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Don't you find it utterly remarkable that anyone and everyone could after 3 years,

not see clearly the Covid mRNA Fiasco is a daily IQ intelligence test for the rest of your life?

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100 billion in profits and all Pfizer rounds up is 20 standard lab mice for testing.

Is this some kind of sick Pfizer corporation inside joke? Or them giving us the finger?

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Both, probably.

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Oh yeah...as kids we said it in our house just for fun....Remarkabo! Hahaha luv it.

I bet I still say it. Not remembering where it all started. A+

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In case anyone imagined the public is seen as more than lab rats all doubt is removed!

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Actually, I believe it's more sinister than that. The pharmaceutical companies have worked to plan this very thing for years. Executives from the pharmaceutical companies working for the fed govt and vice versa and spending millions lobbying, they now have what they've always wanted no regulation to hold them accountable for neither the process nor the end product of vaccines that kills and maimes millions of people.

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Essentially agree except the vaccine liability waivers have been in place since 1986.

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If they knew their product would harm or kill people, they lose their immunity. davidmartin.world

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Hard to make that case when FDA had data submissions & every opportunity to request more & every drug product has some risk w adverse events. Actually the folks at the top toxic corps make great effort to not know the science just flashback to tobacco executives testifying to Congress. Even more important our governments run like Mafia operations & what odds they bite the hands that feed them to pursue justice for the peons, srsly?

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The key word was willful misconduct, they knew the vaccine would kill people. Remember Gates saying if we do a really good job, we can reduce the population. Event 301

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What's your point? Wouldn't trust CNBC to give me the weather & Hoover is huge NGO with heavy corp spin so it's unclear what you expect me to take from them on top of their dismissal of VAERS validity w other spin.

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Let the politicians, scientists, and hollywood stars take it first, since they are all in favor of it.

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But make sure it's the real stuff being foisted on the rest, not some saline shot or dsigner, special batch!

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Oh make it so....please!

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Bill Gates and Fauci first.

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This is CRIMINAL!!! The FDA hasn’t changed since Dr Arthur Sackler ran roughshod over the FDA. Sackler was responsible for thousands of deaths and addictions. This FDA IS GUILTY of murder.

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Far from hauling in record profits, they are panicking because demand has dropped so much. Moderna lost $1.4bn in Q2 - see here


They’ve made massive investments in manufacturing capacity, which in all likelihood will be wasted because of the collapse in demand. This is why fearporn is being ramped up for the respiratory virus season.

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Best news I’ve heard this month!

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Tsk, tsk, what a shame... They raked in more than enough, already,, to ride their laurels for a decade.

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This Emergency ...

Brought To You By Pfizer.


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In addition to the other problems in the study, their measure of effectiveness is of course antibody response, rather than any real clinical endpoint. Based on this work, it should not even be recommended for mice.

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And tested against the previous jab, not a placebo.

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Yes rule number one is never have a placebo. That's just good sciencing.

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Zero trust in the FDA, CDC, NIH and Beccera’s compromised, CORRUPT-INCOMPETENT HHS.

Big Pharma is “begging" for legislative restraint and legal accountability.

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Hmmm … wasn’t it the FDA that once said ‘You are not a horse. Stop it.’? Well let me remind the FDA — We are not mice. STOP IT.

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Guffaw. Best Comment of the Year Award!

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Will we at least know what happens to those poor mice?

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Of course not. But considering all the animals in past tests died prematurely, one may expect that result again..

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They do not even report the results of

any ongoing studies. This would give some comparable values to peruse and consider but they do not want anybody to see the MICE have died.

You should be looking for the results of

Longer term studies and the endpoint results if they even show they have endpoints.

It is rather obvious that there are problems as they do not even offer

Results or numbers.

Transparency of good result if there were any would help their sales and use.

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The mice give their lives to Science and then they are cremated. Once a year, Bourla ceremoniously wipes away a tear for all the mice and other experimental animals he's killed for the sake of Science.

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From the beginning of this calamity the only mistakes being made are by us victims who are going along with it. Many actions affecting us are crimes, not mistakes. For money. With zero authority, frontman Dr Anthony Fauci has manipulated and tricked the whole world into embracing criminals as saviors, and he continues to do so. The first time I saw Dr Fauci’s involvement in this, he was among a group of people onstage with President Trump. He wasn’t introduced or invited to the podium or acknowledged at all, and suddenly Fauci breezed past all assembled, including a seemingly disarmed Donald Trump, commandeered the microphone and took charge of the planet on behalf of flesh-and-blood Devils. Indictments must be pursued by the few remaining clearheaded leaders who actually have authority and know there is no obligation to respect malfeasant contractual agreements that license predation, injury and homicide.

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This the only way to stop the silliness to get rid of liability immunity.

Yes, this will delay many of the introductions of new


But it

Would make the transparency and

Better designed efficacy and safety studies that one could either accept or reject.

If no endpoints or

No results of at

Least the toxicity

Of the products

Then no approvals.

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Getting rid of liability immunity is necessary. But accountability is necessary for what’s already happened. Beware of anyone who says, “We must make sure this never happens again!” Notice what they’re NOT saying. What they’re NOT saying is, “We’re going to let them all go this time.”

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Military tribunal

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It’s the military that makes the Covid vaccines.

