Start by reading Tripping Over the Truth. Then listen to recent podcasts with Thomas Seyfried. Cancers switch to fermentation, and their only fuels are glucose and glutamine. Combining ketogenic diet and press pilse use of drugs to suppress glutamine and starve the cancer cells! What if nearly all chronic illness is metabolic dysfunction? Mitochondrial mess ups? Autoimmune illnesses, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness (Brain Energy), alzheimers, etc. Talk about a true crime story in the making!?!

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Alzheimer’s (Parkinson’s, MS)

is caused by aluminum in the brain

As dr Chris exley has documented.

The mitochondria is not able to produce atp from

Sugar (glucose) anymore.

Drinking Fiji water removes aluminum

Intermittent fasting , ketogenic diet, results in your body running on ketones instead of sugar (glucose) and for the Alzheimer’s patient, some of those brain cells mitochondria will produce atp from ketones.

Dr Mary newport has documented how eating coconut oil can greatly improve an Alzheimer’s patient.

Again, aluminum is the root cause,

Dennis n Crouse also documents how tap water contains aluminum

How most coffee pots add aluminum into your coffee via the heating element

How aluminum is sprayed on shredded cheese so it does not clump together on pizzas and packaged shredded cheese etc.

Finally, by avoiding / minimizing sugar in your diet, and fasting, which make your body burn fat and the process of


takes over

And recycling of cells (including cancer cells) occurs

As dr Eric berg explains on utube

All that info ^^ can be found on their websites, sun stacks and utube

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I just got these silica drops to remove aluminum and take it with NAC. I have no idea if this will work but assume it’s similar to drinking lots of Fiji.

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Wow, serendipity! I just posted wondering if there was a cheaper source.

I will check it out, thanks

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I order Fiji from

Amazon.... it is $1 per bottle

And heavy.

I avoid water and toothpaste with fluoride


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I wonder if being transported across the ocean in plastic bottles results in microplastics contamination.

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The Fiji water was tested by Dennis n Crouse ( he owned a test lab)

And it is safe to drink


Dennis n Crouse also provides a recipe to make your own silicade water


And he lists other brands of water that contain silicates....


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Ingrid, I have no idea if those “drops” remove aluminum from your body.

Ask dr Chris exley on his substack.

I bet he says no, they do not work.

For some reason your body absorbs water, and carries it to your brain, where the silicic acid in the Fiji water combines with aluminum, then you sweat or pee it out. Chris exley has published studies on it, an interesting read.

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I can’t find his substack. Is it under Chris Exley?

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As an aside, he also did an informative interview on The Highwire here:


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I gave you a link to his substack in previous comment

It is called

Dr’s Newsletter

He was fired from his university for his research since aluminum is injected into babies, called vaccines

Here is his website


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Dr Chris exley has 3 free sources

His website

His utube

And his substack, which for me is interesting because he replies to comments.....

Here the cancelled college scientists says ====>. I (Dr Chris Exley) am willing to bet my reputation,

for what it is worth,

that no aluminium, (equals) no autism.

I am sorry if some of my opinions on autism seem a little harsh. …. … My opinions emanate from the frustration of knowing that autism is and should be preventable.


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Thank you so much! Just subscribed.

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I wonder if dietary silica could be obtained more cheaply.

Fiji water is very expensive.

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Found the recipe to make it more cheaply


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There is a guy, who studied Alzheimer’s when his mother got old

His company analyzed “food”

And he analyzed food for aluminum

He agrees 109% with dr Chris exley


He made silicic acid water in a different method then dr Chris exley.... who made lots of water in 80’s to study fish that died from acid rain.

He , Dennis n Crouse is on Facebook and will reply in a week or so....

I can not find his home made recipe for water....

but here is 1 of his websites.....

And somewhere he has a recipe.... updated because changes to measurements of ingredients.....

Point is, eat less aluminum is crucial

Drink less coffees with aluminum


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Professor Seyfried is definitely worth listening to!!

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So are Georgi Dinkov, Ray Peat and Danny Roddy

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I have been diagnosed with myeloma. I read the book you mentioned and have done much research. I am betting my life that HBOT IVC ketogenic type eating and well timed supplements and high dose melatonin will be my path to many more years of health and vitality. I am just getting started. And I feel confident that I am on the right path. I am lucky to get diagnosed this month because 10 years ago, I would have been into the pharma mill.

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See Joe Tippens story.

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William Duffy wrote about this back in 1975, and people acted like that was a conspiracy theory, too, because doctors were steered away from anything that was truly healthful or promoting a cure... https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/306368.Sugar_Blues

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The keyword in your text is: Mitochondria!

