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Hello observers of strategic protocols of death and debilitation... Hello observers of organized crime...

I am glad you asked... and Yes I know the question is Rhetorical... but it is inspiring my rhetoric.

I endorse this article and the writer... plus ONE and Five shining stars...

Rogue cells are not the enemy in most cases until they are attacked or perceive our behaviors towards them as an attack... in my opinion. Most rogue cells seem to be reacting to stimuli like poisons, inflammation that leads to isolation from communication and or radiation. Sugar in its pure form is one of the poisons that can and does cause cells to go rogue. Sugar poisoning causes inflammation and that inflammation causes problems in cell communication and the isolation that our cells react to by expressing DNA to help themselves survive... see?

Cells will deal with the lack of oxygen caused by inflammation by using sugars with less oxygen... hear?

They are just trying to survive like we would in their situation?

Most rogue cells respond to improvements in conditions and communication by returning to the body and normal behavior. Some can not be reformed and submit to instructions to die. But when rogue cells are hit with conventional and or chemical warfare they respond like any life form would and defend themselves. Our DNA is full of resources for dealing with adverse conditions. All manner of coding that remains inactive becomes active under conditions the code was evolved to deal with. One of those adverse conditions was probably very low oxygen?

... If I am correct Human Beings are full of coding for adversity and when under stress Human Beings can and do express coding to survive. Most of the time the expression of dormant code is orderly and quite effective in saving our lives but when this expression takes place in cells isolated by "inflamation" Correction: inflammation" and or in cells defending themselves the result is what we are calling cancer.

... In short please consider diplomacy first and foremost when rogue cells are identified?

Please do not let the Medical industrial complex seduce you into participating in a proxy war on your own cells. War for power and money is business as usual for all three industrial malignancies in my opinion. Medical Military and media malignancies can and will kill for power and money?

The medical industrial complex will gladly use even the nuclear option to get more power and money?

thanks for reading and considering...


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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Otto Warberg was a big influence on Dr Max Gerson...Gerson's cancer therapy did not exclude sugar...but instead cut out all chemical additives and processed foods and involved drinking about a gallon of raw vegetable juice a day. Also included using coffee enemas. I was able to restore my health after major surgery-- in which I had a brain tumor removed-- by using this regime. It works in my experience....and there is plenty of sugar in raw vegetable juice. It is the "right" kind of sugar that promotes health and aids the body in detoxification. The enemy is "processed food" which incidentally contains huge amounts of toxic chemical laden sugar, industrial waste products and other poisons. These are the real "killers" IMHO...

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This doesn't address the question directly...but there is lots of important information here: https://www.prepperfortress.com/most-effective-natural-cancer-treatments-revealed/

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By Dr. Josh Axe

Most Effective Natural Cancer Treatments

1. The Gerson Therapy and Juicing

I see in him one of the most eminent geniuses in the history of medicine. Many of his The basic ideas have been adopted without having his name connected with them. Yet, he has achieved more than seemed possible under adverse conditions. He leaves a legacy which commands attention and which will assure him his due place. Those whom he has cured will now attest to the truth of his ideas.

~ Albert Schweitzer, MD (Nobel Peace Prize Winner, 1952)

Who was Albert Schweitzer talking about?

He was referring to Dr. Max Gerson, the German-born American medical doctor who developed one of the most effective natural cancer treatments over 90 years ago. Coined the “Gerson Therapy,” Dr. Gerson helped hundreds of cancer patients activate their body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself by recommending:

Organic, plant-based foods

Raw juices

Coffee enemas

Beef liver

Natural supplements

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So glad for you! My brother suffered w a brain tumor for 22 years! It finally took his life in 2013. I wish I had known more then...bless you for sharing ❤️

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Hi there founding one...

thank you for your contributions to the conversations and this community. Thank you for your support.

The protocols that may have saved your life probably helped your remaining rogue cells to communicate with the rest of their community. Some of those rogue cells may have returned to peaceful behavior if not rejoined your body while others could respond to instructions to die and be reabsorbed. I am glad you are better and are thriving.

I agree that sugar is not the cause and need not fuel cancer but I directly reference refined sugar... I hope I did...

Refined sugar is as much a drug as refined cocaine in my opinion. Coca leaves are wonderful blessings from Earth and the Creator as is bees honey and all sugars in their natural forms... but purify that sugar and you have a fine poison that can be and is used to preserve foods. Drugs like that needs must be handled like the dangerous substances that they are, in my opinion. We all know the consequences of introducing refined sugar into the diets of healthy civilized indigenous peoples. It is never pretty?

Healthy and careful use of the drug in I.V. drips save millions of lives every year even as the same substance probably contributes to more deaths every year?

and on and on...

But you are educated and wealthy enough to be a founder and I only have two associates degrees and am indigent and toothless and blind... LOL

so who am I to argue or even agree with you.

Still I hold that so called cancers are usually just rogue cells exploited by the medical industry and targeted for proxy wars using the same sorts of weapons as used by the military malignancy... and the media industry or malignancy will gladly cause isolation of Human populations with drama and trauma that induces all manner of inflammation in the body Human... Then another of the big Ms can say war is the answer and target those Human Beings in order to save them from themselves? What is the difference between the behavior of the medical and military industrial complex?

I have no credibility to loose and so I breath freely the Breath of the Creator of all Universes... I am fully discredited and that is a sort of freedom. I do not depend on my words for my food or shelter but I am dependent on the very system I rail against. So that makes me another sort of malignancy I suppose.

Maybe I am malignant narcissist?

