More excellent work by Nicholas and the McCullough Foundation shining a bright light of truth on the dark, evil legacy of the Mammon Worshippers who, hiding behind a screen of pseudo science and false concern for the health of those they were sworn to protect, have sold their soul to the devil for “filthy lucre”.
May God open their blind eyes and grant them, or some of them, repentance before it is too late.
Thank you Nicholas, keep the torch burning and press on. It is a good work that you do.
A lot of people EVEN DOCTORS are just dim....not evil. They are lemmings who never learned critical thinking they are easily the famous herd of buffalos stampeding over cliffs. I have several doctors in my direct family....they are "successful" because they are very good at 'conforming' to the mainstream narratives. Those who question and dissent from the current "acceptable" views are not good at this and actually are punished in such places as medical schools. Health is not a goal of our medical system....
The goal is this: patients are to be kept alive but diseased. Only a diseased person is a financial asset to people who make their living "curing" diseases. Real healers like Max Gerson and Stanislav Brezynski (antineaplastones} are outliers and banished from the realm of "medical doctors" as such.
In our medical world "treatment" is the correct word. They do not acknowledge the idea of "healing disease". Health is not the goal.
Prescribing the "correct medication" is the goal of doctors who are in partnership with the pharmaceutical industrial criminals.
It is important to understand the actual (financial) goals of our world. For medicine it is to create and keep "patients" so they can be milked from introduction to the grave. Expensive treatments are best--the gold standard.
For credit card companies it is NOT to extend credit but to trap people into holding large balances at usurious rates. Banks borrow money at 1-2% and can rake in (on average) 25-30% from people dim enough to "pay the minimum due."
Do you know what the banks call people who pay off their credit cards each month in full? "Deadbeats."
Car companies don't provide transportation; they are in the business of psychological manipulation. Very few people can resist the urge to buy a new car and then trade it in after 4 years (maybe 60% depreciation) for another new car. Anyone who buys a car for anything more than 35-40% of its sticker price is an economic fool.
Several excellent videos packed with brilliant information for everybody! Fear Not! Pray your 15 decades of the holy Rosary every day and the Three Hail Marys frequently for the wonderful graces and blessings from God! Heartfelt prayers and blessings from Ireland 🇮🇪 🙏 ❤️ xx
So Andrew Kaufman is the fellow behind the Kaufman Institute for Coincidences! Good to know, this is one of the best videos ever. I'd figure Most readers here have already seen it. Doesn't get old though.
Thank you for sharing! Just to let you know that there is much, much more critical and important information on this wonderful website!
Nine years ago, this week, I was introduced to the teachings which changed my life forever….for the better! I can’t stress enough the importance of spending precious time and effort into praying for truth and study, every day! New Year greetings, heartfelt prayers and blessings to all of you! God bless America 🇺🇸 xx
I like the humor in this video. Genocide is not a very humorous topic....but this is genuinely funny. A humorous take on an absurd reality can spread the truth painlessly. I remember seeing this video several years is still right on target while getting a painful message across with humor.
All these adverse events that have been documented by Ed Dowd and others are not funny--but the contortions of those doing the "cover-up" work is hilariously gruesome.
I agree, a humorous take like this can be more persuasive than an appeal to reason. Those needing the message can't reason anyway. Citing a litany of evidence is always preaching to the choir.
Absolutely! However, we all need to convert to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! There is Absolutely No Salvation Outside The Catholic Church! Nothing is more important than True Conversion! Please see
Most Holy Family Monastery! Thank you on this beautiful holy feast of The Epiphany! 6th? January! O’ Holy Magi, please pray for us, Amen! Heartfelt prayers and blessings from Ireland 🇮🇪 🙏 ❤️ xx Note! Pray your holy rosary, all 15 decades, Every Day! God bless you all! x
Thanks for this excellent exposition. These are not vaccines. All of us need to join in the fight to stop the destruction of humanity. For that is indeed the plan.
And yet even TODAY, one of my sisters who’s virulently pro vaxx (multiple jabbed and her husband’s had cancers since injecting) insisted that I stop sharing anything “negative” about vaxxes or research from any source about the cv19 experimental injections. I didn’t actually mention any such subject matter to her, but happened to send her an inspiring new year’s message from a leading research doctor who she must have looked up and immediately concluded and labeled an “anti-vaxxer”).
The cognitive dissonance post-jab world is REAL. My sister then proceeded to tell me she loves and values our sibling relationship BUT she CANNOT ALLOW me to ever speak or share anything remotely related to vaxxes, etc., I responded that this is no ground to build meaningful relationships on, when subject matter and freedom of thought are not open for discussion but must be filtered and censored. I added that I cannot and will NOT invest in or “go there”. I was then accused of being unloving.
The Woke and naive people amongst us with their rose-coloured view of anything and everything have proved to be perfect targets for the “new not-so-normal dystopian dysfunctional system we are now living with. The globalists must be rubbing their evil hands with GLEE!! 😈
This is a system so insidious and divisive that it ruthlessly seeks to silence all thought and speech, and has these same sorry folks or sheeple mindlessly lining up to take more of the experimental shots (which TONS of legitimate high level research now links to the all new “sudden death” syndrome, all new untreatable “turbo cancers”, and countless other diseases it is triggering).
I have personally within my circle of family, friends and colleagues, been losing track of the many harmed, sick, dying, and dead people who were all fine until the “grand experiment” began. I’m hearing of someone else on “the harms or deaths” list almost daily. 😭 But they don’t want to hear a word, no not a word…
get a copy of CAUSE UNKNOWN by Ed Dowd and give it to your sister. I think she will change her opinion about these injections. They ARE NOT VACCINES. She has to understand that basic fact. This is a new and dangerous technology. Your body has been used as a lab rat.
