Napoleonic Wars, Crimean, Franco-Prussian, World War I, World War II. Has it been too long? Do the Europeans now long for the cathartic release of mass killing?
The EU is begging Russia to attack a NATO country so they can invoke the article that requires all NATO members to go to war. They instructed Zelenski to cross the Russian border. Putin has been holding back realizing it's a NATO trap. Trump needs to get us out of NATO.
it's so amazing to me that we hear all the time about how Putin is "evil" and "crazy" and has delusions of putting the old empire back together and then we push and prod and do everything in our power to provoke him into nuclear end times while relying on his restraint to keep us all alive. kind of like the news media telling us every minute that Trump was Hitler and then Obama joking with him at Carter's funeral.
The Russians actually tried for years to avoid the conflict in Ukraine (see Minsk Agreements and more) but DC and the EU were determined to militarize Ukraine to try and bully Russia. They attempted much the same in Georgia but failed, thankfully.
Russia clearly has no interest in attacking Europe and never has in fact they wanted to work with the West after the turn of the century but they refused to bend a knee to the mentally disturbed control freaks in DC and the EU, which those sick monsters couldn't handle...hence, war.
All of life on earth is indeed grateful for the high restraint of the Russians when all the shenanigans happened last year with long range missiles etc.
America has saved Europe from three world wars: ww1, ww2 and the Cold War. What do we get for it? Ridicule and lecturing. No more subsidizing their welfare state. They want the U.S. gone? Fine. Have at it. Just don’t come crying when your nations collapse.
Yes; in fact, it was Russia who did most of the heavy lifting against Germany. But Russia was invaded.
I think Ed's point is that it has been the US has been sending people over to Europe to keep Europeans from killing each other; then, it was to basically subsidize their welfare states.
ah, good point. yes, we do subsidize their welfare states. this is what happens when people are made dependent for their survival on the largess of others. they get weak and lazy. europe is, at this point, committing suicide
America did not save the world in WW2. It's role was modest. The USSR saved the world. They lost 30 million people while doing that. There were battles btw the Germans and the Russians counting a few million troops (at Kursk) When USA finally entered the war in 1944, the fate of the Germans was already sealed. (By the Russians) It is Russians who took Berlin...
exactly! (check your last sentence- "USA lost about 400,00 soldiers." the number seems wrong and you might want to use the edit button).
the russians i know- we have classical musicians who stay at our house often and are always in touch with their families back home- are all so grateful that Trump is trying to open relations. they are hoping the embassy in DC will start up again and lead to direct flights here from moscow. they want to trade with the US; they want to visit the US.
they are all nice, traditional, family oriented, religious people.
we have wasted so much energy/money keeping up the Russia as bogeyman fear.
Europeans kill each other. It’s what they do. It’s who they are. The only period of peace lasting as long as 45 years since Westphalia (1648) was when Europe was sandwiched between NATO & the Warsaw Pact. As soon as the Pact evaporated, they started killing each other again (Yugoslavia…).
They don’t believe in their future enough to populate it or to defend it. Given their below-replacement fertility, there’s nothing to defend. They invited African the invasion destroying their countries - and don’t care. Now they’re all going to run off the cliff into Ukraine. Let them. Pull out of NATO first to preclude an Art-5, but pull out of NATO and Europe. There is nothing and no one their worth our kids dying to defend.
Haha! Yeah, it's one big blood bath here all the time. As opposed to the USA where never anything happens. No school shootings and other stuff. I think I might move to the US after all.
Since you have sort of veered off onto another path, Gingerbread, I would like to say that I am very excited that RFK jr. has already said that attention must be paid to the SSRIs that so many young people are taking. I believe these drugs are causing people to become irrational, homicidal, and suicidal. I read one particularly compelling story of a young man who was a good student and had never gotten into trouble. He began taking one of these drugs and one day he took his father's gun to school, intending to shoot people. Fortunately, a teacher was able to stop him. Later, he didn't remember what he had done. We've got to stop blindly taking whatever a doctor recommends.
Absolutely! This is the modern American weakness, the misapprehension that life should never contain pain, physical or emotional, that all problems and dysfunction in the body can be cured by drugs. All the results of successful indoctrination by the drug cartels (pharma). So different from the spirit of the first settlers and those who followed.