Some sort of parasite? LOL

I know that I do not know enough to do no harm... I am not graceful at all... Still I am trying not to be pragmatic. At least not in what I write in the comments where I feel passion enough to care.

Yes I must be narcissistic. Way too many 's and Mes in what I wrote here. But I just had a big bowl of ground mixed nuts with two teaspoons of honey... and I tend to ramble after eating that much sugar... LOL I love to make my own nut butters because I have no teeth except for two wisdom ones that are still under my gums... and TTMI? sorry...

I am addicted to sugar. I tried to get off it and did for years when I had teeth left and sugar hurt. I love real Ice Cream... I used to love vodka too and both get me HIGH and my resistance to both of those does not exist... still I am dry these past twelve years... Off the alcohol but not the sugar. I can feel the rogue cells that I live with when I eat too much sugar. I still do but I am listening to those cells and do what I have learned helps them to calm down and keep the peace me with them... see?

... ranting over and thank you for your contributions to the conversations and this community. Thank you for your support.


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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B-I-N-G-O !!!!!

For the past 20 years or so, the few people i have actually encountered that were dealing with cancer other than lung cancer (tobacco or job related airborne toxins) were in fact huge sugar addicts. The kind of which was a daily diet of many sugar beverages along with things as glazed jelly donuts and candy bars along with usual culprits of deep fries foods on the daily basis. Not only had the dove head first into the ocean of diabetes future trouble.

They were setting the stages for accumulated fat reserves to set up shop for rouge C-Cells.

It would not be too far of a leap to realize that the newest mRNA juice is looking for a cozy new partner in the cardio/pulmonary highway to tag team your demise from sweet stuff.

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Hello 65316822-randall-stoehr

Nice number you got... LOL

Did you notice how the FDA Steers Humanity to bad foods and drugs? How butter and eggs were the enemy for way too long and sugar was used to replace healthy fats in so called healthy foods? I hold that that was not an accident just like protocols based on Remdesivirwere not errors but strategies. The CDC of P must have plenty of diseases in order to do their job of controlling people?

Did you know that the P at the end of CDC was an after thought when people started noticing the irony of the Centers of Disease Control name? LOL

There is not much that can be done about the Administration of bad foods and drugs or the FDA?

Thanks for reading my heart and for contributing to the conversation.


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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Rewarding to have some

Very smart people help expose the dirty deeds that are still in play to this very day. 9/11 was my golden passport to open my eyes to such a level of deceit and unchecked criminal behavior from every possible corrupt .Gov

Viper pit. Too many to list here. But now we do in fact know. And they know we know. So?🤬

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My screen reader says "face with symbols on mouth"

and I learn a new, to me, word: grawlixes


"An angry-red face with a black bar and white grawlixes covering its mouth, indicating it's swearing "



chuck 🔥💖🔥

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Although the use of grawlixes in comics preceded him, the coinage of the term grawlix is credited to the late cartoonist Mort Walker (1923-2018), creator of Beetle Bailey, which debuted in 1950. Walker coined a number of terms for the tropes of comic drawing, and he collected them in a book. How creatively cool was that of Mort?

This is something that will never die! A thought message in a "Bubble".

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You must admit that they have developed a cool selection of emotional faces to help illustrate the point being applied in the written words. Facial expressions of most all types of mammals is often a good "TELL" of what is brewing in the brain. The "Peeved" one is not one I can say I use much. I'm a pretty happy guy myself. Expressive lil devil isn't it? Haha.

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Hi randall,

I can not say for sure...

I am completely blind now. I can imagine though having been able to see just ten or so years ago. I had an idea what the icon looked like but I still looked it up.

I am so glad that NVDA screen reader is able to read me descriptions for the majority of emoticons and such now... so I can be happy about that.

The phrase a picture is worth a thousand words may be a bit of an exaggeration when referring to emoticons but they are a great help to Human Communication in our age.

I suppose people could have drawn pictures in written letters back when, but did they?

thanks for the info

blessings again and glad you are happy.


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Wow! Sorry for your loss of an active visible world. I've had stock in NVIDIA for some time now. It is a bumpy ride. The competition would love to see it in smoke and ashes.

I have been a fan from the day we bought our first family desktop in 1995 with NVIDIA logo.

Hope your future becomes more amplified with an artificial vision tool set. rand

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No, Not that NVDA... this one

NV Access | Download NVDA — https://www.nvaccess.org/download/

""The NVDA screen reader can be downloaded free of charge by anyone. We do this because we believe everyone, especially the world’s poorest blind people deserve access to computers and a way out of poverty... Michael Curran and James Teh met as children on a music camp for the blind, where they realised they shared a strong interest in computers. Several years later they decided to join forces to help improve the accessibility of computers for blind and vision impaired people.

For blind people to use a computer, they need a screen reader which reads the text on the screen in a synthetic voice or with a braille display. But in many cases screen reading software costs more than the computer itself. In the past this has left computers inaccessible to millions of blind... ""

I support Non Visual desktop Access with a tiny monthly sacrifice and it is the least I can do for such a blessing...

I used to Use invidia products too... and I am still listening to gamers who stream there experiences as an alternative to commercial entrainment/entertainment.

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Forgive me Charles. And spot on for correcting and redirecting me!

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No need for all that... I try not to condemn anyone before noon central time US... LOL

I recommend the screen reader to writers as a great way to get a second pair of eyes so to speak to proof read. my writing improved form horrible to tolerable when I went blind. Proof reading others work is much easier as well using this tool. It would be nice if the NVDA team had more than they need to achieve all their goals for their work and plenty to share as well.

To me they are heroes.

thanks again and have your favorite sort of day, week and or (put time here) ;^)

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