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Hello observers of strategic protocols of death and debilitation... Hello observers of organized crime...

I am glad you asked... and Yes I know the question is Rhetorical... but it is inspiring my rhetoric.

I endorse this article and the writer... plus ONE and Five shining stars...

Rogue cells are not the enemy in most cases until they are attacked or perceive our behaviors towards them as an attack... in my opinion. Most rogue cells seem to be reacting to stimuli like poisons, inflammation that leads to isolation from communication and or radiation. Sugar in its pure form is one of the poisons that can and does cause cells to go rogue. Sugar poisoning causes inflammation and that inflammation causes problems in cell communication and the isolation that our cells react to by expressing DNA to help themselves survive... see?

Cells will deal with the lack of oxygen caused by inflammation by using sugars with less oxygen... hear?

They are just trying to survive like we would in their situation?

Most rogue cells respond to improvements in conditions and communication by returning to the body and normal behavior. Some can not be reformed and submit to instructions to die. But when rogue cells are hit with conventional and or chemical warfare they respond like any life form would and defend themselves. Our DNA is full of resources for dealing with adverse conditions. All manner of coding that remains inactive becomes active under conditions the code was evolved to deal with. One of those adverse conditions was probably very low oxygen?

... If I am correct Human Beings are full of coding for adversity and when under stress Human Beings can and do express coding to survive. Most of the time the expression of dormant code is orderly and quite effective in saving our lives but when this expression takes place in cells isolated by "inflamation" Correction: inflammation" and or in cells defending themselves the result is what we are calling cancer.

... In short please consider diplomacy first and foremost when rogue cells are identified?

Please do not let the Medical industrial complex seduce you into participating in a proxy war on your own cells. War for power and money is business as usual for all three industrial malignancies in my opinion. Medical Military and media malignancies can and will kill for power and money?

The medical industrial complex will gladly use even the nuclear option to get more power and money?

thanks for reading and considering...


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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Otto Warberg was a big influence on Dr Max Gerson...Gerson's cancer therapy did not exclude sugar...but instead cut out all chemical additives and processed foods and involved drinking about a gallon of raw vegetable juice a day. Also included using coffee enemas. I was able to restore my health after major surgery-- in which I had a brain tumor removed-- by using this regime. It works in my experience....and there is plenty of sugar in raw vegetable juice. It is the "right" kind of sugar that promotes health and aids the body in detoxification. The enemy is "processed food" which incidentally contains huge amounts of toxic chemical laden sugar, industrial waste products and other poisons. These are the real "killers" IMHO...

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This doesn't address the question directly...but there is lots of important information here: https://www.prepperfortress.com/most-effective-natural-cancer-treatments-revealed/

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By Dr. Josh Axe

Most Effective Natural Cancer Treatments

1. The Gerson Therapy and Juicing

I see in him one of the most eminent geniuses in the history of medicine. Many of his The basic ideas have been adopted without having his name connected with them. Yet, he has achieved more than seemed possible under adverse conditions. He leaves a legacy which commands attention and which will assure him his due place. Those whom he has cured will now attest to the truth of his ideas.

~ Albert Schweitzer, MD (Nobel Peace Prize Winner, 1952)

Who was Albert Schweitzer talking about?

He was referring to Dr. Max Gerson, the German-born American medical doctor who developed one of the most effective natural cancer treatments over 90 years ago. Coined the “Gerson Therapy,” Dr. Gerson helped hundreds of cancer patients activate their body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself by recommending:

Organic, plant-based foods

Raw juices

Coffee enemas

Beef liver

Natural supplements

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So glad for you! My brother suffered w a brain tumor for 22 years! It finally took his life in 2013. I wish I had known more then...bless you for sharing ❤️

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Hi there founding one...

thank you for your contributions to the conversations and this community. Thank you for your support.

The protocols that may have saved your life probably helped your remaining rogue cells to communicate with the rest of their community. Some of those rogue cells may have returned to peaceful behavior if not rejoined your body while others could respond to instructions to die and be reabsorbed. I am glad you are better and are thriving.

I agree that sugar is not the cause and need not fuel cancer but I directly reference refined sugar... I hope I did...

Refined sugar is as much a drug as refined cocaine in my opinion. Coca leaves are wonderful blessings from Earth and the Creator as is bees honey and all sugars in their natural forms... but purify that sugar and you have a fine poison that can be and is used to preserve foods. Drugs like that needs must be handled like the dangerous substances that they are, in my opinion. We all know the consequences of introducing refined sugar into the diets of healthy civilized indigenous peoples. It is never pretty?

