On "Emergencies and the misuse of government powers" readers might be interested in another post that examines the current "Undeclared War" and its political foundations in "securitization": Fake Crisis / Real Tyranny
This is what is so damning. We get some things wrong but if we did not get most things right we would not be here. I takes determined effort to get everything wrong.
As I'm fond of saying: when I topped the Deans list (late last millennium at a university in the top 2 dozen in the world, in a STEM discipline) my grades indicated I was wrong roughly 1 answer in 13.
Thus being the outright "Smartest Kid in the Room" does NOT mean infallibility or freedom-from-error.
But the binomial theorem shows that the likelihood that someone who's right 12 time out of 13 (on average) is MASSIVELY unlikely to make mistakes more than 4 times in a row, and even more unlikely to make errors in the same direction.
So... to explain why the assembled brainpower of the Western political class can make 10 or 20 decisions that have adverse effects on the polity can only be explained by a combo of 3 things:
(1) they're the sort of people who are right/wrong 50/50 or worse;
(2) they're collectively dumber than a bag of retarded hammers;
(3) they are actually achieving an objective which is different to that publicly-stated objective.
You can rule out (1) straight away, since their errors are correlated: the error is ALWAYS towards what looks like policy 'failure': cost over-runs; delays in completion; 'failure' of policy to deliver the promised benefit in the promised timeline within the promised budget.
You can also rule out (2) reasonably readily: the figureheads may be empty vessels like Trudeau or Gavin Newsom - a huge glob of hair-products and tooth-whitener - but their apparatchiki are solid graduates of some of the best universities and are objectively not morons.
So... (3) it is. I leave it to the audience to decide what that says about the ACTUAL objectives of the obviously-preposterous-at-the-time bullshit during COVID.
Like the old cartoon version where an Angel sat on one side next to the human ear whispered the ways of righteousness and the Devil sat on the other, yelling a rightlessness of .GOV version as Devils talked in both ears. Cuz the Angels are tied up in court systems.
Yes, - “Global Health Security” with the “support” of Bill Gates… no strings attached! -
It doesn't need strings, they know what is expected. In 2006, one of my sons, an academic engineer with a passion from childhood for ships, took me on the QM2, Southampton to New York, where we met up with relatives. On the journey I attended some talks by the BBC’s Justin Webb called "Travelling with the President". He said no one told him what he could or could not report - but he knew that if he wrote the wrong thing he would not travel any further with the President.
I knew, in March of 2020, when Fauci disparaged HCQ, when at the same time, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was saving lives with it, that our federal health officials & agencies could not be trusted. From that point forward, everything else they recommended (or failed to recommend, such as an adequate vitamin D level) was suspect. It was like a very sinister game of "Simon Says", where they continually eliminated lives, businesses, and anything else they get away with, all while pretending to be looking out for our welfare. It's all been a sick joke. Every last bit of it.
"All underwear will be worn on the outside, so we can check!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for sharing the movie clip!!! Masks are face diapers..... hmmm.....coincidence?
Yes, it is a sign of those who went bananas and thought masks would be of any use. I call those people who wore them maskists! Thankfully I realised what was going on early and never wore the wretched things.
Of course they never said specifically one should wear them on ones face. :)
I used that movie clip often when posting in the early days of COVID. One dictat left out of the clip stated that "all citizens younger than sixteen ... are now sixteen!". These days we would add that "all boys are now girls!".
If they try this tactic again I can’t believe that as many people would go along even for a little while. I was a skeptic after I watched HCQ get shitcanned and now I’m never going to fall for their lies and fear porn.
I’d like to believe more - hopefully most - people wouldn’t go along next time, but on the other hand, I’m not sure I could take the disappointment if they do sheeple-up again. I think I prefer to assume the worst.
"With few exceptions, politicians seek office not because they possess any particular understanding or competency, but because they enjoy receiving public attention and possessing power." Since you recognize that, why are you supporting Donald Trump for president? At least RFK has the necessary understanding and competency.
Climate change is no hoax. Conservatives (I am not one, I'm more interested in truth than politics) should stop denying what is obvious to most of the world, it makes them look uneducated. Climate change, specifically warming, has been happening for around twelve-thousand years since the last ice age. However, human activity has greatly accelerated it, thanks to Big Oil's greed, because they knew what effect pumping thirty billion tons of carbon dioxide per year into the atmosphere would have. Now that it is becoming a crisis for much of the world's population, the same people are scheming to make even more money by offering bogus solutions to the problem. Not that it matters, because the world has already passed the point where we might have been able to stop it. It will just have to run its course, and humans will have to live with the consequences.
"With few exceptions, politicians seek office not because they possess any particular understanding or competency, but because they enjoy receiving public attention and possessing power. Giving such people enhanced power will always result in enhanced bungling with innumerable negative, unintended consequences. "
Quite. As Marx said,
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies."
In France there is a very famous professor - Prof. Christian Perrone) who wrote a best seller at the start of the crisis entitled: ''what mistakes did they make.'' They made no mistakes - everything was planned and intended.