@Gingerbread, please don't move here to mock this country ... we have enough of that already. As a U.S. citizen, I find it's entirely possible to both acknowledge our weaknesses/mistakes and also work for a better future that involves strengthening those weaknesses and refusing to repeat past mistakes.
I agree and I apologise. I promise not to move there anytime soon. Also, despite everything in terms of our won weaknesses, I really love Europe (not the EU, but Europe).
Maybe you’ve missed Bataclan, Madrid, cologne, muz rape gangs all
Over the uk, “no-go” zones all over France, Netherlands…. Thanks, but I’ll take a school shooting here & there over the surrender of civilization to Islam. And I notice you didn’t even bother to respond to Europe’s suicidal fertility curve. I assume that’s cuz you don’t have kids. If that’s the case, why would anyone listen to anything you have to say?
well, that list that's hardly Europeans killing each other. That was more Europeans killed by Non-Europeans. But that was not the point you were trying to make as far as I understood. But well, English is not my first language so if I understood that wrong, please correct me.
Also, I am from the Netherlands, and as far as I know there are no no go zones, but I might be wrong because I don't keep track of everything. Yes I do have children and I do worry but not really because of the Europeans.
Apart from that. I am in international circles, and the people I meet that are the most obsessed with (not) being allowed to kill, are Americans and not Europeans. They never lament the fact that they cannot carry a gun.
Regarding the fertility rate, I am sorry I forgot about that, but I was just to busy imagining the Europeans killing each other. But yes you are right. That IS a problem.
You took the discussion towards school shootings, implying rather strongly that Europe was safer. I pointed out the terrorism of the barbarians invited by your elite idiots, whom you seem to support. Pay attention.
As to carrying a weapon? Europeans of course don’t think that way anymore than a dog carries a fork.
But here where adults live, protecting our children (that Europeans don’t have) and defending Western culture (that Europeans don’t care about, or they’d be having kids and protecting those kids and European women), we do. Thats just a matter of personal responsibility and adulthood.
The fact that we’ve paying your welfare bills for 80 yrs by funding your defense (money is fungible; the first responsibility of any government is defense of its people and territory) allows you to think personal responsibility is unnecessary. Which is why you have no kids, refuse to protect the ones you do, allow open borders and can’t raise a serious military force. You’re irrelevant - by choice - in geopolitics. Nobody cares about you because you don’t care about yourselves.
Starmer is arguably the least popular ever Prime Minister of the UK, even less popular than Liz Truss. We know when charlatan pols like Sir Keir are desperate they try to become "wartime leaders", and as an establishment/British Blob puppet he presumably has his orders in any case. If there's anything the Trump administration can do to put a brake on this insanity I for one would be deeply grateful - as I was when Trump and Vance told that warmongering and incredibly rude and presumptious cokehead Zelensky where to go. Domestically the UK continues to decline - except for the elites, of course - but Starmer sends billions to Ukraine, guzzled by fascists and the hopelessly corrupt.
here's the big problem- all those EU countries have been bled out by their crappy EU "leaders." they let in illegal migrants who don't assimilate and add nothing positive to the countries. they're taxing everyone to death while trying to decarbonize and make everything "green."
they've plugged the holes in their budgets by over imagining the interest on the seized Russian assets and the resources they will get to plunder from Russia when it is ultimately defeated and balkanized- a fantasy.
so they NEED the USA to come in and fight their battles for them. otherwise, they're doomed. if Biden or Kamala was in office right now, we'd be starting up a draft and looking at WW3.
if the Europeans don't calm down, we may still get it in spite of having Trump at the helm.
The leaders of Europe seem to think people are widgets, good luck getting opportunistic welfare leaches to fight your war. They found a way into Europe for freebies, they will find a way out if someone wants them to join an army and die for a people and culture not their own.
Important to emphasize European leaders. The war in Ukraine is quite unpopular in France, Switzerland, parts of Germany etc. It just doesn’t get reported that way.
The majority of people in U.K. are not happy giving £billions to the most corrupt country in the world especially now they are unable to even detail where the money has gone. Remember our Marxist uk government is freezing its own old people, increasing our costs to impoverish us and destroying our farmers and food supply.
