Great Europe! You take this on with Zelensky and you guys have a great time together! We’re out! We’ll be in the popcorn section enjoying the view

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Start the draft in Europe... let's see how that works out.

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I watched "the fight" in the White House.

Got to love transparency in government

You got me thinking about popcorn tonight

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I'm in Europe and have always been against this proxy war. It's not funny.

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It’s beyond ridiculous is what it is. The people of Ukraine need a better leader.

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The little coked-up, CIA Asset (MKUltra), cross-dresser Zelensky does not want peace because he made tens of millions of dollars in this fake war for himself! Playing the good guy in a fake war pays handsomely for him and our corrupt politicians, the DemonRats and RepubTurds! War is Business; they don't give a shit about people's lives; they just injected millions of people with a poisonous bio-weapon and want to continue! It's time to wake up, people.

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today war (and especially THIS one) is nothing more than a fiat currency laundromat. The Bidens were/are obvious proof of that. Nothing was more sickening to watch (popcorn?) our top position become the lead towards atheistic totalitarianism. I will say this: its been an amazing thing to see someone with a masculine mindset putting Baal on notice, especially while the church ladies ago into derangement hysteria due to love once again become a boundary rather than the removal if it.

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pop corn? certainly frightening from the perspective of prophetic war emerging from all this. which. could end up as the exact opposite of the peace we sought.. not just on the war front either.

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I believe Trump will not let that happen.

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Trump IS what we wanted in terms of the deteriorated state of the state, but he is certainly NOT God, and? if you truly inspect Russia's perspective on this war Trump would've likely done pretty much the same thing Putin did. What we really need is Trump at the top with Dr Ron Paul in the State Dept. Actually? In many ways Id prefer Paul in the lead. No one gave us the reigns to the world and Paul knows when to get on his knees.

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I'm laughing. Once again Trump set the trap and they all fell in. They have all just stepped up and volunteered and we can let them handle it all.

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I don't think any trap was set at all. Zelensky was so disrespectful and obstinate that it's more likely he has no interest in ending this war and will take the EUs continued support. This is meant to undermine what Trump has been working toward imo, and Ukraine & the EU will wind up paying the price.

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And Zelenskyy was late to the WH b/c he was attending a breakfast, meeting with various politicians like Graham, Klobucher and who knows how many others. Graham spoke to the press after the Oval Office event and he said he told Zelenskyy at the earlier meeting “not to take the bait.” I think he was implying that the Demonrats at that meeting may have been coaching Zelenskyy to get tough with Trump to try to undermine him and make him look bad. But you can’t out trump Trump.

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I understand that the Ukrainian cabinet had okayed an agreement with Trump and were just expecting Zelensky to sign it and he blew it up. And after that, their Ambassador told Zelensky just to leave without even eating lunch. Doesn't sound to me like a lot of people back home are very happy with Z.

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Seems like the EU has chosen to try to run the show now. I doubt anyone in the Ukrainian gov't has any power, but perhaps the citizens who still remain will have enough with him and demonstrate for elections. Zelensky is pretty obviously desperate as I see it.

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The EU needs war badly. They are using Ukraine to engage NATO in war with Russia. They don't seem to read history.

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The Ukraine Theatrics was a big money grab for the Globalists and our politicians, the DemonRats and RepubTurds! War is Money and Power, and everyone in the know gets their slice of the pie. They don't give a shit about human lives, that is the cost of doing business. NATO is just an excuse to justify war and make these psychopathic thieves sleep good at night.

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No one in the EU has a military worth talking about or the money to build one. The UK has just passed a budget to start rebuilding theirs. Talk is big, but their might is small.

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I think he does not want the war to end because 1-he is raking in billions of $$ for not really working, and 2)he has used the war as an excuse to delay the election 1 year already. If he is forced to hold an election after the war ends, he'll have to go back to his pole dancing job, unless he has stashed enough by $laundering to live on comfortably.

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I suspect his “rainy day fund” is huge, thanks US taxpayers!

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He is very wealthy now after all the billions he has stolen from the US.

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As they should.

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Bradly Lewis totally missed your point about how President Trump always gets the opponent to show their asses, expose themselves as they try pushing back on his intentional bluster, although I agree with what he said about that specific meeting. I mean Zelenskyy comes to America, hat in hand, and says “America got me into this and I’m saving you from Russia”. President Trump’s response was “I wasn’t here, I didn’t do that, this is your situation”.

It’s called “the art of the deal”.

President Trumps father told him long ago, to make the deal get up at 4am, don’t be hung over, shower, wear a suit and tie, and go in with your lawyers behind you, but if you want to know the truth, put your hard hat on, go down into the hole and talk to the other guy with the hard hat or the janitor. They have nothing to lose. That’s humility. The rest is all show.

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Bingo! Move to the head of the class until the others catch up. Some still have to continue taking their TDS meds regularly. Ten years of “painting” the villain propaganda for low info people who need easy villains will take time for them to come about.

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Europe can give him their money. Talk is cheap. Fund an endless war? Or stand firm for peace?

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This probably explains his behavior since with Europe's full backing and willingness to provide them with more weapons/equipment, and perhaps men, he'll just go on without elections as a de facto dictator until enough Europeans finally revolt against their governments and it becomes too unpopular to keep up. Meanwhile, many thousands more Ukrainians will be annihilated and they will lose more territory, perhaps Odessa, instead of cutting their losses. Looks like the deal Trump was trying to fulfill is being undermined, and the EU is suiciding itself.

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Well, my goodness, Europe! If you are so endeared to the man, why has it taken until now to take a stand? Me thinketh thou protesteth too much. Or maybe President Trump was trying to get you to stand up and do something, hmmmm?

