase of 1% in the incidence of breast cancer among men, and testosterone levels have been decreasing by approximately 1% annually since 1980. Effects are seen in women first.
In terms of potency, a gram is a billion times stronger than a nanogram. While chemicals like Atrazine, BPA, and phthalates raise estrogen levels, the use of popular phytoestrogens (PE) has exponentially increased this estrogenic effect. This is exemplified by products like the Impossible Burger, which contains an estimated 18 million times more estrogen than a Whopper. Combining these findings with studies showing the transplacental transfer of soy from mother to fetus, and the ability of Japanese researchers to produce all-female catfish populations using soy, raises concerns.
Their 2013 publication marked a milestone as the first researchers to publish medical evidence that demonstrated flax and bio-identical estrogen increased risk of breast cancer with a chapter warning about the feminizing effects on men. Research indicates that one cup of soy has the estrogenic effect comparable to one birth control pill, and flax is twenty times stronger than soy.
However, doctors advocated the health benefits of plant-based lifestyles. Adopting this trend, many women integrated estrogenic supplements like chasteberry, prepared meals with estrogenic chickpea pasta and sesame seeds, applied estrogenic lavender on their children and estrogenic CBD on their husbands.
The men's supplement industry has also embraced the PE trend, rebranding estrogenic fenugreek as 'free testosterone' and incorporating flax oil into testosterone injections. Over the last forty years, research has indicated a concerning trend: a 25% decrease in testosterone levels, a 52% drop in sperm counts, and an alarming study warns that if these trends persist, sperm counts could reach zero by 2045. Decline in testosterone results from an excess of estrogen.
The widespread use of PEs has led to excess estrogen levels causing PMS, menopause symptoms, low testosterone, early puberty. Women were labeled ‘crazy’ when they tried to express their symptoms. Doctors didn’t listen and prescribed synthetic hormones and bio-identical estrogen to mask the side effects, similar to how addicts are treated. Breast cancer remains the second leading cause of death. It's reported that the identification of girls as transgender has surged by 4,000%. Doctors recommend hormone therapy.
Due to the public's and doctors' reluctance to acknowledge physiology, we've reached a critical precipice. Children are exhibiting symptoms of gender dysphoria, and signs of feminization among boys. Treat the root cause: reduce estrogen.
Phytoestrogens: the pill no one can swallow. Dr. Sellens' eighth book offers an extensive compilation of research on estrogen making it one of the most comprehensive sources on the subject. Soy Boys: prepare to choke down the truth.
Soy Boys: The Rise in Low Testosterone & the Feminization of Men Due to Phytoestrogens
If anyone would like a discount for our audiobook please let me know!
Please vote here and help us to reverse this mass hormone imbalance/manipulation epidemic. We can't do this without your help, and please share!.
Policy For People link to vote and comment on (Comprehensive Ban on Phytoestrogenic Substances (Flax, Soy, Estrogenic Essential Oils and Herbs) and Mandatory Warning Labels)
I started feeding my 9 year old standard poodle ground organic natural pasture raised meats (turkey, beef, bison, venison) that include organs. I cook it, and blend it with an Australian jerkey with zero dyes, preservatives, etc....and his cataracts literally went away....
Was on a zoom call last night (so was Dr. McCullough). Dr. Teresa Long (Lt. Col) said that when military personnel were dying suddenly after their Covid shots, they were reported as suicides.
That is some of the worst outcomes and saddest we continue to see occurring. To have the records of people who serve their country changed to suit the agen… I stop myself because it’s clearly evident that our soldiers are not being treated as promised, nor does their reputation carry forward with honor. Replacing cause of death with a lie to cover up their own crimes is ABSOLUTELY a Nuremberg situation ! This goover mental game of manipulation will never be seen as trustworthy again. “To serve its people,” was the idea we believed. Will we even witness any real justice, court ordered or other? Time will tell. In the least, I hope WE live to tell future generations about all the history they’ve erased and continue to destroy.
