They were designed to do it with as little PROVABLE evidence as possible. They want stealth death to get that plausible deniability, relatively innocuous optics and to keep the perps perfectly safe and unaccountable just in case the lab rats gnaw through the maze and start looking for retribution.
The also want to be freed up to loot us better and take every asset we have as we're dropping dead or are grievously impaired by the stealth death agent that sometimes does not kill you but just makes you wish it had &/or puts you in the "might as well be dead" zone.
THAT'S why a SYSTEMIC micro clotting inducing shot & bug and inflammatory agent is sooooo almost perfect. It can cause the set of all malady's with what almost seems like random and variable timing with random and variable harm from sudden death to death after some time time and everything in between
Not like a nuke where you just wipe the rats out. Hard to hide that one or disguise who did it. But a systemic micro clotting inflammatory agent? Just what you'd specify if you wanted stealth death and slo mo collapse of the systems run by the lab rats.
Agreed. But not sure you can EVER completely dismantle evil because it is in all of us
Evil is like black mold in the shower and the walls. You can scrub it down and hold it in abeyance but the spores are always everywhere waiting and will ALWAYS come back unless you are vigilant about starving it of nutrients and scrubbing it away with regularity. Soon as you forget to wipe down the tub or turn the dehumidifier on, oops there it is again.
The point is it never goes away. It just lies in wait for the next opportunity and the west has been grievously irresponsible about staying vigilant against the ever patient fungus that waits for the next opportunity. At this point we are overrun and like the mold invested house it becomes a jump ball whether the remedy is mitigation or burning the whole thing down and rebuilding. Certainly it appears we have many institutions that seem so beyond mitigation that it may take a total cleansing house cleaning and rebuild to ever get close to "fixing" them. MANY of the institutions are not even worth fixing because of multiply redundant agencies and just need to be disbanded. If you have 10 agencies mostly doing the same thing pick the best 1-3 of them and close up the rest then concentrate on cleaning the mold out of the surviving agencies. One thing that became beyond evident Trump 1.0 is that some agencies (perhaps the majority?) are so infested nothing but a complete house cleaning will serve to redirect them
Yes Mr Blackwell, and as Mr Falciola added, to hide the trail. Normies are so mentally domesticated however, that even if one had hard evidence (as we have if you take off the blinders) they can't come to terms with the scale of the lie.
Regardless, I have two words for this that everyone should be pushing forward. Extreme Accountability.
For my money I am absolutely certain the globalist reset puppeteers and the psyop and bio weaponeers like the DOD & DARPA etc have been taking notes this whole experiment and updating their methodology manuals to get better results next time.
Like the saying goes, never let a crisis go to waste, ESPECIALLY the crisis you created because it's not like they were cheap to create. If you don't update your manuals and notebooks the experiment is wasted
Covid was a massive conspiracy, the biggest of all time, and the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. Those behind it should be charged with mass murder and crimes against humanity on a scale never before seen. The problem is that ALL of "the authorities" were in on it, so they are all covering up for each other and no one will ever admit the truth and the facts.
I agree it was beyond egregious however we must understand that the crime was to give the jab to someone else when no due diligence was carried out. People forced it onto others, onto their little ones, without ever even finding out what was in those death vials. THAT is actually the problem. That is actually the crime. It is the one who does the deed that commits the crime, and shares culpability with the ones who enforce it. Actually the ones who enforced it are our local people. I've never met Klaus Schwab, never seen him, but I did see people in my neighborhood stop me from buying food, stop me from getting work, stop me from entering businesses. It is us folks that are the problem. Therefore it is also us that are the solution.
Isn’t the crime , in reality , one of bodily integrity protection ?
Thereby , my good friend Elizabeth Hart continues to shout from the rooftops ‘- informed consent is the missing ingredient upon which NURENBERG 2.0 charges could be made ?
Couldn’t some VERY heavy duty penalties, & criminal prosecutions metered out accordingly ?
I mean,
It’s not like the guilty are hiding anywhere , in exile , or playing hard to get ! They are in full sight !
I see what you mean but we have to be responsible ourselves for what we put into our body and can't blame someone else if we consented to it, can we? What they have done is fool us into thinking these things are safe. And people because of their bias towards putting themselves below those with "credentials" fell for it very easily. This is actually the problem - the lack of critical thinking skills. If people asked questions and refused to take things or put things into their children until they knew what was in them, then the psychopaths pushing them would fizz out soon after they tried. This is such an important factor that I think it goes over people's heads. But it is what we need to address if we are to avoid this happening again and again.
Yes, a mind willing to challenge the authority of an ‘ untried drug , untested , no trials , etc etc .. is a no brainer
In my country , the hysteria , paranoia, by health officials to get ‘ injected ‘ ( I cannot say vaccinated because they are not vaccines ) , was way, way over the top ! Matched only by the obscene , illegal & anti informed consent of the worst thing they ever did - Mandate an unproven medical intervention- to keep your job , travel , visit family or just live !
Some mandates still exist in Australia for these extremely dangerous untested injections.
People have to sharpen their sense of body autonomy. I mean it's a huge principle and anyone who wants to breach that is actually attacking you. But if people had said that very poignant word "no" the problem would have gone out like a tea candle.
Informed consent is no more: On 21Dec2023, the Department of Health and Human Services and FDA issued a final ruling to amend a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act to allow: exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than a minimal risk to the human subject...
This ruling went into effect 22Jan2024.
Note that there's zero definition of "minimal risk."
Interesting, never heard of this ‘ final ruling ‘ ... I assume you mean , ( given it’s the FDA) ... that this is for the USA only ?.... Covid vaccinations that did the damage , commenced in 2021 , in the main .... so I don’t get it .
I live in Australia ...
The world has lived & breathed with vaccinations , medical interventions & bodily integrity issues both before and after NURENBERG ( original )
The medical practitioners have another long standing convention on a measurement of malfeasance - and that is..
“ at first do NO HARM “...
For some reason Big Pharma has trashed all of these -
The world should smash the WEF - WHO Fauci / Gates cartel into tiny pieces for the good of mankind.
I sure as hell don’t want someone in a far off land determining a ruling that bypasses the EXTREMELY a important and vital component of Informed Consent.
