Exactly... Just battled with my own... We’ve lost so many friends lately, suddenly & unexpectedly... I pushed myself to share this Substack & ask why?? Don’t ask? Don’t tell? Yes, under most circumstances the calls for cause & justice would be deafening!
Shaming and intimidation. Sure signs of a tyrannical government and corrupt medical establishment.
The average person was not prepared with the strength to resist. And many were quick to succumb to "fear", a false fear, not based on factual information.
Everyone (or almost everyone) accepts "truths" as truths - that aren't truths. And the people who might question these non-truths are afraid to do so. In a recent essay, I point out that Jack Nicholson's Marine colonel in "A Few Good Men" barked out "you can't handle the truth!" - and almost every film-goer probably agreed with his points (although they didn't like this "Bad Guy" character in the movie). Still, they probably said, "Well, he was speaking the truth there."
But he wasn't speaking any truths. The public had just accepted most of the key MIC propaganda or indoctrination. This colonel was the one who really couldn't handle the truth. If he confronted these truths, they'd probably blow up his brain.
In this era of politically motivated institutional deceit, and censorship of those who try to offer fair warning, failing to pay attention and do a little homework can get you and those who depend on you for protection killed.
While we can't be certain about the cause of death in this case there is no reasonable doubt regarding the mind numbing scale of maimings and killings being caused by COVID injections (dangers clearly evidenced early on via VAERS reports). And we are only seeing the short term harms so far. Nobody knows what consequences will be suffered medium and long term; all for a virus which in fact posed no meaningful risk of mortality for the vast majority of people (zero for healthy youngsters), as was evident from infection fatality rate data available by mid 2020!!
On the institutional front, SHAME on medical "professionals" for their cowardice or inexcusable ignorance. Of course there are a few notable exceptions.
Thank you so much for putting yourself out there to shed some light on the coverup. I am so, so, so tired of hearing that out of “respect for the dead”, we shouldn’t talk about how or why they died.
God bless you and Dr. McCullough for fighting the brave fight, for keeping the faith.
Why doesn’t someone just ask his wife if he took the COVID shot? We always asked why people died before every “health agency” around the world pushed this dangerous, experimental shot. Somehow asking how or why someone died is off limits now. Pussy-footing around the truth is only going to cost more lives, and those who do not openly address this and ask questions are paving the way to even more death and become complicit! The time for being nice is over unless you are willing to sacrifice your own family and friends along the way.
Exactly. I had to show my (fake) vaccination passport here in Melbourne (Australia) to get into any shop or cafe or a show or stadium or to even watch my kids play basketball. It was OK for any man and their dog to ask me about my vax status for a very long time and I was expected to answer or be refused service/entry. Now people are very put out if I ask about the vax status of someone who died.
Exactly. My rights to privacy and HIPA Laws were thrown out the window. Get vaxxed. "It's safe and effective." Now people are dropping like flies. Thank you science!
The fear was as high in my Presbyterian church in southeast Texas as anywhere else in America. And the "lead by example" and "don't kill grandma" were ACTIONS in my church. Nobody shy asking about that.
It was Awful in Utah when the “ Church Leader “ here went on TV and received his “ shot”
I was so heartsick and it created such a divide amongst church members . This Church leader is a retired heart Doctor! I ask myself why, why, why!! I also told my family and co workers Christ is the head of all churches and he walked among the lepers and did not fear !
And they should not live in fear, period. And they also should not be taught by their ministers to obey the government. And SURELY should not have been complicit in helping the government and corrupt medical establishment push an experimental drug.
Immunosuppression is a key ingredient in all the shots, in increasing levels with each shot, otherwise natural immunity will reject the "spikes'" foreign proteins, before they can do their damage.
Thanks for having the courage, on FaceBook no less, to ask the question. Every time someone dies suddenly below the age of 60, my first thought is 'I wonder if they were vaccinated with mRNA?'
We shouldn't wonder any longer. This insanity is much worse than "covid" ever was. Treatments were prevented from saving lives and the conditions that come eventually after injections are the true roulette. Nattokinase, ivermectin, and a natural blood thinner like cayanne pepper (NON pharma) should be on everyone's counter that took these experimental shots as PREVENTATIVE.
Little known fact amongst lay people is that breast cancer develops more commonly in older women than younger women (it tends to be more aggressive in younger women, but that is a separate matter).
Sort of an inappropriate comment since our elders as well as our young people are contracting these turbo cancers. The ones I know of - in 80 year olds who were very healthy - are aggressive and fast. Our cancers in general are, for thr most part, due to our toxic environments, foods and the vaccines and drugs pumped into folks over a lifetime. Preventable for the most part if only the docs out there would get re-educated and then deprogram and educate their patients.
Forest, the woman’s comment didn’t characterize the breast cancers one way or another, the popular impression based on marketing materials from the American Cancer Society, every hospital system and health insurance company (that shows women that appear to be in their 40’s or 50’s) is that is not that of an elderly woman.
