I agree....I am 73 and rarely get any of the "flues" and "colds" going around.....If I let myself get stressed and rundown...then suddenly I contract some mild illness...Thankfully, .I turned down the injections....
I attribute my health--in case anyone may be interested--to fresh pressed carrot juice, very few processed food items, no commercial sugar..or as little as possible--There are exceptions---for example I never will offend anyone who has made food specifically for me...no matter how much I don't really want it..(there are always napkins to spit into when no one is looking) and finally coffee enemas a few times a week....Food is a social ritual. Food that is offered with good intentions should be graciously received I believe-- and the giver should be spared a lecture on why it is rejected. Whenever I see someone reject food offered with love and kindness because of this or that diet prejudice or health issue, I feel it is unkind and a breach of etiquette---but that's my personal views.
Totally agree with you Kathleen. Funny, I only sleep 5 hours a night which we are told is unhealthy, yet I don't get sick. We are all unique and trying to fit everyone into a "norm" is a fools errand.
Most doctors can’t afford to challenge the narrative pushed by the government and health authorities. But as a group they aren’t ethical enough to stand up. I am diabetic. I have taken Ozempic for 3 years. It has been effective with no side effects. Now, because Ozempic was, contrary to law, prescribed by doctors for weight loss, there is a shortage of Ozempic which is expected to last until next March.
The alternative is daily Rybelsus which is not as effective and gives me a low level headache every day. I have never suffered from headaches in my 76 years. The manufacturers of Rybelsus claim it does not cause headaches.
I keep busy and I can put up with low level headaches for the next 3 months with help from acetaminophen. And, I am not “vaccinated” and don’t have to worry about dying suddenly from that experimental product.
You should check out some other sources for Diabetes it can be cured by cutting down on carbs. Good place to start is a YouTube called sugar the bitter truth by a Dr Robert Lustig.
I eat no more cars than is necessary to not waste away and have enough energy for my daily walks. I am at my high school weight. I hate taking pills but they are necessary.
2) Youtube channels like Dr. Sten Ekberg or Dr. Eric Berg
3) YouTube channels like Ivor Cummins (especially from the pre-Covid days, not that his Covid era anti-Big Pharma rants aren't great info, just that they're not specially helpful to diabetics like his earlier work)
4) Read about or watch talks from Dr. David Unwin in northern England
I been to those sites. I didn’t get diabetes as a result of lack of exercise or a poor diet. I have had Dr. Jason Fung’s book The Diabetes Code on my coffee table for 3 years. I still need Diabetic medicines. Each of us is unique to some extent. For example, I am allergic to scotch.
Bummer. I've had such good luck dealing with several chronic issues once I switched from a "good" diet as defined by mainstream medicine to a low-carb, high healthy (animal) fat diet, though some things took a couple years to address, and I am still working on more. I realize that other people need more time, more drastic measures, or perhaps some help from Big Pharma...
I've enjoyed a few talks by Jason. If you like his approaches, I also recommend looking into Pottenger's Human on YouTube.
I started reading the Boston Globalist headlines recently just to see the messages they are putting out. They are truly unbelievable! I just read this and almost threw up. I commented but I noticed they are blocking comments. I will see how long mine stays up. I took a screen shot. The outrageous thing is the article above is about two people dying from drinking a caffeinated beverage at Panera bread. How stupid do they think we are???? @J4healthfreedom
Well...now that you mention it, could be. Panera’s bread ranked highest in Glyphosate of any fast food restaurant food tested by Moms Across America (GREAT group!!).
School lunches are shockingly toxic snd deplete of nutrition.
Founder, Zen Honeycut testified in WashDC recently, has had meetings with FDA, EPA, and more.
What I see is the ignorance of arrogance. These people know nothing outside their little world. The concept of a noble prize somehow conferring great wisdom beyond their little piece of expertise is a cultural failing. The Nobel Prize is a meaningless thing given to virtue signal for the rich and powerful.
I wanted to use that to prove my point that the Noble Prize is nothing but virtue signaling by the elites. Obama did nothing ever to get any prize or accolades up until Brandon he was one of the worse Presidents since Buchanan
You should read Seymour Hirsch piece regarding his personal interactions with Kissinger. You will forever change your views on him. He is on substack and it’s a free read.
I will not inject my body for the sake of the collective.
I will not block my breathing for the sake of the collective.
I will not fundamentally alter my lifestyle to accommodate the irrational fears of the collective.
