There is an alternative. First of all, banks make money out of thin air. If a Nation has control of its own Central Bank it can make as much money as it wants without going into debt!

However if the central bank is privately owned and controlled like the Federal Reserve in the USA, that bank makes money out of thin air and then loans the money to the US government to create what is now $36 trillion in national debt that our government owes. In fact the USA is paying $1 trillion each year on just the interest of the $36 trillion that we owe to the private Federal Reserve bank. Meanwhile, Americans are taking out mortgages (loans) from private American banks to purchase homes in which they pay the bank the price of the home plus as much as twice the cost of the home in interest over 30 years. So the banks make 2 times the value of the home in interest payments from individual people and 1 trillion per year in interest from the US government.

On the other hand, rather than developing debt and paying interest to private banks, the US government could shut down the Federal Reserve Bank and create a US National Central Bank that can make all the money it needs out of thin air just like the Federal Reserve does but since the government controls the bank, it can simply use the money without any debt at all. Additionally, A US government controlled banking system can loan money to Americans with zero interest! Then people can purchase a home using an interest free government loan and pay for the home over the next 20 years without any interest payments at all.

It’s like night and day, the biggest financial problem that the USA and nearly all countries deal with is the private central bank problem. Unfortunately, anyone who tries to change that ends up dead.

The notable dead Americans who tried to remove the US private central bank or find a way around it include:

Alexander Hamilton (pictured on the $10 bill) murdered

Pres. Andrew Jackson (pictured on the $20 bill) (the guns miss fired so he survived til his term ended 2 years later)

Pres. Abraham Lincoln (pictured on the $5 bill) printed greenbacks and was murdered

Pres. James Garfield murdered after 4 months in office having publicly supported a government central bank.

Pres. William McKinley (pictured on the discontinued $500 bill) murdered after supporting a government central bank.

Pres. John F. Kennedy (pictured on the 1/2 dollar coin) murdered after using an executive order to print US silver certificate currency some of which remains in circulation.

So although this central bank issue is a great opportunity to create prosperity, demonic greedy psychopathic banksters keep the central bank private. That is the key to their power. All the evil overlords need to maintain control of the USA is to keep the central bank in their private hands. That’s why Hamilton and all those presidents were assassinated. Fear of assassination is why no president has turned against the private Federal Reserve.

The following article reveals what can be done when a country has control of its money supply and natural resources like oil, gold, etc. It was first published by Global Research in November 2014.

"Libya: Ten Things About Gaddafi They Don’t Want You to Know"

Today Libya as a Nation State has been destroyed by US-NATO.

What do you think of when you hear the name Colonel Gaddafi? Tyrant? Dictator? Terrorist? Well, a national citizen of Libya may disagree but we want you to decide.

For 41 years until his demise in October 2011, Muammar Gaddafi did some truly amazing things for his country and repeatedly tried to unite and empower the whole of Africa.

So despite what you’ve heard on the radio, seen in the media or on the TV, Gaddafi did some powerful things that are not characteristic of a “vicious dictator” as portrayed by the western media.

Here are ten things Gaddafi did for Libya that you may not know about...

1. In Libya a home is considered a natural human right. In Gaddafi’s Green Book it states: ”The house is a basic need of both the individual and the family, therefore it should not be owned by others”. Gaddafi’s Green Book is the formal leader’s political philosophy, it was first published in 1975 and was intended reading for all Libyans even being included in the national curriculum.

2. Education and medical treatment were all free. Under Gaddafi, Libya could boast one of the best healthcare services in the Middle East and Africa. Also if a Libyan citizen could not access the desired educational course or correct medical treatment in Libya they were funded to go abroad.

3. Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project. The largest irrigation system in the world also known as the great manmade river was designed to make water readily available to all Libyan’s across the entire country. It was funded by the Gaddafi government and it said that Gaddafi himself called it ”the eighth wonder of the world”.

4. It was free to start a farming business. If any Libyan wanted to start a farm they were given a house, farm land and live stock and seeds all free of charge.