Healthy and careful use of the drug in I.V. drips save millions of lives every year even as the same substance probably contributes to more deaths every year?

and on and on...

But you are educated and wealthy enough to be a founder and I only have two associates degrees and am indigent and toothless and blind... LOL

so who am I to argue or even agree with you.

Still I hold that so called cancers are usually just rogue cells exploited by the medical industry and targeted for proxy wars using the same sorts of weapons as used by the military malignancy... and the media industry or malignancy will gladly cause isolation of Human populations with drama and trauma that induces all manner of inflammation in the body Human... Then another of the big Ms can say war is the answer and target those Human Beings in order to save them from themselves? What is the difference between the behavior of the medical and military industrial complex?

I have no credibility to loose and so I breath freely the Breath of the Creator of all Universes... I am fully discredited and that is a sort of freedom. I do not depend on my words for my food or shelter but I am dependent on the very system I rail against. So that makes me another sort of malignancy I suppose.

Maybe I am malignant narcissist?

Some sort of parasite? LOL

I know that I do not know enough to do no harm... I am not graceful at all... Still I am trying not to be pragmatic. At least not in what I write in the comments where I feel passion enough to care.

Yes I must be narcissistic. Way too many 's and Mes in what I wrote here. But I just had a big bowl of ground mixed nuts with two teaspoons of honey... and I tend to ramble after eating that much sugar... LOL I love to make my own nut butters because I have no teeth except for two wisdom ones that are still under my gums... and TTMI? sorry...

I am addicted to sugar. I tried to get off it and did for years when I had teeth left and sugar hurt. I love real Ice Cream... I used to love vodka too and both get me HIGH and my resistance to both of those does not exist... still I am dry these past twelve years... Off the alcohol but not the sugar. I can feel the rogue cells that I live with when I eat too much sugar. I still do but I am listening to those cells and do what I have learned helps them to calm down and keep the peace me with them... see?

... ranting over and thank you for your contributions to the conversations and this community. Thank you for your support.


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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B-I-N-G-O !!!!!

For the past 20 years or so, the few people i have actually encountered that were dealing with cancer other than lung cancer (tobacco or job related airborne toxins) were in fact huge sugar addicts. The kind of which was a daily diet of many sugar beverages along with things as glazed jelly donuts and candy bars along with usual culprits of deep fries foods on the daily basis. Not only had the dove head first into the ocean of diabetes future trouble.

They were setting the stages for accumulated fat reserves to set up shop for rouge C-Cells.

It would not be too far of a leap to realize that the newest mRNA juice is looking for a cozy new partner in the cardio/pulmonary highway to tag team your demise from sweet stuff.

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Hello 65316822-randall-stoehr

Nice number you got... LOL

Did you notice how the FDA Steers Humanity to bad foods and drugs? How butter and eggs were the enemy for way too long and sugar was used to replace healthy fats in so called healthy foods? I hold that that was not an accident just like protocols based on Remdesivirwere not errors but strategies. The CDC of P must have plenty of diseases in order to do their job of controlling people?

Did you know that the P at the end of CDC was an after thought when people started noticing the irony of the Centers of Disease Control name? LOL

There is not much that can be done about the Administration of bad foods and drugs or the FDA?

Thanks for reading my heart and for contributing to the conversation.


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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Rewarding to have some

Very smart people help expose the dirty deeds that are still in play to this very day. 9/11 was my golden passport to open my eyes to such a level of deceit and unchecked criminal behavior from every possible corrupt .Gov

Viper pit. Too many to list here. But now we do in fact know. And they know we know. So?🤬

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My screen reader says "face with symbols on mouth"

and I learn a new, to me, word: grawlixes


"An angry-red face with a black bar and white grawlixes covering its mouth, indicating it's swearing "



chuck 🔥💖🔥

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Although the use of grawlixes in comics preceded him, the coinage of the term grawlix is credited to the late cartoonist Mort Walker (1923-2018), creator of Beetle Bailey, which debuted in 1950. Walker coined a number of terms for the tropes of comic drawing, and he collected them in a book. How creatively cool was that of Mort?

This is something that will never die! A thought message in a "Bubble".

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You must admit that they have developed a cool selection of emotional faces to help illustrate the point being applied in the written words. Facial expressions of most all types of mammals is often a good "TELL" of what is brewing in the brain. The "Peeved" one is not one I can say I use much. I'm a pretty happy guy myself. Expressive lil devil isn't it? Haha.

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Hi randall,

I can not say for sure...

I am completely blind now. I can imagine though having been able to see just ten or so years ago. I had an idea what the icon looked like but I still looked it up.

