I have Brand's book "Recovery", which is his take on the "12 Steps" of A.A., and his personal recovery story. A worthy effort, and worth a read for any interested reader.

These allegations are likely 100% FALSE....the timing is VERY suspect....

Brand DID expose to a wider audience, what some of us already knew about the Covid1984 Plandemic-$camdemic.... that's reason enough for the current media witch hunt....

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Russell merely another in the Battle taking blows in the cause of INALIENABLE RIGHTS endowed by our CREATOR as opposed to mere 'human rights' granted to "Yes-Men Sycophantic Maniacs' by psycho/sociopathic Predators called Peers/Kings/Queens now referred to as Dictators/Elites.

Today, an Anglican Priest broadcasting on an Alternative Media Outlet named 'GB NEWS' was terminated; along with his colleagues speaking truth instead of adhering to State Sponsored Propaganda/Lying Narratives in the U.K. Guess folks in the U.K. never stood to confront The City of London before as the U.S. Patriots loving The Constitution did multiple times.


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Calvin, Laurence and Dan. They already took out Mark Steyn.

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Fr. Calvin stated their decision to sever association with Mark Steyn...Which is a sad testament to the U.K.'s cold regression into the evil Dark/Middle Ages enacted through The Committee of 300 in The City of London.

Can feel them somehow and not difficult to imagine their DRIVE to return to Absolute Power and Control OVER those they still view their SLAVES/HERD after two and one-half centuries.

Many have known of the actual emotions and attitudes of the Death Cult's International Mafia...Their humiliation with the loss in the U.S. Revolution and again in 1812-15; both bred tremendous desire for vengeance.

That was magnified when the U.S. Civil War was raging and they again sought Illegal Occupation of U.S. territory with a EU Navy; to be stopped by some of THEIR OWN FAMILY IN RUSSIA.

This was the time the Committee of 300 reached two conclusions; Russia was to pay for infringing into business not its own and it was impossible to REGAIN the U.S. Militarily.

RUSSIA HAS PAID DEARLY as their vengeance was to enact their Totalitarian Experiment upon the whole of Russia through their support and funding of the Bolsheviks and then Lenin and Stalin which the Russians STILL have not risen from to totally overcome. Much data has been obtained in the experiment now enacted onto the U.S. and all western culture and Russia became a foil; used to play both ends against the middle, which is The Committee of 300...To bring-down the U.S. once and for all time as it continues to be 'THE GREATEST ENEMY TO HUMANITY OF ALL TIME." in their opinion...As they view only themselves 'HUMAN'.

All outside the Death Cult International Mafia are their OWNED HUMAN CATTLE HERD only worthy of insects and worms...HUMILIATION.

Due to terror existing since the U.S. inspired French Revolution, they've done all possible to APPEAR as though to be useful for THE PEOPLE THEY HATE. They are exhausted with false appearances...To hide the hatred, disgust and ambivalence.

Demons work hard and go to much trouble to maintain 'False Calm' within their hosts as inner conflict, anger and terror is a threat of their hosts turning to God and sending them to the pit.

How relieved they are to some extent to allow the evil to just RIP. Somehow, they didn't imagine the paradox of EXPOSURE bringing yet more terror. And, so we see the weakness within the enemy...And, it CAN be beaten.

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P£andemic - $camdemic

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Subscribe to Brand on Rumble to support both Brand and a platform sufficiently scrupulous to tell Brand's would be executioners to 'get lost'.

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EXCELLENT piece on the likeness of OUR times with The Terror and its main driver, Monsieur Robespierre. You have hit the nail on the head regarding the "virtuous", "morally elevated" mentality of our contemporaneous Jacobins .... the mob at its most shrill and cruel, indeed.

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They are doing the same thing to Trump.

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Correct. And this whipped-up, heightened sense of being more virtuous than everybody else never stays in its own lane. It expands and sweeps up many, many people in the end. Pray that we can avoid the carnage.

