Alas dear John, being of Irish decent with a love of satire, irony, and self deprecating humor in my DNA, I mourn the loss of the wry and dry humor that seems to have overcome us.
Has anyone tried to ask the people of those regions whether they'd prefer to be part of Ukraine or part of Russia? My guess would be they'd prefer to be part of Russia.
John. I got it. But Putin will never give up those "liberated" regions. Not only have they been traditionally Russian, but Russia now has a land bridge to the warm water ports in Crimea. Those 4 regions also have 40-50% of the rare earth minerals. Putin has been adamant about Ukraine NOT being part of NATO. He doesn’t want ANY NATO country on his borders. By taking all of Ukraine, Russia would wind up with NATO members Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic on their new Russian Ukrainian border. Can you see the stupidity in the Domino Theory fear mongers who say that Putin wants all of Ukraine? Why would he even want one of the most corrupt countries in Eastern Europe?
As an immigrant Texas ("sorry I'm late - I got here as soon as I could") my heart chills with ice at the thought of American blood spilling in that far-away land. If I was to fight, it would be for Russia, because they'd give me some land and an opportunity to live and die amongst White people in a nation that has withstood the horrors of invasion and Marxism and still believes in nationhood. As opposed to Ukraine, a hyper-corrupt battlefield for globalists, Jewry and the NWO, with Bill Gates waiting in the wings.
But better still, let the lines on the map move where they will, and let's keep American blood watering American Freedom, rather than The Great Game.
Note - Britain, France and Russia, in alliance, freeing Greece from the Turkish yoke.
You wrote : "a hyper-corrupt battlefield for globalists, Jewry and the NWO, with Bill Gates waiting in the wings." Very precise. Whose interest does this idiotic "war" serve? Will the hidden bastards cook up WW3? Yes. When? Soon. How do I know this? History.
"Russian aggressors" ? How are they 'aggressors' if they live there? Russians have lived in Crimea and Donbass for centuries, and Kiev has spent a decade trying to exterminate them.
I suspect Zelensky's intake of coke is proportional to Tony Montana's in Scarface - as the end draws near, he becomes completely unhinged. Except the comic won't actually fight anyone, he'll try to slip away in the dead of night. Will he escape?
As a Texan I visited the site of the Alamo, and it's Mission, qu8te of number of times as both a child and adult. My understanding is that no reinforcements were sent because those days of delay by Travis and Barrett at the Alamo were needed in order for Sam Houston to to get his men ready to defend at site of the San Jacinto monument, which was predicted, correctly, to be the next site of attack by Santa Ana's army.
In fact, those days of delay by his men, the martyrs of the Alamo, were precisely what was needed because his men fought successfully at San Jacinto. The San Jacinto monument was my father's favorite place to take my brother and myself on weekends, rivaled only by net crabbing off a small bridge at Port Boliver, Texas.
However, after reminding us of historical bravery and adventures, you said, "I sense an adventure in the offing for young American men."
I hope to God you are joking, John. We already lost American volunteers over there. Who was that well-known American who volunteered in Ukraine and was killed?
I'm half Ukrainian however I'm very anti-Nazi and it's the Ukrainian Nazis who started the war by ethnic cleansing the Russian speaking people who live in eastern oblasts beginning in 2014. Nazis are intolerant bullies who think they are better than others when they are actually the worst of the worst. What I would like to see is prosecution of those Nazis for their crimes against humanity. Also, beyond Ukraine, the Nazionists in Israel are also inhuman criminals. In Einstein's Dec. 4, 1948 letter to the NYT he labeled the Zionists: Nazi, fascist, terrorists. Those labels are still 100% accurate.
If my memory is correct, after the Maidan uprising/coup in 2014, these four oblasts had elections to determine who they wanted to be associated with: Either Ukraine or Russia. And all four overwhelmingly chose to be part of Russia, since this was where they had a common language and ethnicity.
Then there is the case of Crimea, a region that had always been a part of Russia, except for the period from 1953 to 2014. For the remainder of its history, it was a part of Russia. The only reason it was gifted to Ukraine was because the Ukrainian, Nikita Khrushchev, decided to give it to Ukraine, maybe for the way the people of Ukraine had been abused by Stalin (that's a guess; I don't know for certain).
Vlad Putin crossed the border into Ukraine to rescue the people of these areas because of the way they were being treated by Kyiv. As far as I can tell, he's not trying to take back all of Ukraine. If he is, it will take him a century, at the pace he's moving. If the US is trying to act as mediator, then this would be a good place to stop. I don't believe Putin wants any more parts of war-torn Ukraine than these. And if Ukraine stays out of NATO, then he'll be satisfied, as NATO won't be against Russia's border.
