COVID-19 Update, West Texas Measles Outbreak Records First Death, Loss of Confidence in Vaccines

West Texas Physician Ben Edwards, MD with Dr. McCullough

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Please enjoy this long format conversation I had with West Texas physician, Dr. Ben Edwards of Veritas Medical. Here is some of his rich biosketch:

Born and raised in Belton, TX, I attended First Baptist Church growing up, played all the sports in school, and was voted “the nicest guy” in my senior class. I grew up watching both of my granddad’s practice “old school” country doctoring. They were general practitioners who might be found doing anything from delivering a baby, to amputating a leg, to sitting for an entire hour counseling a crying patient.

Early on, I knew that I wanted to be that kind of doctor, one who took care of the entire family from cradle to grave. I wanted to work with the whole body and the whole family.

I received my undergraduate degree from Baylor University, and later graduated from UT-Houston Medical School. Then my wife, Jamie, and I moved to Waco to complete my training at the Waco Family Practice Residency Program where I was Chief Resident. After graduation, the Lord directed us to West Texas and the Garza County Health Clinic in Post, TX.

There was not a doctor in the entire county when I arrived and the fledging clinic being run out of the old county hospital was struggling, with at least a $5,000 income-deficit every month. But my practice grew quickly and the clinic began to be prosperous. Later, when the clinic was completely out of debt and the tax payers were off the hook, everyone was happy. So happy, in fact, that they built a brand new, million-dollar state-of-the-art clinic for me. We eventually became the model-clinic, ranked in the ninetieth percentile of all American clinics for the number of patients seen, procedures performed, and charges and collections. Everything was going great. We even attracted some media attention. First, Texas Monthly then the Washington Post did stories on our clinic.

Ben reached out to me early in the pandemic having discovered the same methods I did for treated COVID-19 and later on managing vaccine injury syndromes. Dr. Edwards has testified brilliantly in the Texas Senate on the pandemic response and is a pillar in the West Texas medical community. You are going to be very interested on his perspectives concerning the current measles outbreak and much more.

This interview occurred before the first death of a measles “test positive” patient near Lubbock, Texas. The CDC has not reported as of this time that the death was actually due to measles encephalitis or pneumonia or that there were other primary causes such as secondary bacterial sepsis and multiorgan system failure. Dr. Edwards and his colleagues urgently need an explanation from public health authorities. The D8 strain is to blame for this and other outbreaks abroad.

NBC News is reporting:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Texas Department of State Health Services told NBC News that genotype testing had linked the outbreak to a strain of the measles virus called D8 currently circulating in Europe and the World Health Organization's Eastern Mediterranean region, which includes countries in North Africa, the Middle East and Southwest Asia.

The death in Texas is the first measles death to be reported in the U.S. since 2015, when a Washington woman died after an exposure at a health clinic. The last time a child died of measles in the U.S. was 22 years ago, in 2003, according to the CDC.

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation