Hit the wrong button, I wasn’t done ranting. So everybody blames the Russians for this war, but in reality the “US”and its allies wanted this war, and now they have it. The US people didn’t want this war and want it to end. Ukraine has lost a generation of young men and many cities destroyed. For what? The Military Industrial Complex has made a lot of money and so have a lot of US politicians, through the money laundering scheme that is Ukraine. US taxpayers money. It needs to stop and it needs to stop now. Trump is on the right track. That is all.

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Wow! This is one of the few analyses I have read that actually makes sense. Well done.

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Having a common enemy is profitable, ask the Cheney's.

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NATO was born at a time of utterly madness and total terror that seemed to repeat itself every generation. What Western Europeans wanted was a big daddy savior from the mess they perpetually found themselves in. They found that daddy savior in the USA, a newly forged military industrial power house that had reluctantly entered WWII initially but once committed we were the force that brought an end to the war in Europe and then in Asia as well.

NATO kept the west together under the threat of pending Soviet takeover of Eastern Europe which could easily have spilled over to most of the rest of Europe. Had it not been for NATO’s main sponsor, the US, Western Europe would not have been able to rebuild itself as quickly as it did.

Not having to fork over substantial funds for your own national defense or your regional defense means that you get to spend that money in other ways that are more beneficial financially. Being bogged down with huge military expenditures means that money is not being used to develop the means of production or for developing useful services. That was OK for a while when the US was the only standing economic power in the world that had not been ravaged by war, but after a certain point those defense expenditures should have diminished when the threat was reduced.

What happened?

Well, once you start an industry with massive government funding, that industry will create excuses why you need to continue to feed it more money. It’s a self fueling cycle, the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about in 1960. Did we listen to him then? Apparently not as we’ve had an endless cycles of wars ever since the end of WWII.

Can we finally reorient our priorities away from feeding our war industry towards more productive industries and cooperation with other world powers? Can we finally close all our overseas military bases and reduce our military forces to defense capacity only, not forward stationed masses of well equipped military personnel readily available for offensive actions like we are now?

I don’t know.

The propaganda that we’ve been fed for several generations won’t die quickly or easily.

I wish you luck with that one.

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100% on Point!

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Another comment. So Ukraine had a Russian friendly government in the Obama era. Obama tasked Victoria Neuland to change it. Most of the territory now occupied by the Russians was historically Russian territory, most of the population speaks Russian. Victoria and the CIA started a “Color Revolution” and overthrew the government and installed Zelensky who pushed NATO exclusion. Putin made it clear that NATO on his doorstep was a nonstarter and a precursor to conflict, NATO considered it anyway and surprise surprise Russia invaded. It was all part of the plan. Bleed Russia in another war

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As always, John , brilliantly written, interesting, factual and to the point. Your style is unmistakeable to those who have read your work before!

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Stupidity reins supreme to this day!

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Reigns, not reins.🙂

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Oooops! Thanks.

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”Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”“

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭15‬:‭14‬ ‭esv

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Exactly, John. Russia hoped to be welcomed into the family of nations by the west when the Soviet Union collapsed. Instead they were rejected. Think of what we could have accomplished if we could have become at least friendly. Some will point out the atrocities perpetrated by the Russians. From what little we have learned about USAID, I think we should look in the mirror!

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Bingo! Move to the front of the class.

The previous administration of tainted, self appointed chosen Boomers who vowed in the 1960’s to “march through the institutions” (Gramsci), and made Marx popular on campus have been the seniors at the helm of bloated government, academia, tech, and corporate who use the necessary collaboration with military as their whipping boy. These small percent of Boomers made names for themselves hating on America and anyone in uniform service to her in the 1960’s. They still have Russian nuclear nightmares with Khrushchev under their beds. The old bear did not trust their games so they conferred with the EU’s petulant children of DAVOS and their mandated 540 million union members that Russia must be defeated with middle class American money and Ukrainian blood even though they all know 25% of Ukraine speaks fluent Russian. They poked and poked the bear they thought was wounded since Reagan and when the bear attacked they said “more money and blood please, it’s for democracy that does not exist in Ukraine”, and the EU petulant leaders love this movie because it’s free for them, like many Boomers in America still believe because they haven’t a clue, never actually having been in war except to profit from it and cry, “it’s all about the military complex” to cover their pathological delusion.

President Trump and MAGA is deep and broad having planned this counter attack on the demise of America for two decades. The attempt to paint Team Trump as fringe has failed. China Covid, DAVOS, WHO, world banking, Soros, and hundreds more will be exposed and pay for treason, top to bottom. The grown children that were indifferent to American middle suffering are kicking and biting, they will hate you more now that trust and faith are restored, and you can tell your grandchildren you were there to help restore America.

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Hear! hear!

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Otto Von Bismark stated that "If Germany and Russia are allies there will be no war in central Europe". He was in favour of using Russian raw resources and saw that as the way to disrupt or overthrow the British reserve currency. Smaller minds like the Kaiser didn't listen.