As a physician whose wife has been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer within the last 5 years, and has followed the whole COVID & COVID vaccine catastrophe closely, and have not drunk the Fauci/Brix/Cohen koolaid, I am well aware of turbo cancers, and all the other vaccine injuries as they are being documented in the alternative and international literature. I am also aware & concerned about my own early stage prostate cancer (we are both 72).
All that said, any one cancer in a person in their 70--80s age group, with rare exceptions, can not be clearly identified as turbo cancer upon first discovery, but only after seeing how it behaves after diagnosis and treatment.
Now, tell me again how my comment was/is inappropriate, please. Thank you.
The most common risk factor that underlies the most common types of cancer (and is associated most cancers where it has been studied is smoking or some other tobacco exposure; hard after that is excessive alcohol consumption, both of which do not require a prescription from a physician (though through the 1950’s, I am sad to say previously was encouraged through doctors participating in cigarette advertising, but that charge cannot be laid at the feet of any currently practicing physician), and standard practice is to regularly discourage the use of both.
Currently, medical professional organizations have gotten ahead of the curve & evidence and are advocating for green woke agendas without a full understanding of all the risks (e.g., wind, solar power, electric vehicles (ultimately coal powered vehicles), polluting the environment with the residual effects of lithium, cadmium, etc. mining.
I will not take the blame for the profession’s past heinous acts, nor for the foolish actions of current physicians, though I have certainly made my share of mistakes in the past, and will likely continue to do so unwittingly-- as we all will.
Oh, and your comment is of the blame the victim genre ( “you have _____, you must have ate wrong, drank too much, too much coffee, or whatever,etc., and THAT is an inappropriate comment, because to the extent that any of the things that you mentioned are true, they are true only in a statistical association sense, and cannot be definitively said to be causal, with the infrequent exceptions of say, asbestos and mesothelioma, though most asbestos associated malignancies are garden variety lung cancers, for example.
John thankyou for being brave enough to name the likely cause of your pastor's sudden death even at risk of being shamed. I am very concerned for our beloved young pastor, 35, who gets a cold or flu literally every month since the C19 vax and now has scary episodes of short breath. I cannot recommend anything because he refuses to believe that the vax has anything to do with his poor immunity now. He also has a wife and two young children. This bioweapon (virus and vax) is a snowballing tragedy.
Maybe you could compile some paperwork on the fact that there is help available from dr McCullough or others and send it anonymously by mail with a message of love and concern or something like that. Many times I think people (including myself) won’t look into something if they think there is no treatment available. If he gets worse, at least they can have some info at the ready so they know where to go or what questions to ask. Just spitballing, let God guide you on ways to really know it is out of love and honest concern....
perhaps say something like 'shortness of breath is often caused by a heart condition, for the sake of your young children, please make an appt to find out what is causing it'.
I don’t know if there is a definite answer to that. Any time that you take 2 medicines that both have a blood thinner effect, you are going to have an increased risk of bleeding to a greater or lesser extent; sometimes it is done because the risk or consequences of clotting or arterial blockage is so high, say after a heart attack or ischemic stroke & you & your doctor accept the higher risk & hope that you get away with it; sometimes your doctor may adjust the dose of one or the other (low dose aspirin vs full dose aspirin with full or low dose anticoagulant (Coumadin or Eliquis) for example.
I myself am on Xarelto for stroke prevention with my intermittent atrial fibrillation, an having been Moderna vaccinated early on ( 12/2020 & 1/2021 & 8/2021, before I & general medical community was aware of the clot & other risks ). Even though I can recognize no vaccine side effects, I have wondered (as I also have been treated for early prostate cancer) about stopping my Xarelto, and taking a course of nattokinase, or lowering my dose of Xarelto to take concurrently. However I am aware of no local doc that would be knowledgeable & open to considering that course; and I do know that a well known saying is that a person who tries to be his/her own doctor has a fool for a doctor & a patient (and I am already treading on that ground as I take IVM for COVID prophylaxis.
Why are you taking Eliquis, and why would you be wanting to take nattokinase?
I agree. I’m seeing anecdotal evidence of the same in my circles. Also a few Vax injured family members are pursuing alternative therapies and they have doctors that are open to the idea that their issues could be Vax related.
Hi, Donna. Although I had avoided doctors during covid, I actually saw one 3 days ago precisely to get my CBC and metabolic panels from a blood draw. (We can't simply go to a lab and order one for ourself.) When I get the results, I can take my own healthy measures to address any anomalies. Or see a trustworthy specialist for advice.
(When the subject of "vaccines" came up during the appointment, I simply said I did not wish to discuss it. She persisted but I politely changed the subject.)
