I'm starting to feel like I've found a place I fit in. It's been a long and lonely wait.


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Ed stepping up! Impressive! Especially when you realize what he’s giving up (lifestyle on Maui). Thanks,Ed!

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My thoughts exactly. Leaving the islands of a near Paradise, for the landscape of the DC .GOV jungle of camo reptilian predators that lie in waiting in weeds of the "swamp".

Keep your eyes wide open Ed. You have seen that ambushes are common daily events.

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RFK Jr. in the race will force Repub. front-runner Trump to up his game where virus, fauxdemic, and clotshot are concerned. Excellent dynamic for both "sides."

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Everything you said about forcing Trump to give up his clot shot game is exactly why I don’t trust him anymore. If he’s the 3D chess master genius his ardent followers say he is then he wasn’t bamboozled and knew exactly what he was doing. If he was fooled then he isn’t as smart as people think. Either way there’s no excuse for his current trajectory.

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I suggest you read "The Intentional Destruction of the National Pandemic Plan," by Steven Hatfill, MD, found in the Fall 2021 issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (vol. 26, no. 3). You can access the JPANDS archives on AAPS' website: aapsonline.org, and download the article pdf free of charge. We all wish that things had gone differently in March of 2020. But the fact is that with deep state sabotage by 2 villains in HHS and FDA, at a key pivot point in an unprecedented manufactured pandemic, as amply documented by Dr. Hatfill, it is simply naive hindsight to now imagine that any Chief Executive could have done much better than did Trump. He certainly made mistakes. But let's not kid ourselves that anyone else would have been any less vulnerable to the mutiny that took place behind the scenes.

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Thanks. I’ve always liked what the AAPS stands for. That said…

For a variety of reasons normal people have a difficult time wrapping their minds around the depth of what we are currently up against. Lack of time, external influences, disbelief, complexity, and yes, cowardice all play a role.

To get past those barriers I think it’s necessary to grab the the modus operandi by the scruff of its neck and hold it up for all to see. Too often we hear the repetition money and power, money and power…ad nauseum and boredom. Nay, those are too easy.

Picture yourself a budding trillionaire. Wealth beyond measure. You can buy entire countries. Indeed, perhaps you already have. Power? Maybe Epstein knew a bit too much so calls were made. Either by wits, luck, or privilege you’ve got this life by the shorthairs. Ain’t no stopping you.

Your hubris is now such that you have no taste for God’s plans. In fact you resent a plan that ultimately plants you in the ground stripped of your rightful earthy spoils. So you pour all your resources into God 2.0. Created in YOUR image.

Enter AI as the gateway to, drum roll please…IMMORTALITY.

Who doesn’t want to live forever? From Pharos in pyramids to Walt Disney being cryogenically preserved rich elites have been trying to beat death. After all if you’re a rich narcissist you deserve it. Anything less is cheating you out of what is rightfully yours.

But, we live in a world of pesky entropy. There is no perpetual—anything. However, we’ve got this thing called AI. Its computational powers are off the chart. It problem solves. And if fed enough data it’s predictive programming can map out scenarios previously beyond the reach of our tiny brains.

Mortality is definitely THE problem that it is being enlisted to solve without the pesky noise of morality, empathy, or ethics.

Transhumanism augmented by AI is the perceived gateway to immortality. Immortality is the M.O. behind everything.

And, no, it matters not a whit if you believe it’s achievable or not. It is being pursued at your expense nonetheless. The graphene lipid nanoparticles in the shots are undoubtedly humanity’s lab rat moment. Data is being analyzed.

The egos involved in these plans are no doubt thinking. Gee…if technology can extend lifespans to 125 or 150 years what the hell are we going to do when 8 billion people clamor to live that long? That’s no Bueno.

Enter mRNA’s plan, B. If we’re going to wipe out disease and rewrite God’s plan then we gotta have a lot fewer people in the world. And, healthcare workers? Who needs ‘em? Once this ball gets rolling 75% (maybe more) of medicine will be obsoleted. Shoot up all those overpaid, unsuspecting useless eaters. No choice.