5. A bursary was given to mothers with newborn babies. When a Libyan woman gave birth she was given 5000 (US dollars) for herself and the child.

6. Electricity was free. Electricity was free in Libya meaning absolutely no electric bills!

7. Cheap petrol. During Gaddafi’s reign the price of petrol in Libya was as low as 0.14 (US dollars) per litre.

8. Gaddafi raised the level of education. Before Gaddafi only 25% of Libyans were literate. This figure was brought up to 87% with 25% earning university degrees.

9. Libya had It’s own state bank. Libya had its own State bank, which provided loans to citizens at zero percent interest by law and they had no external debt.

10. The gold dinar. Before the fall of Tripoli and his untimely demise, Gaddafi was trying to introduce a single African currency linked to gold. Following in the foot steps of the late great pioneer Marcus Garvey who first coined the term ”United States of Africa”. Gaddafi wanted to introduce and only trade in the African gold Dinar – a move which would have thrown the world economy into chaos.

The Dinar was widely opposed by the ‘elite’ of today’s society and who could blame them. African nations would have finally had the power to bring itself out of debt and poverty and only trade in this precious commodity. They would have been able to finally say ‘no’ to external exploitation and charge whatever they felt suitable for precious resources. It has been said that the gold Dinar was the real reason for the NATO led rebellion, in a bid to oust the outspoken leader.

So, was Muammar Gaddafi a Terrorist or a threat to the Globalist Banksters?

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Jim Keith, a first-class conspiracy researcher who some believe was murdered by the elite during what was supposed to have been a minor surgical procedure on his knee, believed that the perverse satisfaction and exaggerated pride of these men is a natural outgrowth of their keenly observing how much control over others their elite status confers on them and their associates. This is especially true given the Illuminati's control and manipulation of nations like the U.S.A., Russia and Germany, nations with vast technological prowess that fosters the growth of Big Brother government control.

He writes:

Beneath the cloak of the prime conspirators are larger groups of rich peasantry and landlords dominating a huge mass of poor serfs and less-than-serfs whose labor and lives are sucked to provide the lifeblood to nourish the upper portions of the pyramid. This ancient structure is perfectly visible to anyone with the eyes to be appalled.

It is also obvious that the ruling class cabals and spy organizations which we do know about are pointed in roughly the same direction: the total control and "utilization" of the mass of mankind by whatever means it takes. Aside from all the lofty banter about the "perfecting of mankind," what is desired is the perfecting of the systems of control. Control is the shared goal of these numerous conspiring individuals, groups, and governments, and in that sense they work together, collaborating here, working individually there, creating an evolving noose of murderous technological expertise that swiftly tightens around humanity's throat. With this goal in place, with money and the tools of advanced technology in hand, the overall program of accomplishment crystallizes.


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Thanks for sharing that summery, I will read the linked document.

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Here's a similar piece that I wrote with a solution for the terrible psychopath problem.


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"First of all, banks make money out of thin air. If a Nation has control of its own Central Bank it can make as much money as it wants without going into debt!"

Replacing one counterfeiter with another doesn't solve the problem. You end up with hyperinflation and disruption either way. Printing money, no matter who does it, doesn't create real assets--just more paper chasing the same assets, hence higher prices. The people printing the money benefit, as do any favored classes getting the new money early and buying things they otherwise couldn't buy, but everyone else who holds the currency loses. It's the same story throughout history, and the illusion of an "independent" central bank was just a fancier version of shaving gold coins or debasing them with base metals. A central bank is a monopoly bank, appointed by the government to cater to the government.

Zero percent interest rates are also an illusion--a bird in the hand is always worth more than the promise of a bird in 30 years; interest is just the expression of that reality (the reality of time preference), and zero interest just results in people and businesses spending on things that, in truth, they can't really afford (kind of like sending $350 billion to Ukraine and the grifting pols backing Ukraine, while U.S. infrastructure collapses). It's why periods of suppressed interest rates and inflation are always followed by recessions, depressions, or the diversion of a war.

Agree with you about the positive things Gaddafi did, but note that he wanted a gold-backed currency.