If she looks at all, as soon as she gets to the first sentence hinting of vaccine harms, she'll stop reading in disgust and anger. You don't understand, these people are not reachable. Their child could die with the syringe in his arm, and it would be a coincidence. Maybe if that happened to 3 or 4 of their children in a row, they'd begin to get an inkling. Trouble is, vaccines aren't quite that deadly, so they'll never wake up. UNLESS, their "thought leaders" tell them vaccines are dangerous. They'd change on a dime.
True. She expressly said she forbids me from ever sending her or saying anything to her whatsoever that is in any way “anti” vaxx. She ignores all experts and research, and that’s that. The vaxxes are a hill she’s chosen to die on (literally). Sad 😔 but that’s where she and others I know are at with the jabs. They are still boasting about getting their next booster (!!!?) and if someone’s suddenly sick, harmed or has died after the injections these people will immediately find something of someone else to blame it on.
It's nice you can find it in your heart to feel sad for such people. I feel sad for the kids and coerced. For vaccine cheerleaders, I feel no empathy whatsoever and consider them the enemy of freedom, truth, dignity, pretty much goodness in general. Not sure that's the healthiest take, but oh well, best I can do.
You can copy some of the very understandable graphs in this book that illustrate the devastation this injection has left in its wake. Paste them on your wall when she visits. But don't make any remarks. If she has not totally lost her mind--sadly a real possibility as the "vaccine" destroys brain cells--she can see the cold bare facts laid out in charts.
My brother did that, insisted I not share any of the inconvenient truths about the c19 jabs, and I complied...then,after a few weeks or months, he's over my house and says to me "welp, I think we can all agree that the c19 vaccines were perfectly safe and the negative reports were all bull".
Oh, hell no he didn't.
I proceeded to hit him with every bit of damning evidence that had been uncovered since his request that I "stop making medical decisions for him" (you know, by sharing information he is free to ignore) as he sat there, mouth agape. When he tried to chide me for breaking my promise, I told him he brought it up, not me, and I only said i would stop telling him the horrific truth about the miracle elixir he injected himself with, not that I would pretend to be on his side on the subject. I agreed to a neutral demilitarized zone for purposes of peaceful familial function, nothing more, and it's pretty craven to demand someone stop openly disagreeing with you and then, after weeks or months of them staying silent on the subject, expect them to pretend that silence is confirmation that you were right.
Just about all of us who see the unfortunate truth, and we are all critical thinkers have had the same experiences you have described! My niece, who was one of my very closest and best friends reacted the same way!! She among some other family and friends have told me I’m not allowed to talk about the vaccines, - they are just incapable of opening their eyes- the mindless sheeple walking in lockstep. So sad for them all! However I believe things are about to change with this new administration! Hopefully the truth will prevail and become mainstream and these sheeple will finally see it!! They will have no choice!!
Praying 🙏 for my sister and for your niece and others like them — all of these lockstep sheeple people. The level of their blindness to truth and unwillingness to look into or learn research facts is staggering and totally beyond comprehension.
This is a human condition commonly called DENIAL. If you keep repeating to yourself that something that is happening is NOT believe this and thus save yourself the agony of being a loathsome outcaste or divorced or having to address a crime scene in court etc. You see this all the time in abusive relationships. Many among us would rather die than go against commonly held opinions...such as:
"our doctors are trusted professionals there to help us"
instead of acknowledging the more accurate statement:
"our doctors are liars and scumbags who knowingly over prescribe drugs and medical procedures to improve their incomes"
It's hard. Some people are not ready to handle this reality. It has nothing to do with you nor with the research. It has everything to do with the fear of 'what if' you are right. They won't be able to handle it.
So the one thing you can do is, to let it go. And the pain you feel because they might be hurting themselves and their children or because they don't want to hear or see you, that pain is on you. That's yours to carry.
You can tell them that you love them. That it is okay that they don't believe what you are saying. It is their right to believe what they want, as it is yours. They can set a boundary to not talk about this subject because they can't handle it. They know how you feel and how you look at the subject. The most important thing is that they know that you are there for them, without judgement. So when/if there is a moment where they start to feel doubt and scared, that they know they can come to you. Without an 'I told you so'. ❤️
If you keep trying to convince them, you probably make this step of 'selfdiscovery' and reaching out to you harder, if not impossible.
I totally agree in is difficult-- if not impossible--to stand aside and watch monsters poison and/or outright murder your children, grandchildren, spouses, and friends. Please tell me how to do this because I do not know.
I literally moved away from a place recently so as not to see the people I love being murdered by toxic injections. I cannot bear it.
There is another side to this debate---suppose all the people who watched their loved ones and valued neighbors being dragged off to "camps" and "re-education centers" just spoke out/ refused to be silent, stood on the train tracks and raised an unceasing hue and cry?
Wise words. Thank you. Sadly, after 4 years of the global psychological warfare and psychosis, manipulation, etc., I reached a point where tough love has outweighed political correctness and while I let my sister know I will always love her and be there for her, I cannot allow her third party censorship or hijacking/control of my thoughts and opinions — it’s just not healthy ground to build any relationship on. I have had to let go.
We don't. My wife and I source most of our food ourselves hunting, fishing, gardening, and gathering. Made a run to the spring Saturday and got 30 gallons of water right where we ACTUALLY SAW IT coming out of the ground. What we do isn't practical for most, nor do they want to hunt, fish, and grow food. Let alone find a spring and fill water jugs. We're just lucky that we actually enjoy those activities. And we like getting exercise. YMMV. But, that's the answer to your question, unfortunately..
