If they weren't given informed consent then they should have done their own due diligence. After all our body is our responsibility and finding out the truth is too. This is the problem with credentials, people believe credentials rather than what the person is saying or doing. This is a major problem in humanity right now.
If they weren't given informed consent then they should have done their own due diligence. After all our body is our responsibility and finding out the truth is too. This is the problem with credentials, people believe credentials rather than what the person is saying or doing. This is a major problem in humanity right now.
I agree, Denise with that as a basic principle ...
When our entire TGA , ( therapeutic goods admin ) , and AHPRA , so called prudential authority are in lockstep , and are prepared to to both lie, and misinform , and then remove the most important ingredient from the doctors and other vaccine providers , then - it’s blatant fraud and they know that there are no trials for being able to ..
instruct doctors to give vaccines without informed consent ... and ...
Then proceed to apply a vast array of mandatory measures , like the most extreme form of coercion....
MANDATES .... , you MUST have a mandate to work, mandate to shop, a mandate to walk freely ....in other words
A mandate to LIVE !
When any government agency , like our TGA, AHPRA , is held captive by receiving , around 90% of their funding from, guess who.... BIG PHARMA - then we know that the whole medical / doctor fraternity was compromised....
Some objected... some took legal proceedings ...
In fact, our own brave Melissa McCann s case comes up very soon , a case involving many Vax death and injured ordinary people , caught up in this nightmare .
Yes, they should have done their own due diligence, but people have been so brainwashed that they only fear, and when people fear they can't think and are easily controlled.
Then they will be feeling the consequences of that. Once it all comes out, they will be in deep remorse and that will help humanity to never forget. Doing one's own research is imperative.
denise ward, I wish Could agree with you. Alas, people forget in 5 minutes. That's why someone who was famous said, "If people don't learn from history, they are doomed to repeat it."
Let me ask you a question. Have you ever heard of the Trilateral Commission? I hope you have, but doubt that you have. I heard of it in 1986, and performed my first research on its effect on the Middle East in 1987 as an independent study for a Political Science professor. If I had not have heard of the organization, I would not have been able to do that research. So my point is that doing one's own research is futile, because you can't believe everything you read.
Yes I've heard of the Trilateral Commission, the Committee of 300, the Bildebergs, the Masons, the Fabian Society, the Council of Foreign Relations, the black pope, the Jesuits, the whole shebang. Knowledge is good but what is needed is alternatives to the system. We need to be using another system, not their system. Surely that makes perfect sense? But we don't talk about that, we rarely talk about alternatives. Alternatives will probably start slow and build slowly but will reach an exponential factor. This is how it should be and the safest way to grow because it means no big money injections are driving it and this method grows very rapidly once it reaches a "critical mass". Knowledge is dead in the water if it isn't followed up by action. For something you may want to get your teeth into, here is the solution and how we need to recalibrate our thinking towards: https://deniseward.substack.com/p/outline-of-the-best-voting-system
Wonderful! I'm very impressed that you know of all these nefarious organizations. So do I. My work includes a Demand for the Government page which is usually of the US Speaker of the House, because these organizations use the U.S.A. to achieve their goals. It's a boycott for products and tourism.
I began this on March 2, 2001 and have basically given up trying to obtain accountability of the US Congress by now, and am just trying to save lives, because my work is seemingly the biggest secret on the planet. Even Google removed my links from any search by anyone.
Before I even launched, the FBI targeted me to destroy me financially so I wouldn't be able to afford to pay to keep my site active. Fortunately, it's the first bill I pay, because the news that people read in the MSM is untrue virtually all the time especially in the USA.
I will log onto your substack, and become a free subscriber. My work is free for the whole world. I'd also love to have you in my Address Book.
If they weren't given informed consent then they should have done their own due diligence. After all our body is our responsibility and finding out the truth is too. This is the problem with credentials, people believe credentials rather than what the person is saying or doing. This is a major problem in humanity right now.
I agree, Denise with that as a basic principle ...
When our entire TGA , ( therapeutic goods admin ) , and AHPRA , so called prudential authority are in lockstep , and are prepared to to both lie, and misinform , and then remove the most important ingredient from the doctors and other vaccine providers , then - it’s blatant fraud and they know that there are no trials for being able to ..
instruct doctors to give vaccines without informed consent ... and ...
Then proceed to apply a vast array of mandatory measures , like the most extreme form of coercion....
MANDATES .... , you MUST have a mandate to work, mandate to shop, a mandate to walk freely ....in other words
A mandate to LIVE !
When any government agency , like our TGA, AHPRA , is held captive by receiving , around 90% of their funding from, guess who.... BIG PHARMA - then we know that the whole medical / doctor fraternity was compromised....
Some objected... some took legal proceedings ...
In fact, our own brave Melissa McCann s case comes up very soon , a case involving many Vax death and injured ordinary people , caught up in this nightmare .
Yes, they should have done their own due diligence, but people have been so brainwashed that they only fear, and when people fear they can't think and are easily controlled.
Then they will be feeling the consequences of that. Once it all comes out, they will be in deep remorse and that will help humanity to never forget. Doing one's own research is imperative.
denise ward, I wish Could agree with you. Alas, people forget in 5 minutes. That's why someone who was famous said, "If people don't learn from history, they are doomed to repeat it."
Let me ask you a question. Have you ever heard of the Trilateral Commission? I hope you have, but doubt that you have. I heard of it in 1986, and performed my first research on its effect on the Middle East in 1987 as an independent study for a Political Science professor. If I had not have heard of the organization, I would not have been able to do that research. So my point is that doing one's own research is futile, because you can't believe everything you read.
Arlene Johnson
To read that research and other top secret history, click on the icon that says Magazine. Go to the first edition.
Yes I've heard of the Trilateral Commission, the Committee of 300, the Bildebergs, the Masons, the Fabian Society, the Council of Foreign Relations, the black pope, the Jesuits, the whole shebang. Knowledge is good but what is needed is alternatives to the system. We need to be using another system, not their system. Surely that makes perfect sense? But we don't talk about that, we rarely talk about alternatives. Alternatives will probably start slow and build slowly but will reach an exponential factor. This is how it should be and the safest way to grow because it means no big money injections are driving it and this method grows very rapidly once it reaches a "critical mass". Knowledge is dead in the water if it isn't followed up by action. For something you may want to get your teeth into, here is the solution and how we need to recalibrate our thinking towards: https://deniseward.substack.com/p/outline-of-the-best-voting-system
Dear Denise,
Wonderful! I'm very impressed that you know of all these nefarious organizations. So do I. My work includes a Demand for the Government page which is usually of the US Speaker of the House, because these organizations use the U.S.A. to achieve their goals. It's a boycott for products and tourism.
I began this on March 2, 2001 and have basically given up trying to obtain accountability of the US Congress by now, and am just trying to save lives, because my work is seemingly the biggest secret on the planet. Even Google removed my links from any search by anyone.
Before I even launched, the FBI targeted me to destroy me financially so I wouldn't be able to afford to pay to keep my site active. Fortunately, it's the first bill I pay, because the news that people read in the MSM is untrue virtually all the time especially in the USA.
I will log onto your substack, and become a free subscriber. My work is free for the whole world. I'd also love to have you in my Address Book.
God bless you Denise,