Trump, RFK Jr. : are you going to stand by while this corruption continues? Put an end to the “vaccine” madness once and for all!!

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Unbelievable! Ed Dowd has reported his analysis of the RNA injections is 5 million Americans have become disabled or have died from the injections and they are still being pushed! The deranged medicine men want to inject all living things!

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It's cruel & harmful. Now we know how they'll get us to be willing to eat bugs. We all better start growing vegetables, canning & finding safe sources for meat & eggs.

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I’m doomed. I live in a retirement home and they feed me one main meal a day. They’re very happy to load up my food with seed oils and salt, and now this?

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Wow! So sad to know what ur going thru. Very sad!

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So sorry, do you have no say over meal choice?

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Sorry. Best to you! 🙆‍♀️❤️

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You’ll have to move… In China, they have already started forcing people to be vaccinated again. I’ll find the video and post it. (They have guards with guns at the airport making sure people do.

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The one-child policy and the "jabbing". Eugenics wars, but sadly not science fiction.

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That would result in a civil war here if tried in the USA. The same party that hates the 2nd amendment is the one most inclined to force inject citizens at gunpoint.

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Seriously. We were just having this conversation over dinner with the neighbors. They’re infecting by injecting poultry, (eggs), meat, dairy, pork… all the “protein sources…” Have you ever eaten Ethiopian food? Uh-huh. That’s why they’re so thin!

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Big mistake, but the vaccine manufacturers do not care. It is just profits for them, and control by entities like WHO, globalists and Bill Gates

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Hi Shari, and 17 million worldwide died from the jabs. They need to Leave our cows and chickens alone and jab the psychopathic elites.

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Great solution!

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Exactly. Trump & RFK must act QUICKLY..We need to flood Elanco website & send them messages to let them know we are aware & we are paying attention & we WILL NOT BUY ANY MEATS WITH “VACCINES”

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Contact your state livestock associations and state dept. of agriculture. Tell them these foods and stores will be boycotted. Contact your Congressional delegation and demand cessation of this rollout. Then band with others in a court challenge for the USDA failure to do a full EIS..

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Agree. Do not know much about Elanco, will check their website out. Thank you.

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"Everyone's looking for a savior instead of looking in the mirror." -a lunatic

Be your own savior. Here's how: https://simulationcommander.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

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Not helpful for senior citizens without family & funds to help care for them. All the 💰we spend on other countries needs to be spent on our poor, disabled, homeless, veterans, children, roads, highways, cleaner food, eliminate chemtrails, stop letting other countries buyout our Farms!

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Yes, and they are going to make a lot of money doing it.

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Dear Lord, please punish the evil ones poisoning our food and land. Save us from this evil. Amen.

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How about you do something about it?

You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.—James 2:24

Why are you waiting for a savior instead of looking in the mirror?

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Life is karma, now I know why I was taught to can by my Mom back in the 70's. Hated every minute of it. It's August or September in lower Michigan, muggy, hot, no a/c-we were lucky to have fans. Boiling glass jars on a gas stove, oven on too. Some canning recipes called for using the oven not the boil top stove method.

Anyway, I said I'd never can when I got older.

Now I'm in my 60's & wishing I had paid better attention. Libraries are a great resource to learn old things.

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That’s a great way to start! Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

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Amen! God hear our prayers.

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He sure does. Been going through some life lessons. Thankful that I've found Gof has put the right people & information in my life. Ty.

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The Food System is Being Defiled, You're Being Overtly Poisoned, Know Your Local Farmer? https://old.bitchute.com/video/hqEG5wpwI9TU [13mins]

So while they're culling millions chickens and cattle - our primary two meat sources - they're also zombiefying what remains. So this brings us back to this central question: does everyone know and are they supporting their local farmer and has everyone started a garden in their own lawn? Grass is nice but food is better. Has everyone that is able dug a well? Next to air, water is the most precious resource the moment you don't have it.