This is all a strategy to get people to think that we are getting somewhere with our evil government/corporation. They will never stop purposely making us sick and killing us. That goes against their depopulation plan. These little "wins" are being used to put the masses back to sleep.
LOL what a bunch of I do not know what they are.. First it was alcohol may cause cancer LOL, cover for big pHARMA coming cancer Tsunami they caused with their bioweapon, now ' Red Dye" trying to look like they are doing their job before Trump/RFK get in office.. You notice they gave them until 2027 to change things LOL after already 30 years, and of course they gave their employers and benefactors pHARMA an additional year, looks good on their resumes...Of course the other dyes can stay.. They consulted with the food and drug companies and they told the FDA that the red dye would cost us the least to change out, so the FDA issued their ban... Alcohol companies need to start paying the FDA more pay off money and giving out more jobs, but me thinks the money is not as big with alcohol as it is with poison drugs.. Just like in the mafia days, first alcohol but drugs were always more money, but the old Dons did not want to go to drugs, but of course they were killed so DRUGS could come in This is where we are today.. Hopefully they clean house at the FDA and spray Lysol after they all leave..
One way to get the carcinogenic additives out of our food is to make it so that the companies who make the toxic additives do not have a vested interest in the production of drugs used to treat cancer. Obviously, being totally devoid of a moral compass, these companies would just consider it a good business model to create carcinogenic food additives. The increased cancer rates yield increased profitability. Is there a word for this? One is needed so that we can make a law using that term to make that whole business model a felony. What is that sound? Is it Big Chem (aka big ag and big pharma) shaking in their proverbial boots at the very idea? Good.
Good news directly tied to public pressure from broader education. Hopefully Dr. McCullough's courage throughout will bring forward truth in the food areas as well.
As a devoted organic consumer since the 1970s.. since 1997 dedicated tracker of toxic profiteers w emphasis on pesticide producers like Monsanto w politics, legislation, science & spin for genetically engineered crops.
It is beyond upsetting to see headliners in Health Freedom shift the window of debate to exclude all the novel protein & herbicide residues of GMO that are re-framed now with ingenuousness "seed oil" debate like this pile of whitewashed UC Davis Biotech Mafia deflection of blame. This is MSNBC-CNN-NYTimes level spin that informs nobody.
Of course this is welcome, but do not lose sight of the fact that this is a freed hostage in the Big War, a bone thrown to(and for) Casey and Callie Means. The elephant cannot remain in the living room forever, it is simply too much of a risk for them. So the elephant is being quietly ushered out. But the the elephant remains.
Eh, the Means duo sprung to prominence w deceptive mantra of seed oil.. entire seed oil framing white washes Biotech Mafia GMO crops that are the actual problem..
they have products to sell that simulate walking while standing still and ZERO objection to criminal mRNA Transfections another Rockefeller Gates Biotech marvel yet legends in the food space for decades ignored.. C&C Means w controlled spectrum of debate stinks like week old fish to this ancient muckraker.
This is absolute buffoonery .. a diagram in this thread shows 8 different food colours yet the FDA still let 7 other colours that cause various cancers continue to adulterate foods … like they continue to put high corn fructose in drinks and brain damaging things in chewing gum.. how the hell did “they” get control of the food supply beyond the USA borders.. I can buy products food supplements in Europe with reference to the fda on the label and inserts..something has badly gone wrong here.
So they have two more years to poison us with toxic food coloring. I think it will be interesting to see which companies change their products immediately, and which ones drag it out as long as they can. I will still take this as a win, but I suspect that the powers-that-be at FDA are doing this in honor of RFK Jr. soon taking office -- to get on his good side. And I hope it doesn't work. The FDA has known about these poisons in our food for decades.
Totally agree with this comment! We accept these small steps and THEN are told they have YEARS to act!!! BS!!
Every dollar is a vote and spent locally stays local every big corp dollar leaves for Wall Street
ALL the major food brands are filled with poisons & toxic GMO whitewashed as seed oil problem.. all food is fine for people but science miracles are not food.