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You are 100% wrong!!!

In fact, there are many examples of prosperity given national central bank control. In fact the American Colonies each printed their own money based on Benjamin Franklin's advice. That led to 40 years of prosperity. However, the British imposed the Bank of England to take over control the money supply and that brought back the poverty that was a problem originally solved by Franklin's print your own money solution. The tea tax was the last straw, but the real reason for the Declaration of Independence in 1776 was the imposition of a foreign controlled Central Bank.

At this point, the psychopathic banksters have control of all but three National Central Banks world wide! US led wars and regime changes have resulted in the proliferation of foreign controlled Central Banks being installed all around the world. This parasitic extraction of profits through interest bearing loans is the key to Global control by the psychopathic banksters. The final step is Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which provides total control.

On the other hand, national central banks can easily promote prosperity. However, to keep the psychopaths from regaining control we also need to implement direct democracy at all levels. Since psychopaths are just 1% of the population their power is lost in a direct democracy where everyone votes on all important decisions.

Here's an essay that provides more details:


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Now that's one hell of a Friday morning History Lesson.

Some I knew from being over 70.

When they own the money supply and the only products citizens can use for commerce,

They most certainly gain the highest degrees of control and paid for hierarchy within.

A+ Essay.

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Thank you so much for your comment!

If only Trump's financial advisors weren't banksters.

If only Muammar Gaddafi, was still on Earth. Just think what he could accomplish now!

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Mysteriously, he died after his famous speech at the United Nations about his African currency idea. As Hillary Clinton gleefully exclaimed “ we came, we saw, he died”, as she was giggling. Thanks for all that other information. Did not know all that.

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A line stands out: "the obstinacy of human nature..." which is exactly why the founding fathers crafted the Constitution and Bill of Rights the way they are, with checks and balances built in.

And why so many noted that the new republic was specifically made for moral men, and also warned what could happen if that wasn't the case. Ben Franklin's "a republic, if you can keep it" being one warning.

We're all still here only by the grace of God's holding back judgement on us for walking away from Him. And Europe is getting closer and closer to another judgment day. If we're wise, we will keep from getting in deeper with them.

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It isn't up to the American people though is it it is up to (them) and they see Russian, Canadian, Danish etc etc etc resources and don't want to pay a fair price for them so it is off to war you go whether you like it or not. Of course anyone who complains about that will be called anti-Semitic or anti-American or anti-whatever and be arrested by Bondi trying out her petite shiny jackboots for size. She has already said that your first amendment rights don't apply to criticism of (them) so the republic is already lost as what she has said quite openly is simple in your face treason. And what has Trump done about that? He has doubled down and backed her. It isn't Europe that is facing judgement day, that battle has already been won. The US is next on the menu and Bondi has already shown you how bloody it is going to get and a few members of congress going round with silly smudged crosses on their foreheads won't change that. Actions not silly theatrics are what are required and I see precious few of those. Where are the mass arrests of the traitors ...... like Bondi and Trump and everyone who ever took a red cent from AIPAC? Nowhere to be seen on my future radar.

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War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

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There was a small cabal in Britain that wanted WW1 in order to destroy the up and coming German Empire. It consisted of Churchill, King Edward, Milner and others. They instigated it, prolonged it to complete the destruction, then destroyed much of the evidence of their perfidy after the war.

Hidden History by Docherty

Prolonging the Agony by Docherty

The Brits have been trying to destroy Russia too, for a long time. They have been using the USA as their proxy in this fight. Russia deployed its fleet off the coasts of the USA during the Civil War to prevent Britain from joining on the side of the Confederate South. Allen Dulles with Britain's help directed the formation of the CIA which incorporated Gehlen's Nazi agents in Russia, which is part of the reason the cold war was so virulent. Churchill instigated it with his "Iron Curtain" speech.

The Britain & USA oligarchy is not interested in a multi-polar world. They see it all as a zero sum game, that they have to win to dominate the world. Its full spectrum dominance they seek, not just military, but economic and social.

