This is great, except it would force doctors to acknowledge the danger of a vaccine they are still pushing and their role in it. When is it going to be removed for good? That needs to happen…. 3 years ago.
DONCHA JUST KNOW IT GAL. And all is never as it meets the eye. The other side are more corrupt than a giant elephant excremental bag filled with Dumbos offerings when he had diahrhea.
2. Removal of EUA removes jabs from childhood schedule.
3. Publish Pfizer's OWN LIST of adverse events known by 2/28/21 on CDC website. Add others that now have solid evidence. Do a social media campaign (remember, "you aren't a horse") to encourage people to review it - and maybe a poll for self reported injuries.
4. Restore the original definition of "vaccine," and publish that pharm themselves use the term "gene therapy." It is.
5. Publicize the changes to "informed consent," and explain that the potential harm in the lack of a definition of "minimal risk."
All easy, and with limited blowback. We have to convince the masses so that they never fall for another scam. The brainwashing was very effective, and awakening is painful.
it's never going to happen because the entire planet just sits around saying what they think, never joining forces to push all at once. everybody is a clown.
if one person has the power to do that. everybody else ignores, complains, or tries to take over.
Excellent work. We need to get the FAA and all Aeromedical examiners on board with this immediately to help keep flying safe. I've been tracking obituaries of pilot deaths and am seeing the words "unexpected cardiac event" more frequently.
Agree! Do you have an opinion on the October 2022 change in FAA rules WRT 1st degree AVB? I thought it was quite cavalier, given that complete heart blocks seem to be occurring at increased frequency, and in the absence of prior known heart disease.
I will be on Peter McCollough's podcast soon with Nic Hulscher discussing cellular cytotoxic t-cell destruction and cell death where inflammation is not even involved.
Thank you for continuing to address this concern. Can you please post a list of top recommended diagnostics in order of importance to detect damage? Thank you Dr McCullough!
Great - now we have a way to acknowledge who might be at greater risk AND we have created a huge amount of young people who will find it extremely hard to get health insurance in the future. Not to mention the stress and detrimental effects on their mental health. This was and is evil and should be brought to Nuremberg.
...and what a beautiful creation is the real woman. Sweeter than maple syrup and intelligence emanating from her inner and outer beauty that flows out of her and over me in the process creating a deep appreciation of God who alone could seal up the sum of the most beautiful women ever.
I too admire and cherish real women the more so those who are "Daughters of the King but I do not forget that they are His most beautiful and precious creation. I honor God and am careful to not worship the created instead of the Creator. I am rough at times but my minster told me I was a diamond in the rough. At church Sunday a young woman with six children indicated she is expecting another child. That is a lot of work and you can be sure that as I have in the past I will encourage and praise her, take her hand gently and kiss the back of it. And her husband will be right there as I always drop compliments on married women in the presence of husbands and never got in trouble yet, in fact, I have had men tell me they appreciate my transparency and expressions towards their wives. Seeing young women looking after their children is another sublime thing...the eyes of mothers are filled with love even as they gaze on them. A mother will die for her children. And a dedicated father as well.
The church body is composed of many young couples and growing.
When will these monsters fall flat on their face? Or better yet, go to jail... At this writing, there might not be a single drop of uncontaminated human blood left on this planet, right. And how about getting back our academic freedom, too:
If someone that's vaccinated sheds on someone that's not vaccinated can the unvaccinated person have those same cardiac problems? Or do you have to be directly injected with the vaccine?
I’m an RN that refused to comply. I was able to work through the first year and a half until mandates caught up with me. I LOVED being a nurse so this was devastating in addition to constant judgement from medical peers and family. Luckily those that worked on my unit loved me and appreciated my strong work ethic. After working daily in close contact with vaccinated patients I started getting bursts of A fib. I am a healthy athletic , non drinker or smoker. Those like me swear we noticed effects from shedding. I’m just grateful I didn’t inoculate my body with millions of spike from the shot! SO beyond grateful for these brave doctors and researchers that helped me to stay strong!
my opinion is for 4 years leading "retarded" experts like Dr Mculloch and Dr Phil, (and 99% of others have been mentally incapable of distinguishing "inflammation" from "damage".
damage means cells destroyed. inflammation mean swell up, get better.
what that means is,your best experts are so fucking retarded, that they can't even manage that. so if you see a paper saying "inflammation" you can safely assume it's a fucking retard writing it. and everyone reading it and not complaining, is also a virtual signalling ignorant zombie retard too.
that's what I think.
it's also why they all cant figure out that clotting obviously comes from endothelial destruction, not fucking inflammation, thje total fucking retards.
that's not my opinion, that my scientific accurate description of your reality after watching this total clown shit show for 5 years and bing unable to stop you planet of zombies being so fucking suicidal and ignorant.