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Time for the pompous EU leaders to put their money where their mouth is then. The US tax payers gave at least 3:1 what they have given as a whole continent! The European people deserve better leaders.

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Pompous EU? Do some research on which countries score highest in math/science, language and critical thinking skills. You will probably be surprised that the United States falls well below EU countries. As a matter of fact, it's even below most Latin American countries such as Mexico and Peru.

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The word means a showy display of importance. My comment had to do with their appearance of arrogance.

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They r lazy, too❣️🍒

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Because we're too broke after giving all our tax dollars to NATO, NGOs, and every country in the world to fund their invasions and non-existent "global warming." Now that we're saving our own country from this insanity, I'm looking forward to watching Globalism and a never ending war eat NATO ALIVE! Let's see how your Education System survives as it dies from lack of funding! Because the EU won't be receiving hundreds of billions from the American People anymore! It's to bad people have to suffer because the EUs criminal politicians and war mongers aren't as smart as they think they are!

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Critical thinking skills among Europeans? Who already suicided themselves with immigrants who hate them, out breed them, and will never assimilate? Yeah right.

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What the hell does that have to do with his comment

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Ah grand sanctimonia!

Tis true that euroscatoligists of the EdU have out bismarked Bismark beyond your peon comprehension. But that is only for the measured. Do they teach you about measures in your grand palaces of enlightenment kooky kela?

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Perfect! They can pay for his boondoggle and send their soldiers to help. Thanks EU!

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Europe has an idiot problem.

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It’s a worldwide virus…they are working on a vaccine…

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But I think it is a genetic problem.

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Well, that's great! These new gene therapy shots are just the ticket!

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No! It is a leader problem.

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"No! It is a leader problem."

Yes, but the leaders and the people who elect them have a genetic problem.

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Joy, I think u r right! There r no strong leaders in Europe. Trump is the strongest leader in the world right now. U notice the UK did not say anything yet and neither did Italy. Of course, there r some others still staying wisely silent.

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I don't think they care at all for Zelensky- they just want the war to go on and on and on.

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Don't forget, this is not the will of many of the European people, but of their captured parliamentarians.

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Yes! The money is the key. If America cuts off the money the war will end one way or the other.

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And Ukraine have been bombing Russians in Donbas for over 10 years - NATO is the aggressor.Ukraine has laundered ALL nations money for their corrupt politicians.

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Not to mention the biolabs along the Russian border, doing more GOF research, funded by our tax dollars. If that is true, then Russia has done us a favor, maybe saved us all from the next scamdemic.

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Australia’s government also

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Evil supporting evil. Zelenskyy is a puppet for the globalist. No one can say other wise. Putin was pervoked that’s a fact. I beg everyone with an open mind do your research on Germany Hitler and World War Two. I beg everyone to listen to Hitler speach’s in English. Look up General Patton and his personal thoughts after the war then ask yourself if Patton died in a honest car crash. Once u do these things you’ll realize what we are up against and who really is supporting Zelenskyy He refuses to have an election cause he knows he will not win. Has less then 7% approval rating. We all now know mainstream media was paid to lie. There’s a squad that goes around killing true orthodox Christian’s the church they have there is a state church. Meaning it’s a front. Anyways. Fact check before u scream at me.

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Excellent Europe- pony up and start paying Ukraine all you want.

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What is wrong with the EU politicians? Are they bribed?

The EU has gone insane. Rather than to focus on the performance of the EU countries they follow orders from the Rothschilds and Rockefellers via WEF, WHO, EU, BIS etc who want to create a world government under their control. It is this elite who ruined the culture and economies of the EU countries. And that same elite want to weaken Russia's army.

Ukraine belongs to Russia. The USA Deep State (= elite) invades Ukraine (Victoria Nuland) to annoy Russia, against agreement between Gorbatsev and Reagan in 1989, installs Poroshenko, later Zelensky, is responsible for weapons sent to Ukraine to fight the Russians, is responsible for at least 600.000 young men .....

The USA Deep State (read Rothschilds / Rockefeller) are the criminals behind the war and are for 100 % responsible for all the damage that is done to Ukraine and Russia. If there is one country that should be held liable for the huge pain caused to the Ukraine people and the huge damage done to the Ukraine country it is the USA. If the USA wants to claim compensation then they must sue the Rothschilds, Rochefellers, Blackrock and Vanguard.

In my view Zelensky can not be seen as representative of the Ukraine country. He is an actor and responsible for the death of 600.000 young men.

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U explained it all with EU

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Let Europe defend Ukraine they should have from. Day 1. The United States has zero national security interest in Ukraine. We should have nothing to do with the corrupt government there.

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Utter insanity

They hail him while their ships are sinking due to influx of that which seeks to destroy them,

the hordes of ILLEGALS who are mainly military age male Islamists

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But remember, that was the globalist plan all along. The WEF's puppet treasonous politicians threw open the gates, both in Euorpe and the US. The goal is to destroy the culture of the West. Once that's done, the Islamists will find the puppet masters don't want them around either. It's a giant pincer attack, with the creepy globalists on top funding the lumpenproletariat at the bottom to take out the productive intelligent middle that might someday threaten the control of the pathetic "Alexander Soros" elite. Come to think of it, the younger Soros even looks like Zelensky. Have they been to the same "spirit cooking" parties?

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WEF plays heavily in all of it

and to think many who claim to be loyal to US are active members

but WEF is not exclusive as THEY belong to secretive which wave same


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I disagree. The Europeans know that Zelensky is a two-bit actor, but they support him because they want the war with Russia to continue and because that's the only way they can continue to cover for the coming economic disaster.

As you point out, whatever people may have thought about Napoleon, at least Bonaparte knew something about fighting in war.

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