I have asked my covid-vaccinated patients to take nattokinase 2000 units per day, while running these labs every 3 months: D-dimer, CBC/platelets, fibrinogen, PT/INR. Naturopathic physicians have recommended nattokinase and similar for decades for our cardiovascular patients, and I have never known it to cause new problems. It seems to be generally well-tolerated.
Dr. Huber many doctors are reporting to me that in order to resolve symptoms we need to move to higher doses. Some are using 8000 FU total daily dose in divided administrations.
Dr Huber, can I ask, how long would they need to take nattokinase to get this crap out of me? I only got the initial 2 doses of Pfizer vaccines in 2021 and thank God have not had major reactions (the one major concern was that my white blood cell count was below normal and in the low-normal range for about a year, that has now seemed to recover after using Turkey Tail for awhile).
I would like to be able to give a definitive answer. There are still varying estimates as to how long spike proteins are being generated. I have to say though that nattokinase is not my favorite for blocking or neutralizing effects of spike proteins. Rather, I think that is best done by ivermectin. I wrote about those specific mechanisms here: https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/ivermectin-is-safe-and-effective
And as far as how long to take ivermectin, let's be guided by historical example of ivermectin use. As an anti-parasitic, which effect it also has, it has been used in equatorial Africa for weekly dosing for half a century. So I have been prescribing that. It absorbs 2.5 times better with food. My COVID-vaccinated patients have reported best, strongest symptomatic relief of a variety of post-vaccine conditions from ivermectin, rather than other recommendations.
Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed
Is it something someone 2 jabs back in 2021 and not having any "signs" of injury should be taking/using at this point - almost 2 yrs in? I've done D dimer and C reactive Protein test all appear to be good. Although Quant Sike Total Antibody blood test was high after a C19 infection. Is Spike generated by the body as a response to the jab/or infection? OR BY the jab and or infection solely? Tx
The jabs create spikes repeatedly due to the mRNA component programing the cell to produce them. You get spikes when you catch covid virus and the virus produces the spikes but as you overcome the virus the spikes go away.
Apparently a lot of prime athletes and others who have had no signs of disease are just dropping dead out of the blue. The spikes are produced in the body by the reprograming of the cell with the mRNA gene. It is designed to keep producing spikes over time. Many people who have had myo/pericarditis had no signs of clotting. The heart attacks are caused by inflammation that is destroying heart muscle tissue.. although I think some heart attacks are caused by clots for some people. I am not sure on all the tests one would have to do to diagnose the potential problem. I certainly would seek out a doctor who understands the situation, not one who is skeptical. I've written more on the topic at these links.
Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s also seeking out other physicians who want to learn. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed
EDTA (oral), Apple Pectin, Melatonin, Zinc, Vit C, and NAC, are included in Dr. Bryan Ardis' Protocol. Check out his theory, that the Spike Proteins are Venom proteins.
Dr. Huber do you have any sense of how long and clinically significant the treatment effect is with Nattokinase? Have you tried doubling or tripling the dose?
I wish that I could find a doctor willing to discuss the covid 19 "vaccines" honestly. Your patients are very blessed to have you. Any ideas on how I can find a physician in my area willing to speak openly about the subject and how to remediate its effects? Presently, I am taking NAC (1000 mg) quercetin, D3, zinc, iron, and Dr. McCullough's Healthy Heart and Muscle along with a multivitamin. I have ivermectin on hand in the event myself or my family becomes ill with another variant. I wish I could consult with a physician on dosages and supplement interaction.
Mary Elizabeth you can consult with a Wellness Company doctor www.twc.health. Probably need to add Spike Support if you have long-COVID or were vaxxed.
Mary Elizabeth. Have you read any of Dr.Makis substack.and the comments below his articles? Many on there take large doses of ivermectin daily. There is no risk in trying. It is very safe. 100x safer than Tylenol. We also used to save ours carefully for anytime we got sick. Now we take it every day and some.
Are there any labs (bloodwork) that would help in deciding whether a 21 y.o. exposed via shedding (unvaxxed) should take the nattokinase formula at all? I'm concerned about those of us who are not vaxxed but exposed to jabbed people. I work in a chiropractic clinic as well. At this point, all of us unjabbed are being exposed daily to a lot of vaxxed people. Especially as the CDC propaganda continues pushing for boosters. What would be contraindications for taking the nattokinase formula?
I took the Spike formula from Wellness Company for a few days, then noticed tiny red spots in my arm. Stopped and “bleeding” cleared up. Tried taking again and in 2 days more red spots. Is this subcutaneous bleeding and short I not take Nattokinese? I am 71 and healthy. Online tool first 2 shots in 2021. No boosters.
We are a family of hemophiliacs so the spots you describe are familiar type of bleed known as "petechiae" pinpoint-sized spots of bleeding under the skin or mucous membranes.. it is common with anything that has a blood thinning effect & can be induced by a few rings of pineapple as well to frame this in the context of natural food based products with blood thinning effects.
I don't believe the Nattokinase would hurt anyone, unless they are allergic to soy. It is made from fermented soybeans. There is a retired Chiropractor, Dr. Bryan Ardis, who's research has led him to believe that the Spike Protein is made of Venom proteins, and he thinks they are putting it into the water. Part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER:
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Everywhere I see your name here it is promoting Bryan Ardis and his thoroughly discredited idea of snake venom being put in the water. His claims simply didn't hold up to scrutiny. You are promoting old, out-dated information.
I have been tracking some ppl D-dimer, CBC/plt. Did you see changes in INR post jab? Improvement with time and natto? Or did you have a goal to increase it?
