This is very well put John. Exactly the current situation.

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This interview of Solzhenitsyn explains a history of Russia and Europe, Ukraine and the US. As well as discusses the agendas of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. An interesting read.

An excerpt of a prognostication he made at the end of the interview below that I believe means something about the agendas of the West that few of us wanted to think thirty years ago. Is this why so much effort has gone into keeping both nations adversarial. Russia saves the west from itself?

Alexander Solzhenitsyn On The New Russia

Interview was in 1994, reprinted in 2008


"AS: If one looks far into the future, one can foresee in the 21st century such a time when the U.S. together with Europe will be in dire need of Russia as an ally.

Forbes: That is a puzzling assertion.

AS: It is puzzling only for those who don't look into the future and do not see what kind of new powers are arising in the world."

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As always, an excellent article.

I don't think European heads of state have a learning disability or poor memory for history; it's much worse than that.

Most European "leaders" (excuse me while I vomit) - to include von der Leyen and the EU governing bodies - are outright corrupt, pathological liars, and in bed with global oligarchs pulling the strings behind the scene.

The same "leaders" insanely pushing for war with Russia also push for the corrupt and fraudulent climate agenda. They push for digital ID and vaccine passports. They push for digital currencies. They engage in massive censorship and suppression of truthful information.

And the same oligarch puppet masters are behind all these fraudulent operations - the Rockefellers, Gates, King Charles, Queen Maxima, Rothschilds and others. These oligarchs use their tools at the UN, WHO and WEF to push these agendas.

These oligarchs have corrupted and subverted most European governments.

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"with the exception of Viktor Orban" I would like to add: and Robert Fico, prime minister of Slovakia.

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I was just going to say the same. He gave a great talk at CPAC the other day. The globalists wanted him dead but thank God he survived

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I never would have thought I'd marvel at Trump's self-discipline. It's been impressive.

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If the US stayed out of WWI there is a solid case to be made that there would have been no Russian Revolution, no NAZI party, no WWII, and no Communist China. Long past time to let the rest of the world fight their own pointless wars and retreat to Fortress North America, which is safe as long as we do not open our borders and allow the USAID/ NGO complex to fund their own foreign invasion.

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Keep “selecting” non-leaders like Merkel, Macron, Rutte, and Cruella de Ville…a beautiful continent, galloping toward the abyss.

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Prof. Jeffrey Sachs' address to the European parliament is particularly relevant in this context. Alasdair Macleod linked it in his Macleod Finance substack, "Jeffrey Sachs Gives a History Lesson."

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We are far better off with our nukes pointed at a real enemy (Iran or China?) than at each other. Russians, although partly in Asia, are European more than anything else. It makes sense to mend our differences from the Cold War and work together to push back on the sickness that is Western Globalism & Wokeism. These ‘so called leaders’ want nothing more than to see most of us dead, along with the Ukrainian kids they profess to care so much about.

Trump knows this, and is playing the long game, once again, while Europe has its head stuck up its own ass.

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Point them at Brussels and the City of London!

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Rokko, why do you consider either Iran or China as enemies? And plse don't say because your govt said so. (Which is actually the only reason the US has "enemies:" They're fabrications of sick, psychopathic, vacuous minds.) When has either Iran, China, or any country for that matter, attacked or even threatened you and/ or your country? What's that? Exactly!

On the other hand, the good ol' USA occupies, at last count, 80 countries, or 41%, of the world's 195 countries.

"Land of the free, home of the brave." LOL

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Because they chant death to Americans? Because their number one goal is to make us their vassals? Because they flood the market with cheap junk in order to break our economy with non competitive labor rates, which break their own peoples backs? Gee, I wonder why. That’s the dumbest question I’ve heard in a while. Go live there if they’re so nice, Iranians loyal to the religion of peace & their Supreme Leader would tear you limb from limb. Or go work in one of their factories for pennies a day for a bowl of rice, so Americans can lose their jobs, and order Temu junk at the same time. These regimes hate you, they are the enemy.

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Our own politicians are not leaders and for the most part are clueless as the Europeans. And not just about Russia.

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Slovakian PM Robert Fico, who took some bullets last year for antivaxxer stance and other non-conformity is also an honorable man.

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I would like to add: I admire and praise the generosity of a saint of Pres. Trump. Pres. Putin´s should be be praised for his and that for 10+ years. Or we already would no more have a place to live over here in Europe.

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Maxim: "Judicial notice is a form of evidence."

Mann v Mann, 172 P. 2d 369, 375, 76 Cal. App. 2d 32.


International Public Notice: Thank You, Hindustan Times

 By Anna Von Reitz

Now, pause a moment and ask yourselves why Americans and Brits and Aussies and most of Western Europe and the Middle East are dependent on the Hindustan Times for news and competent political commentary from American experts like Jeffrey Sachs, who, among other things, has exposed NATO's role in the post-World War II epoch and the lies told by the U.S. Government to Americans and Russians everyone else. 

He also explains, succinctly, the role of Netanyahu's Government in promoting both Iraq Wars --- in its own self-interest, of course. 

Take the time to listen to this address by Jeffrey Sachs: 


We can answer Jeffrey Sach's question about the lack of any discernible European policy since the Second World War, and why Europe lost its voice. 

It's very simple.  Both World Wars have been illegal Mercenary Conflicts, and Europe remains under illegal occupation by the Allies, who have been using franchise corporations of the U.S.A. Corporation and UNITED STATES Corporation to substitute for the actual national governments of these countries.  

They have had a "policy" --- involuntary submission and support for whatever "the U.S." says, because their governmental services, currencies, legislatures, defense, and identities have been taken over by franchises of the UNITED STATES Corporation and franchises of the U.S.A. Corporation, both.  