Thanks for this excellent expose' Nicholas. Useful in the continuing fight. It appears that EDTA chelation may be useful to ameliorate the disorders you have outlined...I am personally trying out chelation based upon...1. EDTA has been shown to undo the rouleaux formation of red blood cells very quickly, (caused by vaxx), and 2. adding DMSO to the chelation may help prevent the misfolding of the proteins responsible for the impairments, i.e. aggregation of misfolded protein into beta sheet plaque and fibroid formation/clots. (I am not a scientist, nor a doctor, and my lay studies are limited in scope). Noteworthy, however, is that about a dozen superficial, PIN-HEAD SIZE dermal hemangiomas have literally dried up and disappeared since EDTA chelation three weeks ago, 12 mg Ivermectin daily for 5 days, and topical DMSO applied to right cheek against keratosis (old sun damage0.. Perhaps this information is useful...all the best...and thanks again.
Very interesting. My husband and I use DMSO a lot for muscle pain and for healing injuries. One researcher has called DMSO nature's miracle. And it truly is. If you ever have a painful burn, sunburn, contusion, cut or other injury DMSO will lessen pain and shorten the time to heal. It also appears to lesson hair loss and magnifies the good properties of other medications.
But this is the first time I have seen it recommended to
"undo the rouleaux formation of red blood cells"--
or is that just me? If this is actually effective we could stop the vaccine damage from harming our families.
Hi Kathleen, yes indeed. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea and others have shown that EDTA CHELATION has undone rouleaux, AND VERY QUICKLY. My personal experience three weeks ago was that my breathing was so much felt that I was breathing fresh, cold air again...something that I've missed since February 2020 (with very brief Covid). I've given my 2 volume set of Mihalcea's books to the doctor doing the chelation...and he is THRILLED to know about the rouleax reconfiguring back to normal red blood cell concentration and distribution by EDTA chelation HAS BEEN DOCUMENTED. The chelation doctor says the dramatic improvement in breathing is because the red blood cells cannot function properly in rouleax, WHICH impairs the oxygen carrying capability. Mihalcea also asserts that the use of methylene blue helps the outer membrane of the red blood cells heal. I was in the chelation clinic when six folks came in and advised the chelation doctor that they wished to have DMSO added to their therapy. I know from studying that DMSO acts as chaperone for protein folding, and that the diseases mentioned by Nichols Hulcher in his article are most likely effected by the aggregation of misfolded protein, i.e. plaques and fibroids...which is also apparently caused by the injection of the vaccines and foreign protein.. Adding DMSO TO EDTA CHELATION is what I am undertaking, with confidence, personally, TO COUNTER PROTEIN MISFOLDING, IMPLICATED IN PLAQUE FORMATION. NB. IT APPEARS YOU MAY HAVE MISREAD THE COMMENT I MADE. IT IS THE EDTA CHELATION THAT HAS BEEN SHOWN TO REVERSE ROULEAUX.
Thank you. I am not a scientist, but I have at least a superficial understanding of the issues addressed here. I hope more medical professionals and healers of all types can effectively make use of this information. I know that EDTA and DMSO are easily obtained in highly purified forms. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Let the healing begin for our children and all humanity!
We now have the knowledge and the resources to stop "vaccine" injury and heal the damage from "covid" or am I misinterpreting this information?
We are only getting started Kathleen. The damage from these "vaccines" are predicted to range over very many years. Dr. Byram Bridle correctly predicted in early 2020 that there would be protein misfolding disorders...the manifestations of those are seen in a variety of genetic mutations and neurological problems, some of which were outlined by Nicholas Hulcher. Most predominantly, cancers will be very common, at unusually young ages. We are very far from "stopping vaccine injury" at this point...especially when the perps persist in giving us yet more mRNA POISON, and nanoparticle foreign bodies. The most important step is to stop the "vaccines" from entering humans, animals, plants, water and atmosphere. Rouleaux formation is only one form of injury, of many. Protein misfolding is a multi-faceted form of injury. Dr. McCullough's protocol may well be helpful in removing spike protein, a third type of injury...and then there is the problem of lipid nanoparticles causing other injuries. As you can see, your interpretation of the information is somewhat optimistic. A very serious issue is the governmental interference with folks actually using useful treatments, like Ivermectin...and mandating harmful protocols instead. One would think they were intentionally hurting folks chances of being healthy.
The fact that they took the pathogenic part of SC2 and made it into a vaccine justifies Nuremberg 2.0. It’s cold blooded murder. It killed my Dad. Hospital lied.
Let the trials begin. Tomorrow if possible. Free Attorney Reiner Fuellmich who is rotting away in a german gulag, imprisoned, deprived of visitation rights and everything else.
Celia Farber website for details.
ATTENTION GERMAN PEOPLE--why are you letting THIS HORRID HOLOCAUST happen again with YOUR HELP. Stand up and do not let this happen.
We need to stage a mass assault on the prison that is holding him for a ridiculous charge fabricated by the traitors Vivienne Fisher and Wolfgang Wodarg.
You reason the same way you criticized this author for. No one is saying here that it is only the vaccine. Since spike is in both natural and synthetic modes, no way to tell whether that signal is coming from the shot or Covid itself. Inflammation could definitely come from the mRNA nano lipid however because the petro-chemical compounds in it are not eliminated from many people and I am so allergic to much that is related to acrylic acid I belief the shot would kill me. That’s judging just from my reactions to breathing it and ingesting it. What would happen if injected straight into my cells. And now they want mRNA tech platforms for all vaccines.
