RFK’s first priority should be to repeal PREP ACT. This will take away the Covid vaccine liability shield and these vaccines will disappear in an instant from the market!

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According to ChatGPT, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has the authority to amend, modify, or terminate a PREP Act declaration, which could potentially alter or remove liability protections. However, there are important considerations:

1. HHS Authority to Reverse a PREP Act Declaration

• The PREP Act gives the HHS Secretary broad discretion to issue, amend, or rescind a declaration.

• If HHS rescinds or modifies a declaration, the liability protections it provides could be reduced or removed.

• Such changes would typically be published in the Federal Register, ensuring public notice.

2. Limits and Considerations

• Retroactivity Concerns: HHS generally cannot retroactively remove liability protections for actions already taken under a valid declaration. If a product was administered while the declaration was in effect, the protection likely remains intact.

• Ongoing Protections: Even if a declaration is terminated, it may include a “tail period” extending liability immunity for a set time after expiration (e.g., for the administration of countermeasures that occurred before the termination).

• Legal Challenges: Any sudden reversal could face legal and political challenges, especially if it impacts manufacturers, healthcare providers, or emergency response efforts.

3. Practical Example

During the COVID-19 pandemic, HHS issued several PREP Act declarations and amendments. In 2023, HHS modified the declaration to phase out certain protections while extending others. This illustrates how HHS can adjust, but not necessarily fully undo, liability protections without careful legal and policy considerations.

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A key point is the Biden administration extended Prep from Dec 2024 till 2029. Trump had won the election at that point so one could argue that the prior administrations decision to extend Prep was invalid. Skilled attorneys can always find loopholes!

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I hope they can find the loophole that takes away the absurd Biden protection for Pharma rule that means documents remain classified for something like 70 years. It does, like Biden's pardon for Fauci, give the game away about the very unhealthy and totally undemocratic bond between the "Democrats" and Pharma, and their contempt for the non-elites, ie nearly everyone. Biden's the bank robber who leaves a trail to his hideout, stupid man.

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At this point we have no basis to believe Trump wants to end the PREP Act.

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Yes, if he's serious. But he states he likes vaccines.

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He states he likes those tested to be safe and he knows none have ever been correctly tested. So we'll see what happens.

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Yes we shall. I'd like nothing more than he stop all this nonsense by simply stating the truth which is that vaccine manufacturers have never done comparative studies and refuse to.

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Many documented flaws with PCT testing

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What about Gerald Parker head of pandemic preparedness. He was involved in culling the chickens for the non existent H5N1

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You need to be thinking larger. Removing exogenous mRNA from human use is reasonable but the real problem is that it made to the market place at all.

How that happened is what needs to be addressed and remedied.

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Lots of work to do; lots of poisons to defund.

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I’m excited for change!!!!


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God bless President Trump and RFKk Jr. to have the drive and fortitude to reverse the decline of the American people! Pray that they suceed!

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I can guarantee it's a set up. I don't care for any politician however if he doesn't mention chemtrails, then he's talking out of his rectum.

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He is serious about the children!! Who else do you have in mind to do this enormous job………? I’ll wait for your answer

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It's not up to one man. It will never get done because the premise is absurd. Who got it into this condition? Trump ordered Warp Speed so he's got a primary role in destroying health. But does he say "sorry"? Oh no. And that's because there is more coming down the pike. Will he say that bird flu is as much a crock of sh!t as covid was or the flying Muslims?

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It is a crock dear….. just like Covid was

I’m not going to banter with you. Hope he kicks Monsanto in the ass!!!!

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It's us that give them power and this is what we have to grow out of. A man should not be in charge of other people, let alone a population. There is nothing but direness if we continue to put our faith in what basically is a stranger. We need to put our faith in each other, people that we know.

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Put your faith in God

And if your Godless, we are done here

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But God.

Stop blaming Trump for COVID and Op Warp Speed. It really is irrational.

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Praise God🙌

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Feb 14Edited
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Go away!!

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Why does no one recognize that we also jab animals with mercury and aluminum (rabies as an example) every single year and they get cancers or have adverse reactions? I have had 7 cats since 2019 die of cancer or stroke - was it the vaccine? Was it the dyes in their food? Was it the chemicals in the water? I don't know, but I want all vaccines to be optional - including for animals.

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It's up to us to reject the vaccines. We shouldn't need a note from our teacher.

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A rabies vaccine is required by law, the rest are suggested. Can't get another cat or dog spayed without the rabies which is essentially poison. The law needs to be rescinded. All vaccines must be optional.

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If you want one spayed try more places. The last dog I had spayed quite a few years ago they didn't require it.