I am so glad that NVDA screen reader is able to read me descriptions for the majority of emoticons and such now... so I can be happy about that.

The phrase a picture is worth a thousand words may be a bit of an exaggeration when referring to emoticons but they are a great help to Human Communication in our age.

I suppose people could have drawn pictures in written letters back when, but did they?

thanks for the info

blessings again and glad you are happy.


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Like little cellular engines

Oxygen and fuel

Compression and a spark

And watch them ignite and roar into action

To produce energy for our cells

But what happens when you force more fuel into an engine?

Or more sugar into your cells?

Is there more, or less exhaust fumes? (We call those oxidative stress)

And how long can you redline an engine...

Before they need a rebuild?

Get high miles

Break down

Blow a head gasket

And then die

Remember you are not just you...

But instead a trillion cells

With hundreds of trillions of these tiny organelles called mitochondria

That drive every tissue and organ in your body

And as you age

Your miles go up

Until you get smoky, rattle, shake and break apart

It's called senescence

Yes we need those engines

To produce energy

That is why we eat and breathe

But we don't need to live life with our gas pedal glued to the floor

And sugar is that gas

It's how hard we push those engines to breaking point

And keep them there

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I'm a car guy, high performance and engine wear and tear are factors of just how long any engine can do it's engineered design duty. The human body requires harmony and proper maintaining along with an occasional bench mark and tune ups. Love what you wrote!

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I'm an Electrical Engineer by degree, IT expert by career, and a 40+ yr DIY mechanic. About two decades ago, I stumbled into an IEEE magazine article about how to view the body as a set of complex systems. I kid you not, that is the key, especially for engineers.

One analogy sticks with me to this day. As an explanation of why healing takes longer as we age, the author used an auto repair parts availability analogy. For a decade or two, common parts are readily available at every local parts house, not far from where you live. But after many cars end up in junk yards or abandoned, demand for parts drops and fewer and fewer parts houses stock them. So, when you need that starter for your '88 Chevy pickup, you gotta order it and wait. Still available for another decade or two, but slower to arrive to fix the problem.

T-cells (I think) follow a similar pattern. Up to a certain adult age, your body produces far more than you need and distributes them everywhere. So when you get a cut, the repair is quick because the cells are readily available. As you age and cell production slows, takes longer.

I have no certainty at this point that I remember that analogy accurately. But what I know with absolute certainty is I began from that moment forward to see body and health issues as complex systems. And since my day job for 30+ years has been solving some of the most complex IT system problems that exist, it's a manner of analysis and comprehension that I'm not only suited for, but an expert at.

And expert application of THAT process for 20+ yrs is what allowed me to see through the censorship of COVID with relative ease. I applied the process of solving a critical complex problem to COVID and the jabs just as I would a complex IT system... look for data, understand your assumptions and their limits, hypothesize possible solutions and outcomes, decide and execute, analyze results, repeat with new assumptions... over and over. And when you see proclamations from "experts" that constantly defy real-world data, you ignore the experts and follow the data. And if you keep at it, you eventually find the honest experts.

And that's how I got here, surrounded by all these complex problem solvers. Thank you!

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James I am pleased to hear of your remarkable talents.....

I have other questions that bother me immensely...and that you may have considered. Here is a short list...

1.Have you looked into the possibility that "covid" is really the result of a parasite and not caused by a "virus" at all?....I read this somewhere and now I can't find it anymore. Seems possible to me...as it appears--according to Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi-- "corona" is old as the hills and is humanity's constant companion since forever and 2.therefore is probably not the cause of all this "dropping dead" which only occurred after the "vaccine" rollout...we can watch numerous videos of young athletes just keeling over dead....for no known reason

3.Also there was the odd case of Dr. Andres Noak who was murdered because he saw what appeared to be Graphene Oxide or its derivatives in these "vaccines'...

4. Why were we locked in our homes for a mortality rate not much different than normal?

5. Why did the health authorities in most of the western countries demand we wear "masks" and "social distance" ourselves as if this was an unprecedented disaster?

Do they really think the truth will never come out?

Why was ivermectin banned?

Why does no one get "covid" any more? --Surely if it was such a terrible problem ...someone must still have it...

Did it go to the same "afterlife" as AIDS? (No one gets diagnosed with AIDS now, either...though surely the young people are enjoying each other as much as any other time in history....)

Some places in India did use Ivermectin for "covid" and they had a very low mortality rate...what's up with that?

Why is Dr. Mike Yeadon still alive after his "outing" of the murderous agenda of the NWO and their pharma patsies....

Similarly, or more to the point, why is Reiner Fuellmich in prison...why did "they" arrest him and not Dr. Mike Yeadon?

