The final, or first, point should be that the covid “pandemic” was a military operation. This allowed everything to operate outside of normal channels such as safety & testing regulations and the law. The health agencies were a front to a “public health” event when in essence it was a military operation from January 2020 onward. Check out the Brownstone Institutes substack where they recently published a 10 part series on Covid for the past 5 years.

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To this reader, Covid and its jab unfolded as if a weapon of mass destruction, with “ you know who “ in the crosshairs ( the other countries could have just been collateral damage ).

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Check out Debbie Lerman’s substack. The US & 5 eyes countries all operated in tandem. “Who” runs this stuff is the big unknown.

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This was a military operation through and through. In the US the injection weapons were sources under an OTA contract (military). In Europe, NATO generals had a leading role in the ‘pandemic response’

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Interesting video. I watched a lot of it, and am becoming concerned about the stuff I’m hearing and am only halfway into things.

My biggest concern is if the reds played a deliberate role. I’m like, well, the virus supposedly was cooked up in China, some of our guys were supposedly helping their guys. There were economic battles between the US and China back then. It doesn’t appear that the citizens of China were heavily inoculated with genetic material, so…

Maybe the world was duped, about a lot of things, as part of a military action.

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This countermeasure was rolled out worldwide. America was not the only target, but other countries followed America’s lead.

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PragerU has excellent resources on the Covid conspiracy. I guess it’s not a conspiracy anymore since what many of us innately felt and knew was and is the truth. Checkout: “Dr. Scott Atlas on Why We Were Forced to Jab & Mask” on PragerU for a first-hand account of interactions with Fauci the Fraud.

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fauci may be the largest individual mass murderer in modern history. KGB Gen. Vasily Blotkin, who personally killed 20, 000 Polish prisoners at Katyn Forest isn't even in the running.

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The worst part is they have thus far gotten away with it. ALL of it, even the murders. Mandating shots, preventing safe treatments and antibiotics. Not one of the conspirators has paid any price, and most have made a lot of money, blood money. The rest of humanity suffered, and still suffers.

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Great post Nicolas! The problem is this is all still happening around the world and maybe getting worse. The WEF cult has infiltrated their lying "graduates" into almost every government on earth. Their head corporate member is the infamous Pfizer that used public funds to pay for the massive crimes of this report. They and their government hacks force-fed people deadly fake vaxes that murdered 100's of millions so far. Many more deaths are to come as Nicolas and others have nicely, scientificaly proven in numerous posts on this substack and eslewhere. This fine report of this post nicely discusses many of problems that the WEF cult and others are still causing with their lies and mass-murder plans to murder 7 billion more people, still being pushed by the WEF cult in writing. For example, we still cannot easily get Ivermectin in Canada and the new Prime Minister is another WEF cult graduate that will no doubt keep these insane facts ongoing. My family had to dump an MD this year who would not prescribe Ivermectin but instead tried to force us to use Paxlovid. The fake publication allowing that fake drug to go EUA is riddled with many errors and outright lies! The Pfizer "authors and researchers" even had the audacity to say right in their fake publication they have the right to alter data, results, and conclusions (ie., the right to lie!) in writing in their fake publication.

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And NOBODY has been EXECUTED yet. WTF not? Tick tock tick tock... The List must become The Purge. Year Zero beckons, the Dead cry out for vengeance.

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If we, as a Nation, do not address the issue discussed, and if those responsible not dealt with in the most severe form possible we will face the same issues by the same operatives in the future. There can be no forgive and forget the risks are much to high.

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the lizards will try again and keep trying unless they are decisively stopped.

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Don't hold your breath!! I truly believe absolutely nothing will happen to the bad guys. Others believe it too, though they won't utter it out loud.

One new retired nurse friend says nothing will happen to them either.

I pray we're wrong, but...

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The lesson that was learned and is not forgotten is that those who speak the truth will be punished. This is exactly what those that created the problems know from experience. Only if we join together and demand retribution at the highest level do we have a chance of survival. Their wishes are known only WE can prevent our own demise at the hands of deep state and elite operatives.

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Their plan all along.

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As a whistleblower, journalist and vax injured servant of the highest counsel, all those points highlighted are true. THEY CANNOT censor the actual 100% profiteering patents b/c what makes you, breaks you & follow the money + death ingredients are encapsulated within. What will unfold eventually is how synonymous ModeRNA is with the Deepstate. While this article likely confirmed a lot of what's righteously known, I can offer our last interview with Reiner Fuellmich for newest information. Included is revolutionary Remdesivir information from Chemist Thomas Baine. FREE Reiner, trade him for Kanye, be BOLD


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Reiner Fuellmich always sought to expose the fundamental lie upon which the illusion of a pandemic was successfully created - the misuse of the PCR test.