Deanna, d-dimer will go up with Natto for a few weeks then should trend down as the body begins to clear Spike protein. https://zenodo.org/records/8286460
Strangely enough, I have not seen abnormal PT / INR in COVID-vaccinated patients, nor abnormal platelets nor abnormal fibrinogen. I have only seen one high blood lab that they had in common: high D-dimer. Here's what I found:
I've had half-dozen with drastic change in PLT. PLT is doubled or more from their baseline and then anti-PLT antibodies are high, at least 1 or 2 of them. Or, PLT is newly low, but then they may have pancytopenia, those ppl usually got diagnosed w/ autoimmune hemolytic anemia. I had six compared to prior years in primary care of zero. A couple of them had great hematologists who gave them IVIG but sadly some of the specialists didn't acknowledge it and didn't treat it. The ones who got IVIG are feeling much better. I have lots of jabbed, thankfully few boosting. There are several studies found on search in google scholar on mRNA autoimmune hemolytic anemia. I think I cite several in my book, but can't remember, I'm sick of looking at studies. Definitely had several high D-dimer and suspect dozens, but some don't want to know/be tested. Crazy. 5-6x the number of typical clots in a year. Hence I wrote..
Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed
I may check this out but have to say I am concerned with his K replacement, as many of my post jabbed have high K and /or high Ca. In most it is transient but some it is not. KCL is in the mRNA covid jabs.
One of the doctors on the series REMEDY, says that Supercharged C60 carbon will disable the Technology. I found several articles , "Activated charcoal as a capture material for silver nanoparticles in environmental water samples". Even NIH posts the same article, so hopefully it will work in our bodies as well.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
I had read about his theory, and feel it may have some merit, since the shot does contain Snake Venom Peptides. In my reading, I have found 2 lists of ingredients; one lists it as peptides, the other lists it as synthetic venom. I had posted to several different people, way after the article had been written, and the only way they would know to read it, is by receiving an email that a post was made to their comment. I read these Substacks, and post only occasionally. I have had no previous experience with posting on threads, so if I have done it wrong, I am sorry.
Dr. McCullough, to my knowledge, has never agreed to meet with people like Dr. Ana Mihalcea, David Nixon, and others who are trying to help us with the Rubbery Clots and the Self-Assembling Nano Dots, that are causing damage AND they will use those to control us when they are ready. The solutions for the Spike Protein that Dr. McCullough and others have put forward are very good, and I use them myself, but that covers only PART of the problems with this bioweapon. There are even 5G and EMF connections with the bioweapon, as well. They need to all get together and work together on solutions.
And did you know they have already found the same things in the blood of deer and wild squirrel, that are in the blood of people who took the shots? Look for that article back a little ways on Dr. Ana Milhacea's Substack.
Are you remotely aware how you deliver your message on social media amongst more measured, extremely critically thinking audiences that coalesce around leaders like Dr. McCollough ?
What do you hope to accomplish reposting repetitively and obsessively which clearly behaves as harassment (THE BLITZ) about a theory which has not disseminated and been proven around independent peer reviewed research models.
Snake Venom theory (THE FAKE/ THE DIVERSION) behaves as counterfeit science being passed off as legitimate research to manufacture uncertainly where little or none exists about how the mRNA is cytotoxic.
Why do you think someone like McCollough hasn't heard about the propaganda short film Watch The Water? Do you actually think someone of his research caliber, with a finger on ALL the research, hasn't? Or is it possible, your target audience isn't him, rather his followers? Are you feeling bored, unimportant after alleged retirement? Or, is it possible, that your SS account, is posing as a retired truck driver, with a generic picture of two dogs, is a paid actor's lazy attempt to appeal to a certain demographic on Substack with a goal to convince, confuse, and gaslight with these disinformation theories that NOBODY with advanced medical creditability has spoken publicly or directly about.
Snake Venom theory doesn't need Dr. McCollough or his followers to validate it. It needs better reproducible science. If you understood that, you wouldn't be passively harassing people with your Disinformation Tactics on Dr. McCollough's articles.
Have a Merry Christmas. And please, don't apologize..... I have a feeling, your energy ($$$) that has gone into this post, is very intentional.
I wasn't aware that substacks were written only for "professionals". I originally started following Karen Kingston, after seeing one of her interviews on Rumble. Now I read substacks, most especially from Dr. Ana Mihalcea, and other writers/researchers, who look at these nano particles in the vials and in the blood. I have not continued to read or watch Dr. Ardis. Neither do I read the threads under the substacks very often, especially not in a long time. I do like to know a lot of different people's opinions on this bioweapon, though, so sometimes I just read some of the comments and don't comment anything myself, because I just do not have the time to stay on the computer. Guess that suits those of you who think us common folk should have no opinion. I am trying desperately to detox, since seniors in this town were tricked into taking at least the first 2 shots, so I need all the information I can get. Alabama Health Dept. is still pushing the shots real bad, and I like to be able to talk truth to people around here.
Just for your information, my husband and I drove long haul as a team for 10 years, retiring from Air Ride Inc., Dec. of 2000. You learn a lot out on the road like that. Have YOU been in all of the 48 contiguous States? After that, my husband put trailers on the doors at Honda, for 5 yrs or more. He can back a trailer onto a door practically blindfolded; my specialty was cooking in the microwave when it was his turn to drive.
As to possibility of snake venom. I find it helpful..and there may be far more in those shots than we want to think about. Or in just some of them. The issue is then to find how to detox from venom if ypu got any shots. Not to mention there is vaccine shedding. Not to mention that the booster shot promotion is ongoing! .
For a zeolite had been recommended, but that has since been rescinded. They have found that zeolite indeed increases the action of the bioweapon ingredients. Sorry I took it for a while back then.
Our 36 year old son is suddenly on blood thinners for the next 90 days for a DVT below and behind his knee. He took two shots and one booster to keep his job. He is now paying attention to what I've been trying to tell him about the shots. While on blood thinners can he start the spike detox or would there be an interaction with Eloquis? I don't know how else to find the answer to be able to help him. Thank you.
I used to be on baby aspirin. Natropath put me on Nattokinase. So i took Natto in morning away from food. Baby aspirin at night. Sometimes still do take Aspirin.