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There is anothersidetothe attack on Trump, that doesn't quite mirror Robespierre and the reign of terror: the people attacking Trump had not been halfstarvedforyrs,leading up to the attack on the Bastlille, and all Robesuerre co-opted in its wake. Those attacking Trump, primarily, are the "fat cats" in power. Those Robespierre manipulated were the middle and lower classes in France of the 1790s. Today, it's the allegedly "educated", and higherearners, and the "thug" classes who are being so used. The propaganda is the same, but the manipulated here SHOULD be able to see the manipulation,at least those who claim they are so much smarter... The French in the 1790s were largely still minimally literate.

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I agree 100%.

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Australian mainstream TV media is totally owned by the Trump-hating powers. Most Australians wouldn't have a clue on the various engineerings of social outrage against Trump.

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I had no idea about the msm in Australia hating Trump. Its so sad.

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Murdoch was the only big media providing a vaguely balanced story, but in Australia he's mostly print media. A Royal Commission against Murdoch was even demanded - the cabal not satisfied with the control they have - Totalitarian.

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They always want complete and total control.

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The harder they squeeze the more damage they do to themselves.

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They are using the same playbook as they did on Julian Assange and others. Rinse and Repeat.

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Prayers to Russell Brand.

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It is appalling what ‘the mob’ is doing to Mr. Brand. Guilty until proven innocent. And I thought Britain followed the rule of law. Not so. I will never visit there again for fear of being thrown in prison for ‘wrong speak’.

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I don't believe he's been chsrged but isn't the UK actually guilty until proven innocent?

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no, they are innocent until proven guilty which favors the guilty, but it is the media and the cabal that have gone after him and the courts are just one of their weapons.

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Thanks for the clarification.

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Ironically, many of these people are removing themselves from the gene pool with the injections. It's a self-correcting issue lol

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Some 45% of democrats supported sending the unvaccinated to concentration camps according to a 2021 poll. Nobody knows how many still do. Bloodthirsty fanatical mobs didn't only exist in the distant historical past: our leaders still actively encourage and enable similar blood lust today, using the same rationale as Robespierre.

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They did exactly this in Australia.

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and Trudeau's "do we tolerate them?" rant in Canada

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Also, say a little prayer for Laurence Fox who was arrested for public wrong speak today.

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I have no doubt that the globalists will play as dirty as they deem necessary to discredit anyone who counters their narratives. Your analogy of today’s fifth generation warfare as the modern incarnation of Robespierre’s techniques is beautiful. I’d add that in actual implementation of a brutal totalitarian regime, they are walking the same road as Mao. I can only hope that the entire lot of these psychopaths comes to room temperature as soon as possible...

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If justice is done, today’s ideological terrorists will suffer the same self-consuming fate as Maximilien Robespierre…he joined his many victims (17,000+) at the base of the guillotine. They have ravaged and rampaged far too long.

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Revolutions always destroy their leaders and participants. It just takes time. I am Waiting….

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All empires fall. Eventually this will be corrected by society, or God.

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Do Not Yield!

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Thank you for your common sense. Prayers to all who are being persecuted in the name of virtue🙏🏼

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Where can we find a "world view" or religion or philosophy that can forgive someone for their past mistakes or even current one's, that can have mercy on all human beings while at the same time condemning bad behaviors. It seems to me that there is no other way to avoid hating and destroying in the name of doing good. If we can't forgive, why do we think others are so worthy of such hatred while we are? No one in this world has not made some mistakes. Some bad behavior has been exhibited by Christians but Christs teachings, when truly known, reveals that we are all brothers and sisters in this world and recognizing that mercy is as important as justice and can exist side by side. In stories of atrocities by dictators or authoritarian regimes, mercy and forgiveness are always missing. Perhaps we should take another look at Christianity in all of it's forms. Are their other teachings that espouse the same thinking?

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Just take what God has said in His Word in total and not just a verse out of context.

God is both a righteous judge and full of mercy and forgiveness to the sinner that repents and pays back his debts.

For those who rebel against God and His law there is no forgiveness nor do they want any.

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But forgiveness is available to all. Nothing is forced on us from God including forgiveness if we do not want it. Seek and ye shall find.

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There are none, no.

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...and that WE deliver this fate to BigSick, WEF and allll its minions...🙏

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Don't gdt me wrong, they're in this. They don't care if their own families are victimes of disease ridden gmo mosquitos, lymes ridden ticks, or victims of chemtrails, but If their jobs become undesirable, say for some reason...

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