To say I have lost confidence in the medical community, is a huge understatement. I am literally scared of doctors after realizing how we have been brainwashed to “trust the experts” all along. Learning that the vast majority of drs are just puppets of the medical/ pharmaceutical industrial complex, operate on group think, have no critical thinking skills, and are dangerous to my health and well being, has been quite a shock to the system. I haven’t been back to the doctor in three years when my primary care pressured me to get the vaccine. I will never let another needle touch me and I have spent the last three years carefully and selectively convincing young mothers to stop vaccinating their children. I’m a mother of 24 and 20 year old sons who are fully vaccinated with the childhood schedule. I want to cry out with regret. If I save one baby from these evil pharmaceutical companies’ injections, it will help relieve some of my regret. I am happy to say that I know of several mothers of babies who now have chosen not to vaccinate. I cannot help but think this has to be a new trend nationwide if not worldwide. I pray this is a silver lining.
Thank you. It feels wrong at the time to mention it, the “why” in the midst of the grief. However, Christ followers know that our call is to love one another. If other lives and other suffering can be alleviated or prevented, if one less child doesn’t have to grow up without a father, a wife isnt made a widow 30 years too soon, that’s a high calling and must be supported by those of faith.
I live with so much fear for my young son who’s had 4 of this vile product. Please keep talking.
The award came from the ones who promoted the kill. Of course they congratulate one another on a job well done. It's disgusting, premeditated and they will pay if not now, then GOD WILL DESTROY THEIR EGOS AND PUT THEM EXACTLY WHERE THEY BELONG. MAKE NO MISTAKE GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED! THEY ARE PLAYING GOD, CALLING THEMSELVES GODS! They will soon see how godly they are, and so will we. We will watch them get what's coming to them. They deserve to be shot full of their own serum and put onto Public display so we can watch as their bodies turn into whatever gelatinous mess they have created for us, and without any assistance as they perish. GOD forgive me...I am so full of hate for them...
Sorry for your losses John. What you said was so powerful: if he had been murdered in his bed, there would be an UPROAR and DEMAND for investigation. The silence is because no one wants to take self-responsibility and error for their actions regarding the "product." I wonder if he gave it to his kids and wife, too?
If you fell for the scam, or were pressured into it, admit it and move on. Never do it again. But to deny the connections, perpetuates the lie.
The Judeo-Christian pastors that encouraged if not mandated their parishioners to be needled by Albert Bourla’s modRNA contraption are dying in their sleep . . . indeed. Dunagan WAS murdered. But the underbelly, the "scam as you call it, is LIABILITY IMMUNITY:
However, in the context of the WHOLE truth, these pastors (as a group) were NOTORIOUSLY on national television promoting the needles of the moneychangers. One such star was another Texas preacher named Robert Jeffress. I wrote to this TV star immediately after his self-absorbed and deeply dangerous / ignorant promotional goo on prime time Fox News:
On Page 1 of 3, right there on my first page, I reviewed with Jeffress sample relevant Scripture from Hosea :
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will
also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me; seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy
God, I will also forget thy children.”
Is any of this really getting through? Or does anyone actually believe that these pastors would have listened to someone with over 40 years of direct knowledge/experience with the criminal Anthony Fauci? They did not, and would not, and still don’t! In fact it was Judeo-Christian pastors in Minnesota that convinced Mrs. Jummai Nache to submit to the Bourla needle; the results are next:
Let us now look at two of several sample alternatives . . . that DID listen to the Word of God, and have not only survived/avoided the scourge of LIABILITY IMMUNITY protected Bourla needles, but have in-fact prospered as a result.
[1] Oral Roberts University (ORU) is a Christian college in Oklahoma. Its President, a Believer never shut down, never mandated face masks, never mandated social distancing, and certainly never injected his staff, faculty or students with modRNA poison. President William Wilson’s response letter to me:
Funny how even FoxNews never reported on ORU? Or Amish Country? Why is that?
Leake poses the following, “Surely the time has come for communities and medical examiners to stop being silent about the sudden and unexpected deaths of young people, but to speak openly about the need to INVESTIGATE them.”
Uh huh. Instead, we should investigate why the pastors like Dunagan or Jeffress never told their parishioners about LIABILITY IMMUNITY (lying by omission) while “leading” their innocent flocks to be modRNA needled. An investigation into why the flock was never afforded INFORMED CONSENT will assist with the true root cause . . . an autopsy, although very impressive, is merely an after-the-fact symptom . . . in the context of the COVID-19 crime syndicate!
My sincerest condolences to the Dunagan family and friends and parishioners; none of whom will attain justice unless and until we rescind RETROACTIVELY the scourge of LIABILITY IMMUNITY . . . the root cause slithering in the Fauci-orchestrated background:
great comment/commentary. Yes most pastors "bought the kool-aid" and brokered it to others, saying, "I know it's safe -my wife's a nurse. Get the shot." Their judgement will be real. I wrote and spoke about this extensively....and took the mudd for it.
