Thank the Lord for both of you!

We the people desperately need integrity in medicine.

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"We learned that fresh air really impaired transmission of the virus".

I recall in the early days, in a major city in Texas, seeing children's playgrounds totally empty, with yellow caution tape wrapped around swing sets and park benches. In those same parks the basketball courts had the rims and nets removed from the backboards. I watched some teenagers, restless from being cooped up, playing basketball without hoops only to be approached by police and told them had to leave. I remember downtown streets in the middle of the day as empty as if all of humanity had vanished from the Earth. And of course there were absurd protocols all over prohibiting people from being out and about in public, and those who did venture forth outside without a mask were treated as if they were monsters.

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Thank you for this timely update. All this news about the measles outbreak in Texas could have many parents concerned. It was helpful to hear the truth. I was also interested in colchicine instead of statins. My cardiologist has me on one. I’ve been able to reduce the amount I take because of severe leg cramps which has helped. However, I’ve heard more about reduced cholesterol not necessarily causative of heart attacks and statins used to prevent inflammation. If colchicine can reduce inflammation with fewer side effects, I would prefer taking that

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CNN -brought to u by Pfizer.

Get vaccinated - NOW!

Trust us. Have we ever steered you wrong?

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Great interview and conversation. I always like hearing personal anecdotes from medical doctors. RCT’s are not the only evidence to base medical decisions on. Glad to hear that you are getting such positive results from the Xlear nasal spray, Dr McCullough. Dr Edwards sounds like the kind of country doctor that we need more of in America.

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Doctors like Ben Edwards are rare these days. People have lost their trust in the illness-care system because they've been lied to and suffered too much. "Vaccines" are no exception. I saw the 70+ "vaccines" from birth to 18 years of age in Courageous Discourse a few days ago -- a number that is a staggering assault on a person's immune system. A study published May 17, 2023 by Vladimir Uversky, William Makis, et al, (IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV02 Spike Protein) gave a very good explanation as to why those heavily vaccinated (not just with the mRNA [Covid-19] vax but with any of these so-called "vaccines" that seem to no longer protect anyone from anything.

I would like to know how many of these 124 cases of measles are among those who've received more than three MMR "vaccines." Has anyone looked into that? They keep trying to fear-monger us with the idea that it's the unvaccinated who are spreading communicable diseases (where have the heard that lately?) when it's more than likely that it's the heavily vaccinated who now have immune systerm that have built up tolerance for all these diseases instead of doing the job immune systems are supposed do to - recognize and attack some strange intruder.

There are an estimated 50 million people in the US who suffer from an autoimmune disease. Does it take much of an imagination to figure out why? Read all the studies, as I have after downloading them. No one will be surprised at these "outbreaks" of communicable diseases.

One "vaccine" is plenty. If it takes more than one, I doubt it's really a vaccine. I had 1 smallpox vax in 1952, and one polio in 1957. I had all the "childhood" diseases (measles, mumps, chickenpox) as did all my friends and classmates. No problem. I've not had any other type of so-called "vaccine" in my life and I'm healthy. I'm sure that more and more people will be dying of measles, unlike back in the 1950s when we never heard of anyone dying. But is that because they haven't been vaccinated? Or because they've been vaccinated to the point that their immune system does not function?

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With that last sentence, you hit the nail square on the head.

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Excellent, Peter.

TORCH, Texas Association of Rural Community Hospitals, does an admirable job of tying the threads of rural healthcare together. Physician recruiting is a challenge.

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