This is a philosophical battle between the individual and the collective.
Those who are scared can choose of their own volition to inject their body, block their breathing, stay inside, and avoid whatever they perceive to be dangerous, but they 𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭 demand or mandate these things for another.
The collective is not owed safety or protection at the expense of the individual.
The healthy are not obligated to sacrifice themselves to the sick.
The confident are not obligated to sacrifice themselves to the fearful.
The idea that the individual owes anything to the collective is a delusion.
The collective would not exist without the individual.
The freedom and choice of the individual must always supersede the preferences of the mob, when this principle is inverted societal destruction is inevitable.
Many people have been conditioned to believe this is an “unloving” or “selfish” perspective, while completely overlooking how unloving and selfish it is to demand an individual sacrifice their own well-being for the sake of the herd.
Upholding the right for an individual to choose for themselves is the most loving and honorable thing a society can do.
That attitude is way too individual for my liking. If you were using the benefits of the collective I would say 'get out of it - find an island'. Make your own roads. Make your own internet.
Roads and Internet are funded by taxes. AJoy didn't say they didn't want to pay taxes. The collective (majority) can make decisions regarding external things. But they should never be allowed to override personal decisions that are the realm of the individual's faith or conscience. This is the sure road to tyranny. "The tyranny of the majority" as the founding fathers called it.
John 11:50 "It is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not." There was the "collective" at work, deciding that God's Son should be put to death, to "save" the nation. It was the biggest crime ever committed on this planet.
Now what the majority can do, is they can use persuasion, facts, evidence, etc. to convince the minority. But if their facts and evidence are built on lies, then the individual should resist them. Submitting to lies is actually the greatest danger to the "collective", and should be resisted by every truly caring soul.
On your initial point, I don't know that this... "The idea that the individual owes anything to the collective is a delusion"... infers AJoy was happy to pay taxes.
But certainly, when it comes to the individual's rights over their own flesh, I have nothing to argue against AJoy's position, nor faith and conscience, while that faith is positive for all (or at least, not negative beyond the individual).
AJoy may have overstated it, or may have had only the personal connection in mind. There is a duty we owe to God, which supersedes the duty to man. "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." The state and collective have no authority in this realm.
While I agree that the "exercise," or outward expression, of faith can come under the jurisdiction of Caesar, when it affects the livelihood and personal property of others, bear in mind that this has often been the excuse for the suppression of truth by the majority (or the leaders of the majority).
Thus it was in the case I mentioned above, that Jesus was "imagined" to be dangerous to the welfare of society. The actual reason was a jealousy of the power He had, and the fact that He wasn't under their control. They reasoned that they were acting for the safety of the whole nation, when in actual fact, it was their own position and power that they sought to preserve.
When the Lutheran reformation started in Germany, Luther was deemed to be an enemy of the church and the state, because his teachings endangered the power and income of the church (and by extension, some parts of the state that were inextricably joined with the church and its prodigious income).
Daniel's prayers to God alone were deemed to be dangerous to the welfare of the Medo-Persian state, by some jealous and greedy statesmen (see Daniel ch. 6).
In all these cases, we must ask, "is there real harm being done," or "imagined harm." In the case of Covid, it was mostly "imagined." "Oh, the unvaccinated MIGHT be carriers of the disease; oh, they MIGHT infect someone else." Natural immunity had to be either ignored, downplayed, or left entirely out of the discussion, to pass this kind of imagination as fact.
And furthermore, the individual's own immune system had to be ignored. A person who generally did not take care of their health, was deemed to be safe if they had the vaccine; whereas one who took very good care of their health, and therefore had a strong immune system, was deemed to be unsafe, if they were not vaccinated. These are only a few of the things left out of this unhealthy imagination that was passed as truth.
You do you! But I will never sacrifice my health by taking an experimental drug for the sake of the “community”! If I’m not healthy what good am I to others?? I would never expect a child to donate a kidney to a stranger because it’s the “right thing to do” or for the sake of the “community”. Oh and I do plenty for my community every day lol but my first priority is me and my family. Oh and people are fed up with this “community” you speak of and are building a parallel one, where one does not rely on the government and big tech/Pharma, such as Dr McCullough lol who went out own his own! ;)
I wouldn't inject a corporate invention either, and definitely wouldn't be handing over body parts (I would ban it) but I would do a few things to help people feel more comfortable on the covid issue. I think that masks limit in a direct-in-the-face covid blast - you know this because it's so hard to push air out through them. Maybe not two hours in a room together, but definitely on the high dose in the face. If I was a nurse treating you for covid I'd want to be able to 'duck' your blast.
