If you really want to know the whole ugly truth about fluoride, I recommend the following book, by Russell L. Blaylock, MD. - "Health & Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life" (2006). There is an entire 38-page chapter devoted to this topic. Given all of the other known harms associated with vaccines that they kept from the public, I should not have been surprised when I read it. Sadly, the average person does not know any of this about fluoride or the fluoridation of our water.
The "average person" you refer to only needs to be told that it's anti-science and a conspiracy theory to be against fluoridation and, as if by magic, they are as captured and obtuse as the thoroughly corrupt establishment. Therein lies the problem. Not fluoridation per se. It's the essence of the "average person".
So, my question is, why now? Fluoride has always been a neurotoxin. There has never been a minimum daily requirement for fluoride since the body has no need for it. Another on a long list of examples of the inability of populations to have any brains, whatsoever. Examples include: The vaccine religion that STILL dictates all vaccines are de facto wonderful and no discussion allowed. The COVID insanity, clearly stupid, destructive, and ineffective from the start. Dietary recommendations that never made sense. Foreign wars and meddling in other nations business when we demand respect for our own autonomy. Unfettered immigration. DEI and the idea merit doesn't matter. It's good to see false narratives crumble. But misses the point, and what really ails us. Which is, societies and their populations seem incapable of making coherent decisions and avoiding self-destruction by enthusiastically supporting policies that are clearly stupid. We are playing whack-a-mole. Which may be the best we can do. Apparently, the human failings that support destructive ideas that are obviously stupid are so embedded that it's impossible to have a successful society that lasts. Coming to your senses isn't good enough. Avoiding the stupidity in the first place should be the goal.
We already KNOW this shit America--Why do We Remain Sitting Ducks? I am having difficulty wrapping my head around the amount of Cowardice today that exists in Americans !!!
Americans? You're right to criticize us. But, looking around the world, not only today but throughout history, the people of the USA look good by comparison. Depressing, I know. The rest of the West is well ahead of us in self-destruction. Paradoxically, they have done a better job at recognizing the stupidity of putting a neurotoxin in their drinking water.
That is NOT an acceptable excuse for us SteelJ...Even though Americans have truly NEVER been free from the get-go--Our Founding so-called fathers were ALL FREEMASONS=SATANISTS with their own personal agendas, We had more freedom to move about than any other country for the longest amount of time. The rest of the world has NOT had the same small advantage no matter how minute that seems to me now that I know what I know. Many of us have been dumbed down YES, and the future generation of Americans IQ's fall short but there is a certain amount of us who still believe that this shit can STOP if we unite and Make it STOP. That's not going to be with bullshit protests that waste energy and precious time or peaceful rallies that are an oxymoron for what EVIL we are dealing with. They Have ONE MISSION and one mission ONLY--THEY WANT US DEAD! If we don't wrap our heads around that and stop asking stupid questions like WHY? Or continue to Talk...Talk...Talk...when we should have been Walking the Walk by now. I promise you THEY WILL GET THEIR DEATH AGENDA accomplished! I don't start trying to find the courage of the World, or even criticize them for their cowardice... I am compartmentalizing America from the rest of the world's people and trying to rev up the Courage of My People. The American People. Should Americans ever Stand the fuk up--I Promise you...The rest of the World Will Follow our Lead! That is my humblest opinion for whatever it's worth! Remember that Our Heavenly Father Helps those who help themselves and each other. It is His Spiritual War but we are NOT supposed to just sit around like targets for EVIL to come swallow us up-- Christ is King!
I didn't say anything is an excuse. Just pointing out by comparison to the rest of the West, Americans are still in better shape, as far as hanging onto a few freedoms, level of immigration by hostiles, and general societal rot.
If the U.S. should completely halt the artificial introduction of industrial byproduct fluoride into the U.S. water supply, do know the extent to which this would affect the number of dental cavities/per person?
The effect would likely be negligible -- A recent Cochrane review found that water fluoridation has only a minimal effect on the reduction in dental caries and that the benefits of fluoride in water supplies are smaller than they were before the widespread addition of fluoride to toothpaste: https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD010856.pub3/full
Would like to know more re the differences between naturally occurring fluoride (which was first discovered to provide some cavity protection) and that which is added to drinking water. Are the benefits, risks, and chemical descriptions different?
Perhaps we need to look at the use of all industrial by-products in our food and health supply chain. After all, they are used thusly so the industries creating these by-products do not have to properly manage and dispose of them as industrial or hazardous wastes.