Thank you for your continued efforts to bring clarity to what is happening post vaccination, especially to young people, mostly males. The COVID shots need to be taken from the market!!
This makes me wonder if my abnormally low platelet count (6k of normal range 150k - 450k) and minor heart attack a week later in September 2023, had anything to do with Pfizer 1st and 2nd vaccines in Feb 2021 and booster in Nov 2021.
This is great, except it would force doctors to acknowledge the danger of a vaccine they are still pushing and their role in it. When is it going to be removed for good? That needs to happen…. 3 years ago.
DONCHA JUST KNOW IT GAL. And all is never as it meets the eye. The other side are more corrupt than a giant elephant excremental bag filled with Dumbos offerings when he had diahrhea.
1. End the "emergency" declaration; easy.
2. Removal of EUA removes jabs from childhood schedule.
3. Publish Pfizer's OWN LIST of adverse events known by 2/28/21 on CDC website. Add others that now have solid evidence. Do a social media campaign (remember, "you aren't a horse") to encourage people to review it - and maybe a poll for self reported injuries.
4. Restore the original definition of "vaccine," and publish that pharm themselves use the term "gene therapy." It is.
5. Publicize the changes to "informed consent," and explain that the potential harm in the lack of a definition of "minimal risk."
All easy, and with limited blowback. We have to convince the masses so that they never fall for another scam. The brainwashing was very effective, and awakening is painful.
it's never going to happen because the entire planet just sits around saying what they think, never joining forces to push all at once. everybody is a clown.
if one person has the power to do that. everybody else ignores, complains, or tries to take over.
everyone's demon infected.
Thank you, Dr. McCullough for your persistence and dedication.
Excellent work. We need to get the FAA and all Aeromedical examiners on board with this immediately to help keep flying safe. I've been tracking obituaries of pilot deaths and am seeing the words "unexpected cardiac event" more frequently.
Agree! Do you have an opinion on the October 2022 change in FAA rules WRT 1st degree AVB? I thought it was quite cavalier, given that complete heart blocks seem to be occurring at increased frequency, and in the absence of prior known heart disease.
Dr Kevin, PLEASE tell Dr Peter to learn the difference between CELLULAR CYTOTOXC DAMAGE/DESTRUCTION, and "INFLAMMATION".
When he learns to do that, THEN, tell him well done.
I will be on Peter McCollough's podcast soon with Nic Hulscher discussing cellular cytotoxic t-cell destruction and cell death where inflammation is not even involved.
excellent. take a peice of paper and write in big red letters. "DAMAGE, IS NOT INFLAMMATION, EXPERTS!!!!!!!!".
an tell Peter if he doesn't learn CYTOTOXC T cells damage
I'll crash a battleship into his head.
that might work.
Hahaha! Should be effective!
it won't be. morning is effective not on works. these experts are brain dead . so everybody else almost.
you probably noticed
oh look , you too.
your not "concerned" Peter is so brain-dead I have to crash battleships into his head to try to make him learn basic physiology. you find it amusing.
retarded too.
Thank you for continuing to address this concern. Can you please post a list of top recommended diagnostics in order of importance to detect damage? Thank you Dr McCullough!
Dr Mculloch didn't say damage.
he said inflammation.
your smarter than him!!!
Great - now we have a way to acknowledge who might be at greater risk AND we have created a huge amount of young people who will find it extremely hard to get health insurance in the future. Not to mention the stress and detrimental effects on their mental health. This was and is evil and should be brought to Nuremberg.
congratulations, your the 6 billion poster to recommend Nuremberg. and still not one doctor in jail.
keep it up
Good point! May instigate the return of trauma insurance. Sure, vaccidents contribute to need for that, but not overwhelmingly so.
Dear Dr. McCullough and Mr. Hulscher,
And the good docs ALL appreciate gratitude expressed by women whose minds are filled with common sense.
...and what a beautiful creation is the real woman. Sweeter than maple syrup and intelligence emanating from her inner and outer beauty that flows out of her and over me in the process creating a deep appreciation of God who alone could seal up the sum of the most beautiful women ever.