We're going to have to start taking care of ourselves. The parasites at the top are making zero attempt to conceal their plans of genocide and abject slavery and forcing bugs and God only knows what else down the throats and into the veins of the survivors (they loath us with every fiber of their being and will savor every second of our torture). And guys, time's almost up. The wolf is at the door and he is huffing and puffing. This cannot wait.

Get secure in food and water, and stop eating the poison they are selling at the grocery store: the food chain is under full spectrum dominance attack and we must face this reality and act accordingly.

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I had suggested that my retirement home contract with local farmers for our food. But my retirement home is part of a corporation with somebody in an office out of state controlling the purchasing. I was given some lame excuse why they couldn’t do this.

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Can you move? Call your local news station to see if they're interested in your your story...seniors treated poorly, fed unhealthy foods/diet

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Yes, let’s get the news to report this disturbing behavior

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Are you kidding me? Are we still listening to the ‘failed drug administration’? LEAVE OUR FOOD CHAIN ALONE…NO MORE PROFIT AT OUR EXPENSE..go home…take a nap..go make mud pies…we are idiots to fall for this stuff?

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I'm glad I don't eat beef. I haven't for many years as it didn't agree with me as I got older. It's just one more plan to interrupt our food supply. Steakhouses will soon go out of business as there will be no beef cattle alive -- they will be killed by another "vaccine" that will contaminate the meat.

They want to covertly put this stuff into our food in hopes to "inoculate" us all. Someone needs to stop this!

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It is why Red states are passing no vaccines in food laws. Sen. Nicely of TN pushed 1 thru on veggies. He is not my State Sen. So no way to contact him, just like with the Fed ones.

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Living in a red state is becoming more & more desirable. Difficult to move away from family.

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I stopped eating animal meat about 6 months ago, we only eat sea caught fish now and I like the battered one, not the raw one for some odd reason. I understand that Bouvaver the stuff to stop Cows farting is in all of the Supermarket meat where I shop and I read somewhere else that ModRNA DNA vaccines were being injected into the meat supply too, which put me off as well - as Clare mentioned above - They want to covertly put this stuff into our food in hopes to "inoculate" us all and me NOT vaccinated, at all. Remember that Trump started the vaccines drive in America with his Operation Warp Speed which The WHO and AUKUS began at the same time - which feeds into this: Bill Rice, in one of his recent substack posts, listed all of the money which Big Pharma has paid to your politicians, starting off, from memory, with Harris at 12.5 million, Biden at just under 10 million and the rest of the politicians in descending order of priority, correspondingly less money paid - now Big Pharma did not beat a path to my door offering me hundreds of thousands of Dollars and I'm guessing they did not beat a path to your door either, for the same reason - on that - "He who pays the piper calls the tune".

I thought that Politicians were paid huge incomes with lurks and perks to keep them honest from the public purse - so when they took money from Big Pharma, surely that makes them corrupt, if to sway their votes and Laws in favour of Big Pharma and against us?

While they keep what they got undercover and out of the public view, they sure as Hell are never going to allow any Covid vaccine Inquiry to succeed - because they are keeping their corruption secret as well as the money they got.

My impression now is that the smart people get into politics to grow their wealth quickly and without being caught out, by not revealing how much they took from Big Pharma or any other really rich person, for whatever reason expected of them, by doing so.

Until the Judges or The Law, above the Politicians takes an interest in payments made and received and punishes accordingly, there is never going to be a public inquiry which reveals anything of any importance - it's just bum fluff to keep us Human Rubbish in the dark where they think, we deserve to be.

Politicians are paid set incomes - so the yearly take home pay is known in advance - but if they earned more than they were paid from the public purse, the obvious question is "Please explain, with documentation, where your extra income came from" and if found corrupt, up before the Beak, stripped of "ALL OF" their assets and into prison for them, for a very long time, to keep all politicians honest, in future and serving we the people, who elected them, in the first place.

