Ha keep your enemies close , feed them honey … but those jabs better come off the market, babies are dying .

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So tired of “keep your enemies close “ he did that first go round and got squashed like a grape! He’s not the smartest when it comes to figuring out who is who

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Nah, do not agree with you on this. Mr T has had 4+ years to learn first-hand about the swamp and its creatures. He is a different man from his first round—he has learned what it’s all about. Now, whether or not he makes every step correctly is another thing. No one has a crystal ball.

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Yeah, it's all about giving blank cheques to Israel, isn't it? A different man? He has learned from his mistakes? Do you think, possibly, his handlers have learned more about how to handle Trump and steer him to their liking?

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Exactly. He is easily swayed and flattered. Naive to what these billionaires REALLY want.

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He learned a lot of hard lessons at the expense of the American public. He has already surrounded himself with a stellar group of peeps.

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You are a lot more optimistic than me. This is horrible news for this country! I hope Trump is on the right side! We won’t need to worry about beating China in AI infrastructure, it seems we are in the fast track to joining them in their surveillance state! 🤯

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Exactly. Racing to dystopia

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I believe since Nixon created the "War on Cancer" concept and we have spent about 5 billion dollars on research and have not found a cure for cancer speaks volumes. We keep going down the wrong. road. In the meantime cancer has become an occurrence across all age groups and the frequency of cancer keeps climbing. Rather than look at the root causes of cancer which are embedded in Big Chemo, Big Agra and Big Pharma contributions to our current life style issues which are detrimental to good health we ignore prevention and reversal of health issues. Our medicine man looks for profitable treatment protocols. My view is that the the technocrats see a profit opportunity with AI and the deranged medicine man sees a opportunity to grow the bloated sick care system by combining AI and RNA initiatives to grow the bottom line dramatically. In turn, they have gassed President Trump on going along with their vision that it is the answer to eliminating cancer. In turn, President Trump may also have been told that if

RFK Jr. heads HHS and puts on a moratorium on RNA injections, it will deep six over 100 current research projects that are active. Billions and billions have been invested and many companies exist currently without any ROI. This in turn would crash the health care segment of the stock market and precipitate a stock market crash. They have just put him between a rock and a hard place, just as they did the last time around with the Covid con.

PS: Having studied the role of Vitamin D as a hormone that modulates about 3000 gene expressions has me convinced that if all of us had a blood value of 50 ng's or more we would drive down the frequency of cancer as well as many more disease states. A whole and vibrant immune system is supported by Vitamin D. Not embraced by Big Medicine because it would not grow our bloated medical system. Check out www.vitamindwiki.com for research that supports this. My view.

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The other question, what if AI said the MRNA is poison ? Would they destroy AI, or the MRNA? It’s possible.

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Depends on what data bases are accessed by AI. They can control the direction of AI. Since it is a money making scheme I know what will transpire!

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Not necessarily. Trump just enjoined the government from censorship, a program that was imposed on Big Tech. It’s doubtful they would have done it on their own. Big Tech is going after AI, don’t you think it’s best that they be constrained? Just as Biden convinced them to censor, Trump can oversee AI development. It doesn’t have to lead us into a surveillance state, unless government pushes them that way.

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I love your “glass half full” outlook but I don’t share it right now. Trump has pushed smart cities and the deadly Covid jabs… it’s not a good look for him!

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Trump is all about anything that feeds his ego. Can never admit he is wrong.

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He didn't push the jabs. He said they'd be available. But I too feel some dismay

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Famously, at a rally in 2024, he said to his fans "you should take it". After the crowd reaction, he quit the jab cheerleading, finally. That was a smart political move, but doesn't say anything about his thoughts on what he's called "his greatest achievement'.

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He still believes they saved "millions of lives”. Nor does he seem aware of the millions who suffered injuries or death from them. And his transition team has put the kibosh on Aaron Siri and another anti jab advisor working with RFK Jr. Very disillusioned about this right now.

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I agree but I know Trump is aware of the millions that suffered injuries or deaths from the shots. If he’s that naive and unaware then he has no business being president. He knows.

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I don’t think it’s about “ taking it”. He can rightly say this without condemnation. It’s the censorship and mandates that he is against just like I am. THAT’S what I’m concerned about. I was censored, condemned by family and friends and I’m feeling hurt by that. All because BIDEN, NOT TRUMP lied, cheated and stole our economy, health, freedom to choose, etc. Get the freaking shot if you want. Get 30 of them, Trump could probably care less-it’s your body. It’s freedom we want back. The freedom for your body and the freedom to choose is there with him. Just watch.