The concept of it is, and will always remain, an inalienable , and unalienable right ! It cannot be ‘ traded away, reduced or minimised under any circumstances , at any time , and apples specifically to medical interventions.
Refer Elizabeth Hart - a frequent presenter on Substack for further details.....
I didn't have the COVID shot, because I don't do what liars tell me to do. And Bill Gates is a liar. He's certainly not on our side. Here's what I published that he did:
If they weren't given informed consent then they should have done their own due diligence. After all our body is our responsibility and finding out the truth is too. This is the problem with credentials, people believe credentials rather than what the person is saying or doing. This is a major problem in humanity right now.
I agree, Denise with that as a basic principle ...
When our entire TGA , ( therapeutic goods admin ) , and AHPRA , so called prudential authority are in lockstep , and are prepared to to both lie, and misinform , and then remove the most important ingredient from the doctors and other vaccine providers , then - it’s blatant fraud and they know that there are no trials for being able to ..
instruct doctors to give vaccines without informed consent ... and ...
Then proceed to apply a vast array of mandatory measures , like the most extreme form of coercion....
MANDATES .... , you MUST have a mandate to work, mandate to shop, a mandate to walk freely other words
A mandate to LIVE !
When any government agency , like our TGA, AHPRA , is held captive by receiving , around 90% of their funding from, guess who.... BIG PHARMA - then we know that the whole medical / doctor fraternity was compromised....
Some objected... some took legal proceedings ...
In fact, our own brave Melissa McCann s case comes up very soon , a case involving many Vax death and injured ordinary people , caught up in this nightmare .
Yes, they should have done their own due diligence, but people have been so brainwashed that they only fear, and when people fear they can't think and are easily controlled.
Informed consent is no more: On 21Dec2023, the Department of Health and Human Services and FDA issued a final ruling to amend a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act to allow: exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than a minimal risk to the human subject...
This ruling went into effect 22Jan2024.
Note that there's zero definition of "minimal risk."
Don't be a fool. The people who pushed this on the populations NEVER TOOK THIS 'VACCINE' because they all knew full well....there was no "pandemic" as Dr. Denis Rancourt has carefully documented in his substack with actual fatality figures from around the world. and because they knew people would die from the "vaccines"
The crime is not done by those who give orders but by those who carry them out. The ones who do the deed are culpable. I can give orders but it doesn't mean anyone will listen to me. Why did people listen to those that gave the orders?
Yes, it is necessary both for the sake of justice and for protecting us from repeats of the crime that we speak up in PUBLIC about the absolute necessity of hanging everyone who mandated the death jabs or worked on creating the virus, Pfauci pfirst:
I know how you feel however if we want to hang them then it makes us monsters just like them. It also makes them more surreptitious so we'll not notice them in the future. The fault lies within us for taking something without proper due diligence, because we hailed these people and therefore were biased, took the shot without thinking, took them by trusting total strangers who have no stake in our wellness or our existence. Humanity needs to learn from this so that it will never happen again. But if we go killing them, then we'll just be doing what has always been done in the past, and if it helped, then we wouldn't be at this point today.
The fault does NOT lie with all the people who were forced at the threat of firing, expulsion, withholding medical care, etc to inject poison.
The fault lies with the criminals who imposed the mandates. They have ZERO remorse or compassion. They will kill you as soon as they possibly can with a repeat performance for the profits and power of Pfizer.
This is a matter of both fundamental justice and of saving your own life from true monsters. Until they are afraid, we are all in extreme danger. The only possible way to save your life is to publicly call for the hanging of everyone who mandated the poison or helped to create the virus, Pfauci pfirst.
I urge you to hear this and absorb it. Killing has never changed anything. Having revenge in our hearts only makes us absolve our own participation in the fraud. Employees could have gotten together and refused to take the jab, but they didn't do that. They worked alone, and just took it because they didn't want to think of another way, they couldn't say "no". All it takes is to say no to the psychopaths but instead people put them in high places AND OBEY THEIR DICTATES! Can you see how insane this is? It is the people ourselves who are at fault to firstly believe that written words can have any effect on psychopaths (and it will be the psychopaths who write those laws, they'll make sure of it) and secondly that THEY OBEY THEM! All those dastardly characters are there to make us strong and stand up to psychopathy. Killing them off will teach us nothing. It will continue the trend that anything we can't handle we just kill off. We cannot become psychopaths to solve the problem. Killing doesn't cure killing.
So then lifetime in prison? The seriousness of the crime here is far above the level of simple murder. It is more like genocide, but in my books even worse than genocide.
But we've had executions for centuries. How has it helped? And who's right is it to kill? Also we cannot learn other ways if all we do is kill. We just remain like cavemen. There are better ways especially today with our information being instant. We need to find ways without killing. We don't even know what killing our own species does to us, perhaps it causes this mass madness. If there is revenge in our hearts then that will blind us for sure. However that doesn't mean we don't hold them accountable.
Even if they get away with their evil conspiracy in this life, they will all have to face almighty God in the next. God promises to be our defender, it's an awful thing to fall into the hands of God, he will repay every evil deed that was done to humanity. Never think they will get away with the corruption that many have done, our Savour will repay!!!
The CEO of Pfizer on Developing a Vaccine in Record Time
by Albert Bourla
From the Magazine (May–June 2021)
On March 19, 2020, as Covid-19 swept across the world, Bourla challenged everyone at Pfizer and its partner BioNTech—a German company focused on cancer immunotherapies—to “make the impossible possible”: develop a vaccine more quickly than anyone ever had...more
On March 19, 2020, as Covid-19 swept across the world, I challenged everyone at Pfizer to “make the impossible possible”: to develop a vaccine more quickly than anyone ever had before, ideally within six months and certainly before the end of the year. Uğur Şahin, the CEO of our partner BioNTech—a German company focused on cancer immunotherapies—did the same with his team.