As I was reading this article I noticed that serrapeptase was also mentioned. I have recently started taking serrapeptase and noticed a difference in pain levels with a hip problem I have. Just wondering if you believe it can be as effective as the Nattokinase or can they both be taken together?
Robyn, this is good to know. There are no data yet with Serrapeptase but it has attractive theoretical properties. Stay tuned. https://zenodo.org/records/8286460
True, but they were going off half cocked in their rush to take your freedom away. The human body is NOT just a biomachine, they fail to take that into account. I am part of the control group.
It is with DEEP GRATITUDE that I say “Thank You” for each and every article you send out and with the same gratitude that I thank God for your life and my introduction to you at the Tyler symposium in 2021.
Thank you for your brilliant, stellar work Dr. McCullough. I hope some day I get to shake your hand. Oxymoronically, life as I knew it and the me that I was ended when I followed my Dr.s advise and took 2 shots of Pfizer, which was supposed to prevent what it caused. 18 months of intensive research followed, as I felt like I was slowly, incrementally dying, to figure out what was wrong with me. That landed me on the doorstep of your colleague, Dr. Kory, and his practice, treating vaccine injury. Thank God. At least I have hope. Nattokinase is in the mix of my extensive, prescribed protocol, consisting of 12 components. Tracking challenges my brain fog to the max so they help me with spreadsheets. Along my research path I found you; quoted by Bobby Kennedy, Jr. in "The Real Anthony Fauci" thusly; "the pandemic coukd have been over in the Spring of 2020." As I dug deeper, I became the poster child for a lyric from "Against The Wind" by Bob Seager..."I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then". May God sustain you as you continue to sustain us.
VERY SORRY that you are injured by the shots. IMMENSELY GRATEFUL to God that Dr. Kory is your doctor now and you follow Dr. McCullough! They are both using their BRILLIANT skills to help all of us!
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
As a primary care physician I appreciate the courage and your God given brilliance in addressing these difficult issues at a time of crisis like this ; it’s sad to see the mindless group think in organized medicine
Like the security agencies , the military even
Medicine at the Top levels has become an adjunct to the Deep State !
As such Dr McCullough has sacrificed so much personally for the sake of medical autonomy
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Great point. There are two other enzymes to consider as well, which Dr. Mercola explains here on his Substack and also sells at https://www.mercolamarket.com/: Lumbrokinase & Serrapeptase Enzymes. But you probably already knew that. Thanks for reminding me to order now rather than later.
Np I take Serra also, but read that adding lumbro probably would be overkill, though not necessarily toxic or harmful. I have a subscription/auto ship program, so my supply should be safe 😂
Same thing happened with NAC when fda tried to stop that.
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Dr. Mercola was one of the doctors on the series REMEDY, that just finished. However, I was most impressed with Dr. Bryan Ardis. I looked him up afterward, and found these, and many more interviews on Rumble.
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Another natural supplement that I had never heard of. Robert Malone just wrote a substack on berberine following the coverage on flccc.net and Dr. Been. I went out and bought it and put it in my regular daily pills. Should I do the same with nattokinase? Since my allopathic GP does not know about any of these suppliments, my first shot is to go to the web.
And I recently had an incident and my neurologist put me on blood thinner so this material from the web seems to say that I should not take nattokinase. From the web
"What is nattokinase good for?
Studies show that nattokinase dissolves blood clots — which helps maintain good blood vessel structure, improves blood flow, and lowers the risk of heart disease. It can also help lower your blood pressure, reducing strain on the heart that can lead to heart attacks .Nov 26, 2022"
"Who should not take nattokinase?
Patients with a history of deep vein thrombosis should avoid of use nattokinase. You have coagulation disorders or are currently using an anticoagulant drug. You take aspirin daily: Nattokinase may increase its effects and lead to excessive bleeding .Apr 14, 2022"
But because I am taking atenolol, a beta blocker, maybe if I had an MD, or herbal doctor who could determine what is best for me, maybe I could take this instead of allopathic medicines. Next from the web
"What are the negative side effects of nattokinase?
Severe Side Effects
Serious allergic reaction: A severe allergic reaction is a possible serious side effect of any medication. ...
Clot relocation: Nattokinase may work by breaking up a clot. ...
Excessively low blood pressure: Since nattokinase may lower your blood pressure, this side effect may become excessive and severe.
More items...•Feb 3, 2023"
So, I am in a pickle. No longer trust the health bureaucracy, sometimes trust what is on the web, where is a patient to turn?
I am medical scientist consultant from Australia who has been prescribing nattokinase (NKCP) for the past 10-15 yrs, and have extensive experience with the compound, especially for helping reduce blood pressure, improving circulation, reducing risk of coagulation/clotting disorders like DVT's, and during the 'CV-Vax' situation to reduce risk of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes for those taking the jabs.
In regards your situation, I have prescribed it safely with a number of standard blood thinners, without seeing any issues. This was done by starting with a low dosage (250mg daily), then increasing dosage with appropriate testing, depending on the other blood thinner taken. Therefore, to do this 100% safely you need to check coagulation panels to be sure (INR/PT/APTT, d-dimer, CBC & Platelets, Fibrinogen) - you would do a baseline before starting NKCP, then after each dosage change.
As for Aspirin & NKCP I never saw any interaction, nor would I be concerned with the beta blocker atenolol, except that your BP may reduce a bit further (a good thing). Regardless, this should all be monitored by someone locally who can assist professionally. Further, I have never seen NKCP dramatically reduce BP so that it is 'excessive and severe' - that is complete rubbish.
Anyway, I hope my comments are of some help. NKCP is well worth a try given the new information that has surfaced from Dr McCullough excellent summary. Anything that can safely remove the toxic spike protein will greatly help you.
Why do you keep posting the same information OVER and OVER and OVER!!! That is so inconsiderate. You only need to post it once, and then people can read it if they want to, but without having to scroll through it multiple times. Repeat posting is considered poor etiquette on discussion forums like this one.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Hi. My name is Minia and I am from Australia too. I find it extremely difficult to find a professional who is not pro vaccinations and is willing to discuss anything regarding my health post vaccines. Could you please help me get in touch with someone or help me?