Exactly (tragically) our family's experience. Fauci's "vaccine" killed my beautiful, brilliant son, who was training to be a rocket scientist (literally). My son believed Fauci's propaganda and took the "vaccine" in 2021, even though he was 20 years old and had essentially no risk of death from COVID-19. A radical transformation soon followed. A well-adjusted, sanguine, normal youth, my dear boy soon started painting his fingernails black, piercing himself, threatening to blow his brains out, etc. He struggled for three years and finally committed suicide. The "vaccine" destroyed his ability to use his magnificent brain, like a race car stuck in neutral, or a rocket without any fuel. He couldn't take the suffering and loss of function anymore. The judgment for Fauci will come, either in his lifetime or after his death.
Dear God. How horrible. My heart aches reading this. I know your pain. Killed my children's dad with' massive' cancers everywhere in his body. So terribly sorry.
So, I read all these reports, studies, etc., regarding neurological disorders following the jabs. Is there anything specific tying the jabs to ALS. If so, I have missed it.
I can't remember if the jab could cause ALS , but probably does. I Know I read that DMSO and ivermectin were being studied used to treat ALS. I saw this on someone's substack, most likely it was A MIDWESTERN DOCOTOR.
Fuck Pfizer and the tools of the trade. They should review the Book of Enoch. If they do, they will see themselves and all I can say is good luck with that. They forget what the term "eternity" signifies, and the term doesn't apply to their mere, meaningless life on earth. Good for them. They will get what they deserve. We may not be present at their demise, but that's ok because we have all suffered for their ignorance and their love of money and we should not care about their suffering their own demise.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or more commonly in the US, Lou Gehrig’s disease. A terminal neurodegenerative disease that slowly kills the affected individual. I have a friend, fully jabbed and boosted, who was diagnosed with ALS several months ago. Many studies point to the jabs being associated with, among many other diseases, several neurological diseases. I’ve just never seen ALS associated with the jabs, but, then, it is in general quite rare. Time will tell.
Just keep taking ivermectin all the time. Go to FLCCC providers and you will find a doctor in your area. Just make sure you use all the drop downs. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world. They will fill a prescription for you, but they can only send it usually to the same state. Or sometimes neighboring states Therefore, you send it to a UPS store who then sends it to where you live, and then you take your chances with the border. You can just order many small doses and just keep getting it shipped to Europe or wherever you are. I even checked with the official Swiss authorities, and I can get a one day supply of ivermectin sent to me and Switzerland without any prescription as long as it says that it’s a one month supply in case they open up the package. Just check ahead of time and you may find that there are not as many obstacles as you think. Also, if you are in Europe, the easiest place to get ivermectin is Germany. The horse paste also works but you don’t want to be taking that every day because it’s kind of gross but if it is an emergency then for sure it’s totally fine. I’ve taken many tubes of horse paste.
Now multiply each of these risks together to find the overall increase in risk. It's bad. I don't want to suffer from any of these conditions, and the list of side effects of these "vaccines" number almost a thousand in the package inserts that come with every vial.
I’m confused. Here is the conclusion of the Italian study which does not seem to suggest what this article says. “Our data suggest that the increased risk of non-inflammatory CNS disorders following COVID-19 vaccination is lower than the risk conferred by COVID-19 infection, and that COVID-19 infection increases the risk of some inflammatory and non inflammatory neurological disorders”
They found increased risk of neurological disease after BOTH infection and vaccination. Their conclusions are biased, as they claim increased stroke risk after vaccination is no big deal because the risk after infection was higher. This makes no sense because vaccination does NOT reduce risk of infection but actually increases it. Also, a large proportion of the infection group was also vaccinated, skewing the results.
The conclusion section in research journals often don’t reflect the actual findings nowadays. It is important to the editors of these biased medical journals that the conclusions are in line with the ongoing narrative in order for the article to be published. How many journal readers read the title and then go straight to the conclusions without ever reading the study design and statistical analyses?
Whose putting these research findings together... It's a bunch of BS. The propoganda machine is alive and well and they will not publish information that would be detrimental to their plan, referring to the "plandemic". They think they are above the law, and they think they are God. It is extremely sickening and they will ultimately reap what they have sown. May God have Mercy on their souls.
I know of two people that were in great physical/mental condition. One is 22 and the other 50. They took the vax due to their jobs. They both suffered strokes. The 22 year old is well, however, my friend who is 50 is wishing she would have died. I'm not an acturary but the percentages are in black and white. These people are the devil's tools.
More excellent work by Nicholas and the McCullough Foundation shining a bright light of truth on the dark, evil legacy of the Mammon Worshippers who, hiding behind a screen of pseudo science and false concern for the health of those they were sworn to protect, have sold their soul to the devil for “filthy lucre”.
May God open their blind eyes and grant them, or some of them, repentance before it is too late.
Thank you Nicholas, keep the torch burning and press on. It is a good work that you do.
A lot of people EVEN DOCTORS are just dim....not evil. They are lemmings who never learned critical thinking they are easily the famous herd of buffalos stampeding over cliffs. I have several doctors in my direct family....they are "successful" because they are very good at 'conforming' to the mainstream narratives. Those who question and dissent from the current "acceptable" views are not good at this and actually are punished in such places as medical schools. Health is not a goal of our medical system....
The goal is this: patients are to be kept alive but diseased. Only a diseased person is a financial asset to people who make their living "curing" diseases. Real healers like Max Gerson and Stanislav Brezynski (antineaplastones} are outliers and banished from the realm of "medical doctors" as such.
In our medical world "treatment" is the correct word. They do not acknowledge the idea of "healing disease". Health is not the goal.
