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You must admit that they have developed a cool selection of emotional faces to help illustrate the point being applied in the written words. Facial expressions of most all types of mammals is often a good "TELL" of what is brewing in the brain. The "Peeved" one is not one I can say I use much. I'm a pretty happy guy myself. Expressive lil devil isn't it? Haha.

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Hi randall,

I can not say for sure...

I am completely blind now. I can imagine though having been able to see just ten or so years ago. I had an idea what the icon looked like but I still looked it up.

I am so glad that NVDA screen reader is able to read me descriptions for the majority of emoticons and such now... so I can be happy about that.

The phrase a picture is worth a thousand words may be a bit of an exaggeration when referring to emoticons but they are a great help to Human Communication in our age.

I suppose people could have drawn pictures in written letters back when, but did they?

thanks for the info

blessings again and glad you are happy.


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Wow! Sorry for your loss of an active visible world. I've had stock in NVIDIA for some time now. It is a bumpy ride. The competition would love to see it in smoke and ashes.

I have been a fan from the day we bought our first family desktop in 1995 with NVIDIA logo.

Hope your future becomes more amplified with an artificial vision tool set. rand

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No, Not that NVDA... this one

NV Access | Download NVDA тАФ https://www.nvaccess.org/download/

""The NVDA screen reader can be downloaded free of charge by anyone. We do this because we believe everyone, especially the worldтАЩs poorest blind people deserve access to computers and a way out of poverty... Michael Curran and James Teh met as children on a music camp for the blind, where they realised they shared a strong interest in computers. Several years later they decided to join forces to help improve the accessibility of computers for blind and vision impaired people.

For blind people to use a computer, they need a screen reader which reads the text on the screen in a synthetic voice or with a braille display. But in many cases screen reading software costs more than the computer itself. In the past this has left computers inaccessible to millions of blind... ""

I support Non Visual desktop Access with a tiny monthly sacrifice and it is the least I can do for such a blessing...

I used to Use invidia products too... and I am still listening to gamers who stream there experiences as an alternative to commercial entrainment/entertainment.

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Forgive me Charles. And spot on for correcting and redirecting me!

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No need for all that... I try not to condemn anyone before noon central time US... LOL

I recommend the screen reader to writers as a great way to get a second pair of eyes so to speak to proof read. my writing improved form horrible to tolerable when I went blind. Proof reading others work is much easier as well using this tool. It would be nice if the NVDA team had more than they need to achieve all their goals for their work and plenty to share as well.

To me they are heroes.

thanks again and have your favorite sort of day, week and or (put time here) ;^)

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Pretty amazing conversations.

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