And NOTHING criminal or corrupt happened in Texas without LBJ's filthy hands in it!

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I think that the ‘smoking gun’ to all of this, if it actually is even in the documents that were dropped, will be Lyndon Johnson’s role in the assassination.

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An excellent book on LBJ and the Hollywood mob connection is "When Hollywood Had a King." All about the mob and Lew Wasserman.

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See also The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, by Roger Stone. And JFK wasn't LBJ's only victim.

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And why Johnson covered up the attack on the Liberty so assiduously that it lasts until this very day. What had they ever done for him I wonder for him to cover up the execution of US sailors?

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The USS Liberty issue is a bit more complex than just Israel attacking a US ship. The USS Liberty was a CIA intelligence ship. You know, like the CIA that only recently had participated in the assassination of a president, or the CIA that you trust today, right? They were collecting Israeli military intelligence in a time when Israel was at war with Egypt. I supposed they drew their own conclusions.

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John, not one mention in this article about Israel or Mossad... who do you think the small clique was?

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Just reporting the contents of top secret memo. Someone in the CIA probably figured it out, only question is whether it was put into a memo

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I would think somebody must have documented it and that's what Trump saw and prompted him to say "if you saw what I saw you'd keep the JFK files secret too" or words to that effect. Simple corruption in the CIA hardly rises to the level to prompt Trump to say that. What would? Well, if it was orchestrated by a key "ally".

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The real stuff is so horrific it’s blacked out. So what Trump saw wasn’t blacked out and Trump said that.

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There were plenty of pages of black outs. The MSM says “some” pgs were blacked out. That means most pages were blacked out.

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We'll never know.

This memo is about half truth, half lies...at best, in my opinion. I don't think it's a stretch to think that the CIA has a half dozen explanations, with documents to "back them up," for all the nefarious operations and illegal shit they do.

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Probably a fake cooked up in a bathtub in Israel

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I’m positive that was all blacked out.

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Do you think they're going to tell us that in the three year period that followed the murders of President Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby, seventeen witnesses interviewed by the Dallas Police, the FBl, or the Warren Commission died.

An actuary conducted by the London Sunday Times estimated that the odds of all 17 witnesses being dead within 3 years was one hundred thousand trillion to one.

Do we really think the Evil are ever going to tell us that the Vice President of the United States, LBJ, and the future president of the United States, George Bush, oversaw the assassination of JFK?

Never going to happen. Never has, never will.

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I remember a curious story back in the early noughties or late nineties from the UK regarding some sewer workmen running out of a sewer having gotten quite a fright as they had seen Roman soldiers coming down the sewer up to their chests in the sewer water. Ghosts of course or at least that is what they thought. But one local historian thought this all sounded very familiar and when he checked back he found the same thing had happened around 150 years earlier soon after that sewer had been built and the descriptions given 150 years apart were near identical. He then found the sewer had been built atop an old Roman road that ran through a long cutting and had then been covered over and built on and when he checked the drawings he found that given the average height of a Roman soldier and where the road surface was if they were walking on that road then the water level in the sewer would indeed be up to their chests. So what you might say. The point is if we can see Roman soldiers from the past, not ghosts and not a recording but actually them, due to some accident of physics and how matter works we can learn to do it to order and so we will be able to see exactly what went on leading up to this assassination and the cover up thereafter by those back then and those continuing that cover up today. Note this is physics and the US doesn't control physics but by refusing to be honest about what happened they leave themselves open to being blackmailed about conversations they had about this last week not 60 odd years ago. Was always going to happen. Never has, but will.

I remember a guy saying "What is whispered in closets will be shouted from the rooftops" ....... and he is correct.

Remember that in Revelations God's throne has a spring of water coming out of it and it runs down the middle of the sewer, sorry, street and has identical trees on both banks. A metaphor for a mirrored reality? Maybe it is time Trump and those that control him looked in the mirror and decided not how they want to be remembered but how we shall all see them and no-one and nothing to stop us seeing them. Will they be children of the light in future or as now children of the dark? If God can't save everyone he is not God.

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No kidding , duh ! LHO was working for the FBI and CIA which is why his W4 tax forms were never released . Before the censorship of Wikipedia there was information on Operation 40 and one f those in that and the 2506 group was Félix Rodríguez who also was involved with the capture and execution of Che Guevara in Bolivia in 67 as an intelligence officer , CIA . JFK was shot at from two different locations but struck twice from the front by 2 different rifles . Simple point the terminal ballistics of the throat shot and the head shot are from completely different bullets . As a noted firearms expert and the testimony of the attending physician at Parkland hospital the throat wound was from the front and an explanation for the bullet being found by the Secret Service between JFK's body and the back seat then later placed on Governor Connolly's stretcher in the hall way , in pristine condition . Then the head wound that was from an expanding high velocity rifle the literately blew the back of his head out .

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True! I knew someone who knew one of docs involved in autopsy & who said when all was declassified it would be known bullets came from front. That doctor was found dead in his office. No one ever arrested. Another “body bag”. Frank Sturgis & his three fellow “Watergate Burglars”, all by CIA operatives were involved n the Kennedy assassination. Frank trained the Cuban rebels who were part of the marine attack during Bay of Pigs which was intended to take down Castro. At the last minute Kennedy pulled out the air protection US was supposed to provide. Became a bloodbath for the unprotected Cubans who were killed or imprisoned.