'' the collective is not owed safety or protection at the expense of the individual''
Absolutely right
Such a view is an attack upon the individual
The collective determines that the individual is a threat and must take risk or die to protect it. This is the same logic as forcing the individual to fight in a war. It is wrong in that case and in this one. I would be a conscientious objector and pacifist in war time and I refuse to take vaccines for the very same reason. I would only fight to protect my family I would only take experimental drugs if the alternative was certain death
Thanks for your clear statement and understanding of this basic idea
I fear our legislators are too ignorant and - sorry to say - stupid to comprehend this logic and that is largely how they have been beguiled by the drug pushers
A complete lack of critical thinking has overtaken the masses. Blind faith is also out there for sure. I’ve been repeatedly pointing out to my 16 and 26 yr old sons, they must question everything they hear, read, etc. and remain curious, always learn more--and even if they’ve already chosen an opinion, be open to changing their minds.
No doubt, most of the fanaticism is religious in nature. As one philosopher pointed out, if you don't believe in God, then you'll believe in anything, and all socialist ideologies are based on replacing faith in Him with pagan or atheist fervor.
But most of the professional and bureaucratic support for injections is financially driven, as you and Dr. McCollough have experienced.
Yet to believe you will somehow continue life, with consciousness intact, after every single cell in your body has died, is seen as perfectly ok? Nah, when we die, we die; just like every other living organism known to man.
Man was made in the image of God, unlike all other living organisms. Part of that imaging includes the eternal nature of God. Is your supposition perfectly ok?
Ok, and I do not mean to be facetious here; however, it is shown we share 70%+ of our DNA with the seasponge. If we were made completely differently to other organisms, how can this be?
True, but they were made by man. If God can create anything with a flick of the finger, it seems strange to me that he would first create a cell and wait billions of years for evolution to do the rest.
We were created to be eternal beings, and so we remain! When this body dies the essence of each of us does not. Whether you believe that or not is your choice, but not continuing on is not.
The Branch Covidian. It’s alive and prospering in western Washington state. I thought we were indoctrinated in Vancouver, Canada, but after visiting Seattle suburbs the last two days, I was shocked at how deeply ingrained the cult still is. And the incessant messages in grocery stores about getting vaccinated was disturbing.
Excellent perspective John, I agree completely. I was aware of the coin of the Vatican, disgusting as it is and a sign suggesting the Pope is working for Satan. The banner from South Africa shows it quite well.
Since the start I have called the covid clan as The Church of The Poisoned Mind. The human propensity for clan behavior is the darker side of the human condition.
I got news for these “experts”. My immune system at 77 is better than most 30-year-olds. It’s not your age, it’s what you do with the age you are in.
Stay away from doctors! Become your own doctor!
I'm married to one but she hasn't drunk the Kool-aid
Awesome…and may God keep the Truth going, Ely!🌞
We don’t need doctors…they need US!
I’ve had two critical surgeries in the last 3 years…what an eye opener! I’m thankful for the help I needed. There are exceptions, of course!
But, most health problems can be cured with diet, exercise, supplements, Nature, prayer/meditation! ✝️🦅 🌞🏄♀️🐿️🌻
And I am an anti-vaxxer!
Very true. A 70 year old with no comorbidities has the same IFR as someone in their 40's. You shave decades of risk off by taking care of yourself.
I'm allergic to viruses.
A lot of 30 year old immune systems can't even tolerate peanuts
That's because they've had so much shoved into them from birth creating all those allergies.
Some "allergies" are just your body rejecting the poisons too, especially med "allergies".
I agree....I am 73 and rarely get any of the "flues" and "colds" going around.....If I let myself get stressed and rundown...then suddenly I contract some mild illness...Thankfully, .I turned down the injections....
I attribute my health--in case anyone may be interested--to fresh pressed carrot juice, very few processed food items, no commercial sugar..or as little as possible--There are exceptions---for example I never will offend anyone who has made food specifically for me...no matter how much I don't really want it..(there are always napkins to spit into when no one is looking) and finally coffee enemas a few times a week....Food is a social ritual. Food that is offered with good intentions should be graciously received I believe-- and the giver should be spared a lecture on why it is rejected. Whenever I see someone reject food offered with love and kindness because of this or that diet prejudice or health issue, I feel it is unkind and a breach of etiquette---but that's my personal views.