Can't help but wonder if the same thing carries on with you know who too?

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The bad news is that fish is equally sick and.polluted, plus going extinct Fish is probably the most polluted thing you can eat. And 80% of fish have already disappeared from our oceans, and they are not coming back. We need to be able to safely eat our.cattle, especially as.gardens don't thrive any more. All our food sources are in great.danger! We should aim to keep (and keep clean and.healthy) whatever food sources we.can!

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They’re feeding salmon DNA “vaccines!”

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Where did you hear this?

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Where do we go to register our complaints? RFK @ HHS and USDA?

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Sec of AG, Rollins, is hopelessly on board with getting bird flu “vaccines” as quickly as possible.

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Sorry to hear, then we need to contact our Congress critters

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Write your complaint on a piece of paper and then proceed to stuff it into your shredder...the same as the government will do.

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Nicolas, thank you for posting this information. This is terrible news. I am disgusted with the ongoing attacks on the purity and integrity of our food supply. While I do not trust ANY of the "vaccines" (for feed animals OR humans) can you please clarify whether this so-called 'protein-based prescription-platform vaccine' OFFICIALLY contains any a) mRNA or b) any lipid nanoparticles. I emphasize OFFICIALLY because I don't trust these vax makers or regulatory agencies to tell the truth about ANYTHING, including the contents of whatever crap they are now injecting into the chickens, cattle, humans, etc.

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Without air to breathe that isn’t intentionally tampered with; without water to drink that isn’t intentionally tampered with; without food that isn’t intentionally tampered with (besides government, Gates of hell intends to tamper with ALL of it!!) - then we are no longer free. If we can’t source un-tampered food so we can maximize our own health- we are not free

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I agree 100%!

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Thank you asking this, question, Will. It is one I am holding also. I hope Nicolas will reply.

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Hello Brooke Rollins!

This is your home court. You and RFK JR can stop this

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Rollins already stated that she wishes to make bird flu “vaccines” available as quickly as possible! Still waiting for Makary to be confirmed as FDA Commissioner. The Demonrats are dragging their feet on his confirmation vote as much as they can. Sen Thune…. Just get these confirmation votes scheduled now, without delay!

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Does anyone know how to contact RFK timely? Like how to fax or email?

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What's RFK's stance on this? It better be against this. I already grow my own fruits & vegetables, have chickens. Do I now have to raise my own beef cattle?

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The problem is, this is under USDA and not under HHS / FDA, because it's animals EXCEPT that animals we eat affect Human Health, so RFK ought to have some say, but it may not be on his radar screen, he just appointed. I would contact him if I knew how to. Anyone? A fax number that would reach him?

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https://ask.usda.gov/s/contactsupport. How to contact Rollins.

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Have we learned nothing? Stop all these vaccines in our cattle and fowl. We are further contaminating our food supply!

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While it appears that this is being done to inject more toxins into us, there is another insidious intent to this avian plandemic. And that is to destroy the last of our independent American farms and farmers. The Evil are taking control of food production.

Does anyone here remember Farm Aid in 1985? When Americans nationwide rallied and protested to stop the banks from calling in the loans on all those big generational American farms (we failed).

Know who owns all those huge farms now? Monsanto.

And guess who's going to be manufacturing all the new MAHA food?

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PS. The Evil are doing the same thing with the fake Carbon crisis, they are CRUSHING our farmers with carbon regulations and costs.

When we lose our farmers and our NATURAL food sources, and the Bees, its all downhill from there.

Please support your local farmers, and I don't just mean buying at local Farmers Markets, farmstands, or direct from the farmers, I mean if your City Council is voting on something that will affect your local farmers, please show up and support your farmers!

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I remember. Quite sure that it was meant that way, sadly. This is what many do not yet grasp. Out of fear in denial won’t help to make things better. Let’s take the necessary steps- quietly and keep building up for ourselves.

