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I'm kinda disappointed that Dr. McCullough (whom I adore) mentioned that it was a batch/lot problem only. It is not. We do not know about the vaccinated who have not been to a doctor, and who might have the hydrogels/nano tech/plastic stuff in their veins. I don't see him waking up ANYONE in the government....and I don't know how PA's state senators are gonna react.

1) Why hasnt SENATOR Mastrioni or SEN Johnson called for a total halt?

2) Why has NO ONE in the GOVERNMENT at ANY LEVEL called for a halt or at least an independent TRULY INDEPENDNT REVIEW BOARD?


I don't care about the batch shit (although I am pleased he mentioned there is NO quality control) I care about EVERY person who took the damn shot. They ALL need a total PHYSICAL, including blood examination and D-dimers.

Both now and EVERY YEAR UNTIL THE END OF THEIR LIVES...and lets not forget TURBO CANCER???

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follow the money. RFK said in an interview last week that he had spoken to Roger Ailes about airing the truth and he was told he'd lose 95% of his advertising money for Fox News. That's the problem - in Europe you are not allowed to advertise drugs at all. These agencies are all "captured".

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They should not have been allowed to advertise an experimental drug in the first place.

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I agree, it is much more than a Batch problem, but many of the sudden deaths may be due to batch problems.

The proof that it is much more than a Batch problem is that a Cleveland Clinic study showed that the more Doses (injections) given, the more infections (if never injected there are the least cases) during the period stated. That is because those never injected likely have natural immunity, while those injected many times have a damaged immune system.

It follows that there would be more disability and death with more doses. There has been excess mortality of younger people especially in 2022 & 2023 and not as much in 2021. Yet it would be expected that there are less bad batches.


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Wait for year six...and see how many might have developed cruzfeld jac9b diasease. I fear this. Dr fleming pointed this out..the animals..maybe they were a kind of monkey..developed it after a year..which translated into 6 years in human lifespan. We will NEVER know just how dangerous these jabs were until time passes. And whats the betting these people will not be tracked?

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Regarding the batches, he was basing it on data available. It is my understanding that the batch numbers are put in VAERS, and therefore you correlate the batch numbers to the injuries and deaths that occurred. I would guess that Dr. McCullough still has concerns about the batch with no reported injuries or deaths as he was quick to explain why one would NOT take a shot even from that batch. Remember, he said that there was no benefit. He does an excellent job of using factual information. I know that most of us have our own theories (myself included), but my guess is that he understands how important it is to finally get these things off the market and therefore exercises prudence in the comments he makes. That is just my take on it. :-)

As for calling for a total halt, Senator Johnson has had Dr. McCullough present information in hearings more than once (not sure how many times) and I know that Dr. McCullough has asked Congress to completely halt them. That was quite a while back, and here we still are. So I am unclear on who actually has the power to pull them. Obviously, the FDA and CDC are in on pushing them, so I have no idea who we can go to. Maybe if enough people will wake up and say "No more!" then that would be the end.

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Understood. But people and politicians have the ability to turn his careful speech into "well if you dodnt get a bad batch you're ok. " when the truth 8s we will not know until many years pass and we track everyone who got the jab..and autopsy them when they die

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