I get beyond angry and sad. I feel like we’re all in the same nightmare, but we’re not waking up.

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Exactly. That the creative industries have run completely out of any worth listening to or buying, to anyone with an IQ above 88.

To quote David Icke, "When you awaken in a world that is asleep, there will be challenges."

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Waking up before everyone else is very uncomfortable. I can see why people want to stay asleep. My wife is still asleep and resistant to see what is going on. I’m learning to be patient and not overwhelm her with too much at once. It’s a very lonely path we’re on.

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Robert Kennedy Jr. talked about that. He found friends who were not allies, and strangers who became allies and best friends. You are my ally and my friend. You are not alone. I would that you were a neighbor. You'd be welcome at the campfire, nightly, to share wisdom and build trusted alliances.

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Thank you friend

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VERY lonely…

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Icke is awesome!

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Re: Icke: What an understatement.

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I never run into anyone who knows what’s going on. It’s bazaar!

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We’re waking up, but so many are not! This is a horror story with no end in sight. Although Devolution gives hope, but it’s been going on so long. After two weeks I woke up. It’s been a long trip! But there is always more to learn.

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I honestly never thought there were this many non-critical thinkers around me. It’s kinda scary, to be honest.

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I'd settle for people who think at all.

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Excellent point Richard…I definitely concur. People don’t even talk anymore at stores. People are like walking zombies.

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Ditto. I noticed this trend. I does not help that store check-out is now automated. I got to ask for store assistant to open the till, speak to them and pay by cash. Most of the customers are happy to go silently to the machines, to ‘quickly’ self scan products purchased and leave the store with no human interaction. Let’s persevere in keeping store assistants employed and use cash as payment method. Let’s set the trend💜 Wish you all well on this Journey. Our every action matters and makes an impact. Sending Love to All🌟💎🦋🌸

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I use cash for everything! That’s exactly what TPTB don’t want! It also makes you realize what and how much you’re spending fiat on!

Love to you as well 🦋🌻🌞🌼!

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At Wally World one day. Loooong lines at the staffed checkouts (it wasn't too long before Christmas, so there were 5 or more staffed checkouts open). After checking out, walking by 2 employees overseeing some of the self-check outs, I heard one say to the other, "I wonder what they're gonna to do when they're all self serve?"

Like the government, I don't believe they (Walmart) give a big rat's ass what we want.

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I make it a point to engage everyone around me with mirthful and joyous words, engaging each person individually, as sparked. Every cashier knows me by name, everyone perks up and finds a reason to smile and be thankful for life, and even have a few laughs.

Spread the Word; "if God is for us, it matters not who is against us." The battle now enjoining has already been WON, further down the timeline!

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How do you integrate something so hideous that it was assumed outside the range of possibility? (Yet our history shows us otherwise.) How can we begin take in the scale of the crimes - especially when so many of us remain clueless. Disconcerting to put it mildly. One bit at a time I suppose.

If you haven't yet seen Katherine Watt's presentation on how they've pulled this off in our country, it's a must, I think.

There are gifts in this nightmares too.


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I respect and love Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova! And so many people that have uncovered Truth. I read their Substack. THIS should be everywhere!

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Definately will watch. Thank you.

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I feel exactly the same as you do. The problem is us who are awake (for a better word) live no where near each other. We are also being sensored on social media platforms, so there is no way to contact people in your local area to meet up. There was a online meeting here in London. I missed that as it was on a Friday at 5pm so I was busy. We have suggested making it later. We have to wake our communities up people close around us. From that we can then join surrounding communities. It will take be brave which I know is scary in this world today. But it's that or just lay back and let them do to us what they want.

I believe the young people dying is because these athletes are strong and young and can fight back. There has probably been loads of deaths we don't know about too.

This is because those monsters want a smaller population one they can control. They made me sick in 2016. I had breast cancer, after my surgery I got very sick and remain bed ridden most of the time. My symptoms are identical to vaccine injury symptoms. My heart has never been right since.

I joined an online group before plandemic and I spoke to hundreds of people who all mysteriously fell sick like me. Doctors refusing to listen and every single one of us all being treated the same by doctors refusing blank to help us. Not listening to us, eye rolling, gas lighting. Saying we all needed counselling. It was deverstating until we found people that had gone sick before us. All of them turned away by medical professionals. So they had to research everything single symptoms and found that it was a bacterial microbial infections. Toxins in our bodies.

Many were driven mad to how or where this had come from? Many died before a a few people designed an alternative protocol to get well. These protocols saved so many lives and these people then passed down the protocol to others. These people never went back to a doctors office again.

The trauma of suddenly getting so sick and then to be abused and gaslighted on top was enough to put them off foe life. I believe this protocol could help the injured.

