In Hindu mythology, the most prominent female god of destruction is Kali. I just didn't know there were so many worshipers.

This war is so plainly grotesque in its absolute lack of humanity. Every WRONG reason behind it: Money, power, deception. And as Kathleen in the comments pointed out: Not a single one of these ladies has served in the military.

100% WRONG.

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I think Socrates once remarked that he'd rather face 300 Spartans than his wife in one of her bad humors.

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In the old days men knew better and referred to the “wiles of a woman” as always being problematic…

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM

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He was more wise than I thought!

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Perhaps these women “warriors“ should tour the Ukrainian battlefields and take a good look at what they are proposing.

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Better yet, suit them up and send them to shellinsky for cannon fodder. Nothing like firsthand experience learning about the “glories” of war. Bring Brandon and kamel to carry their baggage.

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None of those women ever served in the military.

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and none of their faces would launch 1000 ships

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Which way are the ships headed?

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Most are not women, and not even human.

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These people disgust me. What on earth is wrong with them?

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European royalty has always displayed severe blood lust. These morons think they are royalty and have zero issues sacrificing inferior beings. We exist for their amusement.

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You’re probably more correct than you know.

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They ain’t people! Here be monstrous parasites.

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Not having endured hardship of being a poor working class man.

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I think it's probably really important that we get out of NATO. It is no longer serving the US, It's a drain financially and if they get their way we will be pulled into WWIII. We no longer have any common interests with most of them.

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“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." - John F. Kennedy

Commencement Address at Yale University, June 11 1962

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What a wonderful phrase. "...the discomfort of thought."

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You can add Victoria Nuland as the creator of this mess.

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Samantha Power. Mary McCord. Nellie Ohr. There’s quite a list.

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Are you sure she's a "female"?

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As Rush Limbaugh used to call them, feminazis, they are the ones who hate men (or males) with such intensity that they are loathe to see young ones live very long. Actually, they hate all life (remember, Eve means "mother of all living".) Feminazis hate that role for themselves.

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How many of these women are mothers? I expect none.

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Wondering if that info is available? perhaps you could put their names in with the word "family" and write a comment to this?

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Did that. Surprisingly, most are mothers. Well, no skin off their backs. Their kids will never end up dying in wars their mothers are so gung-ho at involving other people's kids in.

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They hate themselves

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World “leaders” are practicing Satanists and Luciferians summoning war-loving Lunar demon goddesses like Isis, in secret society black magic rituals, that demand blood sacrifice in return for their global elite wealth and power.

Read “He Came To Set The Captives Free” by Rebecca Brown, a true story of a whistle-blower ex-bride of satan who took private planes and performed orgy sacrifices in hidden mansions across America.

Watch “Eyes Wide Shut” by Stanley Kubrick who “died mysteriously” 3 DAYS after the film’s release.

Until angelic-humanity wakes up to this spiritual war going on all around them all the time, we will be darkly ignorant and manipulated by the deep state-dark cult.

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Accurate analysis. But so difficult to explain or discuss. Hard to set the terms of discussion as it all seems so very unreal.

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True! Watching X files season 8 now (how the hell did I miss this excellent show?) and scientist MD FBI Agent Scully gets abducted, implanted, AND IMPREGNANTED BY ALIENS, and is STILL skeptical….😂😂😂

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Women can be Satanic pedophiles too. Satanic pedos love their blood sacrifice.

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Hillary very much enjoy Benghazi, and she was still eager for war, so some types wouldn't be deterred by a stroll on the front - perhaps even energised.

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None of these DCs would ever ‘take a stroll on the front’.

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What is it with women when they attain positions of power? So-called female caring and nurturing go out the window. During Covid, women leaders across the West were the absolute worst, the scariest and most tyrannical, in a psycho kind of way. A good example was Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand who smirked and laughed as she deprived her citizens of liberty. More even than something to prove; vengeful and sadistic I would say.

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Woman have always lusted after power. Serpent: "Ye shall be as gods." Eve went for it didn't she?

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Absolutely. Childlessness in particular seems to encourage a type of ersatz devouring-mother-like behaviour, though this curiously doesn't apply in the case of Ursula von der Leyen. She's a special type of power-hungry hypocrite lunatic.

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They are so flippant about war because they know (or expect) never to pay any price for their warmongering. Same as the male politicians. They are fearless with other people's lives and expect to walk scot-free if things go bad. This can only get worse until politicians and all of their warmongering abetters are dragged to scaffold and dispatched to the justice they deserve. Men and women, all of them equally.

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Great observation of and quote from Sherman. He was later relieved of command after he stated that it would take years to defeat the Confederacy and hundreds of thousands of casualties. He was judged to be insane for saying so. He actually turned out to have been low in his estimates.

Regarding these blood thirsty women, they've been caught up in the insanity prevalent over the past years about Russia, which defies all logic. But these sort of mass formation problems have occurred throughout history, in all sorts of societies. We just saw these same people and millions more accept injections of an experimental product with either unknown, or little understood, results. The only thing that these two mass formations have in common is that all the supporters have financial interests in keeping the formations sustained.

Danny Huckabee

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An admonition of historical significance John Leake. Well conceived and well said. God has blessed you with understanding. I am fairly certain each of these women would crumble if they saw firsthand what is done with a bayonet or thermite grenade. Nukes would be incomprehensible to them for the magnitude...they are not capable of understanding what they advocate for.

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Thank you, David! And thank you for your steady engagement with my work. Best regards, John Leake.

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Those women think they have to be tougher than the men so as to prove they are good enough for their job. It's pathetic but think about it. A man could say that he thinks it's better to talk rather than fight, to try to save lives than to needlessly throw them away in war. People would say he was Churchillian! What a great chap - mature and responsible and willing to negotiate. A woman in the same job saying the same thing would be cast as weak and feminine and really not up to the job of making tough decisions.

Mrs Thatcher was considered a tough and competent leader precisely because she actually behaved like a man.

I'm sure Mr Putin is quaking in his boots at the thought of facing Ursula on the battlefield because, surely, she will lead her troops!!!!

(I should add that I loathe and despise all those war-mongering women, along with all the weak, chinless male counterparts. Tony Blair sent other mothers' sons to die in Iraq whilst his own son went safely off to New York. Charlatans, the lot of them)

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They have all been placed in power by the globalists. Rigging or just forcing them in. No one votes for warmongers except warmongers and they are definitely a tiny minority with money printing machines and who control most of the worlds media.

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Installed puppets

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