Correction please: The vapors captured in the scrubber systems that produce the fluorosilicic acid are typically not of high purity. The Certificates of Analysis accompanying the FSA deliveries to treatment plants typically have shown arsenic in concentrations of up to 60 mg/L (or ppm). And the EPA’s unenforceable MCLG for arsenic in drinking water is zero, just as it is for lead.
The fact it is an “industrial byproduct” is irrelevant and is a scare tactic that many will find misleading and will question the motives of the author. I’d prefer we stick to the pertinent facts and not where it comes from, which is insignificant.
Chloride we use in public water systems is an industrial byproduct. Iodide we use in salt is an industrial byproduct. Calcium in USP vitamins is an industrial byproduct.
Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water to treat the people drinking it. All other chemicals are added to make the water safe to drink. Bottom line: a tooth’s cavity can be repaired; a damaged brain from early developmental disorders from toxic chemicals is for life.
A good summary of the role of artificial fluoridation of the water supply was provided by data collected by John Yiamouyiannis covering over 39,000 school children back around 1986-87. Here's the link: https://www.fluorideresearch.org/232/files/FJ1990_v23_n2_p055-067.pdf. However, I recommend those interested in studying the issue go back to the BEGINNING, when the first recommendation was made to fluoridate the water. This was back in Sept. of 1939, at the W. PA section of the American Waterworks Association conference. There, a Pittsburgh Dentist, Gerald Cox, recommended that "the current trend towards the total removal of fluoride from the drinking water needs 'some reversal'." ( ALCOA was being sued in W. New York at the time because cattle were being poisoned by fluoride afluent by a nearby aluminum processing plant and disposing of it" was expensive and troublesome! ALCOA funded some of the research by Dr. Cox.) No wonder the dean of the Cornell VET school, Leonard Crook, Ph.D., was opposed to fluoride chemicals! He KNEW how damaging these chemicals were to the health of animals! Yeah, that was my college.) Cox then went on to recommend artificial fluoridation of the water to reduce tooth decay be investigated. In other words, instead of REMOVING this toxic waste from the water to make it safer, perhaps we should ADD it to the water. A sort of Orwellian thinking going on here. AFTER this 1939 talk, money started flowing to the various dental schools (esp. U of Rochester and Tufts U school of Dentistry in Boston). Many other political manuevers occured since then (and have been discussed fully in many books on this topic). The rest is--as they say, history.
This is only the tip of the iceberg and ALL the history of this fiasco has been hidden from the public, from libraries (try finding any of the over 20 books written on this subject in your local library!), from and by the mainstream media and even from medical school teachings. Someone mentioned Christopher Bryson's book, " The Fluoride Deception," and this is an excellent book. Another commenter here thought discussing the origin of fluoride to not be relevant. I disagree. Knowing its origin helps us to understand why we continue to add it to the water of over 165 million Americans and have been telling false stories about it since the early 1950's. It is one of the world's biggest pollutants and ADDING it to the water with the ruse that it lowers tooth decay has been a myth from the beginning. Only now--some 80 years later are some people waking up about this. It's about time! Also, one only needs to know a LITTLE chemistry to learn that fluorine is the most electronegative of the elements on the periodic table. This explains why it is so incredibly reactive and also explains its myriad of harmful effects on human health.
Thank you for this excellent post. I would just add that besides fluoridated water, it is important to note that x ppm fluoride in water means nothing without also knowing the total consumption of this water. While the write certainly knows this, many consumers forget that concentration of a chemical does not equal consumption. (Consumption of H2O in liters x ppm fluoride equals total milligrams consumed. Obviously water consumption varies incredibly between individuals. Many children drink more soda than water and many foods and drinks contain significant amounts of fluoride chemicals as well. (And don't get me started with beer from Milwaukee or St. Louis!) It's important to note fruits and vegetables potentially sprayed with fluoride containing pestides (Sulfuryl fluoride and sodium aluminum fluoride are two top ones, often sprayed on grapes, for example.) At one point, Welch's grape juice tested out at 6.8 ppm fluoride! Alkaline diets are popular in some circles and they happen to help excrete fluoride from the body. (Federal Register, Feb.., 1977) For adults, we need to be concerned with non-organic coffee and tobacco products for the same reason. (Fluoride containing pesticides)
This writer believes the carcinogenicity of tobacco products is significantly linked to its fluoride content, but this topic is never mentioned by most when tobacco dangers are discussed. As a person sensitive to fluoride chemicals, I can attest to the importance of consuming fluoride-free water and if drinking coffee, chooose mostly organic varieties. For more on this topic, one can consult books by Walbott (A Struggle with Titans, George Walbott, 1965 and his second book, Fluoridation, the Great Dilemma,1978; Fluoride, Poison on Tap, Glen Walker, 1980; Fluoride, the Aging Factor by John Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D., 1990 and The Case Against Fluoride by Paul Connett, Ph.D., James Beck, M.D. & H.S. Micklem, DPhil, 2010) For those who wish to read my "60 Reasons to Oppose the Artificial Fluoridation of Your Drinking Water," just ask. Reduction of IQ in Children is only ONE of the reasons I noted, and I wrote this paper over 20 years ago, b.t.w. Oh, and I forgot, OTHER chemicals can significantly worsen the deleterious effects of fluoride chemicals on human health, most notably Aluminum. Not funny how the very chemical itself--fluoride--makes it difficult to learn how dangerous it can be by lowering your ability to think well and analyze subjects carefully! (Btw, the write of this note worked w/Dr. Y in the early 1990's)
Whether you believe fluoride in water is safe or not, prevents cavities or not, the practice still makes no sense! After all the effort of mining it, trucking it, building infrastructure, training for hazmat, annual maintenance and filters - 99% of the fluoridation slurry goes down the drain never reaching anybody’s teeth! The garden hose, laundry, restaurants, car wash, industrial uses, showers, etc. just provide those chewable fluoride tablets for anybody that really wants to ingest the stuff.