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I can certainly condemn him for saying it, and I do. The jabs are all risk, no benefit for all demographics according to much reliable research. They're all risk, no benefit for reasonably healthy people under 60 according to all reputable research. So, why do you think it's fine for anybody, Trump included, to advise people who can only suffer harm to "take it"? As far as mandates, we don't know if he would have mandated them. He never got the chance. He was fine with mandating closing schools and business and all the misery that caused.

I like Trump. Sure as heck voted for him and was ecstatic he won. So far, so good, it looks like he's out for blood, as he should be. But on anything COVID-related I expect nothing from him. He'd be the first one to be held accountable. The destruction took off under his watch, with his blessing.

I agree with you that it's fine for anyone who wants the jabs to have them. The more the better, I say, for adults. When your enemy is destroying himself, leave it be. Kids should be protected from such abuse, of course.

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Uh, he IS the government.

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I'm not a big fan of AI. It has plenty of upside, but the downside may be more dangerous. That said, I see a parallel with nuclear technology. Nuclear war could mean the end of civilization, even mankind. But once the genie's out of the bottle, would it be better if only other countries had it, but not our own? Like AI, nuclear tech has upside as well. Which doesn't count for much if it exterminates us. But still, I don't see a choice.

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Switch to thorium power reactors. Would they produce enough neptunium to continue nuclear warfare?

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Read about the massive AI facility already in Ellendale, ND. Word on the street is that it has WEF backing. I have zero idea. AI is here to stay though, and any insider knowledge is valuable.

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He IS part of the uniparty duopoly...dividing us by party affiliation already. I hope he has the guts and grace to accept that there are also Democrats who are feeling the call of their conscience.

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Agreed, Trump is right in channeling the ai rather than fighting it. What I hope is that RFK will have great influence on how the delivery of ai medicine happens. What Ellison said was that the tech would be used to deliver custom mRNA vaccines for all sorts of health issues. I don't feel good about mRNA being in the delivery chain nor the mechanics of human cells being programmed by the ai. This is to generate massive pharma profits and zero testing and regulation. I'd much rather see Dr. McCullough, Dr. Casy Means pair up and convince Ellison to do good for humanity by leveraging the ai to deliver good health solutions that don't alter the human biological systems with ai.

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Don't believe anything that those liars from Silicon Valley say. I live in San Francisco and see these clowns close up. Mostly they are peddling BS and exaggerate everything. Including Gates (from SV Washington State) who says that he and DJT had a great conversation.....and then Trump withdrew from the WHO.

The public doesn't want most of the crap they are pushing anyhow. Flattering Trump works though so the tech bros are doing it. But as long as Trump doesn't give them any money, it doesn't bother me too much. SV has the money already, they don't need any from the government.

Vinay Prasad wrote recently that vaccines for cancer aren't going to work.


Ellison also wants electronic surveillance for everyone too, by the way. There's an old joke that says that the difference between God and Larry Ellison is that God doesn't think he is Larry Ellison.

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We must continue to educate the public about mRNA vaccines. Trump has consistently said he will not mandate any vaccines. He won't. The problem will mostly occur the next time we have a Democrat administration and Congress.

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I don't even think the Democrats will dare to try that crap again.

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I think it's highly likely that Democrats would want to mandate vaccines "for the greater good." Laws must be enshrined that prevent this.

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Perfectly stated! Couldn’t agree more. They let the lunatics out for a visit now let’s corral them back to the asylum.

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You saw bill rand Paul put up? No animal testing on pharma- use ai instead- I won’t be using any new meds

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I agree. But Ellison doesn’t share our values or vision. He’s dangerous IMHO. What they truly have in mind on all levels is similar to what WEF is pushing.

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Ellison wants lots of surveillance. Plenty of the clowns in SV want technocracy with them in charge and plenty also want transhumanism (including Musk).

A guy at the Davos conference came out of the other day and said that their plans were dead because Trump got in their way. Doesn't mean they aren't going to stop trying. But they do appear to be reeling. So will those SV CEOs after the public gets a load of what they want.

Jefferey Jaxen says that Ellison has already failed with one of his initiatives:


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Trump needs to give audience to Dr. McCullough or Nicolas Hulscher so he knows what is at stake and make INFORMED decisions

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I don’t have strong enough words …without using expletives …for how bad I actually think all of this is.

Day 1 -and I feel betrayed by Trump.

I usually agree with Childers but not on this issue.

We are building our own digital prison. And trump is partnering in it all.

The pendulum will swing back- as it always does- and when the Dems are back in the white hosue

The infrastructure to control us all- will be fully in place

We know the Dems want totalitarian control- under the guise of virtue and safety

Centralized medical records is a stepping stone to vaccine passports and ‘standards of care’ that gives people no choice to choose their own treatments

How did that go for people in the hospital taking Remdesivir and being placed on ventilators during covid!!?