If you can grow food it's a revolutionary declaration of independence and support for local farmers to grow self sufficient communities.. Organic Consumers has a locate by zip code map for regenerative farms & Local Harvest has decades of members w tips to join or start CoOp & CSA and small producers w yarns, candles, pies farm stand assortments too.. check them out.. grow goodness one meal at a time! :~)
Thanks for sharing :)
True Lydia it is being done now because RFK Jr is coming in. Also, the FDA wants to try to show they were acting properly before Trump and RFK Jr came in. Which of course is just a ploy.
But to show they really never cared about our health, it should be brought up that this Red No.3 has been banned in cosmetics since 1990 by the FDA. So it was considered unsafe and harmful to put on the outside of your body but was considered safe by the FDA to ingest it. What an upside down and fraudulent world (from the top) we live in.
The trick is are they going to stop using it. My guess is no. I'll use the analogy of shopping backs in CA. The lunatic powers at be had a big "save the trees" campaign involving grocery bags. Paper bags weren't eliminated, the customer just had to oay for them and they brought in the plastic bags. Then the plastic bags wound up everywhere. Then it became save the planet, save the ocean, save the waterways. Plastic bags weren't eliminated, the customer just gets charged for them. Now they're "going back to paper, which they never eliminated. As for RFK, he's controlled op. He knows far too much data about all of the dangerous vaccinations children and adults are maimed and killed by, yet he just wants "safer" ones. He must know most, if not all of these diseases/viruses are manufactured by the government so they can trick people into taking the more dangerous "cure." If I know, he has to. Claims to have injured children. Just test them more on babies! Who's baby's would he like to use? The whole food dye thing is just a distraction from some of the bigger issues. There are many more poisonous dyes in our food, I mean most of our food is poisoned with sprays, waxes, plastics, and I believe some is synthetic, possibly containing vaccines. Just get a chic fil a sandwich with 55 different chemicals. Or how about the meat at McD, where a rabbi finkelstein claims they purchase most of the ground meat from children. Not my words, his. There's a company in san diego doing this already, I believe with spinach, and has contracts with Canada.
Everyone who eats food should read this article; whether you have children or elders, or pets these chemicals should be banned.
There's more to it as well!
Join the movement against the bioidentical hormone manipulation of children. Every child deserves the right to grow into the body they were born in. 50 years of ongoing breast cancer research shows that many plants and "health foods" are contributing to estrogen dominance diseases. Commonly found commercial food brand ingredients like Soy, Flax, Sesame, Chickpea, Lavender, and even hemp/CBD are also causing a chronic feminization of the male species, and causing gender dysphoria in young girls. When people compound these plants, vegan diets, concentrated essential oils, supplements, herbs and other products, major hormone imbalance aka estrogen dominance occurs. During developmental stages this will have extensive irreversible damage, likely leading to gender confusion as they grow into adulthood.
Learn the truth about bioidentical estrogen and the massive spike in hormone related diseases including: breast cancer, ovarian and uterine cancer, PCOS, PMDD, PMS, Hypothyroidism, Low T, Trans, Gender Dysphoria, Nonbinary, Early Menopause & Early Puberty!
LEARN ABOUT THE LIES, IGNORANCE & CORRUPTION within the Healthcare Industry and even the vast holistic community, especially those who never actually studied Chinese Medicine or Herbology. Dr Wendy proves with visual and physiological context and evidence that simply cannot be argued. Everything is proven time and time again in her clinic.
Many women have supplemented themselves into an estrogen dependency, similar to an opioid junky treating the symptoms.
This is the entry from the back of my wife's 8th medical research book:
In the 1980s, Dr. Hobbins, a researcher in thermography, alerted the public about the link between soy consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer. The introduction of soy into processed foods in the late 1970s coincided with an increase in breast cancer rates, from 1 in 11 in 1980 to 1 in 8 by 1992. Since 1979, there was a reported annual increase of 1% in the incidence of breast cancer among men, and testosterone levels have been decreasing by approximately 1% annually since 1980. Effects are seen in women first.