You "wrote and spoke about this extensively"? Specifically that you wrote about (and perhaps TO) pastors about modRNA? I would love to see those specific pastor oriented writings and hear those specific talks. Are these links you can share?
Regarding the MDs that these pastors relied upon, the armies of med school graduate lowlifes that refuse to address and continue to gloss-over, in their cowardice and GREED, the underbelly of the COVID-19 crime: LIABILITY IMMUNITY.
One of the MDs I will NOT be recommending for testimony in an upcoming litigation spewed the following baseless fame-seeking needle-promoting garbage (to the regime media) in early August 2020, quote:
"Antibody production after COVID-19 takes a few weeks to ramp up but wanes fairly quickly after several weeks to months. Thus, the hope is that a vaccine could instill permanent memory in antigen-presenting T-cells that would remind the plasma cells and B-cells to proliferate and restore antibody production more quickly in the setting of re-inoculation."
“Wanes”?? The MD who made that statement had absolutely no reliable long-term data to base it on. That MD is declaring, in the earliest stages of the COVID-19 crime wave, that natural immunity does not last. It “wanes” is his claim. And therefore we should look to the then-upcoming LIABILITY IMMUNITY protected needle to address “the setting of re-inoculation"?! A farcical, blatantly pro-modRNA sales pitch . . . again, implicitly, this MD was without a long-term data basis for EITHER claim (natural immunity wanes and modRNA will work). It was known then, and has since been proven ad nauseam that natural immunity is far superior to the death and injury causing modRNA needles.
That MD ALSO glosses over LIABILITY IMMUNITY. Medical malpractice...get rid of that too? As if the rest of us were born yesterday.
"it"? Again, to be clear, the "it" that you are now referring to is: You specifically wrote about and spoke about or spoke to PASTORS about modRNA, and the issue of the pastors who "bought the kool-aid." That laudable proliferative record is therefore easy to share. Please do so.
About LIABILITY IMMUNITY, I do seem to recall you mentioning that issue in the past.
Thank you for being a voice. I have a friend who got Guillian Barr’s after receiving the vax. He has mostly recovered. But to this day him and his family say it wasn’t the vax.
John: Regarding that family's UTTERLY UNFOUNDED opinion, many have seen the film 'Devil's Advocate' (with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino) wherein Satan declares (repeatedly):
Next, Senator Johnson with Maria Bartiromo (one of the few regime media members that has zero'd in on the COVID crimes) explains that such vanity permeates the US Senate and the US House . . . ya know, the clowns that enacted LIABILITY IMMUNITY:
Thank you for speaking out. It is what concerns me the most in the church. I am seeing al kinds of people dying around us. And others suddenly collapsing, blood clots etc and no one knows why. People who took this injection in the church need to seek God's healing immediately, but if they don't know, how can they?
Prayers for the pastor’s family. You are a great friend for speaking up for him and others. Keep it up, comrade.
The worst censorship, is self-censorship. It is the hardest to fight against.
People need to understand when they are silent they are complicit with the genocide agenda which is in full swing
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
- John Stuart Mill
In this case, their silence is cowardice.
I would have to agree!
Exactly... Just battled with my own... We’ve lost so many friends lately, suddenly & unexpectedly... I pushed myself to share this Substack & ask why?? Don’t ask? Don’t tell? Yes, under most circumstances the calls for cause & justice would be deafening!
That was the ultimate goal - get people to censor themselves. It was surprisingly easy to accomplish.
Shaming and intimidation. Sure signs of a tyrannical government and corrupt medical establishment.
The average person was not prepared with the strength to resist. And many were quick to succumb to "fear", a false fear, not based on factual information.
Or else you kill granny ... the power of blackmail.
Everyone (or almost everyone) accepts "truths" as truths - that aren't truths. And the people who might question these non-truths are afraid to do so. In a recent essay, I point out that Jack Nicholson's Marine colonel in "A Few Good Men" barked out "you can't handle the truth!" - and almost every film-goer probably agreed with his points (although they didn't like this "Bad Guy" character in the movie). Still, they probably said, "Well, he was speaking the truth there."
But he wasn't speaking any truths. The public had just accepted most of the key MIC propaganda or indoctrination. This colonel was the one who really couldn't handle the truth. If he confronted these truths, they'd probably blow up his brain.
In this era of politically motivated institutional deceit, and censorship of those who try to offer fair warning, failing to pay attention and do a little homework can get you and those who depend on you for protection killed.
While we can't be certain about the cause of death in this case there is no reasonable doubt regarding the mind numbing scale of maimings and killings being caused by COVID injections (dangers clearly evidenced early on via VAERS reports). And we are only seeing the short term harms so far. Nobody knows what consequences will be suffered medium and long term; all for a virus which in fact posed no meaningful risk of mortality for the vast majority of people (zero for healthy youngsters), as was evident from infection fatality rate data available by mid 2020!!