Why of course. Fluoride was and is a byproduct of aluminum production and cost a fortune to dispose of until the plan formed to sell it to municipalities at a profit instead of having to pay to dispose of it. Look at the turdo!!!
The first thing the pos did after elected was to legalize weed thus encouraging its users to head into the use of more dangerous drugs like amphetamines and fentanyl, etc. It also deteriorates the mental acuity and ability of clear thinking.
Look at alcohol. It is another dangerous drug. Here in Ontario during the covid mandates it was declared an essential service. Same old sh*t, deteriorate the ability to reason and injure/kill people.
If you really want to know the whole ugly truth about fluoride, I recommend the following book, by Russell L. Blaylock, MD. - "Health & Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life" (2006). There is an entire 38-page chapter devoted to this topic. Given all of the other known harms associated with vaccines that they kept from the public, I should not have been surprised when I read it. Sadly, the average person does not know any of this about fluoride or the fluoridation of our water.
The "average person" you refer to only needs to be told that it's anti-science and a conspiracy theory to be against fluoridation and, as if by magic, they are as captured and obtuse as the thoroughly corrupt establishment. Therein lies the problem. Not fluoridation per se. It's the essence of the "average person".
Considering what happened during covid & all things covid-related, I would agree with that assessment.
Perhaps a better read is Christopher Bryson’s “The Fluoride Deception”.
Thanks - I will check it out.
This well known and is the reason prisoners drink fluoride to dope them down.
So, my question is, why now? Fluoride has always been a neurotoxin. There has never been a minimum daily requirement for fluoride since the body has no need for it. Another on a long list of examples of the inability of populations to have any brains, whatsoever. Examples include: The vaccine religion that STILL dictates all vaccines are de facto wonderful and no discussion allowed. The COVID insanity, clearly stupid, destructive, and ineffective from the start. Dietary recommendations that never made sense. Foreign wars and meddling in other nations business when we demand respect for our own autonomy. Unfettered immigration. DEI and the idea merit doesn't matter. It's good to see false narratives crumble. But misses the point, and what really ails us. Which is, societies and their populations seem incapable of making coherent decisions and avoiding self-destruction by enthusiastically supporting policies that are clearly stupid. We are playing whack-a-mole. Which may be the best we can do. Apparently, the human failings that support destructive ideas that are obviously stupid are so embedded that it's impossible to have a successful society that lasts. Coming to your senses isn't good enough. Avoiding the stupidity in the first place should be the goal.
We already KNOW this shit America--Why do We Remain Sitting Ducks? I am having difficulty wrapping my head around the amount of Cowardice today that exists in Americans !!!
Americans? You're right to criticize us. But, looking around the world, not only today but throughout history, the people of the USA look good by comparison. Depressing, I know. The rest of the West is well ahead of us in self-destruction. Paradoxically, they have done a better job at recognizing the stupidity of putting a neurotoxin in their drinking water.
Proving that most intelligence is negative intelligence.