We can't trust anyone or anything we have to learn to listen to our own intuitive heart. We all have that gut feeling, we all know when it's telling us to do something as we feel it. We have become unconnected to this, and we need to shut all the rubbish out and learn to connect back to that intuition.

Once we learn to trust it and to clear our heads and allow it to be our guide instead of the fear we will gain the courage to stand up to these monsters and get our freedom back. Nothing happens in God's world by mistake. We have allowed these people to do this by being lazy and not paying attention.

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The Ivermectin protocol has a 100% success rate with bacterial microbial infections.

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Thomas could you send me the protocol I have Invermectin as I ordered it. I just don't know how to use it? Thank you so much

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There's a measuring stick with the horse paste tube-- (you measure up depending on your weight)

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Is it the pill form or horse paste ivermectin ordered on amazon - 5 days for both once daily is the usual protocol.

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"We have become unconnected to this, and we need to shut all the rubbish out and learn to connect back to that intuition. Once we learn to trust it and to clear our heads and allow it to be our guide instead of the fear we will gain the courage to stand up to these monsters and get our freedom back."


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I understand. I feel exactly as you do. You speak my words. I had ovarian cancer last August. I think when a person goes through a trauma, like surgery, many times it has an effect on them…physically, mentally and spiritually. Pain is humbling, and it can give your soul strength, whether you know it or not. It’s there! ✝️

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It really has helped me to listen to my heart. Meditation has been the best pain relief as well as learning to breath again. I wasn't breathing properly as always in fight or flight mode. I get rageful when speaking to local authorities, doctors, MPs as they are all part of this trying to destroy us. I can't help the anger that comes up. The crimes committed by these monsters, is so over whelming. I feel sick how we have allowed them to hurt us all. They have used race, genders, bots, and even people that pretend to be on our sides keeping us feeling justified enough by just listening to them. But not one suggesting a plan to change it. Paid controlled opposition. This is so highly manipulative and the gas lighting is so traumatic with the stresses of every day life. They have flooded communities with drugs, included prescription drugs. They have made people so hopeless they turn to crime to survive ruining communities. They started this in the 60s. They actually admired Hitler and he's plans, they admire China and tyranny. They are turning the west into the same. We are all in danger. Bill Gates is a monster. He is part of the vanguard group. Please research this group. Monopoly Follow the money on you tube is very insightful. They own absolutely everything in shares. All our politicians are inside trading. It's absolutely criminal what they are doing. Trafficking the new slavery is now worth more then drugs. Our kids need protecting. Please look into this.

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I know Nicola. And there are so many people asleep…too many! I fear for humanity because of this. Prayer is my solace. And yes, meditation to calm your soul and give you grace to deal with daily living and survival.

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To the other awake people being no where near: IKR?! I'm in the US. The people on substack that have said where they live are no where near me. They're on the East coast, the West coast, Florida, and Texas. I'm in the Midwest and know of no one else near. I'd love to be able to get together with even one other person like me.

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Ik! Same I think there are loads of people joining but as soon as they share this it is blocked and taken down. We have to find other ways.

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I agree with you until the end where you stated we were lazy and not paying attention. My life has been one of survival after the Swine flu shot(‘76). Paying extra attention and learning, pushing through , researching and learning kept me alive. I left allopathic medicine after just about dying. Had great drs for years. All retired or died!) Naturopaths here are $350.00 to walk through their doors. No insurance coverage. Dysautonomia encompasses many symptoms and 12 years ago I found adr (cardio) full of knowledge and compassion who knew what I had all my life!

We need to push on and help as meany as possible along the way. It would be great to have a group, but we’re all over the world. The United States woukd even be hard to form a group!

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Nancy I'm so sorry for what you have gone through. I totally get & understand. I had wonderful doctors in my childhood. They were amazing kind and spot on with diagnosis. As an adult I've had a couple of good doctors but now I have no idea what's going on as they are mean patronising and leaving people sick. I have been seriously sick for six years this July. I lost my mum when she fell sick with FTD dementia. She was 55 and super healthy. I was her carer for five years. It nearly killed me. It was very difficult both physically & mentally. My mum lost her battle in August 2016. I was diagnosed with cancer in December 2016 four months later after losing my mum. I had to have chemotherapy and surgery. After surgery and lymphnode removal. I fell seriously sick with many symptoms three months after surgery. I have never gone back to myself since. I am a shadow of myself I suffer with skin infections, fungal infections, cysts on my organs, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, mucus build up, constant fevers, swollen legs, swollen everywhere. Lymphnodes are swollen and I have chronic stiffness and pain. I have breathing issues and heart irregularities. Yet they are telling me I'm just mentally unwell?? They refuse to do anything. I have done extensive research and found thousands of people online like myself and all of them have been refused medical help by there doctors. They have all been sick like me for years. The funny thing is our symptoms match the vaccine injury victims. We all have the same symptoms. My energy company is trying to charge me £100 a month for gas. I have refused to pay this so I've been cut off. No where can help either the same with the complaints to doctors nothing happens. I've just had news that children are being kidnapped off our streets. We are all in danger. Serious danger. If we don't unite into our communities then we are all in serious danger.

