I'm surprised that so few respond to this info. I believe that people would be well served to have some clues as to how the game is played before even trying to rectify the situation, but I certainly could be wrong about that.
At the very least it should help folks understand that it isn't China that's the source of the threat.
The lock downs and clot shots have made these people even more wealthy
Yup. Follow the money seems trite, but it works.
I'm surprised that so few respond to this info. I believe that people would be well served to have some clues as to how the game is played before even trying to rectify the situation, but I certainly could be wrong about that.
At the very least it should help folks understand that it isn't China that's the source of the threat.
Anyone caught spouting the "dem Chinese are doin it" narrative is either ignorant, lying or both.