Less than eight months later, on Sunday, November 8, a few senior executives and I gathered to hear whether our researchers, scientists, clinical trial organizers, manufacturers, and logistics experts had collectively accomplished that goal. Four independent data monitors were meeting remotely to review the preliminary results of the vaccine candidate trial our two companies were running. This was a double-blind study—none of the scientists, the clinical trial investigators, or the patients knew who was getting the real thing versus a placebo—so we were braced for three possible outcomes: The data monitors might tell us to stop the trial because it was a failure, to continue because the results were inconclusive, or to continue and immediately apply for emergency-use authorization because the vaccine worked and was safe.
Knowing that the monitors would meet at 11 AM, a group of us congregated then as well: Mikael Dolsten, the chief scientific officer; Rod MacKenzie, the chief development officer; Sally Susman, the chief corporate affairs officer; Yolanda Lyle, my chief of staff; our general counsel, Doug Lankler; and I. Our lead Covid-19 scientists, who had been working around the clock at our Pearl River, New York, facility, would get the news first and pass it on to us. We tried to distract ourselves by discussing other matters, but anxiety was high.
Finally, at close to 2 PM, Yolanda got a text message: The results were in, and the Pearl River researchers wanted to videoconference with us via Webex. During the agonizing minutes it took them to connect, I joked that this was payback for all the pressure I’d put on them over the past few months. But when their faces appeared on-screen, their smiles told us that the news was good. The independent committee had “highly” recommended that we seek approval for use. Ten minutes later we were confidentially informed of the exact efficacy rate: a stunning 95.6%.
By December, 74 million doses of our vaccine had been manufactured, and 46 million had been released. By the time this article is published, thanks to our work and that of the other companies whose vaccines have also been authorized, we hope that 300 million doses will be available around the world.
That’s our short story. But we believe the longer one is worth telling because of what we learned along the way. It took a moon-shot challenge, out-of-the-box thinking, intercompany cooperation, liberation from bureaucracy, and, most of all, hard work from everyone at Pfizer and BioNTech to accomplish what we did in 2020.
It's kind of funny but tragic that all that work and all the committees, organizations, agencies, courts, health centers, schools, municipalities all of them and more, didn't even realize the covid vaccine was a bioweapon and yet some of us knew the very first day. All those credentials and yet they don't know how to tell when they're being had.
Tuskegee was just a tiny "dress rehearsal" for the big Fauci holocaust killing more people than the World Wars. They knew millions of innocent civilians would die. It was carefully planned for and arranged.
BE AWARE the who pandemic treaty has not been stopped in fact the who are meeting november 4th-15th they plan to finalise the treaty for confirmation and the details check out the james roguski substack
Not when he sat with Kissinger and announced that Henry was his COUNSELOIR. This was said while he was in OFFICE. Who will betray ....AMERICA with a KISS?
I bet the number is much higher than this. The deaths continue to rise. This coming year has been estimated by Geert Van Den Bossche to be the worst yet. Billions will die as their immune systems have been deliberately destroyed by the bioweapon released in 2020.
Yes....he came right out and said it. In 2O1O Ted Talk. He said we "needed to bring those numbers down to about get to zero growth." He mumbled some garbage about the rising CO2 and how it was going to kill everything. All his statements were false and he was agitating for murder.
Never had incurable cancer in my family line. Oldest sister's turbo cancer started last December and she was dead in March. Just found out oldest brother now has stage 4 prostate cancer which has metastatized to other areas. He was unaware he had it two months ago. I think we'll probably lose him in 2025.
Absolutely right. The concept bears repeating. The longterm deaths will be incalculable because people will get sick from all kinds of lethal diseases because their immune systems are destroyed.
The spike protein in the "vaccines" AND in the actual infection depleted and weakened our immune systems. BUT there are protocols and tonics available to help heal our bodies from these bioweapons. Dr. McCullough has offered several of these and other natural healers such as Mike Adams and Sucharit Bhakdi discuss ways to detoxify from the biological attacks we have been subjected to. Research and find ways to heal. There are many! So we made mistakes....nevertheless....we can still change the final outcomes and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever. Possibly consider Gerson therapy-- fresh pressed fruit and vegetable juice...Also sweat lodges and enemas for detoxification....meditation is a powerful tool as well. Find a personal health mantra that is meaningful to you and repeat it one thousand times a day when you are walking or going to sleep at night....such as this:
"My body is divinely created. It is given me to find solutions and achieve freedom from diseases and/or bioweapons With divine help I can expel unwanted chemicals in water, air and food that attack my body and mind. I am radiantly healthy, basking in God's love and filled with divine light."
...not sure on the billions , here , just yet ...but you maybe correct . That’s the issue ...
Given we are dealing with the unknowns of gene therapy ... unknown to the engineers themselves , I’m hoping for a half billion ceiling - but who can tell.
Iv studied mostly c v vx death stats in Aust , and collectively , world data wherever I could find it since , Dec 2020;
Since Kirsch came out with his 13 M number , & that challenge , to Rancourt and most of those mentioned in this thread .
If WW2 total was 55-70 million , 80 years back ... foR perspective , I’m saying this could be .. worse scenario ,
500 m,,, to a billion , but more likely to be under 200 million ... figures that I extrapolate every so often ,,, by using the continents with the most reliable basics in recordings. ( based on 2021, 22, 23... & June 24 , plus extrapolation models...This is the problem that reality analysts have , and will continue to have - this is a completely new phenomenon: obviously the worst & most atrocious crime in world history ...making Hitler look like a part-timer ...
So we don’t really know of the worst of it ,,, turbo cancers have a nasty habit of destroying humans.
Correct; vaccine not required. Infections, esp. repeat, also cause massive and prolonged spike protein exposure. Though the vaccines and molnupiravir induce variant strains, which exacerbate that. Note no lamestream recommendations for hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, pineapple (bromelain), or other proteases. They even hid the efficacy of peppermint oil and other menthol products in suppressing choking bronchial spasms so one could breathe instead of dying on the spot!
They can be. But nobody has the fortitude to do it. We can stop them by stopping to fund them through taxes and stop paying bank loans. That would change them 180. But who's going to do that - are you? I have already done that but nobody joined me and I did it for 12 years, it's not like I gave up too early. But I could see, nobody even wants to talk about it, let alone ask how it can be done. So I salute you for asking. We can also do other things and the first step is to ask and seek how we can stop this and make our way into a new existence where we live the way we were meant to.