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Vax egg lyers, i will no longer buy eggs.

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I do, but Bird Flu never made it to our shores apparently and we are of different species and it can't jump species until Gain Of Function vaccines makes that possible - on a lighter note and as an alternative to vaccines I suggest this: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Go into your bathroom and swallow two mouthfuls to sort out anything which has got down there, then cup a hand, pour some of the mix into your cupped hand and sniff or snort the remaining mugful up your nose, in stages until all is gone.

If you have a burning sensation you have a virus and the salt water is killing the virus infection in your head.

It will burn for a few minutes (but won't hurt you otherwise) and then the pain will go away, so when it does, take some toilet paper off the toilet roll and blow your nose out in it, then flush that away, washing your hands afterwards.

Do this simple cure 3 times a day, or more often for a quicker result, until when you flush, it feels like you are flushing with plain water and no pain is felt - job done.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 35 years and in that time I have never been ill from any virus or more lately, being shedded on by the vaccinated who now make up 97% of the population here, so we are told.

The salt water goes throughout your nasal passages, behind your eyes, ears, brain bulb brain stem - where for my money, Long Covid likes to stay and when you get an infection in your head, there is nothing to stop it becoming, for the sake of example, Covid, the disease, which flows down into your body in the one liter of snot or mucus our head produces daily, the engine oil of your body - if flows down the back of your neck unnoticed because it is and always has been a lifetime thing - the top of your throat is at a point half way up your ears and not at mouth level, as you will quickly discover with my free salt water cure.

I've never had a vaccine because I've never needed one, in other words, why reinvent the wheel when you have an unbeatable wheel to run with, in the first place?

Peter McCullough MD MPH offers an Iodine alternative I seem to recall, but you have to pay for that one.

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Oh thank you Richard!

Yes, the shedding toxins are in the mucus!

When we get shed on, the body creates a mucus to capture those toxic invaders, and then we swallow the toxic mucus which alchemically activates with the digestive acids in the stomach! And then people get sick, and don't even realize why.

This is wonderful salt treatment for mucus, not necessarily fun, but very effective.

Thank you Richard for posting it.

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Hi Proberta - Our head produces one liter of snot or mucus every day, the engine oil of the body, which flows down the back of our necks into our body - the top of our necks is roughly level with half way up our ears - continuously, which is why we never notice it and for my money is the route that a Covid infection, grown in the Greenhouse like conditions of our nasal passages, follows to get into our bodies - when the so called vaccines, but actually Gene Therapy Injections purchased by the Military from the vaccine makers, are supposed to take over and save the infected, but don't. It works really well when you have been shedded on too - 97% of our populations are vaccinated, so we are told, I'm not and I'm not affected by being shedded on, by doing this simple cure. It is not fun to begin with, in fact it can be quite horrid, but you get used to it eventually, especially when you don't want to get sick with the cold like symptoms or the only other option is a vaccine - shudder. Anyway, after 35 years of not getting sick, simply by doing this, I have forgotten the joys of getting sick and wonder why an open letter to RFK Jnr might be a good idea, telling him of this cure and asking him to promote it into everyone - in that eventuality - no more Big Pharma practically overnight - anyone got direct access to RFK, I don't, me being a foreigner and all.

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Your preventative suggestion is definitely the one I go to first. Bingo! I tell everyone all the time, start with saltwater and you’ll see the difference immediately. Thanks for putting it out here! :)

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Thank you! Have used nasal rinses in the past for sinus & allergy issues. Will start up again learning this new information. Thank you for sharing .

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Lord Jesus, they are killing us !! Please stop this madness!!! Amen

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This is why we order all our meats from Good Ranchers now. They do not jab any of their animals. Really wish RFK was on this!

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Nooooooo!!! So frustrating.

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Are you serious? Why are we listening to anything that comes out of the ‘failed drug administration’) LEAVE OUR FOOD CHAIN ALONE…GO HOME…tske a nap.

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