Totally agree with you Kathleen. Funny, I only sleep 5 hours a night which we are told is unhealthy, yet I don't get sick. We are all unique and trying to fit everyone into a "norm" is a fools errand.
It is simple enough to figure out why laureates continue to support the vax. Just look at their funding or bank accounts. Mystery solved.
Cui bono. Its a cartel where the doctors swear allegiance to the system--deviance is heresy.
Most doctors can’t afford to challenge the narrative pushed by the government and health authorities. But as a group they aren’t ethical enough to stand up. I am diabetic. I have taken Ozempic for 3 years. It has been effective with no side effects. Now, because Ozempic was, contrary to law, prescribed by doctors for weight loss, there is a shortage of Ozempic which is expected to last until next March.
The alternative is daily Rybelsus which is not as effective and gives me a low level headache every day. I have never suffered from headaches in my 76 years. The manufacturers of Rybelsus claim it does not cause headaches.
I keep busy and I can put up with low level headaches for the next 3 months with help from acetaminophen. And, I am not “vaccinated” and don’t have to worry about dying suddenly from that experimental product.
You should check out some other sources for Diabetes it can be cured by cutting down on carbs. Good place to start is a YouTube called sugar the bitter truth by a Dr Robert Lustig.
reality speaks
I eat no more cars than is necessary to not waste away and have enough energy for my daily walks. I am at my high school weight. I hate taking pills but they are necessary.
Besides the good advice that "reality speaks" gives, check out the following:
1) https://www.virtahealth.com/
2) Youtube channels like Dr. Sten Ekberg or Dr. Eric Berg
3) YouTube channels like Ivor Cummins (especially from the pre-Covid days, not that his Covid era anti-Big Pharma rants aren't great info, just that they're not specially helpful to diabetics like his earlier work)
4) Read about or watch talks from Dr. David Unwin in northern England
Dr. Ekberg is AWESOME!👏
He's my favorite.
Once one understands how their body actually functions, so much makes sense! Intermittent fasting is amazing!😉
An Ominous
I been to those sites. I didn’t get diabetes as a result of lack of exercise or a poor diet. I have had Dr. Jason Fung’s book The Diabetes Code on my coffee table for 3 years. I still need Diabetic medicines. Each of us is unique to some extent. For example, I am allergic to scotch.
Bummer. I've had such good luck dealing with several chronic issues once I switched from a "good" diet as defined by mainstream medicine to a low-carb, high healthy (animal) fat diet, though some things took a couple years to address, and I am still working on more. I realize that other people need more time, more drastic measures, or perhaps some help from Big Pharma...
I've enjoyed a few talks by Jason. If you like his approaches, I also recommend looking into Pottenger's Human on YouTube.
Don't you believe them! Just because nobody else made the connection before you, does not mean you're wrong! Listen to your body.
I started reading the Boston Globalist headlines recently just to see the messages they are putting out. They are truly unbelievable! I just read this and almost threw up. I commented but I noticed they are blocking comments. I will see how long mine stays up. I took a screen shot. The outrageous thing is the article above is about two people dying from drinking a caffeinated beverage at Panera bread. How stupid do they think we are???? @J4healthfreedom
Well...now that you mention it, could be. Panera’s bread ranked highest in Glyphosate of any fast food restaurant food tested by Moms Across America (GREAT group!!).
School lunches are shockingly toxic snd deplete of nutrition.
Founder, Zen Honeycut testified in WashDC recently, has had meetings with FDA, EPA, and more.
Their main tenent of belief is...they want you dead.
Do not comply
What I see is the ignorance of arrogance. These people know nothing outside their little world. The concept of a noble prize somehow conferring great wisdom beyond their little piece of expertise is a cultural failing. The Nobel Prize is a meaningless thing given to virtue signal for the rich and powerful.
Who was it that got a Nobel Prize just for coining the phrase, “ Hope and Change “?
I wanted to use that to prove my point that the Noble Prize is nothing but virtue signaling by the elites. Obama did nothing ever to get any prize or accolades up until Brandon he was one of the worse Presidents since Buchanan
Wikipedia mentions why Obama actually won the prize, but I think we’re right in boiling it down to that stupid slogan.
It’s contradictory seeing such a con job able to be compared to Watson, Crick, and Einstein. Actually it’s heresy.
LOL, that’s about where we’re headed.