Oh Denise you are so right. The majority of the people I know, friends and family do not want to know the truth of what has happened and continues to happen. Heads in the sand, all of them, or they become hostile when they ate confronted with the truth.
Well its coming up 5 years soon and if a person hasn't sussed out that something isn't quite right by now then wrapping their head around it is probably beyond them. Unfortunate as that is.
It is mind boggling how most people can be bought. This is a psychosis that needs to be carefully examined. But it doesn't even rate a mention in the psychology books. It's totally ignored and totally accepted. Most people accept it because they too have their price.
I want to report publicly that I have never had an mRNA toxic spike genetic frame shifting DNA contaminated pseudo uridine liquid nanoparticle injection deficiency. Nope. That's how I knew not to take their 'safe and effective' injection.
Same here. I read esteemed epidemiologist Sucharit Bhakdi's book CORONA FALSE ALARM in 2O21. He stated that all of this "covid" nonsense was rooted in deep-seated malignity and from that I concluded "They hate us for our freedoms"....Turns out he was correct and hence I was as well. His book CORONA FALSE ALARM could find no publishers at that time and this man published it HIMSELF!. But you never see him bragging around puffing himself up. He acted to try to save lives. He saved mine.... because he actually cared about human lives.
This is worse than "disgusting" much much worse. It is flat out murder and genocide. Let's be clear. Genital mutilation is disgusting....even revolting.
Killing innocent people is a crime in any court in the world that is honest.....Is there an honest court left?
FDA and big Pharma are #1 enemy of our people. Should be shut down, charged and replaced with completely vetted people who actually care about human life!
FDA and big Pharma are flat out murderers. We need a public trial...Nuremberg 2.O
We have the evidence. All the hundreds of thousands of body bags and now "turbo cancer" and previously "rare" cases of myocarditis in young boys and girls.
Yes we need to make the message simple - cease all covid vaccines immediately. I still hear ads to go get the vaccine and see banners outside drug stores saying to get the vaccine. It is so wicked and it is us who know who must raise our voices so that people who only read the lamestream news can hear about this present danger.
That's the problem....we exist in an echo chamber. We need to get this information and books articles etc. out to the people who haven't got the news yet--- which is this:
The various mortality estimates shown above represent but the tip of the iceberg. Nobody knows today what the spike protein-mediated impact in the vaccinated will be in the near future. A plethora of "late" adverse effects such as cancer, infertility, disturbances of the immune system and of many other organ systems are, unfortunately, to be expected.
From my perspective the responsible people in the agencies who let the novel vaccines get to the market despite an obvious lack of essential preclinical safety studies, and who have not withdrawn the licence of these substances in mid-2021, are even more to blame for the health catastrophe than the drug companies.
The pharms should NOT ever be excluded from prosecution for these crimes and more. Not only should the agencies placing this crap to market be held responsible. There are so many bad actors involved. Additionally, it’s sad and difficult to look at, but I’d like to see the ongoing health of babies born after the parents (one or both) have been inoculated. The impact on children’s lives is what’s most concerning, and that exactly affects everyone’s future. Bunch of sick evil turds is what we have for culpability.
There is some sort of "clause" which supposedly releases the manufacturers of these poisons from liability. This clause needs to be challenged because it does not include the event that the effects and diseases caused by said product were actually known BEFORE they were forced into our arms. As Dr. Mike Yeadon has repeatedly stated....they knew what the results would was their intentions...and not a mistake.
And will continue too! These are gene altering bioweapons! DNA has been altered so as not to recognize cancerous cells. So Sorry to all those who took this jab that they did not have critical thinking skills! Alot of good hearted people were dooped!!
...I think that’s where some ‘ predictors ‘,, are getting huge forecasted depop numbers ...
I try & use reality numbers as a basis to extrapolate... but... just considering what they are planning is likely that - a hideous vx program for the kids .... they are no,longer human beings
That is what they were designed to do, right?
They were designed to do it with as little PROVABLE evidence as possible. They want stealth death to get that plausible deniability, relatively innocuous optics and to keep the perps perfectly safe and unaccountable just in case the lab rats gnaw through the maze and start looking for retribution.
The also want to be freed up to loot us better and take every asset we have as we're dropping dead or are grievously impaired by the stealth death agent that sometimes does not kill you but just makes you wish it had &/or puts you in the "might as well be dead" zone.
THAT'S why a SYSTEMIC micro clotting inducing shot & bug and inflammatory agent is sooooo almost perfect. It can cause the set of all malady's with what almost seems like random and variable timing with random and variable harm from sudden death to death after some time time and everything in between
Not like a nuke where you just wipe the rats out. Hard to hide that one or disguise who did it. But a systemic micro clotting inflammatory agent? Just what you'd specify if you wanted stealth death and slo mo collapse of the systems run by the lab rats.
Pure evil that must be dismantled.
Agreed. But not sure you can EVER completely dismantle evil because it is in all of us
Evil is like black mold in the shower and the walls. You can scrub it down and hold it in abeyance but the spores are always everywhere waiting and will ALWAYS come back unless you are vigilant about starving it of nutrients and scrubbing it away with regularity. Soon as you forget to wipe down the tub or turn the dehumidifier on, oops there it is again.
The point is it never goes away. It just lies in wait for the next opportunity and the west has been grievously irresponsible about staying vigilant against the ever patient fungus that waits for the next opportunity. At this point we are overrun and like the mold invested house it becomes a jump ball whether the remedy is mitigation or burning the whole thing down and rebuilding. Certainly it appears we have many institutions that seem so beyond mitigation that it may take a total cleansing house cleaning and rebuild to ever get close to "fixing" them. MANY of the institutions are not even worth fixing because of multiply redundant agencies and just need to be disbanded. If you have 10 agencies mostly doing the same thing pick the best 1-3 of them and close up the rest then concentrate on cleaning the mold out of the surviving agencies. One thing that became beyond evident Trump 1.0 is that some agencies (perhaps the majority?) are so infested nothing but a complete house cleaning will serve to redirect them
Yes Mr Blackwell, and as Mr Falciola added, to hide the trail. Normies are so mentally domesticated however, that even if one had hard evidence (as we have if you take off the blinders) they can't come to terms with the scale of the lie.