I am not a MD nor is this a medical recommendation. I use the Nattokinase for my BP support along with red beet root and several other supplements. It does seem to help. I have been taking it along with aspirin I take for a headache now and then and have not had any bruising issues. Again, not a recommendation but an observation on my part.
Besides its anti-Spike and anti-atherosclerotic properties, Nattokinase works to lower blood pressure and cholesterol modestly. https://zenodo.org/records/8286460
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
I knew a naturopathic doctor who had a-fib. He was on lots of blood thinners for it. He told me that nattokinase will only break down clots. It does not prevent clots from forming when the body needs to clot for some reason. It does not affect the PT/INR... you might want to look into that aspect.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Vaccine injured here. I’ve been taking Nattokinase and Serrapeptase for about 16 months now. It has helped more than anything else. Not only does it dissolve SP from tissues. New studies show it also dissolves the SP from the live virus making it unable to enter cells. So the case could be made for taking it as a prophylactic.
I started with 4000FU Nattokinase and 40,000SPU Serrapeptase. There was a very noticeable difference and after a month or two I switched to just 2000FU of Nattokinase.
I have been taking nattokinase for a month now since I watched Dr. Been's video on Youtube. Prior to taking it, I experienced sharp chest pain on my left chest. I have never had this kind of pain prior to taking the vaccine. I read about D-dimers as an indicator of micro clots in your blood. Anyways, I feel better. I am only taking it once a day. Will increase the therapy to twice a day. Just a side note, I am not on any type of maintenance meds.
You do understand that Dr Been pushed the vaccines don't you? Every time I would comment on his youtube videos about how he is damaging people by doing this my post would be removed..of course. He was one of them.. tries to act so smart but he was a fool for the system
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
So grateful for ongoing research by Tanikawa, Oba, Kunosawa and Dr. McCullough. Never give up and never be silent, always give the Truth. We have "the Hope".
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Yes, this is very important! COVID-19 A dangerous untested vaccine. as Bill Gates said, " We have to depopulate, and we will do it with a Vaccine." back in 2008 and 2012 at a Health Summit.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
This is a very important article. Thank you very much. The studies on Nattokinase are very encouraging for those of us who took the C-19 shots and boosters and have concerns or side effects from them. We must pressure our Congress to pressure our Govt. agencies to recall all C-19 shots and boosters. Many people follow the Govt’s rec. and believe the false ads and the propaganda in media about taking the current C-19 shot/booster.
Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Dr McCullough I read some time ago when doing a bit of investigation that there is some evidence that nattokinaise can be detrimental to the liver but I haven't found any specific studies demonstrating this. Is this just a bit of scare mongering?
Dr. Peter McCullough Thank you for your Three Bits of Advice for Those Who Took the COVID-19 Shots!
1.) No more shots - the side effects are cumulative.
2.) Be vigilant for symptoms of blood clots and heart damage.
3.) Nattokinase - preclinical studies show it degrades the spike protein.
Nattokinase is featured in our jam-packed formula that provides immune and support for people concerned about the prolonged effects of spike proteins. https://bit.ly/twcsupport
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Had the vaccine here. 2 shots over 1.5 years ago. from UK. No adverse reactions, no negative symptoms, very active and healthy, good bloods have regular FBC, regular hormone levels. Had covid once, very mild symptoms, no long covid.
Regret the choice but thought i was doing right by myself at the time. Concerned of long term effects of potential spike protein circulation or vaccine sequence RNA in the body. Finding it so hard to find doctors of health care professionals to discuss with or get advice on how/if this can be tested, steps to take. If I have had various health tests done and had nothing adverse displayed if that means I have no affects etc.
Watched a great video by Dr Ryan Cole and Steve Kirsch on advice high amount of which I already do and have been tested for or are about to be. Is there people out there who can help or you can go to that are not mainstream Professionals.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
I have asked my covid-vaccinated patients to take nattokinase 2000 units per day, while running these labs every 3 months: D-dimer, CBC/platelets, fibrinogen, PT/INR. Naturopathic physicians have recommended nattokinase and similar for decades for our cardiovascular patients, and I have never known it to cause new problems. It seems to be generally well-tolerated.
Dr. Huber many doctors are reporting to me that in order to resolve symptoms we need to move to higher doses. Some are using 8000 FU total daily dose in divided administrations.
Dr Huber, can I ask, how long would they need to take nattokinase to get this crap out of me? I only got the initial 2 doses of Pfizer vaccines in 2021 and thank God have not had major reactions (the one major concern was that my white blood cell count was below normal and in the low-normal range for about a year, that has now seemed to recover after using Turkey Tail for awhile).
I would like to be able to give a definitive answer. There are still varying estimates as to how long spike proteins are being generated. I have to say though that nattokinase is not my favorite for blocking or neutralizing effects of spike proteins. Rather, I think that is best done by ivermectin. I wrote about those specific mechanisms here: https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/ivermectin-is-safe-and-effective
And as far as how long to take ivermectin, let's be guided by historical example of ivermectin use. As an anti-parasitic, which effect it also has, it has been used in equatorial Africa for weekly dosing for half a century. So I have been prescribing that. It absorbs 2.5 times better with food. My COVID-vaccinated patients have reported best, strongest symptomatic relief of a variety of post-vaccine conditions from ivermectin, rather than other recommendations.
Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed
Is it something someone 2 jabs back in 2021 and not having any "signs" of injury should be taking/using at this point - almost 2 yrs in? I've done D dimer and C reactive Protein test all appear to be good. Although Quant Sike Total Antibody blood test was high after a C19 infection. Is Spike generated by the body as a response to the jab/or infection? OR BY the jab and or infection solely? Tx
The jabs create spikes repeatedly due to the mRNA component programing the cell to produce them. You get spikes when you catch covid virus and the virus produces the spikes but as you overcome the virus the spikes go away.