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In this substackhttps://makismd.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=substack_profile Dr. Makis addresses the highly disturbing phenomenon of "turbo cancer" which he sees a lot of now because he is an oncologist.

absolutely horrifying information and could by paired with Dr. Ryan Cole who has autopsied hundreds of dead people lately and found unusual "clots" and

a strange white fibrous material that fills up entire veins and arteries....

here is information on Ryan Cole:

Dr. Ryan N. Cole received his medical degree from the Medical College of Virginia at Virginia Commonwealth University, where he was president of the student family practice association and a research associate in an immunology lab.

He then spent 5 years in training at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, completing his residency in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, as well as a fellowship in Surgical pathology, serving as chief fellow in his final year.

Following this, he was accepted to a fellowship in dermatopathology, under the world expert in the field, Dr. A. Bernard Ackerman, at the Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology, in conjunction with the Columbia School of Medicine, in New York City, where he was again chief fellow.

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James...you are a true "self taught" genius type it seems--and those may be the only type of genius there actually is.

So what is your personal opinion on the 'sugar question'....does it cause cancer and heart disease?

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Very cool comment James. Especially the one about cuts (and add bruises) to our Dermis.

It is a living vital organ and our first layer of defense on planet earth. Perhaps our individual clue as to how healthy we actually are is # 1 weight. #2 how fast little cuts/ tears/rips on the dermis take to heal. Even disappear! We are now being tasked (forced)to except products

that gravely limit our shelf life and rights to freedom as bi-ped upright creatures.

Good luck with asking limitless creatures to be limited ones. New World Order impossible.

Look at how Charles gets his communication in/out to others. I never knew that existed.

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Hello Randall...My father in law was as round as he was tall and lived a healthy long life....no cancer. He loved a good steak to make up for his "lean years" during THE GREAT DEPRESSION. He did have "heart" issues at the end when he neared 90.

My mother in law was a "weight watcher"....she died in her 70's from cancer.

This is just one example from my own life. Probably meaningless in the big picture.

Both my own parents were "pack-a-day" smokers and lived into their late '80's. My paternal grandpa loved cigars....he died at 93

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Sounds remarkably familiar

My mother made 88. My father passed at 61. His poor lifestyle choices voided his warranty. Sort of

My grandmother early 80s

Grandfather early 80s

Both came from Austria/Germany with birth parents in 1909. Such the story of thousands of folks now deceased. 🤔

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Not at all an expert but I regard the sugar-feeds-cancer thesis as basic knowledge.

I put the thesis into practice on one occasion, going immediately onto a keto diet - the potential skin cancer was shortly defeated. It may not have been cancerous, but I provide the anecdote to support the concept of basic knowledge.

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NB: It was a very different sort of skin spot. I'd only been to the doctor once in the last 2 decades (over another skin spot - it was a freckle) but I went over this one. The doc wanted to cut it out and made an appointment. But I thought 'not sure about that' and then cancelled. I still don't know what it was. But if you see something very early it might be worth lowering the sugar - it might give your immune system a chance to deal with it.

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Yes sugar promotes its growth.

But what really turns your everyday cancer into new and improved "Turbo Cancer" is the vax.

For quick results skip the sugar and head down to your local pharmacy today.

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"But what really turns your everyday cancer into new and improved "Turbo Cancer" is the vax."

horribly documented by William Makis...Canadian cancer specialist. he has a popular blog,, I think. He used to anyway.

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I have been restricting my refined sugar intake for about a decade now. It’s nutrient poor. However, I eat a lot of carbohydrates, particularly complex carbohydrates. While sugar may be the problem, I believe it could be an indirect problem. The real problem may have more to do with the issue of our cells not being able to uptake glucose efficiently, so we have a lot of excess hanging around, which can happen for many reasons. Foods/ingredients like hydrogenated oils and PUFAs were introduced to the diet about the same time chronic diseases were taking off and they are not well used by the body. They also cause inflammation. I have read that PUFAs make it more difficult for sell’s to uptake glucose to be used for energy.

If I remember correctly, there was a strange study done a long time ago that put people on a sugar and white rice only diet and it cured their diabetes. I’m not saying it’s a good idea to eat only sugar and rice, I think there were some really terrible things happening during that study, but it was definitely a strange, counterintuitive result.

Having a bunch of glucose that can’t be taken up by cells is going to create a situation where Candida and other microbial infections can thrive because there is a fuel source. Same for cancer. Those pathogenic microbes can have toxic byproducts called endotoxins, which probably also promote cancer, or perhaps just overwhelm the bodies immune system so that it can’t fight off everything it needs to.

