Bill Gates engineered holomodo 2.0, global this time. Resetting the table from meat to bugs. Ice Age Farmer called this out almost three years ago before he disappeared:

https://old.bitchute.com/video/TM8tOnRHmwtV [21mins]

This is unfolding right before our eyes, they are going to starve us. Please get to know your local farmer, support him, and then start a garden of your own. Anything is better than nothing, even a single tomato plant...

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And knock these tyrants off their high horses. They must be stopped. Get them to trial and confiscate their assests. They are a plague on our world. THEY are the plague.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM

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When the going gets tough the mass murderers always resort to starvation. And it always works. Ask the ghosts of Stalin, Mao, Lenin, ... it's a long list. If you can't beat them other ways you can always starve them out. In the horror show clown world we inhabit you can expect they'll test the cadaver's for H1N1 etc to make sure they've been cleared for cannibalization ... because they care about your health and well being

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Someone please cull these mad “scientists” that want to cull these unique specimens. The lunacy has gone far enough! It is time “man” paid for the global culling of all these millions of innocent animals!!!

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Do testing on them like they do on beagles, monkeys, and other animals. Test on the real animals with twisted minds and hearts. We'll learn much more and much faster.

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This is not about natural immunity. It's about big pharma destroying natural immunity purposely as per the UN/WEF agendas 2021/2030/2050 to starve and depopulate the world of carbon...the carbon is you. These are evil globalist governments and government organizations. We know what is happening and it will be worse in Canada as Marx Circus Carney is now the unelected WEF dictator. This is all on purpose, no conspiracy theories, just conspirators against you and I!

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I agree with you. But there isn’t even a virus. Just like with Convid. Total bs, but everyone has been sold a bill of goods about scary viruses, so just go along. Nope. If a virus was so lethal, we as people would not even Be.

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You are absolutely 💯 correct...virus is a term for spike protien gene altering bio-weapon by the NIH/CIA.

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They got away with it and learned from the Covid experiment. They silence the truth about natural immunity and won the propaganda battle…it’s the same as dismantling our liberty piece by piece and once each piece is gone you’ll never get it back!

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Nope. Not gonna happen. Keep speaking out. Keep supporting those who are bringing it to trial. Freeze every bot of their assets-ill gotten goods

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Don't give up!

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This is only a plot to cause food shortages. While you might get rid of a virus by killing all potential hosts, that is a path to destruction. Best to allow animals to develop natural immunity. But there is a prevention & treatment that is ignored. https://patents.google.com/patent/US8916211B2/en

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Nicolas!!! This interview was absolutely essential, vital to Canada.

We are literally fighting for our lives up here.

Sharing far and wide.

CFIA is a filthy leg of the Canadian so called government.

Please please everyone share, pray and contribute resources of legal support and send what you can. This is a worldwide sink or swim situation.


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I donated. They are doing this, because they are coming up with ways to treat health issues that are natural. Big pharma doesn’t make a penny. Please donate what you can.

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Who is the actual suppressive idiot in the Canadian government who is behind this stupid idea

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This is country wide, notjusta few politicians.. Carney was just chosen by the federal Liberal party to succeed Trudeau. Both are heavily involved with the globalist World Economic Forum. Despite many people thinking an election will change that, they are well entrenched across the country.

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Yes I know but there is always the head of the snake. Find it cut off its damn head and it will writhe and die! The crazy left is very devious and lives through deception and lies.

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In this case, I don't think it's any one person or small group. It's not even left or right. Anyone who speaks up at a higher level is automatically shut out. We're seeing it happen at all levels of government from school boards to federal, from conservative to greens.

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Yes, but there is someone pulling the strings to make this BS happen. They always remain hidden but they are there.

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Can I like this 3 million times?

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Anyone who advocates culling should be culled. Those sorts of entities are not welcome on the planet.

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You need to do investigation into the connection of the government agents and their connection to pharmaceutical company payouts

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I concur. The pharmaceutical industry, the same as the military industrial complex has gone over the deep end with greed…power, take your pick.

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ONLY....because the citizens allow it! At some point the tyranny will turn to revolt and the elites will be culled. I wonder if they ever give a thought to this inevitability?

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I suspect this is happening in BC rather than somewhere else because it's a province where the vast majority don't push back but accept whatever they are told.

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Never, they’re in power!

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Galileo is again on trial. The peer reviewed literature in all disciplines has been corrupted, thus precipitating an epistimological crisis not seen in five centuries. It is the death knell of Western civilization.

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There’s always an agenda and it’s not necessarily in human’s or their livestock’s best interests.

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Where is reason, specifically, where is scientific reason?

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Reason has nothing to do with it, it’s their game plan unfolding…

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The Death Cult needs victins! Sacrifices to Moloch! Chikdren next, new mRNA vax coming soon!

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That's what it seems. Building their empire. Vexx after vexx, trying to "make it better". We ARE the experiment.

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We HUMANS call this.......


Demons Walk Among Us!

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Globalists trying to destroy our food chain so they can kill us with their genetically produced trash.

Is it time the WEF was declared a terrorist group?

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They are probably spraying H1N1 by chemtrails😡

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I shared this everywhere.

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Likely. I suspect I got CoViD and variants from biotrails. Is that why they tested sewage; to find some useful for spraying?

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Thanks to McCullough Foundation and Nicholas Hulscher for sharing awareness of this dreadful plight and the extended consequences. I would not have heard about it anywhere else.

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