Some veterinarians will, but there is probably some place somewhere that won't.

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I have tried three so far with no luck. I am in N. VA if anyone knows one that will waive it. I was able to waive it at one but they kicked me out for not wearing a mask during COVID and I won't go back. Don't trust her.

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Not exempt from Big Pharma goals!

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"This includes fresh thinking on nutrition, physical activity, healthy lifestyles, over-reliance on medication and treatments, the effects of new technological habits, environmental impacts, and food and drug quality and safety."

How can we get RFK Jr. et al. up to speed on the need for proper vitamin D3 supplementation, without which most people's level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D is half or less than half of the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) the immune system needs to function properly?

Too many people dismiss this without thought because they cannot imagine that there is a simple nutritional intervention which would be of such immense importance in hundreds of complex, harmful, deadly, diseases.

There's very little vitamin D3 in food, including food fortified with vitamin D3. Likewise the less effective vitamin D2.

Substantial ultraviolet B irradiation of ideally white skin can produce significant amounts of vitamin D3, which will be hydroxylated mainly in the liver to raise the level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D to and perhaps above 50 ng/mL. However, far from the equator, this is only available in the middle of cloud-free summer days, without glass, clothing or sunscreen intervening. Those with brown or black skin need very high levels of UV-B, as is found in equatorial areas to generate enough vitamin D3 to be healthy. All UV-B skin exposure damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.

Please see the research cited and discussed at my long web page on the vitamin D compounds, primarily 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and the immune system: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. There, you will find peer-reviewed research articles which clearly show that the immune system can only work properly, at least against the bacterial pathogens which cause post-operative infections, if the level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D is 50 ng/mL or more. The same is likely true of immune responses to cancer and both viral and fungal infections.

Without proper vitamin D3 supplementation - in quantities which while small, are 5 to 10 times those recommended by governments and many doctors - and without recent high level ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin, most people have 25 ng/mL (75 nmol/L) or less circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Some have only one tenth - especially the elderly and/or those with dark or black skin who are living far from the equator.

This page begins with recommendations from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa on the average daily supplemental intake quantities of vitamin D3 which will attain least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, over several months, without the need for blood tests or medical monitoring:

70 to 90 IU / kg body weight for those not suffering from obesity (BMI < 30).

100 to 130 IU / kg body weight for obesity I & II (BMI 30 to 39).

140 to 180 IU / kg body weight for obesity III (BMI > 39).

For 70 kg (154 lb) body weight without obesity, this is about 0.125 milligrams (125 micrograms 5000 IU) a day. This takes several months to attain the desired > 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This is 8 or more times what most governments recommend. "5000 IU" a day sounds like a lot, but it is a gram every 22 years - and pharma-grade vitamin D costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.

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People Who Got Boosters More Likely to Get COVID Than Unvaccinated


Studies Show How Pesticides May Lead to Brain Cancer


COVID and Vitamin D: Could We Be Missing Something Simple?


We watch History channel they run a series on Foods that made America, 1 is on cereals. Lack of vitamins in them caused Scurvy. Whent that report came out they All rushed to add vitamins, were they man made, I doubt from citrus juice. Each new one was more Dyes. sugars, Corn Syrup. Corn syrup is a byproduct of ethanol fuel production and can also be made from cornstarch, or Fructose. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8213603/

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Covid has not been identified, unless you know something I don't. Covid is simply a cold or flu. Please use proper terminology and let's get out of this ridiculous spell that covid was anything but someone's twisted imagination.

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Vitamin D3 is rat poison which harms the body over time leading to weak bones later on. Really what everyone needs is less time trying to make money (indoors) and more time outside because the sun is what gives us health. Oh but...that's right, they're trying to block the sun!

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Please read the research cited and discussed at https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ and tell me what is wrong with it.

Vitamin D3 cholecalciferol is indeed a common rat poison and if a human ate the same amount as rats do, as a proportion of body weight, they would die like the rats do. This has nothing to do with the very small amount we need in order to run our immune systems properly. For average weight adults this is about a gram every 22 years.

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If you are claiming that, can you cite long term research that shows D3 doesn't harm the body in other and possibly even worse ways? That article is bogus to me as it assumes covid to be a real thing and it's not because it hasn't been identified.

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This order should be adopted Globally by every single nation on the planet, tailored to their government and their departments!

MWHA! That is also a kiss! This kiss of life!

Make the World Healthy Again!

In terms of vaccines:

1) Ban the Covid-19 Vaccine and all mRNA products for animals, plants and humans.