On the institutional front, SHAME on medical "professionals" for their cowardice or inexcusable ignorance. Of course there are a few notable exceptions.
According to Yuri Bezmenov; below...Our voices will no longer exist soon
as the indoctrination/brainwashing reinforced with their 'Police State' and
'Militarization of the Legal System' will work in tandem to completely
wipe-out all expressed critical thought.
Within another generation;
nobody will recall even forming diverse opinions to oppose the
narratives of the Demons running the State.
Fortunately, that looks to be an unlikely issue, as it strongly appears the world will be under "new management" before that much time passes!
Thank you so much for putting yourself out there to shed some light on the coverup. I am so, so, so tired of hearing that out of “respect for the dead”, we shouldn’t talk about how or why they died.
God bless you and Dr. McCullough for fighting the brave fight, for keeping the faith.
I second what you've wrote here.
Only 1 that protects is the person(-s) responsible for the death.
Why doesn’t someone just ask his wife if he took the COVID shot? We always asked why people died before every “health agency” around the world pushed this dangerous, experimental shot. Somehow asking how or why someone died is off limits now. Pussy-footing around the truth is only going to cost more lives, and those who do not openly address this and ask questions are paving the way to even more death and become complicit! The time for being nice is over unless you are willing to sacrifice your own family and friends along the way.
Exactly. I had to show my (fake) vaccination passport here in Melbourne (Australia) to get into any shop or cafe or a show or stadium or to even watch my kids play basketball. It was OK for any man and their dog to ask me about my vax status for a very long time and I was expected to answer or be refused service/entry. Now people are very put out if I ask about the vax status of someone who died.
Ask anyway! Make it “normal”!!!
Exactly. My rights to privacy and HIPA Laws were thrown out the window. Get vaxxed. "It's safe and effective." Now people are dropping like flies. Thank you science!
Well said.
Franklin Graham being one of the more shameless examples (short of the Pope, of course).
OMG... hope that doesn't mean his kids got the shot too.. his wife probably did too.
The fear was as high in my Presbyterian church in southeast Texas as anywhere else in America. And the "lead by example" and "don't kill grandma" were ACTIONS in my church. Nobody shy asking about that.
It was Awful in Utah when the “ Church Leader “ here went on TV and received his “ shot”
I was so heartsick and it created such a divide amongst church members . This Church leader is a retired heart Doctor! I ask myself why, why, why!! I also told my family and co workers Christ is the head of all churches and he walked among the lepers and did not fear !
And they should not live in fear, period. And they also should not be taught by their ministers to obey the government. And SURELY should not have been complicit in helping the government and corrupt medical establishment push an experimental drug.
Bill gates said himself that vaccines will increase depopulation.
No,only about 75% took it. The rest didn't get the immunosuppressant that would allow the "spikes" to remain long enough to do their damage.
Was this is the 2nd or the 3rd shot?
Immunosuppression is a key ingredient in all the shots, in increasing levels with each shot, otherwise natural immunity will reject the "spikes'" foreign proteins, before they can do their damage.
Thanks for having the courage, on FaceBook no less, to ask the question. Every time someone dies suddenly below the age of 60, my first thought is 'I wonder if they were vaccinated with mRNA?'
And over 60. My parents both past 90.
People should not be dying at 60 ...far too young
No one should be dying from these injections not at any age. It was all wrong and all of the deaths are murders.
I agree 100%. Mass murder and some still do not see it!
#onequestion should be the most heavily trending hashtag.
Make it NORMAL!! The most asked question ever!!! Stop playing their sick game, everyone!!! Stop!
We shouldn't wonder any longer. This insanity is much worse than "covid" ever was. Treatments were prevented from saving lives and the conditions that come eventually after injections are the true roulette. Nattokinase, ivermectin, and a natural blood thinner like cayanne pepper (NON pharma) should be on everyone's counter that took these experimental shots as PREVENTATIVE.
And 80 year olds turning up with breast cancer.
or with vaginal bleeding again
Little known fact amongst lay people is that breast cancer develops more commonly in older women than younger women (it tends to be more aggressive in younger women, but that is a separate matter).
Sort of an inappropriate comment since our elders as well as our young people are contracting these turbo cancers. The ones I know of - in 80 year olds who were very healthy - are aggressive and fast. Our cancers in general are, for thr most part, due to our toxic environments, foods and the vaccines and drugs pumped into folks over a lifetime. Preventable for the most part if only the docs out there would get re-educated and then deprogram and educate their patients.
Forest, the woman’s comment didn’t characterize the breast cancers one way or another, the popular impression based on marketing materials from the American Cancer Society, every hospital system and health insurance company (that shows women that appear to be in their 40’s or 50’s) is that is not that of an elderly woman.