Ahh, ain’t the future grand? Of course there’s a tiny thing being overlooked. It’s called sin. We can’t help ourselves. At our cores where us civilized folk like to hide our dirty laundry we are all kinda nasty down there. We all - particularly the Trillionaires - think we’re pretty special. But we’re not. We are flawed. We do stupid shit. We can’t help it.

That’s what God’s plan is fixing. Thinking we can do it better is not going to end well. But it won’t be for lack of trying. And, you’re right. We could’ve done worse than Trump I guess. Although what we’re living through now was all green-lighted during his administration.

God help us all.

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ABSOLUTELY. RFK is just wasting time - he needs to join up with President Trump if he REALLY wants to change the system. They both know what to do. Kennedy will be shut out - whoever is running the show will never approve him

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He wasn't fooled, he was forced. Do you really think he had any other choice AND who knew this was not a "VACCINE". When Trump mentioned HCQ he was vilified by the press - Millions STILL think this is a vaccine. Sorry but look what Fauci, CUOMO, the WHO did - remember, the real president, believed in alternative treatments and was treated with them, as was that fat pig Christie.

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If we believe he was forced why should we believe it won’t happen again?

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We don't - look I was smart enough not to take that crap and so was most of my family. The only ones who took it were doctors and had to and trust me, they took it reluctantly. No boosters. At some point, we all have to take responsibility for our decisions. My father in law's favorite expression - are you a sheep or a shepherd?

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It was blatantly obvious to me from the beginning the pandemic was a manipulative scam. No way I, or my family, were taking the DARPA controlled Operation Warp Speed transfection agents. But 5.5 million people worldwide did. And you can’t tell a single one of them they fucked up. Nor can you tell anyone Trump fucked up. So here we are.

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Bravo, Ole' and Hallelujah!

As an elder, I was sentient and invested in the presidency of John F. Kennedy and the exciting and optimistic sprit in his administration. With Robert Francis Kennedy, Sr. having been a vital part of that administration it is vividly clear that Bobby Jr. remembers the cadre of intelligent, educated and community concerned people who contributed to the integrity and respect.

Mr. Dowd, you bring a lot to the team and it adds confidence to this campaign, which will be exciting and often daunting. It is a comfort to know that Bobby will have you to deliver facts and to detect the fictions which are thrown out by others.

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Dr. McCullough, I am always so thankful that you have been in this fight with us from the beginning and for the long haul...um...sorry for the slight covid reference there...but it is encouraging to hear these updates on all fronts...even if they ring true to some bleak forecast...we all here in reality town - know it's coming...just glad to hear the truth...we feel...from people who really do know what's going on.

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This is indeed good news!!

The first voice for freedom joins forces with financial foresight !

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Could you please explain the term “working class people”. There are no classes of individuals under our Declaration or Constitution. That seems to be an a term used by an elitist group. We all know the luciferian globalist game is destroy as many lives and small businesses as they can get away with in America especially. Remove the current Americans from the job market and replace them with uneducated illegals who will obey the hand that feeds them.

We are all Americans who will not allow the destruction of our lives from deadly vaccines, nor destruction of small businesses that are the bedrock of our economy nor the destruction of children through government schools nor the destruction of our legal tender. We have drawn the line in the sand and will take back what the enemy stole first in the supernatural realm and it will be made manifest in the physical. No weapon formed against us will prosper because God is our vindicator and defender. The enemy has awakened the church.

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well - here's the thing...I believe as you do...but I read the end of the book very differently...America isn't in the end...and its gonna get WWWWAAAAAY bad before it gets better...Jesus says..."WHEN YOU SEE THESE THINGS...." and we are seeing them....the beginning of the birth pains intensifying for sure...the setting up of the beast system...could not be more clear...and if you aren't a pre-tribber...dude...Jack Hibbs at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills has just been doing a series on the Anti-Christ and he defends the pre-trip position and I gotta tell ya...either way....We need to be winning souls...and warning people about the deception...and telling everyone about Jesus - cause He's coming...better get ready...but the crazy has to happen first...and the deception is gonna get so bad that "if it were possible even the elect would be deceived..." I mean - come on...AI and deep fake? That leaves "fake news" in the dust...sure looks like Biblical stuff - tower of Babel to me...so - no it won't prevail b/c those of us who believe Have the Holy Spirit - even in the suffering - like when Stephen was Stoned in Acts. Who, as he died, still said, just like Jesus did..."Forgive them..." We wrestle mot against flesh and blood..." that's truth...Tucker got fired I believe b/c he called out the spiritual - said at Heritage Foundation - They are EVIL - it's Pure Evil - yep...Stand for Truth - but recognize what that is really gonna mean...get that Bible out and read it...and BE ready....it ain't gonna be for human strength...peace and provision in Christ alone.