I Read: Warrior: Frank Sturgis — The CIA’s #1 Assassin-Spy Who nearly killed Castro but Was Ambushed by Watergate.

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The Bay of Pigs were involved along with the mobsters . No one has explained why Jack Ruby was seen exiting the underside of the triple over pass after the assassination . Then was in the hospital conference room when JFK's death was announced and asked one of the questions to the White House press secretary and no really good explanation for how he got into the police building to shoot Lee ? And yet he was being pursued by the government for being an arms dealer. Oh then he lied about not knowing Lee , oh yes he did ! And strangely had a quick death from cancer that he got in prison ,, which Dr Ferry , Judith Vary Baker and Lee had been working on for the Ostner clinic in New Orleans to create a fast killer cancer for the CIA under the American Cancer Society.. add jack Ruby to the murdered list !

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Yes, all that is correct information as far as I have it! Frank Sturgis has described in an interview that he was with Castro when Jack Ruby (Chicago Mobster who owned a casino in Dallas) came too visit Castro. Castro made Sturgis “Minister of Gambling”, in charge of Havana’s casinos, for all his help in Castro’s revolution, taking down Batista. He also came to know a number of major figures in the Mob, some of whom were involved in JFK assassination. Later, though, Castro went Communist & Sturgis turned against him & began working for CIA to take down Castro. Sturgis very passionate about freedom & the American way. It seems Ruby was in on the CIA organized operation all along. Watch documentary “JFK to 9/11: Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick”, if you haven’t already seen. I know someone who knows Judyth Baker. More if you want to talk sometime.

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If you don't see them strung from a lamppost and left to rot are they really dead or just disappeared? Robert Maxwell death at sea on his yacht and buried within two days, Ghislaine Maxwell allegedly in prison, Epstein allegedly dead in a high security cell etc etc etc ..... or sitting on a beach in Tel Aviv the lot of them. Who knows?

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I'm content that Epstein is quite dead .

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THERE WILL NEVER BE A TRUE COMPLETE EPSTEIN LIST RELEASED, because Epstein was pimping girls to and from Mar-a-lago!

And from Mar-a-lago to Epstein's island is a BOAT RIDE.

The 17 year old girl, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who brought sexual charges against Prince Andrew, testified that she was taken to Mar-a-Iago by Ghislaine Maxwell, and that she was “recruited from Mar-a-Iago” to have sex with Prince Andrew. And from Mar-a-Iago to Epstein’s island is a boat ride.


Alexander Acosta is the corrupt U.S. State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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I would like to direct people's attention to the work of 'Dark Journalist' (Daniel Liszt), over on YouTube; he has been reporting/INVESTIGATING this subject, for years.

There is a very large web of groups/individuals that are responsible/had a hand in the assassination. Just to name a few.....CIA, Khazarian State (aka 'Israel')/Mossad, NAZIS, 'The Mob', NASA/Areospace, Texas Oil, and so on.

Hours and hours and hours of what Dark Journalist has found, is on YT.

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The weaknesses of top leadership bleed down in any organization. Read the Devil’s Chessboard, David Talbot, and see if you don’t find John Dulles (first civilian and longest serving director of CIA) a cold blooded psychopath. The CIA has always operated beyond their charter. JFK knew this, and pledged to “break them into a thousand pieces”. As long as they exist they will violate the American people, the American Experiment, and the world.

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My view: Joint effort. CIA, Mafia, M/I and LBJ. Texas was ground zero for M/I and LBJ. Texas was anti JFK big time. Full page ad day before calling JFK a commie in Dallas paper.

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Conolly shows a photo taken outside the ambulance entrance at Parkland hospital. He identifies GHW Bush as waiting for its arrival. Definitive? Maybe not. Convincing? Yes. Modern analysis might clear this up.

JFK to 911. Everything is a rich man’s trick

Francis Richard Conolly (2018)

The film is 3.5h but worth your time.


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Great documentary that helps connect the dots from the first two Coup d’etat - Kennedy & then Nixon (why is Luna’s committee not also declassifying Watergate? JFK & Watergate “joined at the hip”!). If anyone knows how to reach Conolly, I have tried to with no luck so far!

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It's not that the CIA hasn't tried other prsidents.

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Does anyone believe this psyop? Unless it implicates Mossad, it's nonsense. Our closest ally is anything but. The government, media, judicial system, banks and Wall Street are occupied and controlled by a foreign government. This is nothing but theater with the script written by Tavistock trained propagandists.

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Ummm, wait! If Underhill was as experienced in the Company as advertised....and afraid for himself after JFK was assassinated, why would he go to "friends" and tell/involve/endanger them? And if he did, how is it they were allowed to live on and relate this information?

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these friends were well outside of washington, and they did not share this until much later

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FDR was "heart attacked", so you're right, JFK wasn't the only one. With Germany on the point of surrender and WW2 all but won, Mr. Roosevelt was opposed to using the A-bomb.

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I have no doubt that any really damning evidence was wiped yrs ago. Was there anymore in there on the body/autopsy?

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‘Small clique’ … what is this? A description of some mean guys in HS…

Who are they protecting- with that ridiculous wording?

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And remember Bush was in cia at this time too!!

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