No joke...Did you see the faces of everybody around him? They couldn't believe what they were hearing, either. WHEN THE TREASONOUS CLAIM TO HAVE DONE SOMETHING OR PLAN TO DO SOMETHING...Like, Obama claiming to be "CHANGE"; BETTER BELEIVE THEM AS THEY ARE SADISTS AND LIKE TO SPEAK IN CODE TO WATCH THEIR VICTIMS SQUIRM AS WORMS ON A HOOK.
No joke...Did you see the faces of everybody around him? They couldn't believe what they were hearing, either. WHEN THE TREASONOUS CLAIM TO HAVE DONE SOMETHING OR PLAN TO DO SOMETHING...Like, Obama claiming to be "CHANGE"; BETTER BELEIVE THEM AS THEY ARE SADISTS AND LIKE TO SPEAK IN CODE TO WATCH THEIR VICTIMS SQUIRM AS WORMS ON A HOOK.
The evil is so absurd and pathetic that people like you really, honestly believe it's all a joke when it's really happened and there's proof of it really happening and continues to happen in actual life. Are people that naive? REALLY?
Not certain about the biggest fools...Those perpetrating the SEDITION/TREASON or those providing covering/shielding by justifying it comedy/joke.
Then, to top all off...The naivete is so deeply entrenched within those rationalizing CRIME AS COMEDY...They have no courage to admit they've been bamboozled. THAT IS THE REAL JOKE. 😲😂🤣😭🤣😭🎯
No joke...Did you see the faces of everybody around him? They couldn't believe what they were hearing, either. WHEN THE TREASONOUS CLAIM TO HAVE DONE SOMETHING OR PLAN TO DO SOMETHING...Like, Obama claiming to be "CHANGE"; BETTER BELEIVE THEM AS THEY ARE SADISTS AND LIKE TO SPEAK IN CODE TO WATCH THEIR VICTIMS SQUIRM AS WORMS ON A HOOK.
The evil is so absurd and pathetic that people like you really, honestly believe it's all a joke when it's really happened and there's proof of it really happening and continues to happen in actual life. Are people that naive? REALLY?
Not certain about the biggest fools...Those perpetrating the SEDITION/TREASON or those providing covering/shielding by justifying it comedy/joke.
Then, to top all off...The naivete is so deeply entrenched within those rationalizing CRIME AS COMEDY...They have no courage to admit they've been bamboozled. THAT IS THE REAL JOKE. 😲😂🤣😭🤣😭🎯