Apparently a lot of prime athletes and others who have had no signs of disease are just dropping dead out of the blue. The spikes are produced in the body by the reprograming of the cell with the mRNA gene. It is designed to keep producing spikes over time. Many people who have had myo/pericarditis had no signs of clotting. The heart attacks are caused by inflammation that is destroying heart muscle tissue.. although I think some heart attacks are caused by clots for some people. I am not sure on all the tests one would have to do to diagnose the potential problem. I certainly would seek out a doctor who understands the situation, not one who is skeptical. I've written more on the topic at these links.
Dr. Huber
Do you know if ivermectin has shown promise for Dengue Fever?
Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s also seeking out other physicians who want to learn. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed
EDTA (oral), Apple Pectin, Melatonin, Zinc, Vit C, and NAC, are included in Dr. Bryan Ardis' Protocol. Check out his theory, that the Spike Proteins are Venom proteins.
Dr. Huber do you have any sense of how long and clinically significant the treatment effect is with Nattokinase? Have you tried doubling or tripling the dose?
I wish that I could find a doctor willing to discuss the covid 19 "vaccines" honestly. Your patients are very blessed to have you. Any ideas on how I can find a physician in my area willing to speak openly about the subject and how to remediate its effects? Presently, I am taking NAC (1000 mg) quercetin, D3, zinc, iron, and Dr. McCullough's Healthy Heart and Muscle along with a multivitamin. I have ivermectin on hand in the event myself or my family becomes ill with another variant. I wish I could consult with a physician on dosages and supplement interaction.
Mary Elizabeth: try www.aapsonline.org and see the roster of doctors in your area. Otherwise can used doctors by telemedicine: www.twc.health
Mary Elizabeth you can consult with a Wellness Company doctor www.twc.health. Probably need to add Spike Support if you have long-COVID or were vaxxed.
Mary Elizabeth. Have you read any of Dr.Makis substack.and the comments below his articles? Many on there take large doses of ivermectin daily. There is no risk in trying. It is very safe. 100x safer than Tylenol. We also used to save ours carefully for anytime we got sick. Now we take it every day and some.
Are there any labs (bloodwork) that would help in deciding whether a 21 y.o. exposed via shedding (unvaxxed) should take the nattokinase formula at all? I'm concerned about those of us who are not vaxxed but exposed to jabbed people. I work in a chiropractic clinic as well. At this point, all of us unjabbed are being exposed daily to a lot of vaxxed people. Especially as the CDC propaganda continues pushing for boosters. What would be contraindications for taking the nattokinase formula?
I took the Spike formula from Wellness Company for a few days, then noticed tiny red spots in my arm. Stopped and “bleeding” cleared up. Tried taking again and in 2 days more red spots. Is this subcutaneous bleeding and short I not take Nattokinese? I am 71 and healthy. Online tool first 2 shots in 2021. No boosters.
Letitia, try taking just one capsule a day in between meals.
We are a family of hemophiliacs so the spots you describe are familiar type of bleed known as "petechiae" pinpoint-sized spots of bleeding under the skin or mucous membranes.. it is common with anything that has a blood thinning effect & can be induced by a few rings of pineapple as well to frame this in the context of natural food based products with blood thinning effects.
Only took first 2…
I don't believe the Nattokinase would hurt anyone, unless they are allergic to soy. It is made from fermented soybeans. There is a retired Chiropractor, Dr. Bryan Ardis, who's research has led him to believe that the Spike Protein is made of Venom proteins, and he thinks they are putting it into the water. Part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER:
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Incorrect.. soy allergy or any condition where blood thinner like aspirin would be a problem... nothing but water has blanket safety for consumption.
Water isn't even safe, if they are poisoning us with additives...of any kind.
Everywhere I see your name here it is promoting Bryan Ardis and his thoroughly discredited idea of snake venom being put in the water. His claims simply didn't hold up to scrutiny. You are promoting old, out-dated information.
Find the best filter for it. Or boil it.
I have been tracking some ppl D-dimer, CBC/plt. Did you see changes in INR post jab? Improvement with time and natto? Or did you have a goal to increase it?
Deanna, d-dimer will go up with Natto for a few weeks then should trend down as the body begins to clear Spike protein. https://zenodo.org/records/8286460
Strangely enough, I have not seen abnormal PT / INR in COVID-vaccinated patients, nor abnormal platelets nor abnormal fibrinogen. I have only seen one high blood lab that they had in common: high D-dimer. Here's what I found:
However, I must say, those who tend to seek naturopathic care are less likely to be COVID-vaccinated. I think it is less than 2% of my patients.
I've had half-dozen with drastic change in PLT. PLT is doubled or more from their baseline and then anti-PLT antibodies are high, at least 1 or 2 of them. Or, PLT is newly low, but then they may have pancytopenia, those ppl usually got diagnosed w/ autoimmune hemolytic anemia. I had six compared to prior years in primary care of zero. A couple of them had great hematologists who gave them IVIG but sadly some of the specialists didn't acknowledge it and didn't treat it. The ones who got IVIG are feeling much better. I have lots of jabbed, thankfully few boosting. There are several studies found on search in google scholar on mRNA autoimmune hemolytic anemia. I think I cite several in my book, but can't remember, I'm sick of looking at studies. Definitely had several high D-dimer and suspect dozens, but some don't want to know/be tested. Crazy. 5-6x the number of typical clots in a year. Hence I wrote..
Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed
I may check this out but have to say I am concerned with his K replacement, as many of my post jabbed have high K and /or high Ca. In most it is transient but some it is not. KCL is in the mRNA covid jabs.
One of the doctors on the series REMEDY, says that Supercharged C60 carbon will disable the Technology. I found several articles , "Activated charcoal as a capture material for silver nanoparticles in environmental water samples". Even NIH posts the same article, so hopefully it will work in our bodies as well.