You should read Seymour Hirsch piece regarding his personal interactions with Kissinger. You will forever change your views on him. He is on substack and it’s a free read.
Same as all the phony "golddust" they sprinkle on themselves in Hollyweird.
I will not inject my body for the sake of the collective.
I will not block my breathing for the sake of the collective.
I will not fundamentally alter my lifestyle to accommodate the irrational fears of the collective.
This is a philosophical battle between the individual and the collective.
Those who are scared can choose of their own volition to inject their body, block their breathing, stay inside, and avoid whatever they perceive to be dangerous, but they 𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭 demand or mandate these things for another.
The collective is not owed safety or protection at the expense of the individual.
The healthy are not obligated to sacrifice themselves to the sick.
The confident are not obligated to sacrifice themselves to the fearful.
The idea that the individual owes anything to the collective is a delusion.
The collective would not exist without the individual.
The freedom and choice of the individual must always supersede the preferences of the mob, when this principle is inverted societal destruction is inevitable.
Many people have been conditioned to believe this is an “unloving” or “selfish” perspective, while completely overlooking how unloving and selfish it is to demand an individual sacrifice their own well-being for the sake of the herd.
Upholding the right for an individual to choose for themselves is the most loving and honorable thing a society can do.
♥️Voluntaryism is the way forward.♥️
Dr melissa sell
(Copied and pasted)
That attitude is way too individual for my liking. If you were using the benefits of the collective I would say 'get out of it - find an island'. Make your own roads. Make your own internet.
Roads and Internet are funded by taxes. AJoy didn't say they didn't want to pay taxes. The collective (majority) can make decisions regarding external things. But they should never be allowed to override personal decisions that are the realm of the individual's faith or conscience. This is the sure road to tyranny. "The tyranny of the majority" as the founding fathers called it.
John 11:50 "It is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not." There was the "collective" at work, deciding that God's Son should be put to death, to "save" the nation. It was the biggest crime ever committed on this planet.
Now what the majority can do, is they can use persuasion, facts, evidence, etc. to convince the minority. But if their facts and evidence are built on lies, then the individual should resist them. Submitting to lies is actually the greatest danger to the "collective", and should be resisted by every truly caring soul.
On your initial point, I don't know that this... "The idea that the individual owes anything to the collective is a delusion"... infers AJoy was happy to pay taxes.
But certainly, when it comes to the individual's rights over their own flesh, I have nothing to argue against AJoy's position, nor faith and conscience, while that faith is positive for all (or at least, not negative beyond the individual).
AJoy may have overstated it, or may have had only the personal connection in mind. There is a duty we owe to God, which supersedes the duty to man. "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." The state and collective have no authority in this realm.
While I agree that the "exercise," or outward expression, of faith can come under the jurisdiction of Caesar, when it affects the livelihood and personal property of others, bear in mind that this has often been the excuse for the suppression of truth by the majority (or the leaders of the majority).
Thus it was in the case I mentioned above, that Jesus was "imagined" to be dangerous to the welfare of society. The actual reason was a jealousy of the power He had, and the fact that He wasn't under their control. They reasoned that they were acting for the safety of the whole nation, when in actual fact, it was their own position and power that they sought to preserve.
When the Lutheran reformation started in Germany, Luther was deemed to be an enemy of the church and the state, because his teachings endangered the power and income of the church (and by extension, some parts of the state that were inextricably joined with the church and its prodigious income).
Daniel's prayers to God alone were deemed to be dangerous to the welfare of the Medo-Persian state, by some jealous and greedy statesmen (see Daniel ch. 6).
In all these cases, we must ask, "is there real harm being done," or "imagined harm." In the case of Covid, it was mostly "imagined." "Oh, the unvaccinated MIGHT be carriers of the disease; oh, they MIGHT infect someone else." Natural immunity had to be either ignored, downplayed, or left entirely out of the discussion, to pass this kind of imagination as fact.
And furthermore, the individual's own immune system had to be ignored. A person who generally did not take care of their health, was deemed to be safe if they had the vaccine; whereas one who took very good care of their health, and therefore had a strong immune system, was deemed to be unsafe, if they were not vaccinated. These are only a few of the things left out of this unhealthy imagination that was passed as truth.