Before we know it we'll be facing our next horrible terrible awful pandemic which will actually be injected people dying from common diseases and direct damage to their systems. We will of course lock down much harder because the lessons learned from the first time is that we failed to act swiftly and firmly. This time we will need to round up whole neighbourhoods and cart them off to quarantine camps or to just isolate them in sectioned off parts of the city. Stay home or be shot. No time for debates, just strong decisive action assuring compliance with the science. The WHO will guide us all from above from above with a unified plan for all based on the recommendations of top experts. Remember, we're all in this together.
Fascinating. Well worth my time to read (2 min or less, for those hesitating). I've avoided as much as possible all AI junk. It's all run/developed by untrustworthy humans who don't like the Constitution, far as I can tell. But Timothy fooled them this time, cool, Well Done Mr. Winey.
The next big emergency (ongoing currently) is climate change. Governments are using the same fear tactics regarding climate change. Any change, warmer or colder, will result in a disaster that only government can save us from but first we must quit driving ICE vehicles, using gas stoves, running AC in the summer, eating meat (too much methane, you know - cow farts and burps), etc.
". . . governments use natural disasters as a pretext to enhance their power" -- yes, we are seeing that currently as more laws are made to "protect" us from climate change and natural disasters. Tyranny has many faces!
Obamacare began or at least hastened the gradual nationalization of the U.S. healthcare system. Without that government control, for example the sudden power of the CDC to create laws out of thin air, the Covid catastrophe and tragedy could not have happened.
The nice thing about America is you can disagree with “elected” officials and disregard anything they suggest. There are consequences if you listen to bad advice, and there are consequences if you don’t.
Unfortunately, nowadays you might be arrested and imprisoned or at least be put on the FBI’s terrorist watch list if you disagree with certain “elected” officials.
I’m still hoping this country doesn’t become like Canada with all their absolutely insane policies and laws. Canadians have zero freedom. They are taxed to death, policed for everything and have been disarmed. Criminals and pedos have more rights than law abiding citizens. It is disgraceful.
There was nothing “natural” about the COVID disaster.
Nope. Not a thing.
Sadly, there are a great many people who still do not understand and/or will not accept that.
That is very true and they are doomed.
John Leake kindly highlighted our recent post on the "Biodefense" trailer:
On "Emergencies and the misuse of government powers" readers might be interested in another post that examines the current "Undeclared War" and its political foundations in "securitization": Fake Crisis / Real Tyranny
This is what is so damning. We get some things wrong but if we did not get most things right we would not be here. I takes determined effort to get everything wrong.
As I'm fond of saying: when I topped the Deans list (late last millennium at a university in the top 2 dozen in the world, in a STEM discipline) my grades indicated I was wrong roughly 1 answer in 13.
Thus being the outright "Smartest Kid in the Room" does NOT mean infallibility or freedom-from-error.
But the binomial theorem shows that the likelihood that someone who's right 12 time out of 13 (on average) is MASSIVELY unlikely to make mistakes more than 4 times in a row, and even more unlikely to make errors in the same direction.
So... to explain why the assembled brainpower of the Western political class can make 10 or 20 decisions that have adverse effects on the polity can only be explained by a combo of 3 things:
(1) they're the sort of people who are right/wrong 50/50 or worse;
(2) they're collectively dumber than a bag of retarded hammers;
(3) they are actually achieving an objective which is different to that publicly-stated objective.
You can rule out (1) straight away, since their errors are correlated: the error is ALWAYS towards what looks like policy 'failure': cost over-runs; delays in completion; 'failure' of policy to deliver the promised benefit in the promised timeline within the promised budget.
You can also rule out (2) reasonably readily: the figureheads may be empty vessels like Trudeau or Gavin Newsom - a huge glob of hair-products and tooth-whitener - but their apparatchiki are solid graduates of some of the best universities and are objectively not morons.
So... (3) it is. I leave it to the audience to decide what that says about the ACTUAL objectives of the obviously-preposterous-at-the-time bullshit during COVID.
Like the old cartoon version where an Angel sat on one side next to the human ear whispered the ways of righteousness and the Devil sat on the other, yelling a rightlessness of .GOV version as Devils talked in both ears. Cuz the Angels are tied up in court systems.
Indeed. See post on "Fake Crisis - Real Tyranny" - using "securitization" as policy:
Related - John Leake linked to our post on the "Biodefense" trailer a few days ago:
Yes, - “Global Health Security” with the “support” of Bill Gates… no strings attached! -
It doesn't need strings, they know what is expected. In 2006, one of my sons, an academic engineer with a passion from childhood for ships, took me on the QM2, Southampton to New York, where we met up with relatives. On the journey I attended some talks by the BBC’s Justin Webb called "Travelling with the President". He said no one told him what he could or could not report - but he knew that if he wrote the wrong thing he would not travel any further with the President.
I knew, in March of 2020, when Fauci disparaged HCQ, when at the same time, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was saving lives with it, that our federal health officials & agencies could not be trusted. From that point forward, everything else they recommended (or failed to recommend, such as an adequate vitamin D level) was suspect. It was like a very sinister game of "Simon Says", where they continually eliminated lives, businesses, and anything else they get away with, all while pretending to be looking out for our welfare. It's all been a sick joke. Every last bit of it.