The brits and then the yanks have spent over a century keeping Russia's raw resources from supplying Germany's manufacturing. That would be a dynamo that would challenge any reserve currency. They've done it well and the Germans keep falling for it. Bummer for them.

Russia is tired of waiting and China has a lot of manufacturing. It's not at the level Germany has but it's getting there. Add in a population 4 times that of Europe that needs energy and Russia is sitting pretty. They'll work with China and if Germany ever gets free and comes to their senses Russia will work with them.

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It's been said that those who don't read history are doomed to repeat it. A sad corollary to this is that those who DO read history are doomed to watch others repeat it.

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Very succinct accuracy, Peter. My father's parents left Germany for a reason. My father was born in Astoria Queens NY in 1913. The family never looked back.

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Now THAT’S how immigration is supposed to work!

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What an incredible accounting, starting to piece together a much larger, older, more coherent picture of what's really going on. For the cream on top, it must also explain what makes Starmer impotent to prosecute Pakistani groomers and rapists of UK girls within the Brit globalist fold. I have my theory, I'd like to hear the author's. (Why am I uncertain whether it's John Leake or Peter McCullough)?

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I too saw Dr. McCullough's byline, but suspected it was John Leake's writing. Both great authors in their respective lanes.

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Wonderful John. This is not a learning disability. This is a purposeful evil perpetrated by agents of what I call the evil empire.

Let us say something like this is meant to look like compassion and statesmanship but it is not it is in fact madness.

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Its the end times script playing out…🍿

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I concur. Meanwhile, most of the young men in Ukraine have been killed, or escaped their home country. All for nothing, other than further enriching the Military Industrial Complex/The Blob. Trump keeps mentioning this, but, as usual, his communication skills are poor. I was hoping he’d improve and expand his vocabulary this time around, but…no.

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Trump’s communication skills are poor? Are you serious. First off his name is President Trump, and MAGA is deep and powerful. You have no idea what is happening because you obviously have drunk the kool-ade for so long. I realize you would prefer a professional community organizer like the smooth Obama that swooned you in to thinking orator skills equate to caring about the people of America but again you have no Idea, sorry to tell you that. Obama was the 2008 Trojan horse from nowhere to initiate Medicaid eventually for all once the illegals were settled and you became party of a homogenized serfdom.

You are deceived by many decades of propaganda. Yes the military’s responsibility is to stay sharp in collaboration with the four horseman of corrupt collusion, the bloated bureaucracy of government, academia, rising technology, and corporate. They simply us the term “military industrial complex” since President Eisenhower erred in exemplifying it as the concern for America going forward, but in full context of his farewell speech he says clearly the corrupt collusion of the other four horsemen will be deadly, as they have been colluding with China Pharma while using the military as their whipping boy to cover their own tracks to bring about a hierarchal/serfdom society, and my Boomers of the 1960’s fell for the ruse.

The military does not make war, it fights them. The four horseman of the other entities have controlled the President, Executive Branch, and the subordinate State Department, CIA and other subordinates to create war. The military by Constitutional Law must follow the Commander in Chief/President. Corrupt administration, corrupt war. Ad in entities abroad, and you have world wars fought by the military who has most to lose and least to gain.

President Trump and MAGA are not fringe as the media portrayed for ten years, but have planned the realignment of American values for two decades. Much must be done to enlighten the people to the propaganda they were lead to believe since WWII, that America and it’s military are “bad”

Now I ask you Cathleen, who might have instigated that insidious fragility and national demoralization from so long ago? Ask yourself, where did the China virus come from, and who have become wealthy colluding with the corruption, pretending to care about America all these decades while they sell and kill off America with a Jab and emasculating America’s military. You now know all the names now.

Say their names Catherine. They were academic youth in the 1960’s, hating on America and vowing to march through the institutions. Do not fall for the easy villain they painted for you.

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With respect: Do you take the position that America has no role in modern day Europe or the world, and has not bullied countries through control of the UN Security Council? Is your article title meaning to say that suckers to the worst of 🇺🇸 US are born every day? Are you highlighting again: Everyone is stupid enough to believe, deal with and follow US even though our leaders weaponize medicine and back out of agreements we participate in drafting and deals we write and make with them? Maybe you are writing for an audience of one in his all-or-nothing sensibility. Why demean others as if they are your students incapable of learning?

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Dear Leslie H MSC, This is John Leake replying. On the contrary, for the last four years I have been telling my European friends that it Europe would ruin itself by playing along with the Biden administration's insane European policy. Europe should support President Trump's radical course change and bury the hatchet with Russia. Nothing is to be gained by continuing the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Best regards, John Leake

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Thank you John. It is good to know your take on things. I don’t sense that from your articles and their titles. It seems you attempt to put current events against a thoughtful historical backdrop, but somehow decontextualize both in the process. To be kind, I wondered if maybe there is self (or other’s) censorship in your writing. From your response here, I realize I might rather hear from you as a friend… which says something about me I suppose.

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I lost track. Are we big Satan or little Satan…🤔

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