We need rescuing from our globalist PM not abandoning.
Yeah, I just commented that same idea on another post, all those he claim they stand with Ukraine should pack a duffle bag, get picked up at the butt crack of tomorrow’s dawn, and shipped off to the frontline in Ukraine where they could really show their standing support, shoulder to shoulder
Suppose it would make a change for them not to need to beat up and drag people off to the front lines! Bet the people standing with Ukraine haven’t seen those videos?
You say:""""For three years now I have been posing the question: Why didn’t the Biden administration and its European lackeys at least TRY to work out a neutrality deal""""
Have you listened to Jeffrey Sachs? He goes into it. The US wanted this war, the US had no interest in a neutrality deal. All in hopes to weaken Russia and have Europe do the US's bidding, not Russia's, who supplied them with cheap energy....
Now we have a mess - after years of Biden BS... Europe believes they are fighting an evil tyrant....
Gotta say I don’t understand all these people, some I know and some I don’t, posting I stand for Ukraine. What does that mean? They stand for mass killing of Ukrainian and other countries’ people? I doubt any of those posting are willing to go over and fight themselves!
John, the European sheeple have been programmed, they know nothing but what has been written on their hard drives. They see not what is going on, zero, the hypnotic trance they are under is in full bloom. The so called European leaders are just pawns of the central bankers, puppet masters that rotate war after war, scamdemic after scamdemic, racial and religious conflicts in perpetuity.
This is a death cult, that worships death, chaos and suffering as its objectives.
There is no rational or moral authority, it is what we see, evil, pure evil on full display.
I am hoping a lot of this is just posturing for the consumption of the media and allies. I live in the UK. Our leaders always try to maintain an image that does not correspond to our actual military strength (which is small now) I cannot see that a war could take place, our government is hated by a large section of the population. Perhaps they do not realise how much they are hated?
Remember when the Brits "guaranteed" Poland's retention of land taken from Germany by the Treaty of Versailles after World War 1--a guarantee they had no means of enforcing, but that kicked off World War 2? The area Germany wanted was populated largely by Germans, who didn't want to remain part of Poland, just as the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine today have been mistreated by Kiev and wish to rejoin Russia. But the Brits and the rest of the EU guarantee Ukraine's borders (but not their own), and he-man Starmer is going to teach the Russians a lesson just as Napolean and Hitler did.
I wonder how much of the Starmer chest-thumping is posturing due to his own awful political standing in the UK.
The big difference between now and then, is that Europe today is unable to wage war, even if it wants to. The whole point of last week's parade in DC - Macron, Starmer, Zelensky - was to drag the US into the war. Thankfully, the current administration is resolutely against that (and it is so worrying to think the Europeans did not feel the need to apply anything like this pressure on the previous administration to keep it on-war-side).
But remember the Covid propaganda machine that suddenly deployed with such power around March 2020? It was horrendous and lasted for almost 2 years until one day, by magic, the "pandemic" ended, on the day Putin gave up reasoning with Kiev and the Russian army marched into Ukraine. Remember all the memes thanking Putin for ending Covid?
That massive propaganda machine flipped on a dime, overnight, from covid to Ukraine, and has been relentless ever since. It is seriously difficult for these complicit politicians to dig themselves out. They are still denying any wrongdoing during covid.
As veteran British politician George Galloway tweeted this morning: "Ukraine is Covid 2.0"
I am Polish. Our elites were killed in WWI and WWII by Germans and Russians alike. Then US and UK sold us to Russia who imposed Russian Gov. consisting predominantly of people of certain heritage. The Solidarity festival and the fall of the Berlin was all prearranged between Russia and US. Communists penetrated the Solidarity movement and this way agreed for communism to continue despite the results of elections. People voted 95% against the communist government and yet false Solidarity representations decided to honour the deal with communists that no natter what communists will have the majority in parlament and their Prime Mininister. Poles do not want any war. Poles have post-communist governments (PO-PiS) taking turns to destroy us along with lots of propaganda coming form all sorts of sources including USAID. I think the wars are not going on between nations these days, but across nations, between the powers that be and people whom they exploit. Supposedly Zelenski stopped by Democrats before meeting with President Trump. And the connections between Ukrainian oligarchs and Democrats are well known.