Another doctor on there, Dr. Bryan Ardis has learned that the Spike Protein, is most probably Venom proteins. Check him out.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
I had read about his theory, and feel it may have some merit, since the shot does contain Snake Venom Peptides. In my reading, I have found 2 lists of ingredients; one lists it as peptides, the other lists it as synthetic venom. I had posted to several different people, way after the article had been written, and the only way they would know to read it, is by receiving an email that a post was made to their comment. I read these Substacks, and post only occasionally. I have had no previous experience with posting on threads, so if I have done it wrong, I am sorry.
Dr. McCullough, to my knowledge, has never agreed to meet with people like Dr. Ana Mihalcea, David Nixon, and others who are trying to help us with the Rubbery Clots and the Self-Assembling Nano Dots, that are causing damage AND they will use those to control us when they are ready. The solutions for the Spike Protein that Dr. McCullough and others have put forward are very good, and I use them myself, but that covers only PART of the problems with this bioweapon. There are even 5G and EMF connections with the bioweapon, as well. They need to all get together and work together on solutions.
You might be interested in this article: https://managainstthemicrobes.substack.com/p/huge-photonic-dot-activity-captured?publication_id=1854937&post_id=139946643&isFreemail=true&r=1cn6iu
And did you know they have already found the same things in the blood of deer and wild squirrel, that are in the blood of people who took the shots? Look for that article back a little ways on Dr. Ana Milhacea's Substack.
Have a Merry Christmas.
Are you remotely aware how you deliver your message on social media amongst more measured, extremely critically thinking audiences that coalesce around leaders like Dr. McCollough ?
What do you hope to accomplish reposting repetitively and obsessively which clearly behaves as harassment (THE BLITZ) about a theory which has not disseminated and been proven around independent peer reviewed research models.
Snake Venom theory (THE FAKE/ THE DIVERSION) behaves as counterfeit science being passed off as legitimate research to manufacture uncertainly where little or none exists about how the mRNA is cytotoxic.
Why do you think someone like McCollough hasn't heard about the propaganda short film Watch The Water? Do you actually think someone of his research caliber, with a finger on ALL the research, hasn't? Or is it possible, your target audience isn't him, rather his followers? Are you feeling bored, unimportant after alleged retirement? Or, is it possible, that your SS account, is posing as a retired truck driver, with a generic picture of two dogs, is a paid actor's lazy attempt to appeal to a certain demographic on Substack with a goal to convince, confuse, and gaslight with these disinformation theories that NOBODY with advanced medical creditability has spoken publicly or directly about.
Snake Venom theory doesn't need Dr. McCollough or his followers to validate it. It needs better reproducible science. If you understood that, you wouldn't be passively harassing people with your Disinformation Tactics on Dr. McCollough's articles.
Have a Merry Christmas. And please, don't apologize..... I have a feeling, your energy ($$$) that has gone into this post, is very intentional.
I wasn't aware that substacks were written only for "professionals". I originally started following Karen Kingston, after seeing one of her interviews on Rumble. Now I read substacks, most especially from Dr. Ana Mihalcea, and other writers/researchers, who look at these nano particles in the vials and in the blood. I have not continued to read or watch Dr. Ardis. Neither do I read the threads under the substacks very often, especially not in a long time. I do like to know a lot of different people's opinions on this bioweapon, though, so sometimes I just read some of the comments and don't comment anything myself, because I just do not have the time to stay on the computer. Guess that suits those of you who think us common folk should have no opinion. I am trying desperately to detox, since seniors in this town were tricked into taking at least the first 2 shots, so I need all the information I can get. Alabama Health Dept. is still pushing the shots real bad, and I like to be able to talk truth to people around here.
Just for your information, my husband and I drove long haul as a team for 10 years, retiring from Air Ride Inc., Dec. of 2000. You learn a lot out on the road like that. Have YOU been in all of the 48 contiguous States? After that, my husband put trailers on the doors at Honda, for 5 yrs or more. He can back a trailer onto a door practically blindfolded; my specialty was cooking in the microwave when it was his turn to drive.
As to possibility of snake venom. I find it helpful..and there may be far more in those shots than we want to think about. Or in just some of them. The issue is then to find how to detox from venom if ypu got any shots. Not to mention there is vaccine shedding. Not to mention that the booster shot promotion is ongoing! .
If Activated Charcoal works. Wouldn't Zeolite also work? Anyone tried Zeolite and then tested?
For a zeolite had been recommended, but that has since been rescinded. They have found that zeolite indeed increases the action of the bioweapon ingredients. Sorry I took it for a while back then.
I’ve been advised by my Naturopathic DO that Lumbrokinase has been proven to be effective as well….Any data on this as well?
Our 36 year old son is suddenly on blood thinners for the next 90 days for a DVT below and behind his knee. He took two shots and one booster to keep his job. He is now paying attention to what I've been trying to tell him about the shots. While on blood thinners can he start the spike detox or would there be an interaction with Eloquis? I don't know how else to find the answer to be able to help him. Thank you.
I used to be on baby aspirin. Natropath put me on Nattokinase. So i took Natto in morning away from food. Baby aspirin at night. Sometimes still do take Aspirin.
As I was reading this article I noticed that serrapeptase was also mentioned. I have recently started taking serrapeptase and noticed a difference in pain levels with a hip problem I have. Just wondering if you believe it can be as effective as the Nattokinase or can they both be taken together?
Robyn, this is good to know. There are no data yet with Serrapeptase but it has attractive theoretical properties. Stay tuned. https://zenodo.org/records/8286460
*Take on empty stomach by the way. Or it acts as a digestive enzyme.
We take both Natto and Serra. I might try taking Natto at night and Serra in morning
Serrapeptase used before for arthritis. Start small then. Go up
There used to be books on it .
True, but they were going off half cocked in their rush to take your freedom away. The human body is NOT just a biomachine, they fail to take that into account. I am part of the control group.
I agree about chemtrails & the shedding of “covid” spike protein.
No direct in my arm jabs, but. was feeling the effects of “something”.