Regardless, I have two words for this that everyone should be pushing forward. Extreme Accountability.
Unfortunately, prison is only for Black people and Trump supporters
And Christians who pray silently offending no one except the police…
An ambitious project to test new technology out on humans by using
different combinations and potency of mystery ingredients to see how the subjects reacted.
Still perfecting their witchcraft.
For my money I am absolutely certain the globalist reset puppeteers and the psyop and bio weaponeers like the DOD & DARPA etc have been taking notes this whole experiment and updating their methodology manuals to get better results next time.
Like the saying goes, never let a crisis go to waste, ESPECIALLY the crisis you created because it's not like they were cheap to create. If you don't update your manuals and notebooks the experiment is wasted
Of course.
Covid was a massive conspiracy, the biggest of all time, and the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. Those behind it should be charged with mass murder and crimes against humanity on a scale never before seen. The problem is that ALL of "the authorities" were in on it, so they are all covering up for each other and no one will ever admit the truth and the facts.
I agree it was beyond egregious however we must understand that the crime was to give the jab to someone else when no due diligence was carried out. People forced it onto others, onto their little ones, without ever even finding out what was in those death vials. THAT is actually the problem. That is actually the crime. It is the one who does the deed that commits the crime, and shares culpability with the ones who enforce it. Actually the ones who enforced it are our local people. I've never met Klaus Schwab, never seen him, but I did see people in my neighborhood stop me from buying food, stop me from getting work, stop me from entering businesses. It is us folks that are the problem. Therefore it is also us that are the solution.
Isn’t the crime , in reality , one of bodily integrity protection ?
Thereby , my good friend Elizabeth Hart continues to shout from the rooftops ‘- informed consent is the missing ingredient upon which NURENBERG 2.0 charges could be made ?
Couldn’t some VERY heavy duty penalties, & criminal prosecutions metered out accordingly ?
I mean,
It’s not like the guilty are hiding anywhere , in exile , or playing hard to get ! They are in full sight !
I see what you mean but we have to be responsible ourselves for what we put into our body and can't blame someone else if we consented to it, can we? What they have done is fool us into thinking these things are safe. And people because of their bias towards putting themselves below those with "credentials" fell for it very easily. This is actually the problem - the lack of critical thinking skills. If people asked questions and refused to take things or put things into their children until they knew what was in them, then the psychopaths pushing them would fizz out soon after they tried. This is such an important factor that I think it goes over people's heads. But it is what we need to address if we are to avoid this happening again and again.
Yes, a mind willing to challenge the authority of an ‘ untried drug , untested , no trials , etc etc .. is a no brainer
In my country , the hysteria , paranoia, by health officials to get ‘ injected ‘ ( I cannot say vaccinated because they are not vaccines ) , was way, way over the top ! Matched only by the obscene , illegal & anti informed consent of the worst thing they ever did - Mandate an unproven medical intervention- to keep your job , travel , visit family or just live !
Some mandates still exist in Australia for these extremely dangerous untested injections.
People have to sharpen their sense of body autonomy. I mean it's a huge principle and anyone who wants to breach that is actually attacking you. But if people had said that very poignant word "no" the problem would have gone out like a tea candle.
You have no idea of two issues , mentioned briefly, above ...
Mandates ...compulsory ...mandates ...
And no jab - no pay... and so forth
THE HEADLINES ARE NOW ALL GOOD - DONALD J TRUMP IS ELECTED - and , I reliably hear he has already ordered
THE SCRAPPING OF THE CDC , GATES Fnd , and various Big Pharma ‘ arrangements ...details to follow
So, I hope all of the above is moot ..and we can live our lives free of this medical emergency
People were not given informed consent. People feared, and when one fears, one cannot think and are easily controlled. That's what the elite relied upon, and why many have died already with billions more dying ostensibly in 2025 according to Deagel. See
Informed consent is no more: On 21Dec2023, the Department of Health and Human Services and FDA issued a final ruling to amend a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act to allow: exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than a minimal risk to the human subject...
This ruling went into effect 22Jan2024.
Note that there's zero definition of "minimal risk."
Do your own research folks.
Interesting, never heard of this ‘ final ruling ‘ ... I assume you mean , ( given it’s the FDA) ... that this is for the USA only ?.... Covid vaccinations that did the damage , commenced in 2021 , in the main .... so I don’t get it .
I live in Australia ...
The world has lived & breathed with vaccinations , medical interventions & bodily integrity issues both before and after NURENBERG ( original )
The medical practitioners have another long standing convention on a measurement of malfeasance - and that is..
“ at first do NO HARM “...
For some reason Big Pharma has trashed all of these -
The world should smash the WEF - WHO Fauci / Gates cartel into tiny pieces for the good of mankind.
I sure as hell don’t want someone in a far off land determining a ruling that bypasses the EXTREMELY a important and vital component of Informed Consent.
The concept of it is, and will always remain, an inalienable , and unalienable right ! It cannot be ‘ traded away, reduced or minimised under any circumstances , at any time , and apples specifically to medical interventions.
Refer Elizabeth Hart - a frequent presenter on Substack for further details.....
I didn't have the COVID shot, because I don't do what liars tell me to do. And Bill Gates is a liar. He's certainly not on our side. Here's what I published that he did: This is the reality; the only good news in the first link is that I published it.
If they weren't given informed consent then they should have done their own due diligence. After all our body is our responsibility and finding out the truth is too. This is the problem with credentials, people believe credentials rather than what the person is saying or doing. This is a major problem in humanity right now.
I agree, Denise with that as a basic principle ...
When our entire TGA , ( therapeutic goods admin ) , and AHPRA , so called prudential authority are in lockstep , and are prepared to to both lie, and misinform , and then remove the most important ingredient from the doctors and other vaccine providers , then - it’s blatant fraud and they know that there are no trials for being able to ..
instruct doctors to give vaccines without informed consent ... and ...
Then proceed to apply a vast array of mandatory measures , like the most extreme form of coercion....