As a resident of England, I’m not happy one iota with my taxes being robbed from me and sent to another country who is piggy in the middle of a proxy war. Our NHS has gone to shit, it’s been run into the ground by the medical tourists (🤔 not one of them has paid, I’d put bets on that) sorry I meant refugees coming across on their boats. Before it was on a dinghy, now they have the bare faced cheek to arrive on speedboats/cruisers, and our authorities are there to help them off!!! By the time they actually realise we have been invaded, it’ll be too late, and the island will probably of sunk (I know that won’t happen but you see my point)
We voted out at Brexit, the current idiot that thinks he’s in charge can’t grasp that and is happy licking the arses of the EU to take us back, pleeeasse, and aligning the country with them still. It’s a whole sorry state and war should never be the answer. I’m not one of those by the way that can’t stand violence, if you poke me long enough I’ll bite, it may be your ankles mind you, but I will. How long before you poke the Bear will he snap and bite back??
The EU is begging Russia to attack a NATO country so they can invoke the article that requires all NATO members to go to war. They instructed Zelenski to cross the Russian border. Putin has been holding back realizing it's a NATO trap. Trump needs to get us out of NATO.
it's so amazing to me that we hear all the time about how Putin is "evil" and "crazy" and has delusions of putting the old empire back together and then we push and prod and do everything in our power to provoke him into nuclear end times while relying on his restraint to keep us all alive. kind of like the news media telling us every minute that Trump was Hitler and then Obama joking with him at Carter's funeral.
The Russians actually tried for years to avoid the conflict in Ukraine (see Minsk Agreements and more) but DC and the EU were determined to militarize Ukraine to try and bully Russia. They attempted much the same in Georgia but failed, thankfully.
Russia clearly has no interest in attacking Europe and never has in fact they wanted to work with the West after the turn of the century but they refused to bend a knee to the mentally disturbed control freaks in DC and the EU, which those sick monsters couldn't handle...hence, war.
All of life on earth is indeed grateful for the high restraint of the Russians when all the shenanigans happened last year with long range missiles etc.
I’m not sure Art5 requires, or compels? There is choice.
America has saved Europe from three world wars: ww1, ww2 and the Cold War. What do we get for it? Ridicule and lecturing. No more subsidizing their welfare state. They want the U.S. gone? Fine. Have at it. Just don’t come crying when your nations collapse.
well, actually the Russians did a lot of the heavy lifting in WW2. the USA likes to give itself the credit but...
Yes; in fact, it was Russia who did most of the heavy lifting against Germany. But Russia was invaded.
I think Ed's point is that it has been the US has been sending people over to Europe to keep Europeans from killing each other; then, it was to basically subsidize their welfare states.
ah, good point. yes, we do subsidize their welfare states. this is what happens when people are made dependent for their survival on the largess of others. they get weak and lazy. europe is, at this point, committing suicide
America did not save the world in WW2. It's role was modest. The USSR saved the world. They lost 30 million people while doing that. There were battles btw the Germans and the Russians counting a few million troops (at Kursk) When USA finally entered the war in 1944, the fate of the Germans was already sealed. (By the Russians) It is Russians who took Berlin...
USA lost about 400,00 soldiers.
exactly! (check your last sentence- "USA lost about 400,00 soldiers." the number seems wrong and you might want to use the edit button).
the russians i know- we have classical musicians who stay at our house often and are always in touch with their families back home- are all so grateful that Trump is trying to open relations. they are hoping the embassy in DC will start up again and lead to direct flights here from moscow. they want to trade with the US; they want to visit the US.
they are all nice, traditional, family oriented, religious people.
we have wasted so much energy/money keeping up the Russia as bogeyman fear.
True enough which makes the hated for the Russians even less justified. But Europe owes us for the Marshall Plan.
True. The US lives on fantasies about itself.
If European war mongers want to escalate yet another war it is all theirs. Trump, get us out of Europe and NATO! Now is the time.