As a physician whose wife has been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer within the last 5 years, and has followed the whole COVID & COVID vaccine catastrophe closely, and have not drunk the Fauci/Brix/Cohen koolaid, I am well aware of turbo cancers, and all the other vaccine injuries as they are being documented in the alternative and international literature. I am also aware & concerned about my own early stage prostate cancer (we are both 72).
All that said, any one cancer in a person in their 70--80s age group, with rare exceptions, can not be clearly identified as turbo cancer upon first discovery, but only after seeing how it behaves after diagnosis and treatment.
Now, tell me again how my comment was/is inappropriate, please. Thank you.
The most common risk factor that underlies the most common types of cancer (and is associated most cancers where it has been studied is smoking or some other tobacco exposure; hard after that is excessive alcohol consumption, both of which do not require a prescription from a physician (though through the 1950’s, I am sad to say previously was encouraged through doctors participating in cigarette advertising, but that charge cannot be laid at the feet of any currently practicing physician), and standard practice is to regularly discourage the use of both.
Currently, medical professional organizations have gotten ahead of the curve & evidence and are advocating for green woke agendas without a full understanding of all the risks (e.g., wind, solar power, electric vehicles (ultimately coal powered vehicles), polluting the environment with the residual effects of lithium, cadmium, etc. mining.
I will not take the blame for the profession’s past heinous acts, nor for the foolish actions of current physicians, though I have certainly made my share of mistakes in the past, and will likely continue to do so unwittingly-- as we all will.
Oh, and your comment is of the blame the victim genre ( “you have _____, you must have ate wrong, drank too much, too much coffee, or whatever,etc., and THAT is an inappropriate comment, because to the extent that any of the things that you mentioned are true, they are true only in a statistical association sense, and cannot be definitively said to be causal, with the infrequent exceptions of say, asbestos and mesothelioma, though most asbestos associated malignancies are garden variety lung cancers, for example.
Normally no cause of death requires a post mortem
Don’t even have to wonder anymore…
Stand and fight. This cowardly silence is madness.
Thank you John Leake for speaking LOUD and CLEAR.
John thankyou for being brave enough to name the likely cause of your pastor's sudden death even at risk of being shamed. I am very concerned for our beloved young pastor, 35, who gets a cold or flu literally every month since the C19 vax and now has scary episodes of short breath. I cannot recommend anything because he refuses to believe that the vax has anything to do with his poor immunity now. He also has a wife and two young children. This bioweapon (virus and vax) is a snowballing tragedy.
Maybe you could compile some paperwork on the fact that there is help available from dr McCullough or others and send it anonymously by mail with a message of love and concern or something like that. Many times I think people (including myself) won’t look into something if they think there is no treatment available. If he gets worse, at least they can have some info at the ready so they know where to go or what questions to ask. Just spitballing, let God guide you on ways to really know it is out of love and honest concern....
perhaps say something like 'shortness of breath is often caused by a heart condition, for the sake of your young children, please make an appt to find out what is causing it'.
The mask didn't help mine.
He can try Ivermectin, just saying
Also, Nattokinase and a natural blood thinner like cayanne pepper will certainly help. Barb O'Neil references cayenne pepper.
Does Nattokinase work on clots along with cayenne
Is it okay for someone on Eliquis to also take Nattokinase?
I don’t know if there is a definite answer to that. Any time that you take 2 medicines that both have a blood thinner effect, you are going to have an increased risk of bleeding to a greater or lesser extent; sometimes it is done because the risk or consequences of clotting or arterial blockage is so high, say after a heart attack or ischemic stroke & you & your doctor accept the higher risk & hope that you get away with it; sometimes your doctor may adjust the dose of one or the other (low dose aspirin vs full dose aspirin with full or low dose anticoagulant (Coumadin or Eliquis) for example.
I myself am on Xarelto for stroke prevention with my intermittent atrial fibrillation, an having been Moderna vaccinated early on ( 12/2020 & 1/2021 & 8/2021, before I & general medical community was aware of the clot & other risks ). Even though I can recognize no vaccine side effects, I have wondered (as I also have been treated for early prostate cancer) about stopping my Xarelto, and taking a course of nattokinase, or lowering my dose of Xarelto to take concurrently. However I am aware of no local doc that would be knowledgeable & open to considering that course; and I do know that a well known saying is that a person who tries to be his/her own doctor has a fool for a doctor & a patient (and I am already treading on that ground as I take IVM for COVID prophylaxis.
Why are you taking Eliquis, and why would you be wanting to take nattokinase?
This is heartbreaking. It’s mind boggling that every one of these deaths don’t get an autopsy.
People are still asleep.
It should be mandatory like vaccines.
💯 and completely public knowledge because they blew HIPAA up with PREP
I agree. I’m seeing anecdotal evidence of the same in my circles. Also a few Vax injured family members are pursuing alternative therapies and they have doctors that are open to the idea that their issues could be Vax related.
A few of my friends are even admitting regret that they ever took the spike spikes. This is progress, albeit slow but in the right direction.