So, the two options to lowering glucose levels could be to either cut out almost all carbohydrates (ketogenic diets), or, have a diet that promotes the cells being able to take up glucose efficiently. Cutting out most carbohydrates can have a devastating effect on the microbiome and it can also lead to chronically elevated stress hormones. Not good.

My personal theory of how to do this is through a whole food diet and lots of traditionally prepared complex carbohydrates (I.e. soaked legumes and sourdough bread). It’s particularly important to cut out hydrogenated and other processed seed oils. These really seem to cause metabolic problems.

Anyway, just some food for thought. It seems like low carbohydrate diets are all the rage but I suspect that they don’t get to the root of the problem. This is not to say that a ketogenic diet isn’t the right option if someone is currently suffering from cancer but I personally don’t think it’s a good idea as a preventative strategy.

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Not everyone does well on a low carb/keto diet, but I don't think they cause problems in people who can tolerate them. They are doing studies to see if extreme ketogenic diets can cure brain tumors. Nobody's going to try extreme keto as a preventative strategy but proving it would mean that the person wouldn't get cancer and you can't prove a negative.

For a lot of people, low carb/keto diets fix metabolic syndrome--including insulin resistance which keeps cells from properly taking up glucose. Excess carbs are blamed for metabolic syndrome but Gary Taubes suspects that it is white sugar that is responsible for the health problems of westernized diets and that without sugar the other problems might never have occurred. Taubes also thinks that sugar causes cancer but I can't remember the suspected biochemical mechanism right now.

PUFAs are terrible for many reasons.

You may want to read Sally Fallon's books since you are interested in traditional whole food diets.

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I’m a huge fan of Sally Fallon and have a cookbook written by her. I also love learning about WAP. I’ve been making sourdough bread (sourdough everything actually, crackers, pretzels, pie crusts, etc) for over ten years now.

I really do think that white sugar is a significant problem but I personally don’t think it’s the causative agent.

I think keto-can be a helpful tool but when the body goes into ketogenesis, it requires a great deal of stress hormones to function (cortisol and adrenaline). This is going to have a very negative effect long term, even if there are significant positive changes.

The boienergetic school of thought is interesting and it’s on the other end of the spectrum. My only problem with it is that white sugar is not off the table. And actually, from my research, keeping sugar under 5% of calories is probably not an issue. Unfortunately, most people likely eat more than 5% of their daily calories for breakfast though, which escalates throughout the day, and they also usually don’t get enough fiber so that is clearly going to have negative effects.

I personally follow a microbiome friendly diet, which is pretty close to Mediterranean.

I’m sure different people have different dietary needs but I am weary of long term low carbohydrates and intermittent fasting. So just mentioning that because many people go from one extreme to the other (lots of sugar and refined carbs to keto). I think the answer is probably in the middle.

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There are those who argue that the keto-cortisol issue is not an issue:


Whatever works best for you personally is the way to go. Personally I like low-carb/keto and the only problem I have experienced with it is falling off of it. I try to ignore the diet wars. People turn their diets into religion and that's ridiculous.

There is no reason why anyone should ever eat white sugar. It's just bad but very hard to avoid and quite addictive.

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I agree that being religious about diet is not helpful. But discussing it is important.

Keto seems very unrealistic to me, but my main concern is the effects on the microbiome. I’ve known a lot of people who go on ketogenic diets but I’ve never seen anyone stay on it longer than a year or two, if even that. If it doesn’t do long term damage, it’s not a big deal. But if it stresses the adrenals and/or permanently harms the microbiome diversity, that’s an issue. And it seems very low in quite a few important nutrients.

The SAD (standard American diet) both damages the adrenals (thus the high rates of depression, anxiety and bipolar), and it devastates the microbiome. And it’s extremely low in important nutrients. So that’s not a good option either.

I think the real issue is feeding children whole food diets from a very young age so that they can bear children that don’t start out with all these problems. We are several generations into highly processed food diets and it’s very difficult to correct.

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I agree with so many comments here, just wanted to add that I think glyphosate is one of the culprits that damages the micro biome and it’s now very hard to avoid. With prices skyrocketing I can’t afford organic flour but that’s so critical if one is eating certain carbs. I’m sure there are other chemicals that are contributing. I try to follow WAP as well, it’s hard to do when my other family members don’t care. I was able to follow traditional cooking while my kids were little thankfully. Sorry my comment is all over the map! Bottom line is avoid sugar, especially processed and there are other bad actors affecting our gut health.

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Monsanto has so much to answer for. It's strange though how bad corporations can be even though they are, after all, made up of people. I guess greed overwhelms people's sense of humanity. Same thing with Pfizer, Moderna and many others.