The now-bankrupted UNITED STATES Corporation controlled all the civil services for FRANCE, INC., GERMANY, INC., ITALY, INC. THE NETHERLANDS, INC.,  the UNITED KINGDOM, INC., and twelve more formerly independent European countries--- these were all Municipal Corporation franchises of the UNITED STATES Corporation and these organizations have provided all the civil services in all these countries since WWII.  

These corporations (very quietly) took over the pre-existing government bureaucracies and seized upon their assets; people on the street thought their own governments had returned, but in fact, their governments and their countries have been secretly occupied and controlled, just as the British Raj occupied India. 

The U.S.A. Corporation has controlled France, Inc., Germany, Inc., Italy, Inc., The Netherlands, Inc., United Kingdom, Inc., etc., as franchises, and has provided all the defense services. 

We, the American victims of these same entities, are paying for 96% of all European defense costs and the cost of over 950 military bases worldwide.  This is why "the Americans" are always at war. 

But, it's not the Americans in control of this or doing this to Europe. It's the British Territorial "United States" engineering all this -- and the British Crown, specifically.  

In this video replay, Jeffrey Sachs says, "The Americans learned everything from the British...."  

No, Jeffrey Sachs, the Americans are being controlled by certain British and European business interests, using what was once our own honorable military as a foreign mercenary occupation force----illegally, fraudulently, just as the Raj occupied India, secretly, surreptitiously, creeping in through the backdoor and using the bureaucratic apparatus of the existing government to take over the national governments under color of law. 

Remember, we are also under illegal occupation by mercenary forces that appear to be our own military; our military was unlawfully converted into a mercenary force by Abraham Lincoln. It has been under the de facto control of mostly European business interests, and has been working for them, not us, ever since. 

Europe is still under illegal "territorial" occupation by colluding homegrown corporation franchises --- the only difference between these franchises and their relationship with these US Parent Corporations and Vichy France's relationship with the Nazis, is what?  Nothing at all, really.  

The difference between the British Raj and India (the actual country) and the United States of America, Incorporated and The United States (the actual country)?  Nothing at all.  

FRANCE was a Municipal Corporation franchise of the UNITED STATES.  France, Inc., is a Commercial Services franchise of the United States of America, Incorporated.  Neither one of these are the actual country, nor are they the actual country's government. They are corporation franchises, obligated to obey whatever the parent corporations say. 

That's why Europe has no policies of its own. That's why Europe has lost its voice. Europe doesn't even have its own money.  It has EUROs --- debt notes that just force it deeper and deeper into eternal debt and which never credit all the actual goods and services that are being inequitably exchanged for these notes. It's the same criminal scheme as FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, transferred to Europe.  

The European Parliament?  This is a consortium of delegates from all these colluding municipal and commercial services franchises, meeting together and scheming how best to bilk the people of Europe, just as the U.S. (British Territorial) Congress has bilked the people of this country, under conditions of fraud, deceit, and color of law. 

To understand this better, look at the history of South Africa, and how Cecil Rhodes' British South Africa Company was put in control and used "as" the government of South Africa.  This was the first time that the Brits tried this "business model" and this substitution of a corporation in the business of providing government services for an actual government has become their stock-and-trade. 

Look at the history of the British Raj in India.  This time, they substituted a British East India Company franchise in place of the Indian Government(s).   They just plopped down their "governmental services corporation" and called it "India, Inc." and began bossing everyone around and pretending to be the government and taking over control of the functions of local government, robbing the Maharajahs at gunpoint, while smiling at the rest of the world and pretending that this was all agreed upon, and just payment owed for their "governmental services".  

So the British and their Holy Roman collaborators on the Continent have colluded for over 150 years in this scheme to substitute franchises of their own parent corporations for the lawful governments owed to the living people of this planet.  

While they started out as merely corporate businesses, by the beginning of the 1900's they had all incorporated.  

Their ultimate scheme has been to establish a form of feudalism as the all-encompassing World Government.  We call it Corporate Feudalism.  Instead of serving a King, the new Serfs in this system would serve a Thing --- a Corporation --- "representing" their national government.  And this corporation would serve its hidden shareholders at the expense of everyone in the country.  

The World Economic Forum, like the EU Parliament, is nothing but a foreign "legislature" for the colluding corporations supporting the drive toward Corporate Feudalism.  The CEO's of all 4,000 plus members of the WEF all need to be arrested as traitors to their countries. 

When a corporation is used to replace the lawful national government, it gives up any claim to sovereignty, and is reduced to the level of any other municipal or commercial services corporation. 

When a foreign incorporated entity -- a franchise of a parent corporation -- is used to replace the lawful national government, it not only loses any claim to sovereignty, it also loses any

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Sniveling brats getting trampled by the only adult in the room…🍿

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Excellent. I feel like you left some gaps, like the problem with the Nazis. But I appreciate the panoramic view of Europe of the last 200 years.

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Succinctly put and undeniably true. Perhaps we should to inaugurate a history exam for aspirants to government and administration in European nations - a bit like that which was for centuries the case in many much of the occident. I recall my exasperated attempt to explain to a high placed nit wit in UK government who dresses remarkably like the very Earl you pictured and has a facial expression very similar, that much of Ukraine is Russia and at half of the people who live there speak Russian, and it is therefore just ridiculous and inaccurate to drone on about "democracy" and "sovereignty" in that context. This "history light", "Boys Own", "England Good everyone else Bad" mind set is what has caused the trouble, you are right. Contrast Liz Truss to Steve Bannon at CPAC yesterday, when interviewed by Tracey.

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