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Unfortunately your judgement against me is incorrect. As a Christian the Bible instruct not to make those judgements and especially not knowing the individual. My statement focused on the perception that we are class based and that the globalists think they have us beat. The church has awakened and that means many things - revival, the great harvest, and stopping the evil perpetrated by tyrants as the Bible instructs Which I have been doing for decades but you assumed otherwise. You should go to www.defytryrants.com where Pastor Mat Trewhella instructs on how to defy tyrants according to the scripture and as commanded by God.

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I am going to change my registration back to a Democrat so I can vote in the primaries! This is so exciting, there is hope!

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What state do you live in?

That may not be a wise decision if you are in one of the Early primary states.

Ron DeSantis may need your support.

Both DeSantis and RFK will advocate for Nuremberg 2.0.

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"Both DeSantis and RFK will advocate for Nuremberg 2.0."

Yes, but will Kennedy go to Jerusalem to sign legislation making it a crime in Florida to criticize Israel?

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Oh - and hello, Do we have 24/7 body guards for Jr. yet? I mean - truly - He's got to be as dangerous to all of them as Elon at this point...but I reckon he doesn't have the budget for the invisible kevlar suit..lol.

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Such good news ... strength intelligence and integrity join hands👍

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Ed Dowd knows that since the Federal Reserve Bank created lots of money since COVID started it can also destroy that money if it wants to. The creation of all this money led to inflation. The fed talks about getting inflation under control, but so far they have not done very much for fear of putting the economy into a recession.

Interesting to hear he fears a deflationary event. I wonder why. What's happening now is stagflation.

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For we wrestle not with flesh and blood but principalities and powers in high places”

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That's fantastic but I hope it's more of an honorary title. Ed's a (great) Analyst, not an accountant, and his time is better spent doing that. There are lots of people that can be good Treasurers, very few that are Great Analysts. In any case, Ed thanks for all you're doing. It appears that your weird and winding path has brought you to just this point. I was inspired by your words of staying focused on the present. As the Polish proverb says "It's a long and winding road to Warsaw, but you won't be bored." Truly all the best. (FYI - I am a recovering analyst and CFO. )

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RFK is like a double agent. He knows he isn't going to win, but that isn't his mission.

At least 60% of the country has no clue what has been happening to our country surrounding Covid-19 and a world wide crime (biggest in history).

The crime is to introduce a new gene therapy technology (at all cost, regardless of it clearly being a failure) to make Big Pharm wealthy. At the same time all Socialist Governments have been going along with this Crime, as it allows further control of the masses.

RFK opposes both.

As a Democrat, there is now hope that eventually part of that ignorant 60%, who have been controlled by the Trusted News Initiative and 5th Generation Warfare, will start to learn the truth.

Its different from the Bernie Sanders movement, as he was a Socialist, but never wanted to win.

But many of RFK's supporters will be the same of the Sanders movement.

I am pretty good at political intuition, and I have convinced that Ron DeSantis will be the Republican nominee. RFK will make DeSantis' job easier, as he will share some of the same message, especially around the Crimes that surrounded Covid-19. Both will call for Nuremberg 2.0.

More later. As I write this, DeSantis just completed his legislative session with HUGE accomplishments for the 15th largest world economy. He now is focusing on the organization and plan ahead of announcing an Exploratory Committee to run for POTUS.

More later, but in the meantime, beware of the hundreds of thousands of MAGA Bots out in force, trying to take down DeSantis. Instead go directly to his many campaign links on Twitter, etc.

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Only “…working class people and retired people on fixed incomes would eventually be ruined…”?

Maybe we will all be ruined.

To borrow Benjamin Franklin’s comment "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."

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Great news- the dream team!!!!!

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