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I’m so sorry for what you’ve been and are going through. I think they want us sick to enrich the pockets of Pharma. I hope you never take another jab of any kind! They are all poison. My family takes all of them. I dread what my grands will face in the future with allthe toxins they carry already! A long shot- if you feel so inclined, maybe find a dr that treats and understands Dysautonomia. It took years to be properly diagnosed. Try to detox with footbaths. Ion detoxification and cleans panel has helped a lot. No phone number. Check on Amazon. Good luck with your journey.

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I'm glad you put it that way. It makes a lot of sense worded like that. It makes it make more sense. Thank-you, Renee Marie

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Bandit! ✝️💜

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Ed Dowd has done an incredible job of articulating his "investment thesis" as he puts it that lays bare the deceit, the fraud, and the Occam's Razor conclusion of what has to be the singular underlying causal factor leading to all the excess deaths, particularly among young working age individuals who were provided group life insurance coverage from their employers at the time of their hiring. Ed D's contribution to the truth movement re the "jabs" is incalculable and he deserves tremendous credit for all he has done, let alone the fact that he has done so coming from outside any medical or clinical background. Pattern recognition is the defining hallmark of high intelligence and Ed brings that talent & ability to bear in spades in "Cause Unknown". *Very* highly recommended.

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The Truth will set you free but facing it is a painful process. We go with God.

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The truth will make you sad, angry, distressed and worried for your children and grandchildren.

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So true... I am beside myself in knowing how to approach the future

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It’s easy to say, hard to do. We have to take it one day at a time! I just know our future won’t be resembling our comfortable past.

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There’s more dark and evil shenanigans in the works, I’m afraid. A-I...

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Very well stated!😢

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I was shocked that my local public library actually has this book… And there’s a very long wait list

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I'm glad lots are wanting to read it. That makes me hopeful.

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I can confirm that the kalifornia libray near me has a copy with several holds on it. I was also surprised to see there are a couple dozen copies of the “Real Anthony Fauci” as well. This is promising.

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Feb 1, 2023
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Sure, I'm in Omaha, NE. They also have Peter Breggin's, Aaron Kheriaty's and Dr. Malone's books. It really surprised me. If public libraries truly stand for intellectual freedom as they say, then they should have books representing another point of view.

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I should check my local library. I’m in Charleston, SC area. I never thought of that thank you!

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Can you request they buy the book? I know a long time ago that was a thing.

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Amazon in Kindle! Unless you don't like digital "books'

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Amazon is part of the problem.

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I’m not the only one who wonders if the Kindle/digital version isn’t messed with then?

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I haven't a clue if they actually mess with what's in the books. I trust very few giant tech type companies with anything at all.

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Feb 1, 2023
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I hope those "troops" show up for you.

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Mine has it too and I’m shocked bc I’m in a very liberal area of Colorado

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Do they have it filed in with science fiction? 😉😊😋

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Thank you Dr McCulloch, John Leake and Ed Dowd -- You are three of the hero’s of this fight -- along with RFK jr and so many others...... I pray that the Truth will out and will set us free and you are all the absolute pinnacle of courage

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The coroners are not clueless they are wilfully blind/corrrupt because they have been instructed and paid to look the other way.

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You should look at the profits Australian funeral directors are making right now. It's obscene.

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Is there a source for this?

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A few months ago I looked at an internal document from a large multi-city funeral company that showed record profits from the excess deaths. Weak answer, I know but I can't find it now. Maybe a very clever someone can read this comment and help us.

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Obviously, some have not.

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I just read this:

Common sense is not a gift. It’s a punishment because you have to deal with everyone who doesn’t have it.

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Hey someone wrote this before... ;)

Ecclesiastes 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

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That is excellent. Thanks for sharing that

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That one is even better.

Thank YOU ✝️

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Omg... truer words have never been spoken!

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That is great, I also find this one applicable:

- The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. - Stephen Hawking

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check this; CONFIRMATION; Autopsies confirm that vaccine-induced myocarditis cause sudden death: Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination. Standardized autopsies were performed on 25 persons who had died unexpectedly and within 20 days after anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. In four patients who received a mRNA vaccination, we identified acute (epi-)myocarditis without detection of another significant disease or health constellation that may have caused an unexpected death. Histology showed patchy interstitial myocardial T-lymphocytic infiltration, predominantly of the CD4 positive subset, associated with mild myocyte damage. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00392-022-02129-5

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I purchased the Kindle edition for $6.99 Canadian and it was instantly accessible on my iPad. It is nice to have what we have learned over the last 18 months in one place. Plus a mountain of horrible information we suspected.