My husband couldn’t get himself jabbed fast enough
( does not believe in chemtrails either🙄)!
I was feeling way off and overall crappy. I have started taking Wellness Signature Series SPIKE SUPPORT and feel like a different person.
Not an ad just an endorsement. I have six bottles sending to family members (who were jabbed) to see if this will help them.
They are all on board except my husband. Hard head.🙄
Dr. Bryan Ardis says they are putting artificial venom in the water. Check him out, he says the Spike Proteins are Venom proteins.
At this point I would not put anything past our so called “government”.🤬
Try adding some of Dr. Bryan Ardis' Protocol.
It is with DEEP GRATITUDE that I say “Thank You” for each and every article you send out and with the same gratitude that I thank God for your life and my introduction to you at the Tyler symposium in 2021.
Thank you for your brilliant, stellar work Dr. McCullough. I hope some day I get to shake your hand. Oxymoronically, life as I knew it and the me that I was ended when I followed my Dr.s advise and took 2 shots of Pfizer, which was supposed to prevent what it caused. 18 months of intensive research followed, as I felt like I was slowly, incrementally dying, to figure out what was wrong with me. That landed me on the doorstep of your colleague, Dr. Kory, and his practice, treating vaccine injury. Thank God. At least I have hope. Nattokinase is in the mix of my extensive, prescribed protocol, consisting of 12 components. Tracking challenges my brain fog to the max so they help me with spreadsheets. Along my research path I found you; quoted by Bobby Kennedy, Jr. in "The Real Anthony Fauci" thusly; "the pandemic coukd have been over in the Spring of 2020." As I dug deeper, I became the poster child for a lyric from "Against The Wind" by Bob Seager..."I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then". May God sustain you as you continue to sustain us.
VERY SORRY that you are injured by the shots. IMMENSELY GRATEFUL to God that Dr. Kory is your doctor now and you follow Dr. McCullough! They are both using their BRILLIANT skills to help all of us!
Thx so much for commiserating.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
As a primary care physician I appreciate the courage and your God given brilliance in addressing these difficult issues at a time of crisis like this ; it’s sad to see the mindless group think in organized medicine
Like the security agencies , the military even
Medicine at the Top levels has become an adjunct to the Deep State !
As such Dr McCullough has sacrificed so much personally for the sake of medical autonomy
God Bless you Sir ! Bravo
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
While 100% true, I hope I can still get my natto and Serra after the panic buying starts. 🙃
Great point. There are two other enzymes to consider as well, which Dr. Mercola explains here on his Substack and also sells at https://www.mercolamarket.com/: Lumbrokinase & Serrapeptase Enzymes. But you probably already knew that. Thanks for reminding me to order now rather than later.
Np I take Serra also, but read that adding lumbro probably would be overkill, though not necessarily toxic or harmful. I have a subscription/auto ship program, so my supply should be safe 😂
Same thing happened with NAC when fda tried to stop that.
I didn’t get any of the vaccines, but yeah, I do tend to overkill on the enzymes and vitamin D in cycles.
I didn’t get v’d either, but take for hereditary hld.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Dr. Mercola was one of the doctors on the series REMEDY, that just finished. However, I was most impressed with Dr. Bryan Ardis. I looked him up afterward, and found these, and many more interviews on Rumble.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Adding dandelion detoxes the liver. I put in it my oatmeal every time. Then zeolite the next day to flush out toxins.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Another natural supplement that I had never heard of. Robert Malone just wrote a substack on berberine following the coverage on flccc.net and Dr. Been. I went out and bought it and put it in my regular daily pills. Should I do the same with nattokinase? Since my allopathic GP does not know about any of these suppliments, my first shot is to go to the web.
And I recently had an incident and my neurologist put me on blood thinner so this material from the web seems to say that I should not take nattokinase. From the web
"What is nattokinase good for?
Studies show that nattokinase dissolves blood clots — which helps maintain good blood vessel structure, improves blood flow, and lowers the risk of heart disease. It can also help lower your blood pressure, reducing strain on the heart that can lead to heart attacks .Nov 26, 2022"
"Who should not take nattokinase?
Patients with a history of deep vein thrombosis should avoid of use nattokinase. You have coagulation disorders or are currently using an anticoagulant drug. You take aspirin daily: Nattokinase may increase its effects and lead to excessive bleeding .Apr 14, 2022"
But because I am taking atenolol, a beta blocker, maybe if I had an MD, or herbal doctor who could determine what is best for me, maybe I could take this instead of allopathic medicines. Next from the web
"What are the negative side effects of nattokinase?
Severe Side Effects
Serious allergic reaction: A severe allergic reaction is a possible serious side effect of any medication. ...
Clot relocation: Nattokinase may work by breaking up a clot. ...
Excessively low blood pressure: Since nattokinase may lower your blood pressure, this side effect may become excessive and severe.
More items...•Feb 3, 2023"
So, I am in a pickle. No longer trust the health bureaucracy, sometimes trust what is on the web, where is a patient to turn?
I am medical scientist consultant from Australia who has been prescribing nattokinase (NKCP) for the past 10-15 yrs, and have extensive experience with the compound, especially for helping reduce blood pressure, improving circulation, reducing risk of coagulation/clotting disorders like DVT's, and during the 'CV-Vax' situation to reduce risk of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes for those taking the jabs.
In regards your situation, I have prescribed it safely with a number of standard blood thinners, without seeing any issues. This was done by starting with a low dosage (250mg daily), then increasing dosage with appropriate testing, depending on the other blood thinner taken. Therefore, to do this 100% safely you need to check coagulation panels to be sure (INR/PT/APTT, d-dimer, CBC & Platelets, Fibrinogen) - you would do a baseline before starting NKCP, then after each dosage change.
As for Aspirin & NKCP I never saw any interaction, nor would I be concerned with the beta blocker atenolol, except that your BP may reduce a bit further (a good thing). Regardless, this should all be monitored by someone locally who can assist professionally. Further, I have never seen NKCP dramatically reduce BP so that it is 'excessive and severe' - that is complete rubbish.