Prescribing the "correct medication" is the goal of doctors who are in partnership with the pharmaceutical industrial criminals.
Yes. Very good.
It is important to understand the actual (financial) goals of our world. For medicine it is to create and keep "patients" so they can be milked from introduction to the grave. Expensive treatments are best--the gold standard.
For credit card companies it is NOT to extend credit but to trap people into holding large balances at usurious rates. Banks borrow money at 1-2% and can rake in (on average) 25-30% from people dim enough to "pay the minimum due."
Do you know what the banks call people who pay off their credit cards each month in full? "Deadbeats."
Car companies don't provide transportation; they are in the business of psychological manipulation. Very few people can resist the urge to buy a new car and then trade it in after 4 years (maybe 60% depreciation) for another new car. Anyone who buys a car for anything more than 35-40% of its sticker price is an economic fool.
The clue is in the word - gold standard
Yes, certainly! Please listen carefully to Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Jennifer Daniels, Mike Adams and many more on
In addition, please listen to Dr. Andrew Kaufman as he discusses the Covid 19 hoax with Mike Adams on also
Several excellent videos packed with brilliant information for everybody! Fear Not! Pray your 15 decades of the holy Rosary every day and the Three Hail Marys frequently for the wonderful graces and blessings from God! Heartfelt prayers and blessings from Ireland 🇮🇪 🙏 ❤️ xx
So Andrew Kaufman is the fellow behind the Kaufman Institute for Coincidences! Good to know, this is one of the best videos ever. I'd figure Most readers here have already seen it. Doesn't get old though.
Thank you for sharing! Just to let you know that there is much, much more critical and important information on this wonderful website!
Nine years ago, this week, I was introduced to the teachings which changed my life forever….for the better! I can’t stress enough the importance of spending precious time and effort into praying for truth and study, every day! New Year greetings, heartfelt prayers and blessings to all of you! God bless America 🇺🇸 xx
I like the humor in this video. Genocide is not a very humorous topic....but this is genuinely funny. A humorous take on an absurd reality can spread the truth painlessly. I remember seeing this video several years is still right on target while getting a painful message across with humor.
All these adverse events that have been documented by Ed Dowd and others are not funny--but the contortions of those doing the "cover-up" work is hilariously gruesome.
I agree, a humorous take like this can be more persuasive than an appeal to reason. Those needing the message can't reason anyway. Citing a litany of evidence is always preaching to the choir.
Thanks....Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Jennifer Daniels, Mike Adams are great people and deserve attention and respect!
Absolutely! However, we all need to convert to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! There is Absolutely No Salvation Outside The Catholic Church! Nothing is more important than True Conversion! Please see
Most Holy Family Monastery! Thank you on this beautiful holy feast of The Epiphany! 6th? January! O’ Holy Magi, please pray for us, Amen! Heartfelt prayers and blessings from Ireland 🇮🇪 🙏 ❤️ xx Note! Pray your holy rosary, all 15 decades, Every Day! God bless you all! x
what happened to tara. . . and cara?!
You speak the truth. There have been a lot of people that have gotten in trouble for using the "cure" word.
I could not have written and articulated it any better Kathleen.
And so the “TRUTH” be told!
Thank you Kathleen, thank you kindly for saying what must be said, should be said, always should be said and never is said!
Not by “conforming” Doctors!
Much appreciated.
Thanks for this excellent exposition. These are not vaccines. All of us need to join in the fight to stop the destruction of humanity. For that is indeed the plan.
We are to die and be replaced by robots.
Always remember this: A single candle in a dark room changes everything.
This website is that candle. Thank you a million times. God bless you in the new year.
And yet even TODAY, one of my sisters who’s virulently pro vaxx (multiple jabbed and her husband’s had cancers since injecting) insisted that I stop sharing anything “negative” about vaxxes or research from any source about the cv19 experimental injections. I didn’t actually mention any such subject matter to her, but happened to send her an inspiring new year’s message from a leading research doctor who she must have looked up and immediately concluded and labeled an “anti-vaxxer”).
The cognitive dissonance post-jab world is REAL. My sister then proceeded to tell me she loves and values our sibling relationship BUT she CANNOT ALLOW me to ever speak or share anything remotely related to vaxxes, etc., I responded that this is no ground to build meaningful relationships on, when subject matter and freedom of thought are not open for discussion but must be filtered and censored. I added that I cannot and will NOT invest in or “go there”. I was then accused of being unloving.
The Woke and naive people amongst us with their rose-coloured view of anything and everything have proved to be perfect targets for the “new not-so-normal dystopian dysfunctional system we are now living with. The globalists must be rubbing their evil hands with GLEE!! 😈
This is a system so insidious and divisive that it ruthlessly seeks to silence all thought and speech, and has these same sorry folks or sheeple mindlessly lining up to take more of the experimental shots (which TONS of legitimate high level research now links to the all new “sudden death” syndrome, all new untreatable “turbo cancers”, and countless other diseases it is triggering).
I have personally within my circle of family, friends and colleagues, been losing track of the many harmed, sick, dying, and dead people who were all fine until the “grand experiment” began. I’m hearing of someone else on “the harms or deaths” list almost daily. 😭 But they don’t want to hear a word, no not a word…
get a copy of CAUSE UNKNOWN by Ed Dowd and give it to your sister. I think she will change her opinion about these injections. They ARE NOT VACCINES. She has to understand that basic fact. This is a new and dangerous technology. Your body has been used as a lab rat.