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They’re inventing a new class of mRNA based drugs and saving a ton of time and money using the public as guinea pigs. And like all good psychopaths they’re justifying their actions saying it’s all for the greater good. What Bernie Madoff was to finance these people are to medicine.

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I wouldn't even say they are using the public as guinea pigs, because they don't look at any post marketing data either. They are using the public as a cash cow only, and generally harming them with no recourse.

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No one can be certain that they’re not looking at data. Personally I strongly suspect they are. But not for any altruistic reasons.

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Good point!

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On behalf of old Bernie that is a very terribly unfair comment. After all the SIPC said he absconded (sort of) a total of about $18 billion, but they recovered in one way or another about $14.4 billion. So the investors lost 20% of their money (in general) so he wasn't that bad of a crook compared to the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve which have gotten rid of about 99% of our money since about 1914.

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Except Madoff never killed anyone...

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Don’t be so sure.

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No reason to quibble over what constitutes murder at this point, madoff was a criminal but these people are monsters unlike the US has ever seen before - they are DIRECTLY killing people with this mRNA bullshit and all of it leads to plenty of misery and suicide. Fighting over words on this substack isn't productive, my daughters are too young to understand what leads to suicide, I need them to know this fake vax is leading directly to painful deaths and the CDC NIH et al know it. Even Madoff represented a different simpler time in the world, whereas this is an evil unlike anything that came before, the "useless eaters" are being killed off and the world is teetering on collapse. Something else is also in play: I have too many relatively smart friends who are still boosting and they'd welcome a Madoff discussion to distract them from the truth of this genocide underfoot. I need to know what is brainwashing them cuz they used to be cynical towards all governments, now they practically sleep with a Fauci teddy bear. It's not just the fearporn it's something way more sinister and Maui-esque.

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Where do I get a Fauci teddy bear????

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Haha, how great would it be if it was made from the real thing?

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Best New Word of 2023 Award

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His actions may have led to suicide death, but not straight up murders, as is the case here.

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Death is death. Murder is murder. Doesn’t matter if direct or indirect. Many indirect scamdemic murders via stress induced alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide. Whether murder by injection or victimization it amounts to the same thing.

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GLK, if somebody robs a bank there might be suicide and despair left in the robbery's wake. This is formerly trusted organizations saying "Rob a bank and shoot the security guard on your way out, it's your civic duty!" Where I might lose everybody reading my comment is I don't think it's just a profit motive, something like nanoparticles or chemical brain control is controlling too many people, I have one heretofore healthy good friend who (not exaggerating) who had a heart attack after one of his 4 boosters and now has cancer who doesn't believe it's possible the mRNA (which was touted as 95% effective but then shortly after required boosters) is responsible, saying "heart problems and cancer runs in my family", but his parents and uncle lived into their 90's. My friend's eyes are vacant and his thoughts are always scrambled, I promise this story is true, and I have others too. Madoff was nothing compared to this craziness, and I need to know how so many people are brainwashed so I can throw myself in front of my 2 daughters and know what I'm fighting.

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I had a friend that died of bacterial pneumonia in March. Was a weight lifter. Picture of health. Like me and those in my circle he was unvaccinated. I believe the hospital killed him by mistreating his pneumonia with more lucrative covid protocols. He did not get the treatment he required. I also believe thousands more met the same fate. By your logic I should tell his widow that his death, while tragic, really doesn’t compare to those who died by directly via injection. You know, because some strangers on a message board said it’s not biblically legal and it’s akin to an indirect death from a bank robbery. You should’ve stopped at “no reason to quibble.”

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Morally, yes; legally no. Even under Biblical law that would not pass the test for being a murder, which would require the testimony of 2 or more witnesses.

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Just heinous.

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Surely you can see by now that this government has no intention of ever providing regulatory guidance? You are continuing to criticize these people as if there are doctors and health care workers who created this program. Yes there are doctors and nurses who are following military orders, but the entire project is a military project. You can check out Katherine Watt's substack where she presents the legal framework under which the DoD cannot be sued for contracting with a pharmaceutical company to produce a bioweapon, labeled "medical countermeasure". They then pretended that this medical countermeasure was a "vaccine," which you know it wasn't.

Please update your responses to tell the whole truth. This is not about a medical program, anymore than Nazis experimenting on Jews and Gypsies was a medical program.

This is not a program you can criticize for not attending to the fine points of safety testing. There was no requirement for safety testing from the start.

This was a plan to commit genocide.

If you want to criticize genocide for not being "helpful" to people, go ahead, but you are missing the whole point. There was no intention from the start to provide any kind of useful medication for people. The intention from the start was to kill and maim as many people as possible.

Not only that, but the government is continuing its genocide by insisting that everyone get a booster injection of the biochemical weapon.

We cannot get anywhere if we don't tell the truth about this program. It never was a public health program.

Forget about public health standards, which is one of your area of expertise. This was a genocide program.

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So the public are still their human trial subjects.

Just saying no is good but not good enough. While people take their injections they will continue. We have to educate the ignorant masses about how this so-called research is in fact a crime and how dangerous these injections are.

There will be a few who will not listen. But some will learn.

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Did they give the mice in the test group a series of the earlier injections to properly prime their immune system?

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