Europeans kill each other. It’s what they do. It’s who they are. The only period of peace lasting as long as 45 years since Westphalia (1648) was when Europe was sandwiched between NATO & the Warsaw Pact. As soon as the Pact evaporated, they started killing each other again (Yugoslavia…).
They don’t believe in their future enough to populate it or to defend it. Given their below-replacement fertility, there’s nothing to defend. They invited African the invasion destroying their countries - and don’t care. Now they’re all going to run off the cliff into Ukraine. Let them. Pull out of NATO first to preclude an Art-5, but pull out of NATO and Europe. There is nothing and no one their worth our kids dying to defend.
somewhere in this 1 1/2 hour long podcast, Alex Mercouris quotes Putin saying that Europeans are always causing trouble
Haha! Yeah, it's one big blood bath here all the time. As opposed to the USA where never anything happens. No school shootings and other stuff. I think I might move to the US after all.
Since you have sort of veered off onto another path, Gingerbread, I would like to say that I am very excited that RFK jr. has already said that attention must be paid to the SSRIs that so many young people are taking. I believe these drugs are causing people to become irrational, homicidal, and suicidal. I read one particularly compelling story of a young man who was a good student and had never gotten into trouble. He began taking one of these drugs and one day he took his father's gun to school, intending to shoot people. Fortunately, a teacher was able to stop him. Later, he didn't remember what he had done. We've got to stop blindly taking whatever a doctor recommends.
Absolutely! This is the modern American weakness, the misapprehension that life should never contain pain, physical or emotional, that all problems and dysfunction in the body can be cured by drugs. All the results of successful indoctrination by the drug cartels (pharma). So different from the spirit of the first settlers and those who followed.
Well, I could not agree more!!
@Gingerbread, please don't move here to mock this country ... we have enough of that already. As a U.S. citizen, I find it's entirely possible to both acknowledge our weaknesses/mistakes and also work for a better future that involves strengthening those weaknesses and refusing to repeat past mistakes.
I agree and I apologise. I promise not to move there anytime soon. Also, despite everything in terms of our won weaknesses, I really love Europe (not the EU, but Europe).
Maybe you’ve missed Bataclan, Madrid, cologne, muz rape gangs all
Over the uk, “no-go” zones all over France, Netherlands…. Thanks, but I’ll take a school shooting here & there over the surrender of civilization to Islam. And I notice you didn’t even bother to respond to Europe’s suicidal fertility curve. I assume that’s cuz you don’t have kids. If that’s the case, why would anyone listen to anything you have to say?
well, that list that's hardly Europeans killing each other. That was more Europeans killed by Non-Europeans. But that was not the point you were trying to make as far as I understood. But well, English is not my first language so if I understood that wrong, please correct me.
Also, I am from the Netherlands, and as far as I know there are no no go zones, but I might be wrong because I don't keep track of everything. Yes I do have children and I do worry but not really because of the Europeans.
Apart from that. I am in international circles, and the people I meet that are the most obsessed with (not) being allowed to kill, are Americans and not Europeans. They never lament the fact that they cannot carry a gun.
Regarding the fertility rate, I am sorry I forgot about that, but I was just to busy imagining the Europeans killing each other. But yes you are right. That IS a problem.
You took the discussion towards school shootings, implying rather strongly that Europe was safer. I pointed out the terrorism of the barbarians invited by your elite idiots, whom you seem to support. Pay attention.
As to carrying a weapon? Europeans of course don’t think that way anymore than a dog carries a fork.
But here where adults live, protecting our children (that Europeans don’t have) and defending Western culture (that Europeans don’t care about, or they’d be having kids and protecting those kids and European women), we do. Thats just a matter of personal responsibility and adulthood.
The fact that we’ve paying your welfare bills for 80 yrs by funding your defense (money is fungible; the first responsibility of any government is defense of its people and territory) allows you to think personal responsibility is unnecessary. Which is why you have no kids, refuse to protect the ones you do, allow open borders and can’t raise a serious military force. You’re irrelevant - by choice - in geopolitics. Nobody cares about you because you don’t care about yourselves.
