Not only does this paper get pulled after a month in which it set all records for views, reads, and downloads, now the unjustified retraction will prompt scores of interviews which will further amplify the message that the COVID-19 vaccines should be removed from the market. They are unsafe for human use.
Not only does this paper get pulled after a month in which it set all records for views, reads, and downloads, now the unjustified retraction will prompt scores of interviews which will further amplify the message that the COVID-19 vaccines should be removed from the market. They are unsafe for human use.
Not only does this paper get pulled after a month in which it set all records for views, reads, and downloads, now the unjustified retraction will prompt scores of interviews which will further amplify the message that the COVID-19 vaccines should be removed from the market. They are unsafe for human use.
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH