
Not only does this paper get pulled after a month in which it set all records for views, reads, and downloads, now the unjustified retraction will prompt scores of interviews which will further amplify the message that the COVID-19 vaccines should be removed from the market. They are unsafe for human use.

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

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Dr. McCullough, It is inconceivable to me how you have the energy AND the intellect to not only research and publish, but to also respond so thoroughly to incompetent bureaucrats. Yes, bureaucrats are not just in government.

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Not to mention that, in addition to those worthy efforts AnnR listed, Peter is able to jet around all over the world, appear on various streaming interviews multiple times per week, and yet still see patients "very often" in his Flower Mound, Texas office for complete evaluations, physical examinations, the prescribing of various drugs, potions, etc. This is a busy guy! And he even has 694 PubMed citations to date.

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It is tragic that a quality, thoroughly researched and valuable paper is being retracted because the WHO sicked its pit bulls on it. World Health Org has WAY too much money and needs to be dismantled.

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My heart is with each of the authors of the retracted paper. I'm sorry if not surprised this happened, and sorry you had to take the time to write a rebuttal (necessary, but just a damned shame). The fight continues. God bless you.

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This is why Steve Kirsch cannot get anyone to debate him. The opposition raised their meagre objections and Steve's team destroyed them in the rebuttal. No thinking physician should give much credence to the points raised by Kersjes, Dopler and Laxton. See how a thinking Dr. Boz responded to the report below in the post by "Connect The Dots". Dr. Boz is livid and so should other physicians. Hell has no fury like a lady physician who has been deceived. The video had over 169,000 views the last time I looked. The tide is turning.

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Indeed, the tide is turning. Those who still continue to push the fabricated narrative will soon find themselves standing alone against a massive tide that will wash them out to oblivion…, where they belong.

History will not be kind to them.

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I pray this is so.

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Thank you for this write up Dr. McCullough. And thank you for the heads up to download the article.

I don't know if you heard, but this has already made a big difference:

Here is a previously pro vaccine Doctor who has a very large following on YouTube… Talking about this very peer-reviewed article. It was the straw that broke the camel's back for her. This show got the most reviews of any of her shows.


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It’s falling apart and they don’t know how to deal with it.

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The medical community will never recover from this cowardly, greed-riddles tragedy.

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We see a smattering of honest private physicians but not enough to accommodate the number of people who need good doctors.

People are resistant to paying for medical advice when they’re used to insurance taking care of the bill. The insurance premiums are so huge that it’s understandable why they balk at paying out of pocket.

However, in my experience, doctors outside of the hospital/corporate system tend to be more honest. They aren’t beholden to government constraints, which dictate how hospitals & corporations practice medicine.

It will take years to reform medicine. Im convinced it will reemerge as a business that cares for the individual patient. People will demand it. Physicians will succeed within this model when people realize they are finally receiving good care.

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It’s time to decentralize science. We don’t need centralized peer review pillars and gatekeepers. We can do this with every system. Let’s make our own new systems.

Decentralize everything. Make it transparent. These are the systemic cures for corruption.

Just like humans have done with the music industry, Bitcoin, and media (substack and podcasts).

Decentralize science and medicine. Like this: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/decentralize-everything?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Cureus was an independent journal for a long time, but very recently chose to align with Springer. Unfortunately, we see now that this was a mistake. At this time, both Springer and Elsevier have engaged in inappropriate retractions.

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Let's make new ones. Join the discussion on the think tank at SwarmAcademy.ai

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wow, a superb rebuttal!

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This is no surprise. The entirety of much of what we are seeing, whether medically, politically, societally, etc., comes from individuals with a very specific ideological outlook. Take a look at Tim Kerjses….a woke individual who will not tolerate any deviation from the ideology that he believes (or has been funded to believe). We see something similar with the creator of Google Gemini, who has decided that George Washington was a black man, and injected minorities into any and all responses that Gemini gave. It’s almost laughable, but, if nothing else, is ridiculously obvious that they will tolerate nothing other than the message that they have been indoctrinated to portray.

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Thank you. I saved the PDF, printed the 38 pages, and emailed my friends your summary along with the link to the study. They were instructed to save this information as soon as possible.

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The article was excellent, and left no room for rebuttal, yet they had to make an attempt to "muddy the waters". The reply to their BS was second to none, and *should* silence all others that would attempt to discredit it.

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Let's all hope that Mr. Kersjes is triple jabbed and triple boosted, we want him safe from the Covid virus don't we?

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Of course and he requires remdesiver and an enema

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6: 💯💯💯💯💯💯

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This is hands down the best article I never read. Like most everything coming from the so called experts on both sides of the aisle, the core content is immersed in medical-ese that it is virtually impossible for a normal person to digest. The reasons why I found it so important was not because of what the original article said &/or the supposed reasons why it was withdrawn after being published, but solely because the original paper was withdrawn. Truth always withstands the light of day. If what the “medical/scientific” community wants to do is expose the mis/dis-information then what better way than to compare the ‘truth’ to the ‘lie’. They are not hiding your lies they are hiding their lies. Also that Dr.Boz YT link was very interesting as she dissected the original article saying that it completely red pilled her by exposing the bogus data used to promote the jab.

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It's quite funny to read part of Kersjes' bio: "...he worked at a number of Dutch NGOs to promote innovation in democratic processes and civil society." Ah, yes, he's promoting "innovation in democratic processes" alright! Unfortunately, the innovation is to over-ride valid research and replace it with corporate propaganda.

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Thank you. Astonishing how we find these a$$holes everywhere, all the time.

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