It's sure to be a FOOL'S ERRAND. And a certain death for those fools who are conned into participating in that quest.
For the Russians, this is an existential fight, against an enlargement of NATO, right to their borders - and then Nuclear Weapons, minutes from Moscow. They can't accept this, for the same reason that the US Government was willing to resort to a Nuclear exchange with the USSR, over Nuclear Missiles in Cuba.
"Ukraine" means "Borderlands" - between Europe and Russia. Prior to the Soviet Union, it wasn't a country, but rather a region, divided between various other nations. The west of Ukraine was split between the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Poland/Lithuania, Hungary and Germany. The east was always Russian. And this is reflected in the linguistic and cultural differences between the two halves of the country. The ultra-nationalistic western Ukrainians have repeatedly shown themselves to be genocidal and bloodthirsty. The Russians in the east, show no such tendencies, historically. And Ukraine has been the pathway for repeated invasions of Russia, by Europeans, over the last several hundred years.
After the CIA's Maidan Coup in 2014 (using overt Nazis, to achieve their desired results), the people of Crimea, and then Donetsk and Lugansk all voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia. There's no indications to suggest anything untoward or unrepresentative occurred in those elections, or the ones more recently in the four eastern oblasts, after the SMO began.
Zelensky just wants to rule over the lands of Russians, after using Nazis (and other NATO troops, like members of ISIS) to expel or kill those Russians. So to cast himself as an aggrieved defender, is a remarkable twist of the facts.
I am sorry my ironic tone isn't obvious. One can never be too obvious these days.
Alas dear John, being of Irish decent with a love of satire, irony, and self deprecating humor in my DNA, I mourn the loss of the wry and dry humor that seems to have overcome us.
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
Irony isn't well understood these days :)
I was thinking satiric, but even then, I think it would have been better had you clarified the "offer."
Has anyone tried to ask the people of those regions whether they'd prefer to be part of Ukraine or part of Russia? My guess would be they'd prefer to be part of Russia.
Yes. Each of these oblasts voted sometime between 2014 and 2020. Each voted 90+% to be a part of Russia.
Thanks. Their votes should be respected, then, right?
John. I got it. But Putin will never give up those "liberated" regions. Not only have they been traditionally Russian, but Russia now has a land bridge to the warm water ports in Crimea. Those 4 regions also have 40-50% of the rare earth minerals. Putin has been adamant about Ukraine NOT being part of NATO. He doesn’t want ANY NATO country on his borders. By taking all of Ukraine, Russia would wind up with NATO members Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic on their new Russian Ukrainian border. Can you see the stupidity in the Domino Theory fear mongers who say that Putin wants all of Ukraine? Why would he even want one of the most corrupt countries in Eastern Europe?
"Why would he even want one of the most corrupt countries in Eastern Europe?"
Think of it as a Russian buffer zone.
As an immigrant Texas ("sorry I'm late - I got here as soon as I could") my heart chills with ice at the thought of American blood spilling in that far-away land. If I was to fight, it would be for Russia, because they'd give me some land and an opportunity to live and die amongst White people in a nation that has withstood the horrors of invasion and Marxism and still believes in nationhood. As opposed to Ukraine, a hyper-corrupt battlefield for globalists, Jewry and the NWO, with Bill Gates waiting in the wings.
But better still, let the lines on the map move where they will, and let's keep American blood watering American Freedom, rather than The Great Game.
Note - Britain, France and Russia, in alliance, freeing Greece from the Turkish yoke.
You wrote : "a hyper-corrupt battlefield for globalists, Jewry and the NWO, with Bill Gates waiting in the wings." Very precise. Whose interest does this idiotic "war" serve? Will the hidden bastards cook up WW3? Yes. When? Soon. How do I know this? History.
"Russian aggressors" ? How are they 'aggressors' if they live there? Russians have lived in Crimea and Donbass for centuries, and Kiev has spent a decade trying to exterminate them.
Sorry my ironic tone wasn't more obvious. Regards, John
Not a fuvkin chance!
You should be ashamed trying to get American men to get themselves killed in a meat grinder that's going to make
I’ll add this,
Ukrainian Pres Zelensky's actions
🫤“in defense of democracy." 🫤
- Suspended elections
- Declared martial law
- Merged/Controls all TV/News
- Barred men from leaving
- Barred certain religions
- Seized property/goods
- Barred opposition parties
Irony is not a metal.
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
where do I sign up . Maybe I'll be invited to dine at the Zelensky mansion in Miami . That's if he makes it out alive.
I suspect Zelensky's intake of coke is proportional to Tony Montana's in Scarface - as the end draws near, he becomes completely unhinged. Except the comic won't actually fight anyone, he'll try to slip away in the dead of night. Will he escape?