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𝕎ℍ𝕆-to-𝕊𝕋𝕆ℙ℠ puts the PCR test in a brand new light (Ephesians 5:11)showcasing how the Rothschild banking system (#6 on the list) took over the PCR for financial gains of course, and preplanned. Allegedly, the true inventor Kery Mullis was killed/died in '19 of all years #covid

¬🦅 Ånti-ĐØ$•§ier🕊



I see you are a retired engineer, can you assist me in combining these 4 awareness videos?

Reiner 1


Reiner 2


Reiner 3


Reiner 4


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We the People are so grateful for the valiant FEW who exposed this deadly conspiracy that used “government censorship, corruption, and the suppression of life saving treatments fueled unnecessary suffering, silenced (eminently qualified) doctors, and cost countless lives.”

After so much delay and obfuscation, many of us are still wondering... WHEN WILL THE HANGINGS BEGIN?

There must be accountability or, there is NO justice.

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I think i am very depressed and Orwell like - there is no justice, the "justice" system is a kind of oppressive system meant to keep you down and not destabilise society too much - to keep the cattle calm - There is no one who will hold the parasite class responsible as they are in control of this gangster system. I dont think anyone will be held accountable and they will keep doing these crimes -

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No Justice to be served and so many people will still vote for Dems and the deep state

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I must have heard wrong. At the beginning of the Covid, I thought I heard the President of the Republicans tell the people to get the 'safe and effective shot' and not to take 'horse paste'. The Dems carried on with the same lingo. Uniparty?

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Elon Musk still does. Taking it is "suicide". Still on the OWS team!

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Authoritarians love sleight of hand and distraction. While Beth Israel/Deaconess Hospital was obsessing about COVID for YEARS, they misdiagnosed my wife’s bone cancer as osteoporosis. She lasted less than a month after her diagnosis. OPPORTUNITY COSTS are the great unexamined aspect of the “pandemic” assault on BadOrangeMan.

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I am very sorry for your loss. That is heartbreaking. I bet it’s difficult not to let rage consume you. Just reading these experiences angers me.

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the medical pharma complex is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. from misdiagnosis, pharmaceuticals that kill sooner or later, and general incompetence. Mostly the system is designed to extract as much money as possible from the patient.

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Absence of accountability and consequences explains it all. In every instance.

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Goverments and politicos speak freely to bury the Truth, while persecuting public opinion. What is wrong with We, the people, who blindly follow people in Authority. the old adage rings a bell.

" are you liar or just a politician"

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Is there an estimate of how many people of died from taking the Covid shot? The last number I heard was 17 million but also heard 30 million.

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As with so many things revealed to us since the plandemic, where are the indictments ? Where are the arrests for breaking the law every way possible ? Where is the justice that families who lost loved ones or people who are crippled for life or anyone jabbed that now has an increased risk of death at any given moment due to the spike protein being dispensed ? Answer: there isn't any and there won't be. The age we live in is an age where crimes can be committed on a greater scale than ever and if the criminal is "in the club" they have no fear of reprisal or arrest. Friends, it has been said that the earth is satan's domain and we now know what it is like to live in that domain when God is dispensed with and excluded from so many lives.

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If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder

04/10/2021-------------------By Roy R M McIntosh

After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!

Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…

So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!

Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.

I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!

In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?

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at least you tried.

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The ‘lab leak’ vs ‘natural origin’ of the virus is a ‘false dichotomy’.

It must first be considered if there was really any ‘virus’ at all and if there was any ‘pandemic’ at all.

It has been conclusively shown by examination of all cause mortality across multiple global locations e.g. by Denis Rancourt but also by others, that there was never any pattern of deaths corresponding to what epidemiology would predict as the spread pattern of a deadly infectious virus. But instead there were geographic hotspots of hugely elevated mortality in very specific geographic locations such as Bergamo N Italy and New York City to name the worst locations. This is a signature of medical manslaughter via iatrogenic death and not one of death from a deadly spreading pathogen.

From this it necessarily follows that there was no ‘deadly novel pathogen’ and therefore there was no pandemic.

It also follows there was no need for ‘early treatment’ for a disease which cannot exist as there was no spreading virus.

And it necessarily follows that there was no need for any injections .

But, people will say, the disease must exist. The PCR test shows that this is the case.

The fact is that PCR has never previously been used for mass testing in the way it was during the Covid event.

A PCR test cannot under any circumstances evidence infection. Yet it was used that way to announce cases based on a non existent virus.

But, people will say, SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated therefore the virus must exist.

No, SARS-CoV-2 is a computer generated sequence. There is no experiment virology has performed which can show that any claimed virus isolate is responsible for cell death in cell culture experiments because virologist never include a control sample in their experiments.

The Covid event is therefore best described as a false flag terror attack on the global population based on the created illusion of a global pandemic.

No examination of the claimed ‘pandemic’ can be valid without examining the credibility of the underlying claim that a pandemic occurred.

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"PCR test" does not exist. It's qPCR.

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