If she looks at all, as soon as she gets to the first sentence hinting of vaccine harms, she'll stop reading in disgust and anger. You don't understand, these people are not reachable. Their child could die with the syringe in his arm, and it would be a coincidence. Maybe if that happened to 3 or 4 of their children in a row, they'd begin to get an inkling. Trouble is, vaccines aren't quite that deadly, so they'll never wake up. UNLESS, their "thought leaders" tell them vaccines are dangerous. They'd change on a dime.
True. She expressly said she forbids me from ever sending her or saying anything to her whatsoever that is in any way “anti” vaxx. She ignores all experts and research, and that’s that. The vaxxes are a hill she’s chosen to die on (literally). Sad 😔 but that’s where she and others I know are at with the jabs. They are still boasting about getting their next booster (!!!?) and if someone’s suddenly sick, harmed or has died after the injections these people will immediately find something of someone else to blame it on.
It's nice you can find it in your heart to feel sad for such people. I feel sad for the kids and coerced. For vaccine cheerleaders, I feel no empathy whatsoever and consider them the enemy of freedom, truth, dignity, pretty much goodness in general. Not sure that's the healthiest take, but oh well, best I can do.
I will second that Steeler!
"thought leaders" great words and visual image!
You can copy some of the very understandable graphs in this book that illustrate the devastation this injection has left in its wake. Paste them on your wall when she visits. But don't make any remarks. If she has not totally lost her mind--sadly a real possibility as the "vaccine" destroys brain cells--she can see the cold bare facts laid out in charts.
thx, just put it on hold at library!
My brother did that, insisted I not share any of the inconvenient truths about the c19 jabs, and I complied...then,after a few weeks or months, he's over my house and says to me "welp, I think we can all agree that the c19 vaccines were perfectly safe and the negative reports were all bull".
Oh, hell no he didn't.
I proceeded to hit him with every bit of damning evidence that had been uncovered since his request that I "stop making medical decisions for him" (you know, by sharing information he is free to ignore) as he sat there, mouth agape. When he tried to chide me for breaking my promise, I told him he brought it up, not me, and I only said i would stop telling him the horrific truth about the miracle elixir he injected himself with, not that I would pretend to be on his side on the subject. I agreed to a neutral demilitarized zone for purposes of peaceful familial function, nothing more, and it's pretty craven to demand someone stop openly disagreeing with you and then, after weeks or months of them staying silent on the subject, expect them to pretend that silence is confirmation that you were right.
He agreed and hasn't done it again.
Just about all of us who see the unfortunate truth, and we are all critical thinkers have had the same experiences you have described! My niece, who was one of my very closest and best friends reacted the same way!! She among some other family and friends have told me I’m not allowed to talk about the vaccines, - they are just incapable of opening their eyes- the mindless sheeple walking in lockstep. So sad for them all! However I believe things are about to change with this new administration! Hopefully the truth will prevail and become mainstream and these sheeple will finally see it!! They will have no choice!!
Praying 🙏 for my sister and for your niece and others like them — all of these lockstep sheeple people. The level of their blindness to truth and unwillingness to look into or learn research facts is staggering and totally beyond comprehension.
This is a human condition commonly called DENIAL. If you keep repeating to yourself that something that is happening is NOT believe this and thus save yourself the agony of being a loathsome outcaste or divorced or having to address a crime scene in court etc. You see this all the time in abusive relationships. Many among us would rather die than go against commonly held opinions...such as:
"our doctors are trusted professionals there to help us"
instead of acknowledging the more accurate statement:
"our doctors are liars and scumbags who knowingly over prescribe drugs and medical procedures to improve their incomes"
Both of these statements can not be true.
It's hard. Some people are not ready to handle this reality. It has nothing to do with you nor with the research. It has everything to do with the fear of 'what if' you are right. They won't be able to handle it.
So the one thing you can do is, to let it go. And the pain you feel because they might be hurting themselves and their children or because they don't want to hear or see you, that pain is on you. That's yours to carry.
You can tell them that you love them. That it is okay that they don't believe what you are saying. It is their right to believe what they want, as it is yours. They can set a boundary to not talk about this subject because they can't handle it. They know how you feel and how you look at the subject. The most important thing is that they know that you are there for them, without judgement. So when/if there is a moment where they start to feel doubt and scared, that they know they can come to you. Without an 'I told you so'. ❤️
If you keep trying to convince them, you probably make this step of 'selfdiscovery' and reaching out to you harder, if not impossible.
I totally agree in is difficult-- if not impossible--to stand aside and watch monsters poison and/or outright murder your children, grandchildren, spouses, and friends. Please tell me how to do this because I do not know.
I literally moved away from a place recently so as not to see the people I love being murdered by toxic injections. I cannot bear it.
There is another side to this debate---suppose all the people who watched their loved ones and valued neighbors being dragged off to "camps" and "re-education centers" just spoke out/ refused to be silent, stood on the train tracks and raised an unceasing hue and cry?
What if we all JUST SAY 'NO'?
Wise words. Thank you. Sadly, after 4 years of the global psychological warfare and psychosis, manipulation, etc., I reached a point where tough love has outweighed political correctness and while I let my sister know I will always love her and be there for her, I cannot allow her third party censorship or hijacking/control of my thoughts and opinions — it’s just not healthy ground to build any relationship on. I have had to let go.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
What happens when we eat genetically modified vegetables with the mRNA in them? Or beef/chicken?
Who knows? I for one don't want to find out.
Exactly, so how do we guarantee what we eat when our governments are feeding us the kool-aid?
We don't. My wife and I source most of our food ourselves hunting, fishing, gardening, and gathering. Made a run to the spring Saturday and got 30 gallons of water right where we ACTUALLY SAW IT coming out of the ground. What we do isn't practical for most, nor do they want to hunt, fish, and grow food. Let alone find a spring and fill water jugs. We're just lucky that we actually enjoy those activities. And we like getting exercise. YMMV. But, that's the answer to your question, unfortunately..