Heck, I refused to get my yearly CBC blood test.
Hi, Donna. Although I had avoided doctors during covid, I actually saw one 3 days ago precisely to get my CBC and metabolic panels from a blood draw. (We can't simply go to a lab and order one for ourself.) When I get the results, I can take my own healthy measures to address any anomalies. Or see a trustworthy specialist for advice.
(When the subject of "vaccines" came up during the appointment, I simply said I did not wish to discuss it. She persisted but I politely changed the subject.)
To say I have lost confidence in the medical community, is a huge understatement. I am literally scared of doctors after realizing how we have been brainwashed to “trust the experts” all along. Learning that the vast majority of drs are just puppets of the medical/ pharmaceutical industrial complex, operate on group think, have no critical thinking skills, and are dangerous to my health and well being, has been quite a shock to the system. I haven’t been back to the doctor in three years when my primary care pressured me to get the vaccine. I will never let another needle touch me and I have spent the last three years carefully and selectively convincing young mothers to stop vaccinating their children. I’m a mother of 24 and 20 year old sons who are fully vaccinated with the childhood schedule. I want to cry out with regret. If I save one baby from these evil pharmaceutical companies’ injections, it will help relieve some of my regret. I am happy to say that I know of several mothers of babies who now have chosen not to vaccinate. I cannot help but think this has to be a new trend nationwide if not worldwide. I pray this is a silver lining.
Closing the barn door.... ?
Me too, I'm just hoping it's not too late though.
Many prayers for all who experienced this terrible loss. Brilliant article!
Thank you for your post. It was important to do and took courage. Thank you John.
Thank you. It feels wrong at the time to mention it, the “why” in the midst of the grief. However, Christ followers know that our call is to love one another. If other lives and other suffering can be alleviated or prevented, if one less child doesn’t have to grow up without a father, a wife isnt made a widow 30 years too soon, that’s a high calling and must be supported by those of faith.
I live with so much fear for my young son who’s had 4 of this vile product. Please keep talking.
And Fauci gets an award for ethics for saving millions of lives. I literally no longer have the vocabulary to articulate what is happening.
good is bad, and bad is good. We were told this day would come.
The award came from the ones who promoted the kill. Of course they congratulate one another on a job well done. It's disgusting, premeditated and they will pay if not now, then GOD WILL DESTROY THEIR EGOS AND PUT THEM EXACTLY WHERE THEY BELONG. MAKE NO MISTAKE GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED! THEY ARE PLAYING GOD, CALLING THEMSELVES GODS! They will soon see how godly they are, and so will we. We will watch them get what's coming to them. They deserve to be shot full of their own serum and put onto Public display so we can watch as their bodies turn into whatever gelatinous mess they have created for us, and without any assistance as they perish. GOD forgive me...I am so full of hate for them...
Sorry for your losses John. What you said was so powerful: if he had been murdered in his bed, there would be an UPROAR and DEMAND for investigation. The silence is because no one wants to take self-responsibility and error for their actions regarding the "product." I wonder if he gave it to his kids and wife, too?
If you fell for the scam, or were pressured into it, admit it and move on. Never do it again. But to deny the connections, perpetuates the lie.
The Judeo-Christian pastors that encouraged if not mandated their parishioners to be needled by Albert Bourla’s modRNA contraption are dying in their sleep . . . indeed. Dunagan WAS murdered. But the underbelly, the "scam as you call it, is LIABILITY IMMUNITY:
However, in the context of the WHOLE truth, these pastors (as a group) were NOTORIOUSLY on national television promoting the needles of the moneychangers. One such star was another Texas preacher named Robert Jeffress. I wrote to this TV star immediately after his self-absorbed and deeply dangerous / ignorant promotional goo on prime time Fox News:
https://www.pvsheridan.com/sheridan2jeffress-1-1october2021.pdf (cover only with SPOD)
On Page 1 of 3, right there on my first page, I reviewed with Jeffress sample relevant Scripture from Hosea :
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will
also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me; seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy
God, I will also forget thy children.”
Is any of this really getting through? Or does anyone actually believe that these pastors would have listened to someone with over 40 years of direct knowledge/experience with the criminal Anthony Fauci? They did not, and would not, and still don’t! In fact it was Judeo-Christian pastors in Minnesota that convinced Mrs. Jummai Nache to submit to the Bourla needle; the results are next:
https://www.pvsheridan.com/Jummai-progression_19-July-2023_Cheatie-USSS.pdf (please note the last page)
Let us now look at two of several sample alternatives . . . that DID listen to the Word of God, and have not only survived/avoided the scourge of LIABILITY IMMUNITY protected Bourla needles, but have in-fact prospered as a result.