They didn’t have the infrastructure in place to support vaccine passports in this pandemic

But they sure will

By the sounds

For the next plandemic….

I don’t want to be a part of some centralized medical data base…. Or Ai matrix…. Ever.

And as far as mRNA cancer vaccines

That was always their plan

The patents existed well before the covid vaccine… but for all of us hoping trump would come out against the vaccines at some point…. This is a very bad sign for things to come.

I have wondered if Trump was a closeted globalist and this tells me what I need to know…. He’s calming the masses with the way he’s come out strong against the ‘social engineering’ that was going on that we hated with the Biden administration….

But the globalist agenda is still continuing with Trump…. Building the Ai and data centers for our own digital prison…. The globalists want that- and they’re getting it with Trump.

they said that some of the data centers were already built and under way … under the Biden administration… we just had no idea …

And maybe Ellison called out the mRNA cancer vaccines intentionally to rile up Trump’s new anti vaccine base (many Bobby voters/supporters) against him-

because big tech is no friend of Trump’s- big tech are transhumanist progressives … so

All I can say is

Time will tell

We better have our eyes WIDE open in 2025

Because NOTHING is as it seems!


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Totally agree soon we will be in with all the sheep!

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Building datacenters is about implementing digital ID, CBDC, vaccine passports, total technocratic control, and the social credit score system.

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Can we be best friends? My views are identical. You nailed it! 🎯💯

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John Leake's astute remarks about our billionaire nerd class are wisely put.

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President Trump is put in for such a time as this….Revelation 13 is being set up at breakneck speed!

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I agree Gail! Bible prophecy is speeding up for sure. I always thought he was placed in this position to make it happen. ✝️

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Yes that was my first thought as well. Trump is playing 4D chess with them.

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This is like geoengineering and everything else...we all know how dangerous and wasteful it is, but we do it anyway! Just to keep pace with other countries is insufficient motive to engage in something so dangerous which is on a run away track, being forced down everyone's throat, until it's too late to stop again. In fact, there are no intentions to ever stop. I am appalled!

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Has anyone else realized that Trump is possibly throwing mRNA technology in the spotlight on purpose? He is not stupid and is a master of bringing topics up for debate in very brilliant ways. It seemed very much like the Oracle guy purposely threw in that mRNA bombshell at the end on purpose. This is the best way to get the studies being ignored and unavailable to general public out in the forefront. MAHA rising up everywhere with feasible and solid evidence against mRNA technology is going to be too big to keep under liberal glass. I’m also remembering that many of the tech people did not comply with the COVID vaccine. This could be the key to get Trump haters against mRNA “vaccines”. Reverse psychology at its best.

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I pray you are right- he still hasn’t come clean on the “operation warp speed” BS he peddled- this is the one thing I’m strongly against about him!

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He is never going to do that. It's a political issue that he's not going to touch.

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No offense, but Trump doesn't work or think like that, and he's not playing 4D chess. What you see is what you get with Trump. I have supported him for 10 years now, and I still do.

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I think you are way off base with this. He hasn’t shown any indication whatsoever that he realizes how dangerous these “vaccines” are, and how much damage they have done.

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Realistically, it is probably more accurate to analyze who the advisors to Trump are. They give their opinions and reasons thereof, and then Trump relays it to us as one of his creations. He shoots from the hip but sometimes he shoots himself in the foot......and won't admit it.

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…and keep your enemies closer.

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I agree with you. And he's not going to. I'm not saying whether I agree or don't agree with his decision. I'm saying he's not going to do that. That ship has sailed.

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THIS—Thank you!!

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I Agree with one thing you said. One thing that plays in the past 8 plus years! TRUMP ,IS NOT STUPID. People use "Misplaced Compassion" to compensate for what they see as not making SENSE. This man is Not Stupid....on the CONTRAY ! What is the saying.. __But

prepare for the Worst !

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While Ellison seems sadly misinformed about the highly dangerous mRNA platform, AI is coming and we must stay ahead of China.

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Ellison just doesn't care. It's simple.

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If you listen to Tucker Carlson interview with mother of AI whistleblower who was murdered you may have reason for pause in any dealings with Sam Altman. It was chilling. This is all leading to no where good.

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True and good point. That cannot be forgotten.

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Do you people actually think Trump is in charge?

Get real.

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I’m a people who knows he’s not

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It seems wise to acknowledge that we will never corral or control AI. Instead, we must seek ways to influence approval and regulation of its applications. As amorphous as it sounds, the only remaining question left to us is: How will a particular application benefit our children and grandchildren i.e. how will it affect what it means to be Human? Individual Sovereignty?