MANDATES .... , you MUST have a mandate to work, mandate to shop, a mandate to walk freely other words
A mandate to LIVE !
When any government agency , like our TGA, AHPRA , is held captive by receiving , around 90% of their funding from, guess who.... BIG PHARMA - then we know that the whole medical / doctor fraternity was compromised....
Some objected... some took legal proceedings ...
In fact, our own brave Melissa McCann s case comes up very soon , a case involving many Vax death and injured ordinary people , caught up in this nightmare .
Yes, they should have done their own due diligence, but people have been so brainwashed that they only fear, and when people fear they can't think and are easily controlled.
Informed consent is no more: On 21Dec2023, the Department of Health and Human Services and FDA issued a final ruling to amend a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act to allow: exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than a minimal risk to the human subject...
This ruling went into effect 22Jan2024.
Note that there's zero definition of "minimal risk."
Do your own research folks.
The people you’re writing about embraced the vax. They and their kind will die off before those of us who didn’t.
And they deserve it. For their stubborn stupidity if for no other reason.
Don't be a fool. The people who pushed this on the populations NEVER TOOK THIS 'VACCINE' because they all knew full well....there was no "pandemic" as Dr. Denis Rancourt has carefully documented in his substack with actual fatality figures from around the world. and because they knew people would die from the "vaccines"
This is what "they" had planned for the useless eater class....that's you and me:
..agree , but Regardless of their ‘ kill rate ‘. Doesn’t make them any less guilty of the greatest crime in history-
Does it ?
The crime is not done by those who give orders but by those who carry them out. The ones who do the deed are culpable. I can give orders but it doesn't mean anyone will listen to me. Why did people listen to those that gave the orders?
No, I feel that those who you say, did embrace the injection did not...they embraced the " MONEY ". Many professional ...EMBRACED the " PAY_OFF".
Yes, it is necessary both for the sake of justice and for protecting us from repeats of the crime that we speak up in PUBLIC about the absolute necessity of hanging everyone who mandated the death jabs or worked on creating the virus, Pfauci pfirst:
Merely speaking up in public about the need to hang them does more to protect us than anything else you can possibly do.
...yep... do it.... and soon
I know how you feel however if we want to hang them then it makes us monsters just like them. It also makes them more surreptitious so we'll not notice them in the future. The fault lies within us for taking something without proper due diligence, because we hailed these people and therefore were biased, took the shot without thinking, took them by trusting total strangers who have no stake in our wellness or our existence. Humanity needs to learn from this so that it will never happen again. But if we go killing them, then we'll just be doing what has always been done in the past, and if it helped, then we wouldn't be at this point today.
The fault does NOT lie with all the people who were forced at the threat of firing, expulsion, withholding medical care, etc to inject poison.
The fault lies with the criminals who imposed the mandates. They have ZERO remorse or compassion. They will kill you as soon as they possibly can with a repeat performance for the profits and power of Pfizer.
This is a matter of both fundamental justice and of saving your own life from true monsters. Until they are afraid, we are all in extreme danger. The only possible way to save your life is to publicly call for the hanging of everyone who mandated the poison or helped to create the virus, Pfauci pfirst.
I urge you to hear this and absorb it. Killing has never changed anything. Having revenge in our hearts only makes us absolve our own participation in the fraud. Employees could have gotten together and refused to take the jab, but they didn't do that. They worked alone, and just took it because they didn't want to think of another way, they couldn't say "no". All it takes is to say no to the psychopaths but instead people put them in high places AND OBEY THEIR DICTATES! Can you see how insane this is? It is the people ourselves who are at fault to firstly believe that written words can have any effect on psychopaths (and it will be the psychopaths who write those laws, they'll make sure of it) and secondly that THEY OBEY THEM! All those dastardly characters are there to make us strong and stand up to psychopathy. Killing them off will teach us nothing. It will continue the trend that anything we can't handle we just kill off. We cannot become psychopaths to solve the problem. Killing doesn't cure killing.
So then lifetime in prison? The seriousness of the crime here is far above the level of simple murder. It is more like genocide, but in my books even worse than genocide.
Hanging mass murderers does indeed protect everyone from them.
But we've had executions for centuries. How has it helped? And who's right is it to kill? Also we cannot learn other ways if all we do is kill. We just remain like cavemen. There are better ways especially today with our information being instant. We need to find ways without killing. We don't even know what killing our own species does to us, perhaps it causes this mass madness. If there is revenge in our hearts then that will blind us for sure. However that doesn't mean we don't hold them accountable.
Blame the victims?
So: Let some of them see the inside of a prison, they will implicate the others.
Even if they get away with their evil conspiracy in this life, they will all have to face almighty God in the next. God promises to be our defender, it's an awful thing to fall into the hands of God, he will repay every evil deed that was done to humanity. Never think they will get away with the corruption that many have done, our Savour will repay!!!
I know who was behind it, I have he evidence...take a look...
...? Will Trump even try & get the truth ‘ unearthed & distributed ‘ ?
Or, is he in the ‘ all authorities who were in on it ‘ group ?
The CEO of Pfizer on Developing a Vaccine in Record Time
by Albert Bourla
From the Magazine (May–June 2021)
On March 19, 2020, as Covid-19 swept across the world, Bourla challenged everyone at Pfizer and its partner BioNTech—a German company focused on cancer immunotherapies—to “make the impossible possible”: develop a vaccine more quickly than anyone ever had...more
On March 19, 2020, as Covid-19 swept across the world, I challenged everyone at Pfizer to “make the impossible possible”: to develop a vaccine more quickly than anyone ever had before, ideally within six months and certainly before the end of the year. Uğur Şahin, the CEO of our partner BioNTech—a German company focused on cancer immunotherapies—did the same with his team.
Less than eight months later, on Sunday, November 8, a few senior executives and I gathered to hear whether our researchers, scientists, clinical trial organizers, manufacturers, and logistics experts had collectively accomplished that goal. Four independent data monitors were meeting remotely to review the preliminary results of the vaccine candidate trial our two companies were running. This was a double-blind study—none of the scientists, the clinical trial investigators, or the patients knew who was getting the real thing versus a placebo—so we were braced for three possible outcomes: The data monitors might tell us to stop the trial because it was a failure, to continue because the results were inconclusive, or to continue and immediately apply for emergency-use authorization because the vaccine worked and was safe.
