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Huge fan of Ed Dowd as he's in my linkedin agency group network and also featured on CHD. Righteous whistleblowers are anointed. Can you comment on our work or potentially do a feature?

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Int'l intellectual property: Patent Trail of Tears


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Pfizer has at least a 60 year history of criminal behavior.

"Following the January 1959 disclosure of the misleading Pfizer ad for Sigmamycin, the Federal Trade Commission issued the first unfair practice complaint in its history against an ethical drug house, with Pfizer as the defendant. An FTC trial examiner subsequently found Pfizer guilty of the practice complained of. But the examiner recommended dismissal of the complaint on the strength of a Pfizer pledge to avoid repetition of the offense, even though at the very moment of the dismissal recommendation a second misleading Pfizer adโ€”the one which substituted data about one drug to support another drug called Enaraxโ€” โ€ขwas unde r FTC investigation."

Do We Need a Census of Worthless Drugs?

by John Lear

The Saturday Review, May 7, 1960, pp. 53-57


At a minimum, Pfizer needs to have all of its property confiscated and reduced to rubble and its principal actors and associates put in straight jackets, muzzles and solitary for life with no parole.

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Pfizer is responsible for many deaths and chronic illness over the years but as often noted, they have become too big to destroy--they have too much economic and political clout. Have you tried to invest money in stock market mutual funds? Virtually impossible to not invest in Big Pharma as they are present in almost all of them! This is part of the problem, too as many in Congress are so invested so it is not just campaign contributions. And FDA/CDC people rotate out to 7 digit incomes in these corporations. Remember the woman doctor who was head of the CDC vaccine division? She demanded all the data on the MMR/autism study to be shredded then when she left the agency moved into a $7 digit income with Merck! Our system is so structurally intertwined that it becomes almost impossible to see out to undo it and the damage it has caused to democratic principles and open access to the data we pay for in research grants.

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Imagine a person moving back and forth between the Mafia and the FBI - that's kinda the way the revolving door between government oversight agencies and the corporations they oversee works.

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Absolutely! This is what it means to have corporate/fascist State. Government and the corporation work in tandem to control the people with lots of profit for the 1%. It's a closed ring connection. This is what Trump was supporting when he talked about the Public/Private relationship. Mind you, the Dems support this as well so little difference betw them. Privatizing public education made millions for the elite while destroying public education. That was the goal. Privatizing Medicare and Social Security is the same problem and it needs to be fought against. Wars are always this type of working relationship and we see that billions of tax dollars are poured into military/industrial complex for ongoing profit. And we see this same revolving door between all these entities. And when it comes to the public's interest, they are all evil crooks

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Demon possessed people they are satan's children therefore they will end up with their father. Revelation 20:10!

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"Government and the corporation work in tandem to control the people with lots of profit for the 1%. It's a closed ring connection. "


And I've never met a person who wanted to hear this, but all big governments are to one degree or another, fascist. Fascism in the "democratic republic" of the USA was codified soon after the so called revolutionary (really a "civil" or better a war between gangsters) war.

"The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. <b>The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'รฉtat.</b>

It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production โ€” Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)

Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle


Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle | Mises Institute


4/5 of them were "public creditors" which explains the debt situation we're saddled with today among other things. I laugh sardonically whenever some jingoist calls the other guys "fascist.

Pot, kettle etc...

Pass the word, we'll have more of the same until people understand how badly we've been deceived all along.

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The differance between mafia and fbi is mafia can be prosecuted!

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Only if they cross other mafiosi. ; )

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Yup, it's tur(d)les all the way down.

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Thank you for this your contribution. How Pfizer still exists is beyond me. Utterly unbelievable.

"Remember the woman doctor who was head of the CDC vaccine division?"

Are you referring to this mephitic creature?



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Yes--that is the woman. My brain loses names at times. Merck took her in lucratively. That was her reward for helping suppress the data showing links betw MMR vaccine and development of autism!

You might remember, or know, that William Thompson who worked under Geberding became a whistleblower on that study. Ultimately he was gagged by the CDC from ever talking about it making it impossible to witness for parents with vaccine damaged children. Pure Evil!

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Evil. For sure.

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Well......think about it.........why were pharmaceutical companies created? To kill all witches, herbalists, witch doctors, shamans , and all healers by taking over all the herbs that worked at the time, selling it cheaper gaining our trust, and taking over the health industry. How much do drugs control our lives right now? Got an elderly person on heart meds? Got a relative with MS on hard to find meds? Dumb dumb dumbed down to almost total submission. None of it is needed. Read everything on Orthomolecular journal about any illness. There are cures.

They made us believe the illnesses were incurable for lifelong drug abuse for money, AND SOME PEOPLE ARE QUESTIONING WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE CRIMINALS!?!


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To be more precise the medical industry was created intentionally to promote chemical drugs that could be patented for profit. Natural healing modalities could not be controlled that way. They promoted licensing and got to chose who would be licensed by controlling the medical schools and they economically propped up the medical journals to ensure what information would be published .Natural healers,homeopaths in particular, were assaulted and those colleges lost their financial backing due to fraudulent studies like the Flexner Report. The issue is Capitalism with its fake free market promotion that supports competition but that competition does not have to based on truth. As control of practitioners increased by threatening to destroy them if they did not submit to the industry control via the nascent AMA funded by Rockefeller chemical money, the industry came to control everything pummeled out as the only real medicine. Lies about people dying without drugs prevailed to scare people into compliance. Doctors would intimidate people to comply. We have in recent years had people lose their ability to make their own decision by court decree, especially when forcing vaccines on children so we see the courts totally immersed in the belief that chemical medicine, allopathy, is the only way to do medical care--which is not health care.

However, it was about 1996 when the Drug industry realized that the public spent about 50% of ist health money on holistic protocols. They went berserk and revved up their advertising and controlling practices. They went after anyone who questioned their mantra and even created groups called quackbusters that often created bogus lawsuits to try an bankrupt questioners out of existence even when they knew they would lose the court cases!

The medical industry spends more money on 'marketing' than they do on R & D and they count on the public coffers via the CDC to fund their research and then hold the patents on those drugs.

the medical industry has been quite excellent and aggressive on creating what is called Co-dependency on them which is why their lies work. People are too afraid to divorce from that master just as women are afraid to leave abusive relationships, sometimes with good cause as the abuser will go after them often with violence. We saw this clearly with the Covid debacle that has been perpetrated on the public simply for more control and profit--clearly not for health.

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Yes well look at the doctors that work in the hospitals and clinics. They make good money and send their kids to good schools. The government owns them. Iโ€™d rather go to a donkey pulled wagon with a herbalist selling their goods than to any hospital.

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Revelation 20:11-15 (KJV)

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Sorry, I can't take you seriously with the spelling of your name.

JK my new friend. Can you comment on our friend's substack as well which I posted. We need some traction on his lightly viewed substack as I feel Steve would benefit moving away from debating low ranking employees versus more legal measures. He has appeared on good roundtables yet our Pfizer Files ๐Ÿ“‚ can blow the lid off with collective efforts. The public is going to go wild with the greased receipts of profits > people.

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"Sorry, I can't take you seriously with the spelling of your name."

I'm sorry too.

Does it help to point out that it's not my name but my "media" handle? It's supposed to be a joke (pretty juvenile I admit), and it does fall flat on occasion. I used to use a different apellation that was really funny, but it really torqued some people. That name went when I went cold turkey on Farcebook and all the rest.

I know it's supposed to be spellt like your name and George, etc., but thanks for pointing it out.

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