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Agreed. I do wonder how people who work in those places live with themselves.

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Didn't the sugar/white rice/fruit diet cure kidney disease, rather than diabetes?

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It did both according to Ray Peat.

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I will admit that I don’t remember all the details, I just remember that it had the opposite effect of what one might have guessed.

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Sugar is not only nutrient poor, but it steals nutrients from other processes to complete its processing within the body. Not neutral but a net metabolic negative, with resulting inflammation etc. etc.

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Yes. I read somewhere that it requires something like 11 minerals and vitamins to be processed inside the body? If I understand correctly, chewing on raw sugarcane that has not been refined supplies the necessary minerals and vitamins to properly use it in the body.

Also, sugar fits in the same receptor in a cell that take in vit C. That’s a significant problem when your body tries to supply vit C to an injured or infected area.

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I don't think simple sugars are the problem, I think complex sugars and the PUFA's are a huge issue. Things that spike the glycemic index for long periods of time are a major issue. What spikes the glycemic index for long periods of time? High fructose corn syrup(which by the time your body is done processing the corn aspect of HFCS it has 4x the calories on the label, whole wheat, brown rice, sweet potatoes...complex carbs spike the glycemic index for long periods of time and that cause a long insulin dump as if you were an insulin dependent diabetic. Then you add PUFA's, now you have massive hormetic disruption including: insulin, vitamin d, t3, t4, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone. Then you add poor protein sources like beans and seeds as you seek to avoid meat...yikes!!! Look up Georgi Dinkov, Danny Roddy, and Ray Peat on You Tube. Covid 19 in the long run will be associated with the hormetic disruption caused by PUFA's and estrogen laden products like BCP's, marena devices, neuva rings, etc.

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I don’t know anyone suggesting that high fructose corn syrup is a good idea. And if prepared properly, whole grains and legumes are excellent sources of fiber, which do all sorts of amazing things for the microbiome and they hep with detoxifying the body, which helps the organs all work better.

And there’s no need to choose either legumes or meat. They are both healthy, assuming you soak the (organic) legumes before cooking, and assuming you consume pasture raised animal meat that isn’t processed with additives.

A long slow release of complex carbohydrates seems like an excellent source of energy, as long as the cells can take it in. I’ve been eating this way and my blood sugar levels are excellent. I’m mid 40s and was quite ill before I made the switch to a traditional, whole foods diet that is very high in fiber. It took a long time to transition because adding fiber into the diet can cause all sorts of die-off and bloating before the microbiome adjusts. It took me a month before I wasn’t in pain. But then my ailments started slowly going away as I kept it up.

I personally think complex carbs (fiber) are an ideal fuel source, along with healthy animal products and healthy fats . The human body was designed to primarily run off of glucose so I think it’s important to figure out why it’s not working for most people anymore instead of avoiding it. Maybe low carb diets are the way but I personally don’t think so. Low carb means low fiber -and that makes it difficult to remove sludgy bile and it makes it difficult for the body to create all sorts of great compounds from beneficial bacteria that resides in the gut.

Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll check them out when I have time. One of my favorite books is The Good Gut by the Sonnenburgs. Or The Hidden Half of Nature: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health.

I don’t agree with all of her dietary recommendations but I love her research on legumes. Karen Heard’s book, And They Said it Wasn’t Possible. Very interesting stuff.

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Appreciate your academic response. I think you will find Georgi to be rather mind blowing!

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One population base that uses lots of sweet potatoes are the Samonans, they are big people. Thin people generally are the Japanese(minus Sumos) and they eat rice, smoke cigarettes like no other, live long lives and eat Natto!

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Natto! That stuff is miraculous...I’ve heard. My daughter’s friend’s mom is Japanese and she swears by it.

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I am a big fan of Otto Warburg, and yes he was right, cancer only can thrive in acidic environment. The cancer cure is here...stop pounding sugar.

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Mitochondrial dysfunction generally precedes cancer. It is why the cell switches to sugar (this has been known for quite a while).

Spike protein also binds to the alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, which is also present on the mitochondrial membrane. (I'd would have told you this before, but I can't reply on paid posts)

AFAIC, no one has really researched the effect of this coupling of the spike protein to mitochondrial receptors, so we can only guess at what it does at the moment. The spike protein binds to a lot more things than just the ACE2 receptor; it's essentially a total clusterf*ck (and the vaccine is loaded with it).

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ace 2 vs nicotinic receptors???