"All underwear will be worn on the outside, so we can check!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for sharing the movie clip!!! Masks are face diapers..... hmmm.....coincidence?
Yes, it is a sign of those who went bananas and thought masks would be of any use. I call those people who wore them maskists! Thankfully I realised what was going on early and never wore the wretched things.
Of course they never said specifically one should wear them on ones face. :)
I used that movie clip often when posting in the early days of COVID. One dictat left out of the clip stated that "all citizens younger than sixteen ... are now sixteen!". These days we would add that "all boys are now girls!".
And that all illegal immigrants are now US citizens.
Thank you for posting this.
If they try this tactic again I can’t believe that as many people would go along even for a little while. I was a skeptic after I watched HCQ get shitcanned and now I’m never going to fall for their lies and fear porn.
I’d like to believe more - hopefully most - people wouldn’t go along next time, but on the other hand, I’m not sure I could take the disappointment if they do sheeple-up again. I think I prefer to assume the worst.
"With few exceptions, politicians seek office not because they possess any particular understanding or competency, but because they enjoy receiving public attention and possessing power." Since you recognize that, why are you supporting Donald Trump for president? At least RFK has the necessary understanding and competency.
Perhaps you should revisit DJT’s inaugural address when he stated his plan for “power”. Stop parroting MSM and actually listen to what he said.
RFK has bought in to the whole climate change hoax and also seems to hate our 2A
Climate change is no hoax. Conservatives (I am not one, I'm more interested in truth than politics) should stop denying what is obvious to most of the world, it makes them look uneducated. Climate change, specifically warming, has been happening for around twelve-thousand years since the last ice age. However, human activity has greatly accelerated it, thanks to Big Oil's greed, because they knew what effect pumping thirty billion tons of carbon dioxide per year into the atmosphere would have. Now that it is becoming a crisis for much of the world's population, the same people are scheming to make even more money by offering bogus solutions to the problem. Not that it matters, because the world has already passed the point where we might have been able to stop it. It will just have to run its course, and humans will have to live with the consequences.
Rfk jr has some great ideas- but his climate change needs revision- also they will never let a Kennedy win- he will be lucky to survive
RFK Jr. would be useful in a Trump Cabinet position he's qualified for- not a world leader...!
"With few exceptions, politicians seek office not because they possess any particular understanding or competency, but because they enjoy receiving public attention and possessing power. Giving such people enhanced power will always result in enhanced bungling with innumerable negative, unintended consequences. "
Quite. As Marx said,
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies."
That was not Karl, but Groucho, of course.
In France there is a very famous professor - Prof. Christian Perrone) who wrote a best seller at the start of the crisis entitled: ''what mistakes did they make.'' They made no mistakes - everything was planned and intended.
and I add, politicians are puppets controlled by the hyper-class. WWG1 WGA or one for all all rotten!
Before we know it we'll be facing our next horrible terrible awful pandemic which will actually be injected people dying from common diseases and direct damage to their systems. We will of course lock down much harder because the lessons learned from the first time is that we failed to act swiftly and firmly. This time we will need to round up whole neighbourhoods and cart them off to quarantine camps or to just isolate them in sectioned off parts of the city. Stay home or be shot. No time for debates, just strong decisive action assuring compliance with the science. The WHO will guide us all from above from above with a unified plan for all based on the recommendations of top experts. Remember, we're all in this together.
Fascinating. Well worth my time to read (2 min or less, for those hesitating). I've avoided as much as possible all AI junk. It's all run/developed by untrustworthy humans who don't like the Constitution, far as I can tell. But Timothy fooled them this time, cool, Well Done Mr. Winey.
The next big emergency (ongoing currently) is climate change. Governments are using the same fear tactics regarding climate change. Any change, warmer or colder, will result in a disaster that only government can save us from but first we must quit driving ICE vehicles, using gas stoves, running AC in the summer, eating meat (too much methane, you know - cow farts and burps), etc.
". . . governments use natural disasters as a pretext to enhance their power" -- yes, we are seeing that currently as more laws are made to "protect" us from climate change and natural disasters. Tyranny has many faces!
Obamacare began or at least hastened the gradual nationalization of the U.S. healthcare system. Without that government control, for example the sudden power of the CDC to create laws out of thin air, the Covid catastrophe and tragedy could not have happened.
That video was hilarious.
The nice thing about America is you can disagree with “elected” officials and disregard anything they suggest. There are consequences if you listen to bad advice, and there are consequences if you don’t.
Unfortunately, nowadays you might be arrested and imprisoned or at least be put on the FBI’s terrorist watch list if you disagree with certain “elected” officials.
I’m still hoping this country doesn’t become like Canada with all their absolutely insane policies and laws. Canadians have zero freedom. They are taxed to death, policed for everything and have been disarmed. Criminals and pedos have more rights than law abiding citizens. It is disgraceful.