Thank you John Leake and Dr. McCullough

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Download and print it...

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Looks like it’s unavailable for kindle.

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Did you go to Amazon.ca

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Isn’t it interesting that a book is not censored but a film or clip (on You Tube etc) often is...

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Another great book is Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth written by two Israeli's who chose to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. The book is edited by Zoey O'Toole and Mary Holland.

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What Bibi and others (in conjunction with Pfizer) have done to Israel with the vaccine is obscene. It's an incredible level of evil.

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I agree - very good book.

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Just ordered that, too.

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I am working on an article about this. There is data from Europe that I think has not been fully discussed among the English speaking network of covid-19 vaccine critics. The data shows a concerning number of teenagers dying from the c-19 vaccine - the reports submitted by health care providers and Pfizer itself.

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Can you provide links to that data?

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Do it yourself lazy asshole

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Asking for the data seems reasonable to me, no need to be crotchety

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The documentation of Death....and the most compelling truth is the utter indifference towards all these departed souls by the Progressives. You see so few real displays of sensitivity and compassion from this group...it defines their inner core of amoral political monsters.

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I actually think they believe in depopulation for the environment, and they don't want to hear about the injuries as it would harm their self-image. I hear this all the time--atheist or new age spirituality, heavy online social media life, a blue pilled-ness that has been cultivated by education and media for a very long time. I hear these weird arguments that hint at depopulation, such as diabetes being inherited and expanding. It is a deep brainwashing over decades, but they think of themselves as against discrimination, for diversity and inclusion, so they see themselves as moral, and their information sources are echo chambers and morally righteous. They are basically narcissistic and convinced of their rightness and knowledge. I got accused of falling for right wing conspiracies, which I suspect is how their media ecosystems are explaining all the old school liberals who are deserting the cult. Might be mass formation or some hybrid of Russian "god-building". Or they have models which are as loose and vague as the WEF. And they just idolize and trust technology. Like I'm going to fall for a Bank of America mindfulness app. I mean what could go wrong?? There's an OCD know-it-all quality to them too. I think they must know at a deep level and they repress that knowledge through some version of the DIE climate faux religion. Or that's my best guess. The people I know are all college educated, some actually professors. It is the weirdest thing and that's the only explanation I can come up with.

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Depopulation as crazy as it sounds checks all the boxes.

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It's a depopulation agenda and a massive Lucifer blood sacrifice like the Russia -Ukraine conflict-- with hundreds of thousands of casualties and counting.

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It is a way more simple explanation. They are immoral. They do not love themselves.

Any human who doesn’t understand their inherent worth, who doesn’t acknowledge they are a unique and invaluable gift of our creator, cannot possibly see the light in themselves or others and therefore don’t respect life for what it is.

The only way out of this mess is to love the crap out of yourself. Your relationship with yourself is a direct reflection of your relationship with our creator which influences your relationships with everyone else.

We are all mirrors of our relationships.

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“The only way out of this mess is to love the crap out of yourself.” Yes, exactly! If you love the Lord Jesus, then you will love yourself.

“Repent then, and turn to God, so that your sins [crap] may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Acts 3:19

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- The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. - Stephen Hawking

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Ordered the book on 01/07. Scheduled to arrive on 02/07. Longest book delivery turn around on my amazon prime account ever. They are clearly doing everything in their power to keep this information from getting out.

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Or perhaps, they are directing the info enmasse, so that delivery will create a wave of anger to get the fight-on! Then it's is flat out genocide.

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I don’t think that’s the case. My order came the same day.

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Book never arrived, same case for a recent order for Turtles all the way down.

I canceled the order and received a replacement next day for Turtles all the way down (replacement sent by amazon.com), the package which never arrived was from seller "Anonymous" even though I had clicked the "prime option" from amazon.

For my other amazon prime order, the seller was "Great British Treats". Non existent shipping number was provided. Just requested a refund and now I have an amazon package on its way for tomorrow.

It appears sellers are somehow passing off as amazon prime retailers and faking these book sales.

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And the jabs just keep coming...

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You should be careful about what Kennedy wrote about Ed Dowd. When the Growth fund he managed grew from $2 billion to $14 billion that does not mean he was such a brilliant trader that took $2 billion and turned it into $14 billion. What that more likely means is that he got a lot more investors to contribute to that fund. The fund grew to $14 billion because more investors put money into it. His skill was not as an investing genius, but more likely as a general manager who got more investors interested. He's starting a new hedge fund with expert traders now.

I agree completely with Dowd's thesis. I do think the shots are killing people, and it's not being admitted by authorities. Denmark stopped booster shots months ago for almost all their people. Now German is ending boosters for those under 50. COVID still kills people in those countries, but they are turning away from the shots.

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Maybe the point is that more investors are investing because they see the correlation is so strong.

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