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Excellent point about US civil war. I wonder how many in the US today know that the Russians intervened on behalf of the Union to stop the Brits supporting the Confederates?

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We would be better off now if the south would have won.

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Britain was dragged into WW1 by the French, as a result of Entente Cordial (1904) in which they decided to be BFF. Until then, Palmerston’s rule was obeyed: stay aloof from the Continentals’ wars, but if we must get involved, be fast, be hard and get out clean.

WW1 was supposed to be over by Christmas, and it started because the trains ran on time: once the decision was made (as a result of the treaty with the Frogs) it ran like clockwork. Of course, the French, with “the greatest army in the world” were full of shit and eager to stiff Germany and Britain.

Rinse and Repeat in 1939.

Neither Churchill nor the King wanted war. It is on the record but some people don’t like to do the research.

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Expose their financial motives! Share and wake people up. War mongering for money must stop now! It’s time to rise above their insanity and welcome in a new age focusing on love and of course peace. 🙏♥️

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Lifesite News had a recent article stating the EU and other countries have digital ID/wallets ready to go and they only need a good excuse to implement them.

Slavquist (?) a substack writer says Russia has gone all WEF too and has digital rubles and is discussing the control of citizens with it.

I often wonder if this is just another manufactured hoax. These countries all have goals and I can’t rule out that they work together to bring in the UN agendas.

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Last I heard RU would use it for money ID. Not for complete life history and all the information collection of individuals.

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Followers of Gerald Celente have heard him warn repeatedly. "When all else fails, THEY take you to war." It is the ultimate distraction from THEIR error and misbehavior and their here-to-fore most reliable 'justifiable' way to relieve the citizens of money, whether thru increased taxes or propagandistically coerced bond sales.

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Governments that kills its people for money…sounds familiar…

On another note: politicians are like prostitutes, they take your money and leave you with diseases.

Or to put it another way, they create a disease and sell you a vaccine…call it the bill gates business model!

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Just look at the WWII British Bonds which were sold to defend Britain.

After the war they were worthless.


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All wars waged in Europe in the XIX century and after the defeat of Napolen have been made with credit from the Rothschilds. Read the ascent of money by N. Ferguson and the house of Rothschild by the same author.

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I don't think the current re-armament drive is a tool to help sell bonds, but more the other way round. There is actually very little appetite in Europe for war and the political leadership is out of step with popular sentiment.

IF European troops are sent to Ukraine (huge IF) then the first Russian strike killing dozens is more likely to feed the anti-war sentiment.

Macron's speech on Wednesday was just lunacy. Talking about "pacifying Russia" is not only fabricating a false enemy, but an impossible/unbeatable one.

Russia has never attacked Western Europe in modern history, but the other way round happened twice (1812, 1941). Three times if you include the Crimean War and four times if you include the current Ukraine war.

I suspect there is a general dread in Western Europe of anything that comes out of "the East". This probably started with the Mongols, or predates that with a romantic view of Greeks v Persians, then the Black and Bubonic plagues did not help.

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Exact analysis. To which we must add that these are not "political governments" but self-referential elites completely detached from peoples and nations. To use medieval similes of the devils who have oppressed peoples and nations for millennia. It is time to get rid of them quickly. The longer it takes the more unpleasant and dangerous their agony will be

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From my reading the Austro Hungarian empire was such a diverse and cumbersome regime that mobilising against the troublesome Serbs was slow and difficult. As it will be with the cumbersome bureaucracies in Europe. The z Hapsburgs were quick on their feet compared to the EU, Britain and European countries. So many rules and regulations. Such small armies and poorly equipped.

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Scripture describes fools as those who reject wisdom and understanding, often expressing their opinions without seeking knowledge. Proverbs emphasizes that a fool's actions lead to strife and ruin. Psalm 111:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever.

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It's not just bond sales:

BOE Needs World War Three https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/boe-needs-world-war-three

BOE Still Needs World War Three https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/boe-still-needs-world-war-three

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I have to admit that at this point I simply don’t care any more. They can all go to Hades.

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