As a Texan I visited the site of the Alamo, and it's Mission, qu8te of number of times as both a child and adult. My understanding is that no reinforcements were sent because those days of delay by Travis and Barrett at the Alamo were needed in order for Sam Houston to to get his men ready to defend at site of the San Jacinto monument, which was predicted, correctly, to be the next site of attack by Santa Ana's army.
In fact, those days of delay by his men, the martyrs of the Alamo, were precisely what was needed because his men fought successfully at San Jacinto. The San Jacinto monument was my father's favorite place to take my brother and myself on weekends, rivaled only by net crabbing off a small bridge at Port Boliver, Texas.
However, after reminding us of historical bravery and adventures, you said, "I sense an adventure in the offing for young American men."
I hope to God you are joking, John. We already lost American volunteers over there. Who was that well-known American who volunteered in Ukraine and was killed?
As a New Yorker, I have to admit some doubts about Texas afterf reading Michener's "Texas"! (years go...)
I'm half Ukrainian however I'm very anti-Nazi and it's the Ukrainian Nazis who started the war by ethnic cleansing the Russian speaking people who live in eastern oblasts beginning in 2014. Nazis are intolerant bullies who think they are better than others when they are actually the worst of the worst. What I would like to see is prosecution of those Nazis for their crimes against humanity. Also, beyond Ukraine, the Nazionists in Israel are also inhuman criminals. In Einstein's Dec. 4, 1948 letter to the NYT he labeled the Zionists: Nazi, fascist, terrorists. Those labels are still 100% accurate.
American never had a stake in FORCING Kiev’s authority on peoples who rejected Kiev by referendum.
If my memory is correct, after the Maidan uprising/coup in 2014, these four oblasts had elections to determine who they wanted to be associated with: Either Ukraine or Russia. And all four overwhelmingly chose to be part of Russia, since this was where they had a common language and ethnicity.
Then there is the case of Crimea, a region that had always been a part of Russia, except for the period from 1953 to 2014. For the remainder of its history, it was a part of Russia. The only reason it was gifted to Ukraine was because the Ukrainian, Nikita Khrushchev, decided to give it to Ukraine, maybe for the way the people of Ukraine had been abused by Stalin (that's a guess; I don't know for certain).
Vlad Putin crossed the border into Ukraine to rescue the people of these areas because of the way they were being treated by Kyiv. As far as I can tell, he's not trying to take back all of Ukraine. If he is, it will take him a century, at the pace he's moving. If the US is trying to act as mediator, then this would be a good place to stop. I don't believe Putin wants any more parts of war-torn Ukraine than these. And if Ukraine stays out of NATO, then he'll be satisfied, as NATO won't be against Russia's border.
It's sure to be a FOOL'S ERRAND. And a certain death for those fools who are conned into participating in that quest.
For the Russians, this is an existential fight, against an enlargement of NATO, right to their borders - and then Nuclear Weapons, minutes from Moscow. They can't accept this, for the same reason that the US Government was willing to resort to a Nuclear exchange with the USSR, over Nuclear Missiles in Cuba.
"Ukraine" means "Borderlands" - between Europe and Russia. Prior to the Soviet Union, it wasn't a country, but rather a region, divided between various other nations. The west of Ukraine was split between the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Poland/Lithuania, Hungary and Germany. The east was always Russian. And this is reflected in the linguistic and cultural differences between the two halves of the country. The ultra-nationalistic western Ukrainians have repeatedly shown themselves to be genocidal and bloodthirsty. The Russians in the east, show no such tendencies, historically. And Ukraine has been the pathway for repeated invasions of Russia, by Europeans, over the last several hundred years.
After the CIA's Maidan Coup in 2014 (using overt Nazis, to achieve their desired results), the people of Crimea, and then Donetsk and Lugansk all voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia. There's no indications to suggest anything untoward or unrepresentative occurred in those elections, or the ones more recently in the four eastern oblasts, after the SMO began.
Zelensky just wants to rule over the lands of Russians, after using Nazis (and other NATO troops, like members of ISIS) to expel or kill those Russians. So to cast himself as an aggrieved defender, is a remarkable twist of the facts.
Yes; REAL Americans DO!
And the answer IS: RUSSIA!
ANY Territory that Russia TAKES BACK, is THEIRS!
And whatever is left of the Ukraine, *I* own part of THAT!
I will RENT OUT MY LAND, to any NON-NAZI Uki, for a monthly fee!
We Americans need to RE-COOP some of those BILLIONS of $$$$ that was STOLEN from us, so that Uki-NAZIS could buy LUXURY ITEMS (houses, cars, ect)!!