2) Ban hepatitis B Vaccine at birth - it should be moved to after people become sexually active (and then only if wanted (and proven safe), and not with any mandates)

3) Ban HPV Vaccines

4) Remove all mandates for children, adults, all professions, all facilities

5) Full informed consent on products. Safe and effective no longer makes the cut!

6) Start proper studies on all other vaccines, preferably using existing health data so that no more children have to die or be harmed.

7) Repeal the Prep Act and return liability for vaccine manufacturers.

Known toxic pesticides and herbicides should be banned or fast-tracked to phase out. Warning labels shall be compulsory.

Known toxic chemicals used in fabrics, paints, cleaning products shall be compulsorily labelled and fast-tracked for replacement with non-toxic alternatives.

Known toxic food additives and coloring shall be compulsorily labelled and fast-tracked for ban / replacement.

Regenerative farming techniques and technologies shall be aggressively promoted and subsidized as necessary to get them into widespread use.

No more culling of healthy animals. Quarantines shall be used instead in case of infections. Surviving animals should have immunity and can be used as new and more fit breeding stock.

I could go on. So much more.

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Add stop all chemtrails no more poisoning us, air, water, plants, animals.

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Ban, ban, ban. Why ban? If you agree to banning something you want banned, maybe next time it will be something you do want. The idea of banning is silly. We need to use proper action instead of ban. Because banning always requires someone to tell us what will be banned. If it is done, it must be done by proper consensus, but that's a whole other story. The voting system is the most discombobulated dog's breakfast anyone could not even imagine. Are we supposed to be intelligent beings when the voting system (and every system) is so cockeyed?

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All of the issues they are focusing on are long overdue. And one person, one agency cannot do it well without the support of people who have known of the issues and truly want direction and guidance to remedy the issues, along with accountability for those forces whose only goal is to continue to poison us and our children through agricultural, environmental and pharmaceutical malpractice for the sole purpose of corporate greed. So, here is my question- how can I help?

I am not a medical professional, but I have followed the studies and experienced first hand children with autism, ADHD - that I believe were caused by vaccines, parents with chronic illnesses, friends who believed the Covid-19 vaccine would save them, who have died of Pulmonary embolism, or suffered strokes, heart damage, and fighting turbo camcers. And I am convinced that many treatments for cancer and other chronic illnesses are not designed to cure these diseases, but to prolong suffering and increase the need for continued expenses of more and more medications. I believe that there are doctors and nurses that truly want to care for and heal people, but the educational process they are required to go through at great personal expense, are geared towards medication intervention and not health improvement. Much of what they are taught is how to sell the lies they have been brainwashed to believe. The problems are multi-faceted and deeply complicated. Praying for truth to be revealed and good people to come forward to implement good solutions.

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Trump shows his disingenuousness (and so does RFK) when they never refer to the mounting deaths and injuries people have endured from the covid jab, and the fact that they now are walking around with MAC addresses! (Media Access Code)

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Hoping this will be addressed asap.

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Thank you! Great information, about time! I’ve waited for this awakening about these topics for 40+ years!

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MAGNIFICENT!! Our collective excitement and hope should contribute to healthier daily lifestyle decisions which will extend our lifetimes.

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Yes! ❤️

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It's a backhand swap. He's probably got lots more but don't forget a whole culture was pushed off their homeland to be made into a Middle East resort. There are more switch and baits to come, I have full confidence.

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Make vaccines a choice!

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It is up to the people to stand up for their body autonomy. Since when did we give that away? The ones who make it a choice is you and me and each of us. No need to get a note from your teacher.

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...nor from fakes like a Tam, or a Bonnie, or college univerSHITty deans, or political figures, or rulers of nations, OR ANY DAMNED FOOL WHO IN THE DOING VIOLATES THE NUREMBURGH CODE AND IS CULPABLE OF MURDER.

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Every American should read this document. And think very long and hard about one very important fact. Every Democrat in the United States Congress opposed MAHA Because they are so blinded by Trump derangement syndrome that they have placed party above country. They have destroyed their credibility and need to be denied the right to rule for the rest of the 21st century.

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Both sides are blinded.

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Smart move by Trump. Do a quick report to find the problems by consensus so as to make the solutions more politically palatable.

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It’s like we just embarked on an epic journey where hopefully all the true scientists can debate and find the best solutions… and we can reverse course. We will not eat zhee bugs after all

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Excellent start! Looks like this executive order covers just about everything! Can't wait for all that evil to be uncovered regarding the COVID injections and what they intentionally did to people including babies and pregnant mothers!! So so satanic! They knew they put SV40 into the injections. All of this needs to come out and handcuffs need to come out quickly!

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