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My husband died of lung cancer more than a decade ago. Among the many papers I read during that time, was one about the possibility of using sugar tagged nano gold to accumulate in the malignant cells, and then treating those with EMF fields or radiation beams to destroy the tagged cells.

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sugar tagging is routinely done for PET scans

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Thomas Siegfried, a biologist has worked on this for 30 years. A key figure in Paul Merik's cancer publication.

"The Metabolic Treatment for Cancer with Dr. Thomas Seyfried"


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I would urge you to examine the work of Dr. Thomas Seyfried of Boston College. He is currently a leading voice in cancer as a metabolic disease and glucose/glutamine as the primary culprits. He and his team are developing a protocol for use by practitioners.

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Does sugar fuel cancer cells? DEFINITELY!

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Is water wet?

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The Warburg Effect is a defect in mitochondrial respiration. It is NOT caused by eating sugar or carbohydrates and Warburg never claimed it was. He spent his life searching for the respiratory factor testing many fats and vitamins. The chemist and naturopath Dr. Johanna Budwig, who was an early discover and researcher in essential fatty acids, believed that Warburg's respiratory pigment was a combination of a sulfur thiol - cysteine - and either alpha-linolenic acid or linoleic acid, which had the ability to restore respiration when combined in a special way. She used cysteine-rich quark or cottage cheese blended with ALA-rich fresh flax oil. Her work with patients with all manner of cancer patients is well documented. Brian Peskin, without citing Budwig, has continued research into this work and Warburg and came to a similar conclusion. Dr. Emmanuel Revici also ended up with a strikingly similar conclusion, and therapeutically used sulfur thiols like sodium and magnesium thiosulfate with fatty acids and sometimes selenium compounds that he synthesized to restore oxygen transfer across overly anabolic cell walls to a similar effect, off setting the build up of sterols. What we are talking about is the suffocating of respiration. Wilhelm Reich's controversial work with cancer patients arrived at obliquely similar places through wildly different means. The impairment of respiration and movement to primitive fermentation IS the problem. That problem can arise from chronic exposure to microwave wireless radiation, which impairs mitochondria. That problem can arise from damage by exposure to toxins and reputation poisons from the environment. It can also arise, as Reich and Revici found, through a local tissue anaerobic environment, the cause of which could be psychosomatic to physiological. The cause of respiration dysfunction is most definitely NOT eating sugar, or as the paranoid surmise, carbohydrates. Obviously all Western Europeans and Asians would have been dead a long time ago if that was the causal factor. If you look at the physiological theories of Ray Peat, recently picked up on my Dr. Mercola, carbohydrate restriction, while often showing short term gains, can lead to long term metabolic problems, especially with the thyroid which needs glucose for the T4 to T3 conversion and an impaired thyroid leads to a whole host of metabolic stress that leads in the direction of cancer physiology. There is no reason for healthy people to restrict glucose or carbohydrate. You might try restricting your exposure to denatured, processed, heated PUFA, which is taken up into cells and suffocates oxygen transfer (as Budwig noted: quality is the issue). You should restrict your exposure to wireless radiation from cell towers, smart meters, WiFI routers and cell phones, especially while sleeping. You should avoid toxins, additives, and excessive antioxidants which impair respiration; even too many polyphenols.

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There was as spell correct error in the first part which should have read "respiration poisons" rather than reputation poisons

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As an addition: Methylene Blue and near infrared-red biophotomodulation can be very helpful by promoting certain parts of the electron transport chain. So can Ubiquinol and adequate b vitamins, especially Riboflavin and NAD+ precursor Nicotinic Acid.

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"excessive antioxidants which impair respiration; even too many polyphenols." Much like Nrf2, many are a dual edged sword, prevention in moderation yes, but once the switch of oncogenesis is turned on, they aid and abet.

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Very interesting to me, as I followed Dr. Atkins all those years ago, as he explained the link between sugar intake and cancer cells. His sources were crude by comparison, but he was absolutely correct.

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everything should be done and taken in moderation

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"everything should be done and taken in moderation"

Shane...that is a very sane comment. How does one do "genocide" in moderation...

Since when is putting the deadly mrna platform into every vaccine our babies and children will receive "moderate" . How can one be "moderate" with world wide genocide clearly in view....Birthrates have now plummeted while mortality rates are at all time highs as documented by Ed Dowd in his book CAUSE UNKNOWN....

If we are not reproducing at the replacement rate....this is the end.

That is what THE DEAGLE REPORT said decades ago....I wonder how they knew that...

Some things are just mysterious...like the "foot long clots" appearing in the blood of the autopsied corpses recently after the great "roll out"---sounds like a tank or something or perhaps just a bioweapon? ...

Since when is a medical treatment rolled out?

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