Big pharma is disease X.

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yes, as well as diseases I through IX.

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Yes let’s get rid of that disease X. I’m all for that!!!

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Somebody see if bill gates was over there recently.

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Yeah, maybe releasing his GMO mosquitoes.

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IF he wasnt and the death rate is good perhaps he can be dropped off in the zone.

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damn, I'm terrified. guess I should inject myself with self-assembling nanotech

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While I don't agree with Mike Yeadon on everything he propounds, I completely support his position with respect to not believing any so-called authority that has in the past been proven to engage in lying (specifically with respect to the so-called pandemic and the coordinated global response). There was no pandemic by traditional criteria, there was no new virus properly isolated, purified and genetically characterized. There was no need for a vaccine (assuming for the moment that vaccines are ever properly developed or are ever actually needed). The response to what was a faux pandemic was completely inappropriate. The faux pandemic was used to justify intentionally injecting humanity with a purposely developed and deployed, toxic weapon. That much is true to a moral certainty.

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Sounds to me like you do agree with Dr. Mike Yeadon on his most important points. I agree with him as well. I would like to see any of the Covid "experts" or mandate enforcers debate Mike Yeadon, but they would stand no chance and they know it.

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I thank the Lord that you are all educated and see through the thick wall of pure lies.

The President Trump and Boby Kenedy must legally demand accountability from those in government, in politics, in medicine and in science, indeed from all who had a part in any of multiple frauds and lawlessness of the last 4-5 years.

All old administration personal =the deep state, must be replaced with new people. The old staff must be prevented for 7-10 years, to be rehired in government positions, or by Pharma.

As David Kukkee said in a recent post, the Science fraud should be made capital offence.

We must defund and exit, in the 1st day of the new administration, from WHO, UN and other parasitic organizations.

We must limit by law, political influence, of Gates, Soros and other reach people. We all must have equal political influence.

Please add to this list.

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There was a pandemic, but not quite a plague.

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The definition of “pandemic” was changed in recent years. You are using the new definition- any widespread infection/disease no matter how low the fatality rate.

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So according to their own testing, it’s mostly malaria, but they’re not calling it malaria, and one would assume they’re also refusing to treat it as malaria if they’re having dozens of fatalities. What an evil dumpster fire of a place. Those poor victims have been sold out by their government and “public health” officials.

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Sad…but true😞

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And this, too. It's even worse than you think. How about not letting Klaus Schwab decide who lives and dies in Western societies? Schwab proposes a law to die at 70, with few exceptions! [https://x.com/PolFabrice/status/1866757846836109442] [https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/world-leaders-sign-wef-treaty-introducing-age-of-death-laws-in-west/?] [https://x.com/silvano_trotta/status/1867158699266936946]


"An “important” (Times UK) and “meticulously researched” (Forbes) book by the “skeptical environmentalist” argues that panic over climate change is causing more harm than good."


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I actually saw a video about this earlier today on principal-scientific. These sickos believe that they should be in charge of everything & everyone. If Klaus Schwab believes this, then he should take himself out, as he himself falls into this category.

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Watch Klaus Schwab on Ectogram! He's nearly 87.

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The 70 years rule only applies to useless eaters

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then maybe he'd like to lead by example?

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What would happen if we don’t “ monitor” it at all? Let’s just ignore the fear mongering & disregard their disease narrative. Wouldn’t that be a change of pace? Why give time & energy into this at all? Let’s just skip this one. No “ restacking” the fear & useless information. Let’s just be done. Let their CDC’s chirp at each other & let them hear crickets from us, “We The People.” 😉

They have caused enough damage for a lifetime.

No more updates.

No more lies.

All it leads to is

more of us die.

Let’s jump rope to this instead.

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'cause they dress rehearse their nonsense in countries who's voices have been silenced. it's good to know the playbook..

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I guess so. I just don’t want to play that game anymore.

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Assuming pandemics are even possible, which has not been shown scientifically to be the case, if there were to be a pandemic, It would more likely be in a densely populated area than in the middle of the jungle in Nigeria. The romance of Africa, where the "Heart of Darkness" beats in obscurity, reveals what the cause of Disease X is: Propaganda and more propaganda, serving the financial and power interests of the One World Government criminals.

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I now think the default position must be that there is no valid proof that (organically occurring) pandemics are possible.