Thanks for this excellent expose' Nicholas. Useful in the continuing fight. It appears that EDTA chelation may be useful to ameliorate the disorders you have outlined...I am personally trying out chelation based upon...1. EDTA has been shown to undo the rouleaux formation of red blood cells very quickly, (caused by vaxx), and 2. adding DMSO to the chelation may help prevent the misfolding of the proteins responsible for the impairments, i.e. aggregation of misfolded protein into beta sheet plaque and fibroid formation/clots. (I am not a scientist, nor a doctor, and my lay studies are limited in scope). Noteworthy, however, is that about a dozen superficial, PIN-HEAD SIZE dermal hemangiomas have literally dried up and disappeared since EDTA chelation three weeks ago, 12 mg Ivermectin daily for 5 days, and topical DMSO applied to right cheek against keratosis (old sun damage0.. Perhaps this information is useful...all the best...and thanks again.
Very interesting. My husband and I use DMSO a lot for muscle pain and for healing injuries. One researcher has called DMSO nature's miracle. And it truly is. If you ever have a painful burn, sunburn, contusion, cut or other injury DMSO will lessen pain and shorten the time to heal. It also appears to lesson hair loss and magnifies the good properties of other medications.
But this is the first time I have seen it recommended to
"undo the rouleaux formation of red blood cells"--
or is that just me? If this is actually effective we could stop the vaccine damage from harming our families.
Hi Kathleen, yes indeed. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea and others have shown that EDTA CHELATION has undone rouleaux, AND VERY QUICKLY. My personal experience three weeks ago was that my breathing was so much felt that I was breathing fresh, cold air again...something that I've missed since February 2020 (with very brief Covid). I've given my 2 volume set of Mihalcea's books to the doctor doing the chelation...and he is THRILLED to know about the rouleax reconfiguring back to normal red blood cell concentration and distribution by EDTA chelation HAS BEEN DOCUMENTED. The chelation doctor says the dramatic improvement in breathing is because the red blood cells cannot function properly in rouleax, WHICH impairs the oxygen carrying capability. Mihalcea also asserts that the use of methylene blue helps the outer membrane of the red blood cells heal. I was in the chelation clinic when six folks came in and advised the chelation doctor that they wished to have DMSO added to their therapy. I know from studying that DMSO acts as chaperone for protein folding, and that the diseases mentioned by Nichols Hulcher in his article are most likely effected by the aggregation of misfolded protein, i.e. plaques and fibroids...which is also apparently caused by the injection of the vaccines and foreign protein.. Adding DMSO TO EDTA CHELATION is what I am undertaking, with confidence, personally, TO COUNTER PROTEIN MISFOLDING, IMPLICATED IN PLAQUE FORMATION. NB. IT APPEARS YOU MAY HAVE MISREAD THE COMMENT I MADE. IT IS THE EDTA CHELATION THAT HAS BEEN SHOWN TO REVERSE ROULEAUX.
Thank you. I am not a scientist, but I have at least a superficial understanding of the issues addressed here. I hope more medical professionals and healers of all types can effectively make use of this information. I know that EDTA and DMSO are easily obtained in highly purified forms. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Let the healing begin for our children and all humanity!
We now have the knowledge and the resources to stop "vaccine" injury and heal the damage from "covid" or am I misinterpreting this information?
We are only getting started Kathleen. The damage from these "vaccines" are predicted to range over very many years. Dr. Byram Bridle correctly predicted in early 2020 that there would be protein misfolding disorders...the manifestations of those are seen in a variety of genetic mutations and neurological problems, some of which were outlined by Nicholas Hulcher. Most predominantly, cancers will be very common, at unusually young ages. We are very far from "stopping vaccine injury" at this point...especially when the perps persist in giving us yet more mRNA POISON, and nanoparticle foreign bodies. The most important step is to stop the "vaccines" from entering humans, animals, plants, water and atmosphere. Rouleaux formation is only one form of injury, of many. Protein misfolding is a multi-faceted form of injury. Dr. McCullough's protocol may well be helpful in removing spike protein, a third type of injury...and then there is the problem of lipid nanoparticles causing other injuries. As you can see, your interpretation of the information is somewhat optimistic. A very serious issue is the governmental interference with folks actually using useful treatments, like Ivermectin...and mandating harmful protocols instead. One would think they were intentionally hurting folks chances of being healthy.
The fact that they took the pathogenic part of SC2 and made it into a vaccine justifies Nuremberg 2.0. It’s cold blooded murder. It killed my Dad. Hospital lied.
Let the trials begin. Tomorrow if possible. Free Attorney Reiner Fuellmich who is rotting away in a german gulag, imprisoned, deprived of visitation rights and everything else.
Celia Farber website for details.
ATTENTION GERMAN PEOPLE--why are you letting THIS HORRID HOLOCAUST happen again with YOUR HELP. Stand up and do not let this happen.
We need to stage a mass assault on the prison that is holding him for a ridiculous charge fabricated by the traitors Vivienne Fisher and Wolfgang Wodarg.
Add to that list Sudden onset kill you within a couple of months Creutzfeldt Jakob disease. This type of CJD was unheard of before the jab.
You reason the same way you criticized this author for. No one is saying here that it is only the vaccine. Since spike is in both natural and synthetic modes, no way to tell whether that signal is coming from the shot or Covid itself. Inflammation could definitely come from the mRNA nano lipid however because the petro-chemical compounds in it are not eliminated from many people and I am so allergic to much that is related to acrylic acid I belief the shot would kill me. That’s judging just from my reactions to breathing it and ingesting it. What would happen if injected straight into my cells. And now they want mRNA tech platforms for all vaccines.