You do you! But I will never sacrifice my health by taking an experimental drug for the sake of the “community”! If I’m not healthy what good am I to others?? I would never expect a child to donate a kidney to a stranger because it’s the “right thing to do” or for the sake of the “community”. Oh and I do plenty for my community every day lol but my first priority is me and my family. Oh and people are fed up with this “community” you speak of and are building a parallel one, where one does not rely on the government and big tech/Pharma, such as Dr McCullough lol who went out own his own! ;)
I wouldn't inject a corporate invention either, and definitely wouldn't be handing over body parts (I would ban it) but I would do a few things to help people feel more comfortable on the covid issue. I think that masks limit in a direct-in-the-face covid blast - you know this because it's so hard to push air out through them. Maybe not two hours in a room together, but definitely on the high dose in the face. If I was a nurse treating you for covid I'd want to be able to 'duck' your blast.
'' the collective is not owed safety or protection at the expense of the individual''
Absolutely right
Such a view is an attack upon the individual
The collective determines that the individual is a threat and must take risk or die to protect it. This is the same logic as forcing the individual to fight in a war. It is wrong in that case and in this one. I would be a conscientious objector and pacifist in war time and I refuse to take vaccines for the very same reason. I would only fight to protect my family I would only take experimental drugs if the alternative was certain death
Thanks for your clear statement and understanding of this basic idea
I fear our legislators are too ignorant and - sorry to say - stupid to comprehend this logic and that is largely how they have been beguiled by the drug pushers
Ayn Rand would be proud...
A complete lack of critical thinking has overtaken the masses. Blind faith is also out there for sure. I’ve been repeatedly pointing out to my 16 and 26 yr old sons, they must question everything they hear, read, etc. and remain curious, always learn more--and even if they’ve already chosen an opinion, be open to changing their minds.
I refuse to raise sheep.
Great post and 100% accurate.
No doubt, most of the fanaticism is religious in nature. As one philosopher pointed out, if you don't believe in God, then you'll believe in anything, and all socialist ideologies are based on replacing faith in Him with pagan or atheist fervor.
But most of the professional and bureaucratic support for injections is financially driven, as you and Dr. McCollough have experienced.
Danny Huckabee
They just don't believe in spiritual salvation, they're materialists through and through- most if not all leftists are.
Yet to believe you will somehow continue life, with consciousness intact, after every single cell in your body has died, is seen as perfectly ok? Nah, when we die, we die; just like every other living organism known to man.
Man was made in the image of God, unlike all other living organisms. Part of that imaging includes the eternal nature of God. Is your supposition perfectly ok?
Ok, and I do not mean to be facetious here; however, it is shown we share 70%+ of our DNA with the seasponge. If we were made completely differently to other organisms, how can this be?
I didn't say we're completely different from other forms of life, just uniquely different. .
Levilor blinds and a 747 are both mostly made out of aluminum but they don't have much else in common.
True, but they were made by man. If God can create anything with a flick of the finger, it seems strange to me that he would first create a cell and wait billions of years for evolution to do the rest.
He didn't,that's just humanity's lie to avoid having to acknowledge Him.
Yeah, that does seem weird.
Same building blocks used in different ways.
The difference between you and ALL other living beings, is that you can say, “I AM”.
You mean self-consciousness? Just because, say primates, cannot speak does not necessarily mean that they would not say '! am', if they could.
But I get your point.
The hidden, unproven assumption is that consciousness originates from the brain. It does NOT! Just as a radio wave doesn't originate from the radio.
We were created to be eternal beings, and so we remain! When this body dies the essence of each of us does not. Whether you believe that or not is your choice, but not continuing on is not.
Evil evil evil.
The entire apparatus is a cult...as you say with high priests, sacraments, white robes, confessionals, and edicts of condemnation for heresy.
The Branch Covidian. It’s alive and prospering in western Washington state. I thought we were indoctrinated in Vancouver, Canada, but after visiting Seattle suburbs the last two days, I was shocked at how deeply ingrained the cult still is. And the incessant messages in grocery stores about getting vaccinated was disturbing.
That’s awful. I thought by now enough people had bothered to inform themselves. I guess not!
I've always wondered why religious people would consider that humans could make a body more perfect than God? Is that not human arrogance?
Do not comply
Absolutely! Money and intimidation were used to advance the pandemic in medicine and keep it going.
Excellent perspective John, I agree completely. I was aware of the coin of the Vatican, disgusting as it is and a sign suggesting the Pope is working for Satan. The banner from South Africa shows it quite well.
Since the start I have called the covid clan as The Church of The Poisoned Mind. The human propensity for clan behavior is the darker side of the human condition.