That is NOT an acceptable excuse for us SteelJ...Even though Americans have truly NEVER been free from the get-go--Our Founding so-called fathers were ALL FREEMASONS=SATANISTS with their own personal agendas, We had more freedom to move about than any other country for the longest amount of time. The rest of the world has NOT had the same small advantage no matter how minute that seems to me now that I know what I know. Many of us have been dumbed down YES, and the future generation of Americans IQ's fall short but there is a certain amount of us who still believe that this shit can STOP if we unite and Make it STOP. That's not going to be with bullshit protests that waste energy and precious time or peaceful rallies that are an oxymoron for what EVIL we are dealing with. They Have ONE MISSION and one mission ONLY--THEY WANT US DEAD! If we don't wrap our heads around that and stop asking stupid questions like WHY? Or continue to Talk...Talk...Talk...when we should have been Walking the Walk by now. I promise you THEY WILL GET THEIR DEATH AGENDA accomplished! I don't start trying to find the courage of the World, or even criticize them for their cowardice... I am compartmentalizing America from the rest of the world's people and trying to rev up the Courage of My People. The American People. Should Americans ever Stand the fuk up--I Promise you...The rest of the World Will Follow our Lead! That is my humblest opinion for whatever it's worth! Remember that Our Heavenly Father Helps those who help themselves and each other. It is His Spiritual War but we are NOT supposed to just sit around like targets for EVIL to come swallow us up-- Christ is King!
CDC safety standards are WRONG if we don’t want our kids’IQs to be lower. CDC should be publicly outlawed and completely ignored.
I didn't say anything is an excuse. Just pointing out by comparison to the rest of the West, Americans are still in better shape, as far as hanging onto a few freedoms, level of immigration by hostiles, and general societal rot.
Mr. Hulscher
If the U.S. should completely halt the artificial introduction of industrial byproduct fluoride into the U.S. water supply, do know the extent to which this would affect the number of dental cavities/per person?
The effect would likely be negligible -- A recent Cochrane review found that water fluoridation has only a minimal effect on the reduction in dental caries and that the benefits of fluoride in water supplies are smaller than they were before the widespread addition of fluoride to toothpaste: https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD010856.pub3/full
Maybe I'm confused. I thought a major reason for halting fluoridation for water supplies is to reduce the number of dental carries (?)
Ok. So, immediate removal would not decrease the number of cavities, but is thought to perhaps be effective
in reducing the harm(s) of the fluoride in the drinking water?
Would like to know more re the differences between naturally occurring fluoride (which was first discovered to provide some cavity protection) and that which is added to drinking water. Are the benefits, risks, and chemical descriptions different?
Perhaps we need to look at the use of all industrial by-products in our food and health supply chain. After all, they are used thusly so the industries creating these by-products do not have to properly manage and dispose of them as industrial or hazardous wastes.
And there is why Chinese and other far East students are dominating everything in stem subjects.
They don't poison their children's brains.
The cognitive dissonance in this new peice tells it all:
Correction please: The vapors captured in the scrubber systems that produce the fluorosilicic acid are typically not of high purity. The Certificates of Analysis accompanying the FSA deliveries to treatment plants typically have shown arsenic in concentrations of up to 60 mg/L (or ppm). And the EPA’s unenforceable MCLG for arsenic in drinking water is zero, just as it is for lead.
The fact it is an “industrial byproduct” is irrelevant and is a scare tactic that many will find misleading and will question the motives of the author. I’d prefer we stick to the pertinent facts and not where it comes from, which is insignificant.
Chloride we use in public water systems is an industrial byproduct. Iodide we use in salt is an industrial byproduct. Calcium in USP vitamins is an industrial byproduct.
Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water to treat the people drinking it. All other chemicals are added to make the water safe to drink. Bottom line: a tooth’s cavity can be repaired; a damaged brain from early developmental disorders from toxic chemicals is for life.
A good summary of the role of artificial fluoridation of the water supply was provided by data collected by John Yiamouyiannis covering over 39,000 school children back around 1986-87. Here's the link: https://www.fluorideresearch.org/232/files/FJ1990_v23_n2_p055-067.pdf. However, I recommend those interested in studying the issue go back to the BEGINNING, when the first recommendation was made to fluoridate the water. This was back in Sept. of 1939, at the W. PA section of the American Waterworks Association conference. There, a Pittsburgh Dentist, Gerald Cox, recommended that "the current trend towards the total removal of fluoride from the drinking water needs 'some reversal'." ( ALCOA was being sued in W. New York at the time because cattle were being poisoned by fluoride afluent by a nearby aluminum processing plant and disposing of it" was expensive and troublesome! ALCOA funded some of the research by Dr. Cox.) No wonder the dean of the Cornell VET school, Leonard Crook, Ph.D., was opposed to fluoride chemicals! He KNEW how damaging these chemicals were to the health of animals! Yeah, that was my college.) Cox then went on to recommend artificial fluoridation of the water to reduce tooth decay be investigated. In other words, instead of REMOVING this toxic waste from the water to make it safer, perhaps we should ADD it to the water. A sort of Orwellian thinking going on here. AFTER this 1939 talk, money started flowing to the various dental schools (esp. U of Rochester and Tufts U school of Dentistry in Boston). Many other political manuevers occured since then (and have been discussed fully in many books on this topic). The rest is--as they say, history.