Many people have already given up too much of their personal information in exchange for the 'convenience' and 'coolness' of the tech -- very short-sighted factors. The result? The development of algorithms designed for 24/7, 365 surveillance and capture of extraordinarily detailed individual information that is continuously fed into a 'greedy' operation that sucks up enormous amounts of energy to store and maintain itself. Not only is this NOT 'human', it actually supports a plan to destroy individual sovereignty and establish complete control over others.

With modest awareness and a healthy dose of critical thinking, people could save their children and future generations by refusing to feed these systems and demanding a say in the use of AI.

The Overton Window is shifting. The choice is still ours. Choose wisely.

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Actually, we must corral AI such that it cannot be used to monitor and manage the population, or be used to stealthily infiltrate our thoughts and bodies.

With AI unrestrained there are huge profits. This is why it's being pushed so heavily. It's up to us to say put restraints on it so that individual freedom and self-determination-- the essence of what it means to be human-- are allowed to flourish.

It's about government power over people. Excess power coupled with unrestrained technology will inevitably lead to a totalitarian society, when factions wishing to control the population gain power over an immense bureaucracy. Totalitarianism isn't a psychological problem, as some assert, even if what totalitarianism does is psychological in its effects. It's purely a problem of political power over a population.

We need to both pare back the bureaucratic state and also restrict technology's intrusions into our lives, against forces that wish for the power and profits of unrestrained government and technology.

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I agree with your points. My approach starts with what We the People can do for ourselves, starting immediately.

STOP participating in the wide open and unrestricted "social media" world where personal information continues to be freely offered for capture, aggregation, and sale. Engage in self-censorship to limit your exposure. Teach your children about the dangers of "over sharing". Protection begins at 'home' !

STOP using QR codes and other 'convenient' but hidden and easily hackable "smart" technology that has the capacity to operate silently in the background, without your permission, capturing and constructing a profile of your entire life from that data. Ask yourself whether you really want to provide anyone that access or the opportunity to sell and re-sell your profile multiple times to anyone willing to pay for it. Are you and your children's lives for sale for the enrichment of others?

We the People do have the power to help ourselves. Please People, think. THINK.

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I hope Trump is not falling into the same trap of trusting the wrong folks again. He is so bent on continuing to take credit for the covid vaccine despite its debacle and appears to continue walking blindly into the billions. Money/profit is not the answer to America's woes. I pray RFK is actually made head of HHS, but I'm beginning to doubt whether his hands will be tied or not. It seems that "vaccine" is still a protected category. We're trading Fauci for AI prophets.

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At 1st I thought this was a good move by Trump. AI is already here, like it or not. It can be used for good or evil. It is better that we excel in its use more than our adversaries. It’s like a arms race. We don’t want to be subordinate to China. But my heart sank when I heard Ellison talking about using the mRNA platform to rapidly produce anti-cancer “vaccines.” There is an advantage of having individualized targeted anti-cancer treatment that would spare healthy cells and that would be able to knock out the cancer cells in their earliest stage, before micro-metastasis has a chance to occur. But, when he spoke, it reminded me of the COVID press conferences. Perhaps, if mRNA “vaccines” were limited to targeted cancer treatment? Once upon a time I might have trusted that such a biotherapy might be worth investigating, but I’m not so sure now.

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Did you hear that Ivermectin is doing a GREAT "" JOB """ in Curing Cancer ? Research ! It is on YOUTUBE. There is a LOT of information including STUDIES to VERIFY it's Promises. GOD, IS GOOD ! !

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Yes, you can find dozens of testimonials & guidance on how to take ivermectin, fenbendazole, & mebendazole for cancer on Dr. William Makis' substack makismd.substack.com. (Covid Intel)

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Sure would be nice if we could get an announcement from the White House on THESE "technologies," wouldn't it?

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If we want to wipe out cancer perhaps we start by getting rid of toxins in our environment. Also, we might need to rethink our ideas about what cancer is. https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/the-scientific-basis-for-the-somatic

In any case we need to think about vaccine shedding and the ethics of imposing medical mandates or conditions on the population and experimenting on the population-- ideas that one would think we'd already worked through, but this strain of eugenics is still in the air (and yes, it's eugenics if we want to "purify" the population and believe we have a right to do so.)

The people who want to opt out of any of this should be able to do so without the fear of second-order shedding or being captured in nano-particulate clouds or EMF emissions. The problem is that there's a potentially huge market for these things. We have to say no, we won't allow that market that abuses human freedom and self-determination.

This is the next step in human evolution, to determine whether or not we'll allow rapidly-expanding technology to invade our thoughts and our bodies for the sake of markets and profits, not to mention political control. This confrontation was inevitable.

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Just mycotoxins such as ochratoxins and trichothecene? You don't think other carcinogenic poisons such as aromatic heterocycles formed in burnt meat, or smoke (tobacco, cannabis, wildfire, etc.) play any significant role?

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