Anyway, I hope my comments are of some help. NKCP is well worth a try given the new information that has surfaced from Dr McCullough excellent summary. Anything that can safely remove the toxic spike protein will greatly help you.
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
Why do you keep posting the same information OVER and OVER and OVER!!! That is so inconsiderate. You only need to post it once, and then people can read it if they want to, but without having to scroll through it multiple times. Repeat posting is considered poor etiquette on discussion forums like this one.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Hi. My name is Minia and I am from Australia too. I find it extremely difficult to find a professional who is not pro vaccinations and is willing to discuss anything regarding my health post vaccines. Could you please help me get in touch with someone or help me?
I am not a MD nor is this a medical recommendation. I use the Nattokinase for my BP support along with red beet root and several other supplements. It does seem to help. I have been taking it along with aspirin I take for a headache now and then and have not had any bruising issues. Again, not a recommendation but an observation on my part.
Besides its anti-Spike and anti-atherosclerotic properties, Nattokinase works to lower blood pressure and cholesterol modestly. https://zenodo.org/records/8286460
Thanks. Every observation helps
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
I knew a naturopathic doctor who had a-fib. He was on lots of blood thinners for it. He told me that nattokinase will only break down clots. It does not prevent clots from forming when the body needs to clot for some reason. It does not affect the PT/INR... you might want to look into that aspect.
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Vaccine injured here. I’ve been taking Nattokinase and Serrapeptase for about 16 months now. It has helped more than anything else. Not only does it dissolve SP from tissues. New studies show it also dissolves the SP from the live virus making it unable to enter cells. So the case could be made for taking it as a prophylactic.
Scott New to this forwm . What dose of nattokinase? what dose of serapeptidase?
Thanks for your comments Dom Costabile DO MS FAAFP RMSK IFMCP dipACLM
I started with 4000FU Nattokinase and 40,000SPU Serrapeptase. There was a very noticeable difference and after a month or two I switched to just 2000FU of Nattokinase.
I have been taking nattokinase for a month now since I watched Dr. Been's video on Youtube. Prior to taking it, I experienced sharp chest pain on my left chest. I have never had this kind of pain prior to taking the vaccine. I read about D-dimers as an indicator of micro clots in your blood. Anyways, I feel better. I am only taking it once a day. Will increase the therapy to twice a day. Just a side note, I am not on any type of maintenance meds.
Love Dr. Been. I hope you get some relief with this.
You do understand that Dr Been pushed the vaccines don't you? Every time I would comment on his youtube videos about how he is damaging people by doing this my post would be removed..of course. He was one of them.. tries to act so smart but he was a fool for the system
Oh yes - I am aware.
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
So grateful for ongoing research by Tanikawa, Oba, Kunosawa and Dr. McCullough. Never give up and never be silent, always give the Truth. We have "the Hope".
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Yes, this is very important! COVID-19 A dangerous untested vaccine. as Bill Gates said, " We have to depopulate, and we will do it with a Vaccine." back in 2008 and 2012 at a Health Summit.
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Former practicing physician here, sir. I am THRILLED to be able to support you and your heroic work in this way.
I am greatly disappointed in the way our profession has conducted itself during these strange times. I thought we were better than this.
You are a doctor's doctor. You are also on the cutting edge of a new practice paradigm: righting the wrongs of decades of American medicine. Godspeed.
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
This is a very important article. Thank you very much. The studies on Nattokinase are very encouraging for those of us who took the C-19 shots and boosters and have concerns or side effects from them. We must pressure our Congress to pressure our Govt. agencies to recall all C-19 shots and boosters. Many people follow the Govt’s rec. and believe the false ads and the propaganda in media about taking the current C-19 shot/booster.
Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Dr McCullough I read some time ago when doing a bit of investigation that there is some evidence that nattokinaise can be detrimental to the liver but I haven't found any specific studies demonstrating this. Is this just a bit of scare mongering?
Dr. Peter McCullough Thank you for your Three Bits of Advice for Those Who Took the COVID-19 Shots!
1.) No more shots - the side effects are cumulative.
2.) Be vigilant for symptoms of blood clots and heart damage.
3.) Nattokinase - preclinical studies show it degrades the spike protein.
Nattokinase is featured in our jam-packed formula that provides immune and support for people concerned about the prolonged effects of spike proteins. https://bit.ly/twcsupport
You all need to also check this out. The new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
And don't forget the NAC as well. And plenty of Vitamin C and zeolites.
Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
Had the vaccine here. 2 shots over 1.5 years ago. from UK. No adverse reactions, no negative symptoms, very active and healthy, good bloods have regular FBC, regular hormone levels. Had covid once, very mild symptoms, no long covid.
Regret the choice but thought i was doing right by myself at the time. Concerned of long term effects of potential spike protein circulation or vaccine sequence RNA in the body. Finding it so hard to find doctors of health care professionals to discuss with or get advice on how/if this can be tested, steps to take. If I have had various health tests done and had nothing adverse displayed if that means I have no affects etc.
Watched a great video by Dr Ryan Cole and Steve Kirsch on advice high amount of which I already do and have been tested for or are about to be. Is there people out there who can help or you can go to that are not mainstream Professionals.
You might also be interested in the new free series,
9 Episodes of CoVenom-19 | Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive.
Here is the first episode
Check Dr. Bryan Ardis out, as well. This is part 1 & 2 of his WATCH THE WATER. I think he makes a lot of sense.
"MyBabyCakes" do you work for Dr Ardis? Pfizer? NIH? Fauci? Moderna?
Your pattern here on CD of promoting Venom theory documentaries is clearly different than the high quality, thorough presentations and review of preprint/ and independent peer reviewed published medical research papers that Dr. McCollough does tirelessly, consistently, seamlessly, and transparently.
thank you Dr McCullough. going to share this good info with any of our friends/family who will listen.