Knowing that the monitors would meet at 11 AM, a group of us congregated then as well: Mikael Dolsten, the chief scientific officer; Rod MacKenzie, the chief development officer; Sally Susman, the chief corporate affairs officer; Yolanda Lyle, my chief of staff; our general counsel, Doug Lankler; and I. Our lead Covid-19 scientists, who had been working around the clock at our Pearl River, New York, facility, would get the news first and pass it on to us. We tried to distract ourselves by discussing other matters, but anxiety was high.
Finally, at close to 2 PM, Yolanda got a text message: The results were in, and the Pearl River researchers wanted to videoconference with us via Webex. During the agonizing minutes it took them to connect, I joked that this was payback for all the pressure I’d put on them over the past few months. But when their faces appeared on-screen, their smiles told us that the news was good. The independent committee had “highly” recommended that we seek approval for use. Ten minutes later we were confidentially informed of the exact efficacy rate: a stunning 95.6%.
By December, 74 million doses of our vaccine had been manufactured, and 46 million had been released. By the time this article is published, thanks to our work and that of the other companies whose vaccines have also been authorized, we hope that 300 million doses will be available around the world.
That’s our short story. But we believe the longer one is worth telling because of what we learned along the way. It took a moon-shot challenge, out-of-the-box thinking, intercompany cooperation, liberation from bureaucracy, and, most of all, hard work from everyone at Pfizer and BioNTech to accomplish what we did in 2020.
It's kind of funny but tragic that all that work and all the committees, organizations, agencies, courts, health centers, schools, municipalities all of them and more, didn't even realize the covid vaccine was a bioweapon and yet some of us knew the very first day. All those credentials and yet they don't know how to tell when they're being had.
The bottom line is they were being paid 'not to know' a lot of money.
Everyone has their price as they say.
No it wasn't. Millions died from the mRNA injections, probably about 17 million.
Tuskeegee was only a tiny trial run for the worst genocide of all time.
Tuskegee was just a tiny "dress rehearsal" for the big Fauci holocaust killing more people than the World Wars. They knew millions of innocent civilians would die. It was carefully planned for and arranged.
BE AWARE the who pandemic treaty has not been stopped in fact the who are meeting november 4th-15th they plan to finalise the treaty for confirmation and the details check out the james roguski substack
Vote Trump.
Not when he sat with Kissinger and announced that Henry was his COUNSELOIR. This was said while he was in OFFICE. Who will betray ....AMERICA with a KISS?
The timing couldn't be more perfect. What else will dominate the news cycle
on those particular days?
exactly the look here but dont look over there narrative
Thank you for this much needed, strongly worded warning. These injections need a world-wide RECALL.They need to be destroyed. This is diabolical.
I bet the number is much higher than this. The deaths continue to rise. This coming year has been estimated by Geert Van Den Bossche to be the worst yet. Billions will die as their immune systems have been deliberately destroyed by the bioweapon released in 2020.
That was Bill Gates’ target in his 2010 TED talk about the existential threat of climate change. Need to reduce head count by 20%.
Yes....he came right out and said it. In 2O1O Ted Talk. He said we "needed to bring those numbers down to about get to zero growth." He mumbled some garbage about the rising CO2 and how it was going to kill everything. All his statements were false and he was agitating for murder.
Diabolical echoes of P Ehrlich many decades ago.
The Stanford wunderkid who popularized mass murder under the guise of “saving the planet”!
Never had incurable cancer in my family line. Oldest sister's turbo cancer started last December and she was dead in March. Just found out oldest brother now has stage 4 prostate cancer which has metastatized to other areas. He was unaware he had it two months ago. I think we'll probably lose him in 2025.
...sorry to hear of these shocking losses ...
Absolutely right. The concept bears repeating. The longterm deaths will be incalculable because people will get sick from all kinds of lethal diseases because their immune systems are destroyed.
The spike protein in the "vaccines" AND in the actual infection depleted and weakened our immune systems. BUT there are protocols and tonics available to help heal our bodies from these bioweapons. Dr. McCullough has offered several of these and other natural healers such as Mike Adams and Sucharit Bhakdi discuss ways to detoxify from the biological attacks we have been subjected to. Research and find ways to heal. There are many! So we made mistakes....nevertheless....we can still change the final outcomes and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever. Possibly consider Gerson therapy-- fresh pressed fruit and vegetable juice...Also sweat lodges and enemas for detoxification....meditation is a powerful tool as well. Find a personal health mantra that is meaningful to you and repeat it one thousand times a day when you are walking or going to sleep at night....such as this:
"My body is divinely created. It is given me to find solutions and achieve freedom from diseases and/or bioweapons With divine help I can expel unwanted chemicals in water, air and food that attack my body and mind. I am radiantly healthy, basking in God's love and filled with divine light."
...not sure on the billions , here , just yet ...but you maybe correct . That’s the issue ...
Given we are dealing with the unknowns of gene therapy ... unknown to the engineers themselves , I’m hoping for a half billion ceiling - but who can tell.
Iv studied mostly c v vx death stats in Aust , and collectively , world data wherever I could find it since , Dec 2020;
Since Kirsch came out with his 13 M number , & that challenge , to Rancourt and most of those mentioned in this thread .
If WW2 total was 55-70 million , 80 years back ... foR perspective , I’m saying this could be .. worse scenario ,
500 m,,, to a billion , but more likely to be under 200 million ... figures that I extrapolate every so often ,,, by using the continents with the most reliable basics in recordings. ( based on 2021, 22, 23... & June 24 , plus extrapolation models...This is the problem that reality analysts have , and will continue to have - this is a completely new phenomenon: obviously the worst & most atrocious crime in world history ...making Hitler look like a part-timer ...
So we don’t really know of the worst of it ,,, turbo cancers have a nasty habit of destroying humans.
I thought they were aiming for 90%.