Starmer is arguably the least popular ever Prime Minister of the UK, even less popular than Liz Truss. We know when charlatan pols like Sir Keir are desperate they try to become "wartime leaders", and as an establishment/British Blob puppet he presumably has his orders in any case. If there's anything the Trump administration can do to put a brake on this insanity I for one would be deeply grateful - as I was when Trump and Vance told that warmongering and incredibly rude and presumptious cokehead Zelensky where to go. Domestically the UK continues to decline - except for the elites, of course - but Starmer sends billions to Ukraine, guzzled by fascists and the hopelessly corrupt.
billions he doesn't even have!
here's the big problem- all those EU countries have been bled out by their crappy EU "leaders." they let in illegal migrants who don't assimilate and add nothing positive to the countries. they're taxing everyone to death while trying to decarbonize and make everything "green."
they've plugged the holes in their budgets by over imagining the interest on the seized Russian assets and the resources they will get to plunder from Russia when it is ultimately defeated and balkanized- a fantasy.
so they NEED the USA to come in and fight their battles for them. otherwise, they're doomed. if Biden or Kamala was in office right now, we'd be starting up a draft and looking at WW3.
if the Europeans don't calm down, we may still get it in spite of having Trump at the helm.
Im assuming these seized russian assets are just digital numbers in a computer program? That could disappeared by hackers?
It’s easy for the elites to start wars when they’re not sent to fight them.
I wonder how all the Muslim migrants in Europe will figure into WW3; will they be required to fight, or will they be excused after protesting a draft?
The leaders of Europe seem to think people are widgets, good luck getting opportunistic welfare leaches to fight your war. They found a way into Europe for freebies, they will find a way out if someone wants them to join an army and die for a people and culture not their own.
Well said.
Important to emphasize European leaders. The war in Ukraine is quite unpopular in France, Switzerland, parts of Germany etc. It just doesn’t get reported that way.
I seem to recall seeing what one of these scum said… “You pay tax, we relax”
This is what we are up against and the libtards that allow it.
I doubt any of them would fight for the country they are currently sponging off bearing in mind they’re claiming asylum from their own 🤨
The majority of people in U.K. are not happy giving £billions to the most corrupt country in the world especially now they are unable to even detail where the money has gone. Remember our Marxist uk government is freezing its own old people, increasing our costs to impoverish us and destroying our farmers and food supply.
We need rescuing from our globalist PM not abandoning.
Yeah, I just commented that same idea on another post, all those he claim they stand with Ukraine should pack a duffle bag, get picked up at the butt crack of tomorrow’s dawn, and shipped off to the frontline in Ukraine where they could really show their standing support, shoulder to shoulder
Suppose it would make a change for them not to need to beat up and drag people off to the front lines! Bet the people standing with Ukraine haven’t seen those videos?
It’s not the people who are war mongering in Europe it’s the globalist leaders who have infiltrated the political sphere.
True. Our leaders are political unknowns prior to taking high office. They have no political background, they are installed from above.
Real politicians die Remember John Smith? Prior to Blair? Or Olaf Palme?
You say:""""For three years now I have been posing the question: Why didn’t the Biden administration and its European lackeys at least TRY to work out a neutrality deal""""
Have you listened to Jeffrey Sachs? He goes into it. The US wanted this war, the US had no interest in a neutrality deal. All in hopes to weaken Russia and have Europe do the US's bidding, not Russia's, who supplied them with cheap energy....
Now we have a mess - after years of Biden BS... Europe believes they are fighting an evil tyrant....
Gotta say I don’t understand all these people, some I know and some I don’t, posting I stand for Ukraine. What does that mean? They stand for mass killing of Ukrainian and other countries’ people? I doubt any of those posting are willing to go over and fight themselves!
John, the European sheeple have been programmed, they know nothing but what has been written on their hard drives. They see not what is going on, zero, the hypnotic trance they are under is in full bloom. The so called European leaders are just pawns of the central bankers, puppet masters that rotate war after war, scamdemic after scamdemic, racial and religious conflicts in perpetuity.
This is a death cult, that worships death, chaos and suffering as its objectives.
There is no rational or moral authority, it is what we see, evil, pure evil on full display.
The only solution is its destruction.
I listened to Starmer's announcement and that they intend to put 'boots on the ground' and supply air support, as well: I also heard how he stated that the USA 'MUST' have their backs.