[1] Oral Roberts University (ORU) is a Christian college in Oklahoma. Its President, a Believer never shut down, never mandated face masks, never mandated social distancing, and certainly never injected his staff, faculty or students with modRNA poison. President William Wilson’s response letter to me:
https://www.pvsheridan.com/ORU-1.pdf (note the second page)
[2] I have had several very entertaining and informative conversations with Pastor Calvin Lapp of Lancaster Pennsylvania:
Funny how even FoxNews never reported on ORU? Or Amish Country? Why is that?
Leake poses the following, “Surely the time has come for communities and medical examiners to stop being silent about the sudden and unexpected deaths of young people, but to speak openly about the need to INVESTIGATE them.”
Uh huh. Instead, we should investigate why the pastors like Dunagan or Jeffress never told their parishioners about LIABILITY IMMUNITY (lying by omission) while “leading” their innocent flocks to be modRNA needled. An investigation into why the flock was never afforded INFORMED CONSENT will assist with the true root cause . . . an autopsy, although very impressive, is merely an after-the-fact symptom . . . in the context of the COVID-19 crime syndicate!
My sincerest condolences to the Dunagan family and friends and parishioners; none of whom will attain justice unless and until we rescind RETROACTIVELY the scourge of LIABILITY IMMUNITY . . . the root cause slithering in the Fauci-orchestrated background:
(Please note the video link in the Show More section.)
great comment/commentary. Yes most pastors "bought the kool-aid" and brokered it to others, saying, "I know it's safe -my wife's a nurse. Get the shot." Their judgement will be real. I wrote and spoke about this extensively....and took the mudd for it.
much respect for you Sherri and donated to your cause
You "wrote and spoke about this extensively"? Specifically that you wrote about (and perhaps TO) pastors about modRNA? I would love to see those specific pastor oriented writings and hear those specific talks. Are these links you can share?
Regarding the MDs that these pastors relied upon, the armies of med school graduate lowlifes that refuse to address and continue to gloss-over, in their cowardice and GREED, the underbelly of the COVID-19 crime: LIABILITY IMMUNITY.
One of the MDs I will NOT be recommending for testimony in an upcoming litigation spewed the following baseless fame-seeking needle-promoting garbage (to the regime media) in early August 2020, quote:
"Antibody production after COVID-19 takes a few weeks to ramp up but wanes fairly quickly after several weeks to months. Thus, the hope is that a vaccine could instill permanent memory in antigen-presenting T-cells that would remind the plasma cells and B-cells to proliferate and restore antibody production more quickly in the setting of re-inoculation."
“Wanes”?? The MD who made that statement had absolutely no reliable long-term data to base it on. That MD is declaring, in the earliest stages of the COVID-19 crime wave, that natural immunity does not last. It “wanes” is his claim. And therefore we should look to the then-upcoming LIABILITY IMMUNITY protected needle to address “the setting of re-inoculation"?! A farcical, blatantly pro-modRNA sales pitch . . . again, implicitly, this MD was without a long-term data basis for EITHER claim (natural immunity wanes and modRNA will work). It was known then, and has since been proven ad nauseam that natural immunity is far superior to the death and injury causing modRNA needles.
That MD ALSO glosses over LIABILITY IMMUNITY. Medical malpractice...get rid of that too? As if the rest of us were born yesterday.
I spoke about it at almost every Clay Clark event where I was a speaker over the last two years and also on most of my Happy Hour podcast.
"it"? Again, to be clear, the "it" that you are now referring to is: You specifically wrote about and spoke about or spoke to PASTORS about modRNA, and the issue of the pastors who "bought the kool-aid." That laudable proliferative record is therefore easy to share. Please do so.
About LIABILITY IMMUNITY, I do seem to recall you mentioning that issue in the past.
Well done. Did anyone reply to your Facebook post or are they still busy looking at their shoes?
You are so right! People are afraid of their shadows!
Thank you for being a voice. I have a friend who got Guillian Barr’s after receiving the vax. He has mostly recovered. But to this day him and his family say it wasn’t the vax.
Right. And they know that because...? I’m amazed at the different treatment these (and all) shots get compared to other pharmaceutical products.
I'm so sorry! This is very sad and the blinders of Satan.
Willful blindness
John: Regarding that family's UTTERLY UNFOUNDED opinion, many have seen the film 'Devil's Advocate' (with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino) wherein Satan declares (repeatedly):
"Vanity . . . definitely my favorite sin!"
Next, Senator Johnson with Maria Bartiromo (one of the few regime media members that has zero'd in on the COVID crimes) explains that such vanity permeates the US Senate and the US House . . . ya know, the clowns that enacted LIABILITY IMMUNITY:
Please take a moment to look at my SHOW MORE links/discussion in that Rumble link above.
Thank you for speaking out. It is what concerns me the most in the church. I am seeing al kinds of people dying around us. And others suddenly collapsing, blood clots etc and no one knows why. People who took this injection in the church need to seek God's healing immediately, but if they don't know, how can they?
Try Christian Science healing.
God's promises are in the bible. You just need to trust He will and know the word :)