My daughter has been reading (and applying) Joel Salatin’s teaching in managing her own little farm for over 7 years now, with good results. She has been following the same thinking and to the best of my knowledge no one (or critter) has had bird flu. If they did, they got over it and are better off for it.
To fix a problem, must go to the root cause: SHUT DOWN ALL THE BIOLABS and stop F..g with nature.
Flattening the "Curve"....Better than Tony Fauci and his band of merry men ever could.
Keeping up the finest efforts is the name of the game. So is keeping out .Gov village idiots.
The "government-bureaucrat-medical-money laundering cartel" are 0 for 973,254.
If anyone needs to be culled or put down, I vote for the cartel.
Dr. McCullough and Joel Salatin are my all-time favorite heroes. I have had the privilege to meet both.
My daughter has been reading (and applying) Joel Salatin’s teaching in managing her own little farm for over 7 years now, with good results. She has been following the same thinking and to the best of my knowledge no one (or critter) has had bird flu. If they did, they got over it and are better off for it.
If we mention homeopathic remedies, we need to be sure they work, and just like any drug from conventional therapy, studies must be done.