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In the 2nd half of the 20th century, I never even heard the word "pandemic." We lived our lives without any fear of killer diseases spreading throughout the society.

In 2024, with many further advances in "The Science" and endless pharmaceuticals, it's constant warnings about one healthcare crisis after another. And the only solution to each dreaded disease is giving up our freedoms and giving more power to "experts" and the government.

Is it really so hard to see through this?

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You've got another term for plague, smallpox, and tuberculosis?

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yeah. uncleanliness.

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See reply to aka J Shannon.

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Peter Hotez is Gates Henchman

So must be Billy boy is looking for his next 16-fold return on investment


Narcissists sometimes tell the truth if you’re listening carefully

Gates is a serial predator. He has been exploiting the poorest people in Africa and India now for over a decade - look into the sterilization camps in India and BMGF role in that

And look into the tetanus vaccines laced with HCG in Kenya


These people are evil.

Disguised as ‘good guy nerds’… in bow ties and V neck sweaters.

Trust us- we’re harmless nerds.

Uh huh.


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Sweet wormwood tea (artemisia anna - the plant that artemisinin is derived), is effective at treating malaria. Cinchona bark tea, which contains quinine, is also effective at treating malaria. I'm curious if using both of these herbal teas at the same time would be an affordable and effective method to fight drug resistant strains of malaria in Africa. I'm growing sweet wormwood at my house in southern California and it grows like a weed and also has a nice pleasant smell that is different from the other types of wormwood I'm growing.

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So 10 of 12 initial samples were positive for malaria but they’re not treating the outbreak as if it’s malaria?! Wow. Amazing coincidence indeed that they just deployed a brand new malaria vaccine (R21) in Congo at the end of October, according to the WHO. My hot take: they know that malaria patients turn up reliably, so why not start a new scare campaign by pretending not to know what is making people sick, while conveniently not testing for the obvious usual stuff, and VOILA! new “pandemic”!

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MY Hubby's happy to hear that, as he had several bouts of Malaria when evacuated to India and then Wales as a child in 1940 and 1942 . so his immunity will be waiting for the scamdemic. I will be burning masks on the front lawn and shoving lines of nasal swabs into the ground around the pyre with an effigy of Fauci, Gates, Hancock, Vallance and Tedros on each while I recline in the deck chair on the burning deck, champagne in hand, Toasting my long awaitedSAFE AND EFFECTIVE remedy.

We have to keep up the fight to get the swine into courts and onto prison walkways FAST.

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It sounds exactly like in early 2020 when “they” decided to take the usual glut of flu-like illnesses and pneumonia cases and call them something new and scary, while withholding the usual common sense treatments (and administering life shortening measures) so the mortality rate goes up, convincing the public a new, more dangerous virus is here. Any existing illness can be rebranded for $$$$$.

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Trump said people from the Congo are crossing our southern border.

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Disease x = scamdemic

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With anemia being a symptom it is also Dengue Fever possible.

That said, if they don’t know what the disease is is, then how can they have counts of the the number of people who had it, and be able to rule out other diseases?

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It says that 10 of the initial 12 samples collected were positive for malaria. So how do they pretend not to know it’s malaria? Also, https://www.afro.who.int/countries/democratic-republic-of-congo/news/democratic-republic-congo-introduces-r21-malaria-vaccine

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Any idiot can see malaria and other parasitic diseases under the microscope.

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Of course what they dont tell you is that the DRC is one of the poorest ( if not the poorest) nations in the world, where deaths from famine and infectious diseases are rife. It is also a nation with an extremely high percentage of displaced persons, so that millions are living in tents a or similar. It is a petri dish of infectious agents where basic nutrition is almost nonexistent.So the deaths from this so called Disease X are a drop. They also neglect to say that the DRC is extremely rich in natural resources like diamonds, lithium etc and has been raped for centuries by colonial powers for these. They also don't say that right next to the DRC border is one of the 4 African level 4 Biosecurity Labs....

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Helpful info.

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If pandemics were possible (organically), they could not be predicted. The fact that authorities constantly predict them should be seen as evidence that they are fictitious, more evidence that people are being systematically lied to in order to damage them with toxic injectables. Avoid them like the plague they are.

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Why the repetition? See previous replies.

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Evidently, the CvVx program is slowing down. They need a new "Wizard of Oz" to emerge and scare the people to go get a New Vx...

I believe The People of the World are beginning to understand; That is Not a Healthy Solution...

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