I also read that Elon posted last night that perhaps it's time we withdraw from NATO:
I'm hoping we will be hearing much more about all of this Tues. night when Pres. Trump addresses the Nation.
I am hoping a lot of this is just posturing for the consumption of the media and allies. I live in the UK. Our leaders always try to maintain an image that does not correspond to our actual military strength (which is small now) I cannot see that a war could take place, our government is hated by a large section of the population. Perhaps they do not realise how much they are hated?
Remember when the Brits "guaranteed" Poland's retention of land taken from Germany by the Treaty of Versailles after World War 1--a guarantee they had no means of enforcing, but that kicked off World War 2? The area Germany wanted was populated largely by Germans, who didn't want to remain part of Poland, just as the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine today have been mistreated by Kiev and wish to rejoin Russia. But the Brits and the rest of the EU guarantee Ukraine's borders (but not their own), and he-man Starmer is going to teach the Russians a lesson just as Napolean and Hitler did.
As is often stated: 'Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.'
Jeffrey Sacks EU parliament speech.
Has everyone seen Jeffery Sacks speech at the Munich Security Conference?
US foreign policy for the last thirty years. The truth.
Short version with transcript.
Long version with transcript.
The Ukraine Conflict — A Primer
Send Starmer off to fight and Reeves, two less vampires for us to worry about.
I wonder how much of the Starmer chest-thumping is posturing due to his own awful political standing in the UK.
The big difference between now and then, is that Europe today is unable to wage war, even if it wants to. The whole point of last week's parade in DC - Macron, Starmer, Zelensky - was to drag the US into the war. Thankfully, the current administration is resolutely against that (and it is so worrying to think the Europeans did not feel the need to apply anything like this pressure on the previous administration to keep it on-war-side).
But remember the Covid propaganda machine that suddenly deployed with such power around March 2020? It was horrendous and lasted for almost 2 years until one day, by magic, the "pandemic" ended, on the day Putin gave up reasoning with Kiev and the Russian army marched into Ukraine. Remember all the memes thanking Putin for ending Covid?
That massive propaganda machine flipped on a dime, overnight, from covid to Ukraine, and has been relentless ever since. It is seriously difficult for these complicit politicians to dig themselves out. They are still denying any wrongdoing during covid.
As veteran British politician George Galloway tweeted this morning: "Ukraine is Covid 2.0"
I am Polish. Our elites were killed in WWI and WWII by Germans and Russians alike. Then US and UK sold us to Russia who imposed Russian Gov. consisting predominantly of people of certain heritage. The Solidarity festival and the fall of the Berlin was all prearranged between Russia and US. Communists penetrated the Solidarity movement and this way agreed for communism to continue despite the results of elections. People voted 95% against the communist government and yet false Solidarity representations decided to honour the deal with communists that no natter what communists will have the majority in parlament and their Prime Mininister. Poles do not want any war. Poles have post-communist governments (PO-PiS) taking turns to destroy us along with lots of propaganda coming form all sorts of sources including USAID. I think the wars are not going on between nations these days, but across nations, between the powers that be and people whom they exploit. Supposedly Zelenski stopped by Democrats before meeting with President Trump. And the connections between Ukrainian oligarchs and Democrats are well known.
As a resident of England, I’m not happy one iota with my taxes being robbed from me and sent to another country who is piggy in the middle of a proxy war. Our NHS has gone to shit, it’s been run into the ground by the medical tourists (🤔 not one of them has paid, I’d put bets on that) sorry I meant refugees coming across on their boats. Before it was on a dinghy, now they have the bare faced cheek to arrive on speedboats/cruisers, and our authorities are there to help them off!!! By the time they actually realise we have been invaded, it’ll be too late, and the island will probably of sunk (I know that won’t happen but you see my point)
We voted out at Brexit, the current idiot that thinks he’s in charge can’t grasp that and is happy licking the arses of the EU to take us back, pleeeasse, and aligning the country with them still. It’s a whole sorry state and war should never be the answer. I’m not one of those by the way that can’t stand violence, if you poke me long enough I’ll bite, it may be your ankles mind you, but I will. How long before you poke the Bear will he snap and bite back??