This is only the tip of the iceberg and ALL the history of this fiasco has been hidden from the public, from libraries (try finding any of the over 20 books written on this subject in your local library!), from and by the mainstream media and even from medical school teachings. Someone mentioned Christopher Bryson's book, " The Fluoride Deception," and this is an excellent book. Another commenter here thought discussing the origin of fluoride to not be relevant. I disagree. Knowing its origin helps us to understand why we continue to add it to the water of over 165 million Americans and have been telling false stories about it since the early 1950's. It is one of the world's biggest pollutants and ADDING it to the water with the ruse that it lowers tooth decay has been a myth from the beginning. Only now--some 80 years later are some people waking up about this. It's about time! Also, one only needs to know a LITTLE chemistry to learn that fluorine is the most electronegative of the elements on the periodic table. This explains why it is so incredibly reactive and also explains its myriad of harmful effects on human health.
Thank you for this excellent post. I would just add that besides fluoridated water, it is important to note that x ppm fluoride in water means nothing without also knowing the total consumption of this water. While the write certainly knows this, many consumers forget that concentration of a chemical does not equal consumption. (Consumption of H2O in liters x ppm fluoride equals total milligrams consumed. Obviously water consumption varies incredibly between individuals. Many children drink more soda than water and many foods and drinks contain significant amounts of fluoride chemicals as well. (And don't get me started with beer from Milwaukee or St. Louis!) It's important to note fruits and vegetables potentially sprayed with fluoride containing pestides (Sulfuryl fluoride and sodium aluminum fluoride are two top ones, often sprayed on grapes, for example.) At one point, Welch's grape juice tested out at 6.8 ppm fluoride! Alkaline diets are popular in some circles and they happen to help excrete fluoride from the body. (Federal Register, Feb.., 1977) For adults, we need to be concerned with non-organic coffee and tobacco products for the same reason. (Fluoride containing pesticides)
This writer believes the carcinogenicity of tobacco products is significantly linked to its fluoride content, but this topic is never mentioned by most when tobacco dangers are discussed. As a person sensitive to fluoride chemicals, I can attest to the importance of consuming fluoride-free water and if drinking coffee, chooose mostly organic varieties. For more on this topic, one can consult books by Walbott (A Struggle with Titans, George Walbott, 1965 and his second book, Fluoridation, the Great Dilemma,1978; Fluoride, Poison on Tap, Glen Walker, 1980; Fluoride, the Aging Factor by John Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D., 1990 and The Case Against Fluoride by Paul Connett, Ph.D., James Beck, M.D. & H.S. Micklem, DPhil, 2010) For those who wish to read my "60 Reasons to Oppose the Artificial Fluoridation of Your Drinking Water," just ask. Reduction of IQ in Children is only ONE of the reasons I noted, and I wrote this paper over 20 years ago, b.t.w. Oh, and I forgot, OTHER chemicals can significantly worsen the deleterious effects of fluoride chemicals on human health, most notably Aluminum. Not funny how the very chemical itself--fluoride--makes it difficult to learn how dangerous it can be by lowering your ability to think well and analyze subjects carefully! (Btw, the write of this note worked w/Dr. Y in the early 1990's)
Whether you believe fluoride in water is safe or not, prevents cavities or not, the practice still makes no sense! After all the effort of mining it, trucking it, building infrastructure, training for hazmat, annual maintenance and filters - 99% of the fluoridation slurry goes down the drain never reaching anybody’s teeth! The garden hose, laundry, restaurants, car wash, industrial uses, showers, etc. just provide those chewable fluoride tablets for anybody that really wants to ingest the stuff.
"Fluoride measured in children’s urine showed a clearer link to lower IQ scores than drinking water fluoride levels." This statement is invalid because spot urine is an invalid measure of fluoride exposure. https://pureadmin.qub.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/587830424/cdoe.12954.pdf
Why of course. Fluoride was and is a byproduct of aluminum production and cost a fortune to dispose of until the plan formed to sell it to municipalities at a profit instead of having to pay to dispose of it. Look at the turdo!!!
The first thing the pos did after elected was to legalize weed thus encouraging its users to head into the use of more dangerous drugs like amphetamines and fentanyl, etc. It also deteriorates the mental acuity and ability of clear thinking.
Look at alcohol. It is another dangerous drug. Here in Ontario during the covid mandates it was declared an essential service. Same old sh*t, deteriorate the ability to reason and injure/kill people.