THANK YOU, Edward. I have an IMMENSE appreciation and admiration for God-honoring Males!
I too admire and cherish real women the more so those who are "Daughters of the King but I do not forget that they are His most beautiful and precious creation. I honor God and am careful to not worship the created instead of the Creator. I am rough at times but my minster told me I was a diamond in the rough. At church Sunday a young woman with six children indicated she is expecting another child. That is a lot of work and you can be sure that as I have in the past I will encourage and praise her, take her hand gently and kiss the back of it. And her husband will be right there as I always drop compliments on married women in the presence of husbands and never got in trouble yet, in fact, I have had men tell me they appreciate my transparency and expressions towards their wives. Seeing young women looking after their children is another sublime thing...the eyes of mothers are filled with love even as they gaze on them. A mother will die for her children. And a dedicated father as well.
The church body is composed of many young couples and growing.
Always Edward
efforts that still haven't acheive a tbig after 4 years of obvious?
is it just entertainment for everyone then?
their efforts haven't achieved anything
haven't you noticed already?
When will these monsters fall flat on their face? Or better yet, go to jail... At this writing, there might not be a single drop of uncontaminated human blood left on this planet, right. And how about getting back our academic freedom, too:
next week.
Any body gonna calculate the equation from Bill Gates 2010 Innovating to Zero equation to see if the Covid 19 “vaxxxxxx” worked as planned ????
That would be a "tell", but of course!
Thank u , Nicholas deserves a PHD 🎯
As always, engaging with the modern stone age medical mafia is an exercise in playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or even Craps for that matter.
Thank you! I have passed this Post on..
Your Foundation is a God-send. ✝️
We are definitely in high gear now thanks to all of you and your hard work for providing Hope to this catastrophe.
Your excellent and caring Team remain in my daily prayers. 💐
If someone that's vaccinated sheds on someone that's not vaccinated can the unvaccinated person have those same cardiac problems? Or do you have to be directly injected with the vaccine?
I’m an RN that refused to comply. I was able to work through the first year and a half until mandates caught up with me. I LOVED being a nurse so this was devastating in addition to constant judgement from medical peers and family. Luckily those that worked on my unit loved me and appreciated my strong work ethic. After working daily in close contact with vaccinated patients I started getting bursts of A fib. I am a healthy athletic , non drinker or smoker. Those like me swear we noticed effects from shedding. I’m just grateful I didn’t inoculate my body with millions of spike from the shot! SO beyond grateful for these brave doctors and researchers that helped me to stay strong!
It's a matter of dose and its repetition.
you have to be injected.
spike doesn't damage heart.
the immune response does.
Opinion on this?
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces endothelial inflammation via ACE2 independently of viral replication
clearly you have the same problem since I said damage and you linked inflammation.
go buy some fucking balloons.
blow up two.
One is destroyed (bad)
the other is inflammed (who gives a shit).
99.99% of human brains are damaged, inflammed or retarded.
I wish you luck with that.
my opinion is for 4 years leading "retarded" experts like Dr Mculloch and Dr Phil, (and 99% of others have been mentally incapable of distinguishing "inflammation" from "damage".
damage means cells destroyed. inflammation mean swell up, get better.
what that means is,your best experts are so fucking retarded, that they can't even manage that. so if you see a paper saying "inflammation" you can safely assume it's a fucking retard writing it. and everyone reading it and not complaining, is also a virtual signalling ignorant zombie retard too.
that's what I think.
it's also why they all cant figure out that clotting obviously comes from endothelial destruction, not fucking inflammation, thje total fucking retards.
that's not my opinion, that my scientific accurate description of your reality after watching this total clown shit show for 5 years and bing unable to stop you planet of zombies being so fucking suicidal and ignorant.
be aware warp speed may well be coming back check out the james roguski substack for the details
be aware . yes, don't do anything to stop it . heads up . someone is about to smack you in the head. Stand still and moan about it
Thank you for your continued efforts to bring clarity to what is happening post vaccination, especially to young people, mostly males. The COVID shots need to be taken from the market!!
This makes me wonder if my abnormally low platelet count (6k of normal range 150k - 450k) and minor heart attack a week later in September 2023, had anything to do with Pfizer 1st and 2nd vaccines in Feb 2021 and booster in Nov 2021.