In terms of potency, a gram is a billion times stronger than a nanogram. While chemicals like Atrazine, BPA, and phthalates raise estrogen levels, the use of popular phytoestrogens (PE) has exponentially increased this estrogenic effect. This is exemplified by products like the Impossible Burger, which contains an estimated 18 million times more estrogen than a Whopper. Combining these findings with studies showing the transplacental transfer of soy from mother to fetus, and the ability of Japanese researchers to produce all-female catfish populations using soy, raises concerns.
Their 2013 publication marked a milestone as the first researchers to publish medical evidence that demonstrated flax and bio-identical estrogen increased risk of breast cancer with a chapter warning about the feminizing effects on men. Research indicates that one cup of soy has the estrogenic effect comparable to one birth control pill, and flax is twenty times stronger than soy.
However, doctors advocated the health benefits of plant-based lifestyles. Adopting this trend, many women integrated estrogenic supplements like chasteberry, prepared meals with estrogenic chickpea pasta and sesame seeds, applied estrogenic lavender on their children and estrogenic CBD on their husbands.
The men's supplement industry has also embraced the PE trend, rebranding estrogenic fenugreek as 'free testosterone' and incorporating flax oil into testosterone injections. Over the last forty years, research has indicated a concerning trend: a 25% decrease in testosterone levels, a 52% drop in sperm counts, and an alarming study warns that if these trends persist, sperm counts could reach zero by 2045. Decline in testosterone results from an excess of estrogen.
The widespread use of PEs has led to excess estrogen levels causing PMS, menopause symptoms, low testosterone, early puberty. Women were labeled ‘crazy’ when they tried to express their symptoms. Doctors didn’t listen and prescribed synthetic hormones and bio-identical estrogen to mask the side effects, similar to how addicts are treated. Breast cancer remains the second leading cause of death. It's reported that the identification of girls as transgender has surged by 4,000%. Doctors recommend hormone therapy.
Due to the public's and doctors' reluctance to acknowledge physiology, we've reached a critical precipice. Children are exhibiting symptoms of gender dysphoria, and signs of feminization among boys. Treat the root cause: reduce estrogen.
Phytoestrogens: the pill no one can swallow. Dr. Sellens' eighth book offers an extensive compilation of research on estrogen making it one of the most comprehensive sources on the subject. Soy Boys: prepare to choke down the truth.
Soy Boys: The Rise in Low Testosterone & the Feminization of Men Due to Phytoestrogens
Author Research and Course Info:
Support her IG accounts:
A list of all known phytoestrogenic plants and herbs:
If anyone would like a discount for our audiobook please let me know!
Please vote here and help us to reverse this mass hormone imbalance/manipulation epidemic. We can't do this without your help, and please share!.
Policy For People link to vote and comment on (Comprehensive Ban on Phytoestrogenic Substances (Flax, Soy, Estrogenic Essential Oils and Herbs) and Mandatory Warning Labels)
I started feeding my 9 year old standard poodle ground organic natural pasture raised meats (turkey, beef, bison, venison) that include organs. I cook it, and blend it with an Australian jerkey with zero dyes, preservatives, etc....and his cataracts literally went away....
Wow...only 27,563 more poisons to go. The FDA will be on the case for the next 2,873 years. Good job boys!
One very small but necessary first step.
Companies with Red Dye #3 should be forced to a mandatory recall
Was on a zoom call last night (so was Dr. McCullough). Dr. Teresa Long (Lt. Col) said that when military personnel were dying suddenly after their Covid shots, they were reported as suicides.
The ethical standards surrounding the mRNA would make Dr.Mengele gag.
That is some of the worst outcomes and saddest we continue to see occurring. To have the records of people who serve their country changed to suit the agen… I stop myself because it’s clearly evident that our soldiers are not being treated as promised, nor does their reputation carry forward with honor. Replacing cause of death with a lie to cover up their own crimes is ABSOLUTELY a Nuremberg situation ! This goover mental game of manipulation will never be seen as trustworthy again. “To serve its people,” was the idea we believed. Will we even witness any real justice, court ordered or other? Time will tell. In the least, I hope WE live to tell future generations about all the history they’ve erased and continue to destroy.
The lag times are ridiculous.
This is a laughable piece of bait for incoming RFKjr to save some hides and keep their jobs, IMO.
Watching from Canada where our politics are beyond comedy at this point, I cannot wait for this transition to sanity for the people of the USA🙏
Hopeful for real change with MAGA & MAHA.
Great reporting Nicholas!
This is all a strategy to get people to think that we are getting somewhere with our evil government/corporation. They will never stop purposely making us sick and killing us. That goes against their depopulation plan. These little "wins" are being used to put the masses back to sleep.
LOL what a bunch of I do not know what they are.. First it was alcohol may cause cancer LOL, cover for big pHARMA coming cancer Tsunami they caused with their bioweapon, now ' Red Dye" trying to look like they are doing their job before Trump/RFK get in office.. You notice they gave them until 2027 to change things LOL after already 30 years, and of course they gave their employers and benefactors pHARMA an additional year, looks good on their resumes...Of course the other dyes can stay.. They consulted with the food and drug companies and they told the FDA that the red dye would cost us the least to change out, so the FDA issued their ban... Alcohol companies need to start paying the FDA more pay off money and giving out more jobs, but me thinks the money is not as big with alcohol as it is with poison drugs.. Just like in the mafia days, first alcohol but drugs were always more money, but the old Dons did not want to go to drugs, but of course they were killed so DRUGS could come in This is where we are today.. Hopefully they clean house at the FDA and spray Lysol after they all leave..
What about GMOs? Can't wait for RFKjr and Dr. Battachyra!
They should have never been approved in the first place. Duh.
One way to get the carcinogenic additives out of our food is to make it so that the companies who make the toxic additives do not have a vested interest in the production of drugs used to treat cancer. Obviously, being totally devoid of a moral compass, these companies would just consider it a good business model to create carcinogenic food additives. The increased cancer rates yield increased profitability. Is there a word for this? One is needed so that we can make a law using that term to make that whole business model a felony. What is that sound? Is it Big Chem (aka big ag and big pharma) shaking in their proverbial boots at the very idea? Good.
Good news directly tied to public pressure from broader education. Hopefully Dr. McCullough's courage throughout will bring forward truth in the food areas as well.
As a devoted organic consumer since the 1970s.. since 1997 dedicated tracker of toxic profiteers w emphasis on pesticide producers like Monsanto w politics, legislation, science & spin for genetically engineered crops.
It is beyond upsetting to see headliners in Health Freedom shift the window of debate to exclude all the novel protein & herbicide residues of GMO that are re-framed now with ingenuousness "seed oil" debate like this pile of whitewashed UC Davis Biotech Mafia deflection of blame. This is MSNBC-CNN-NYTimes level spin that informs nobody.
Of course this is welcome, but do not lose sight of the fact that this is a freed hostage in the Big War, a bone thrown to(and for) Casey and Callie Means. The elephant cannot remain in the living room forever, it is simply too much of a risk for them. So the elephant is being quietly ushered out. But the the elephant remains.
Eh, the Means duo sprung to prominence w deceptive mantra of seed oil.. entire seed oil framing white washes Biotech Mafia GMO crops that are the actual problem..
they have products to sell that simulate walking while standing still and ZERO objection to criminal mRNA Transfections another Rockefeller Gates Biotech marvel yet legends in the food space for decades ignored.. C&C Means w controlled spectrum of debate stinks like week old fish to this ancient muckraker.
This is absolute buffoonery .. a diagram in this thread shows 8 different food colours yet the FDA still let 7 other colours that cause various cancers continue to adulterate foods … like they continue to put high corn fructose in drinks and brain damaging things in chewing gum.. how the hell did “they” get control of the food supply beyond the USA borders.. I can buy products food supplements in Europe with reference to the fda on the label and inserts..something has badly gone wrong here.
This looks good, as a start...