"And now they want mRNA tech platforms for all vaccines"
Exactly (tragically) our family's experience. Fauci's "vaccine" killed my beautiful, brilliant son, who was training to be a rocket scientist (literally). My son believed Fauci's propaganda and took the "vaccine" in 2021, even though he was 20 years old and had essentially no risk of death from COVID-19. A radical transformation soon followed. A well-adjusted, sanguine, normal youth, my dear boy soon started painting his fingernails black, piercing himself, threatening to blow his brains out, etc. He struggled for three years and finally committed suicide. The "vaccine" destroyed his ability to use his magnificent brain, like a race car stuck in neutral, or a rocket without any fuel. He couldn't take the suffering and loss of function anymore. The judgment for Fauci will come, either in his lifetime or after his death.
Dear God. How horrible. My heart aches reading this. I know your pain. Killed my children's dad with' massive' cancers everywhere in his body. So terribly sorry.
Thanks so much for your kind words!
How unbearable. Thinking of you, your family, and the wickedness of it all.
Thank you!
I personally knew two women, my cousin, a aero space engineer and another lady friend, both got rapid onset of dementia after their jabs
So, I read all these reports, studies, etc., regarding neurological disorders following the jabs. Is there anything specific tying the jabs to ALS. If so, I have missed it.
I can't remember if the jab could cause ALS , but probably does. I Know I read that DMSO and ivermectin were being studied used to treat ALS. I saw this on someone's substack, most likely it was A MIDWESTERN DOCOTOR.
There were 59 cases of ALS in the Pfizer trials. I screen shot pages and pages of afflictions. Wish I could post it first you.
Fuck Pfizer and the tools of the trade. They should review the Book of Enoch. If they do, they will see themselves and all I can say is good luck with that. They forget what the term "eternity" signifies, and the term doesn't apply to their mere, meaningless life on earth. Good for them. They will get what they deserve. We may not be present at their demise, but that's ok because we have all suffered for their ignorance and their love of money and we should not care about their suffering their own demise.
Thank you!
I don't know about ALS but Guillain Barre syndrome is negatively associated with the covid vaccines. What exactly is ALS?
GB is negatively associated with many vaccines.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or more commonly in the US, Lou Gehrig’s disease. A terminal neurodegenerative disease that slowly kills the affected individual. I have a friend, fully jabbed and boosted, who was diagnosed with ALS several months ago. Many studies point to the jabs being associated with, among many other diseases, several neurological diseases. I’ve just never seen ALS associated with the jabs, but, then, it is in general quite rare. Time will tell.
Just keep taking ivermectin all the time. Go to FLCCC providers and you will find a doctor in your area. Just make sure you use all the drop downs. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world. They will fill a prescription for you, but they can only send it usually to the same state. Or sometimes neighboring states Therefore, you send it to a UPS store who then sends it to where you live, and then you take your chances with the border. You can just order many small doses and just keep getting it shipped to Europe or wherever you are. I even checked with the official Swiss authorities, and I can get a one day supply of ivermectin sent to me and Switzerland without any prescription as long as it says that it’s a one month supply in case they open up the package. Just check ahead of time and you may find that there are not as many obstacles as you think. Also, if you are in Europe, the easiest place to get ivermectin is Germany. The horse paste also works but you don’t want to be taking that every day because it’s kind of gross but if it is an emergency then for sure it’s totally fine. I’ve taken many tubes of horse paste.
During covid the USPS was instructed to confiscate ivermectin... That's freedom for you.
I recommend visiting the website of any agricultural / veterinary ivrmctn to look at the SDS before consuming it.
Most of the brands in the USA use a reproductive toxin called Glycerol as a preservative.
This is an astonishing post. Why did you take "many tubes of horse paste"? How many tubes does it take?
Now multiply each of these risks together to find the overall increase in risk. It's bad. I don't want to suffer from any of these conditions, and the list of side effects of these "vaccines" number almost a thousand in the package inserts that come with every vial.
I’m confused. Here is the conclusion of the Italian study which does not seem to suggest what this article says. “Our data suggest that the increased risk of non-inflammatory CNS disorders following COVID-19 vaccination is lower than the risk conferred by COVID-19 infection, and that COVID-19 infection increases the risk of some inflammatory and non inflammatory neurological disorders”
They found increased risk of neurological disease after BOTH infection and vaccination. Their conclusions are biased, as they claim increased stroke risk after vaccination is no big deal because the risk after infection was higher. This makes no sense because vaccination does NOT reduce risk of infection but actually increases it. Also, a large proportion of the infection group was also vaccinated, skewing the results.
Spikes are spikes and spikes do what they do.
The conclusion section in research journals often don’t reflect the actual findings nowadays. It is important to the editors of these biased medical journals that the conclusions are in line with the ongoing narrative in order for the article to be published. How many journal readers read the title and then go straight to the conclusions without ever reading the study design and statistical analyses?
Whose putting these research findings together... It's a bunch of BS. The propoganda machine is alive and well and they will not publish information that would be detrimental to their plan, referring to the "plandemic". They think they are above the law, and they think they are God. It is extremely sickening and they will ultimately reap what they have sown. May God have Mercy on their souls.
Yes I read that too.
That is as the goal ruin lives medicate
I know of two people that were in great physical/mental condition. One is 22 and the other 50. They took the vax due to their jobs. They both suffered strokes. The 22 year old is well, however, my friend who is 50 is wishing she would have died. I'm not an acturary but the percentages are in black and white. These people are the devil's tools.