Correct; vaccine not required. Infections, esp. repeat, also cause massive and prolonged spike protein exposure. Though the vaccines and molnupiravir induce variant strains, which exacerbate that. Note no lamestream recommendations for hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, pineapple (bromelain), or other proteases. They even hid the efficacy of peppermint oil and other menthol products in suppressing choking bronchial spasms so one could breathe instead of dying on the spot!
Nuremberg 2.0 pending…we are waiting.
Why can’t they be stopped?
They can be. But nobody has the fortitude to do it. We can stop them by stopping to fund them through taxes and stop paying bank loans. That would change them 180. But who's going to do that - are you? I have already done that but nobody joined me and I did it for 12 years, it's not like I gave up too early. But I could see, nobody even wants to talk about it, let alone ask how it can be done. So I salute you for asking. We can also do other things and the first step is to ask and seek how we can stop this and make our way into a new existence where we live the way we were meant to.
Oh Denise you are so right. The majority of the people I know, friends and family do not want to know the truth of what has happened and continues to happen. Heads in the sand, all of them, or they become hostile when they ate confronted with the truth.
Well its coming up 5 years soon and if a person hasn't sussed out that something isn't quite right by now then wrapping their head around it is probably beyond them. Unfortunate as that is.
They own the printing presses to manufacture money. How do you counter that?
Millions of people were..Bought out. The others are afraid of ..LOOSING Money. They ALL will lose what really ...counts ..... in this SHORT LIFE.
It is mind boggling how most people can be bought. This is a psychosis that needs to be carefully examined. But it doesn't even rate a mention in the psychology books. It's totally ignored and totally accepted. Most people accept it because they too have their price.
Because we aren't organized like the NWO has been for the last 300 years.
Why aren't we?
Ask yourself
I'm asking you. I was off the system for 12 years and all I got was dirt in my face. Even from "activists".
Stopped by whom? Anyone with the power / authority to stop them is in bed with them.
Including the judges.
Yeah... but will Trump bring it .? ...I’m not an American , no do I live there ... but will he ‘ threaten “ them “ with that ..
I want to report publicly that I have never had an mRNA toxic spike genetic frame shifting DNA contaminated pseudo uridine liquid nanoparticle injection deficiency. Nope. That's how I knew not to take their 'safe and effective' injection.
Same here. I read esteemed epidemiologist Sucharit Bhakdi's book CORONA FALSE ALARM in 2O21. He stated that all of this "covid" nonsense was rooted in deep-seated malignity and from that I concluded "They hate us for our freedoms"....Turns out he was correct and hence I was as well. His book CORONA FALSE ALARM could find no publishers at that time and this man published it HIMSELF!. But you never see him bragging around puffing himself up. He acted to try to save lives. He saved mine.... because he actually cared about human lives.
I'll second that! Unfortunately alot of trained seals have.
‘ sudden & unexpected ‘, As per Gerard Rennick in Australia... more like it
The disgusting, immoral culling of human beings.... as bad as the mutilations of children. It's a horror show.
This is worse than "disgusting" much much worse. It is flat out murder and genocide. Let's be clear. Genital mutilation is disgusting....even revolting.
Killing innocent people is a crime in any court in the world that is honest.....Is there an honest court left?
FDA and big Pharma are #1 enemy of our people. Should be shut down, charged and replaced with completely vetted people who actually care about human life!
FDA and big Pharma are flat out murderers. We need a public trial...Nuremberg 2.O
We have the evidence. All the hundreds of thousands of body bags and now "turbo cancer" and previously "rare" cases of myocarditis in young boys and girls.
Yes we need to make the message simple - cease all covid vaccines immediately. I still hear ads to go get the vaccine and see banners outside drug stores saying to get the vaccine. It is so wicked and it is us who know who must raise our voices so that people who only read the lamestream news can hear about this present danger.
That's the problem....we exist in an echo chamber. We need to get this information and books articles etc. out to the people who haven't got the news yet--- which is this:
Our government wants us dead.
All governments
Its way beyond "COVID" now. Its gene modifying shots for everything.
The various mortality estimates shown above represent but the tip of the iceberg. Nobody knows today what the spike protein-mediated impact in the vaccinated will be in the near future. A plethora of "late" adverse effects such as cancer, infertility, disturbances of the immune system and of many other organ systems are, unfortunately, to be expected.
From my perspective the responsible people in the agencies who let the novel vaccines get to the market despite an obvious lack of essential preclinical safety studies, and who have not withdrawn the licence of these substances in mid-2021, are even more to blame for the health catastrophe than the drug companies.
The pharms should NOT ever be excluded from prosecution for these crimes and more. Not only should the agencies placing this crap to market be held responsible. There are so many bad actors involved. Additionally, it’s sad and difficult to look at, but I’d like to see the ongoing health of babies born after the parents (one or both) have been inoculated. The impact on children’s lives is what’s most concerning, and that exactly affects everyone’s future. Bunch of sick evil turds is what we have for culpability.
There is some sort of "clause" which supposedly releases the manufacturers of these poisons from liability. This clause needs to be challenged because it does not include the event that the effects and diseases caused by said product were actually known BEFORE they were forced into our arms. As Dr. Mike Yeadon has repeatedly stated....they knew what the results would was their intentions...and not a mistake.
Stunning report.
That's the globalists' whole point! Depopulation. To especially rid themselves of the Western white population.
Yes, the Ashkenazi have planned this for centuries. Time to ruin their plans
Thank you for providing these indisputable facts. I will use them appropriately.
..and yet the Democide continues with little appreciation or recognition.
Can't believe it has been over a year since I wrote this and still no one held accountable:
And will continue too! These are gene altering bioweapons! DNA has been altered so as not to recognize cancerous cells. So Sorry to all those who took this jab that they did not have critical thinking skills! Alot of good hearted people were dooped!!
Yes....ALL PARENTS NEED TO BE INFORMED. These poisons are now in your child's "vaccine schedule".....they are planning to kill all the kids.
Does everyone understand this horrific fact? Can I say it in plainer language?
Watch this it is very 👍
...I think that’s where some ‘ predictors ‘,, are getting huge forecasted depop numbers ...
I try & use reality numbers as a basis to extrapolate... but... just considering what they are planning is likely that - a hideous vx program for the kids .... they are no,longer human beings