It’s been 3 years for most of my patients that got the jab, the side effects are not slowing down.

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Its so 😔 sad!! Jabbed or not (because of shedding).almost everyone needs to be on natural blood thinners. Nattokinase. Even aspirin. And some immunity helps. Jason Winters tea n Ivermectin.

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What are you seeing in patients that had a particularly severe case of Covid, no jab, no real treatment, whose immune system was compromised from being a cancer survivor, in this case Stage 4 Lymphoma? He’s been in remission for several years, we are having difficulty getting decent medical care. He’s suffering from what is assumed to be pneumonia. Not improving, has been on amoxicillin and tamiflu, after z pack. 53 years old.

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Go to Dr. MAKIS substack. Also can email him makisw79@yahoo.com.

for cancer protocols that have been working very well for many others.

Seems it works for many with even late stage cancer to take Ivermectin and Fenbendazole or Menbendazole. 3 days fasts. I bet it would also help his immunity. Worth trying. Nattokinase. And Jason Winters tea. And Quercetin and Vit D3- we take at least 20,000iu. (With a little vit. K)When persons get Covid some Docs even gave 200,000iu. It is hard to over dose. Theres books on the Sunshine Vitamin on Amazon. And see of he can find a Naturopath clinic to do Intravenous Vit C.

Oh.! Also. Is there any chance he has clots in his lungs

therefore making it appear like pneumonia?? Persons are getti g clots in their lungs. No joke. Nattokinase should help with this. And at a different time of day, baby aspirin. Especially before bed. Check that the doctor has been thorough enough. !! They are so lazy and uncaring these days. And dont do enough tests. Ypu got to be ypur own doctor and insist on all the tests. Was he given an Xray of lungs or MRI. ??We have good experience with Nattokinase, my Natropathic put me on it.

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Thank u Sky2A2

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Has been taking Quercetin with zinc, vitamin C & D3 w/K2. Will look into Nattokinase. Thank you for your advice.

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He has not been re diagnosed with cancer coming back. He’s so suspicious of medical care I can’t force him to take Ivermectin and Fenbendazole. Ivermectin didn’t help with terrible case of Covid but I think he started too late. So now he doesn’t believe in it. 😢

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Oh I understand. We were like that too. For awhile. About Ivermect.and other repurposed drugs. But we looked into it and studied it. And saw the video of the Doctor who discovered.it. the day he got the Nobel Prize.

Also sometimes I feel the Ivermectin we buy from Pharmacys is low grade and we need to use the Horse stuff and definitely UP the dose AND Fenben and a.few other products and herbal teas. Or supplements. Other people have been disappointed in its ability to keep Covid away. BUT they did get better soon!. And they forgot to assess if all their other health program was sufficient.

If i had covid as bad as they say it gets Id probably also ask for some prednizone and arithromycin. I wouldnt expect Ivermectin to do the whole job.

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Go to FLCCC protocol / lymphatic massage / tapping/ red light therapy…don’t give up

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The person has an issue with immunosuppression, Doesn’t matter if test negative… needs to improve immune function and power up those mitochondria.

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Folks here have other good suggestions too .

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Covid test came back negative.

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Doubtful lymphatic massage, red light therapy is available in our medical desert. Thank you.

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Buy a medical grade red light for home use. Look on Facebook marketplace or other 2nd hand sites. Many high quality devices are being sold as people upgrade to bigger units.

There is a Red Light Therapy researcher who has compiled research in a spreadsheet and this company has refined that data a bit further. Take a look at the data and consider this technology. Also get him out in the sun (see sunrise, get some mid afternoon sun, and see sunset). With as much skin exposed as possible and grounded (barefoot on the earth). RLT is simply try to mimic nature so do what is free first while you research other options.


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Be very careful about acting on medical advice from well meaning writers on this post. There is evidence that many of the suggestions here may be helpful but, usually, no one size fits all. Best to find a licensed professional with expertise in this area. He/she need not be an allopathic physician. You might want to look at the treatments people are recommending here and research who is publishing their results. Granted, the usual medical journals are biased. But do due diligence in investigating who is recommending the treatment and see if that person has a financial interest in what they are selling. Find out how many patients they have personally treated and if they can be accessed via telemedicine if you do not live nearby. I would have confidence in Dr. Makis and the physicians at the Independent Medical Alliance (formerly called the FLCCC). Their website is www.IMAhealth.org.

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Yes you are correct. And if I was battling any difficult or serious illness, I'd go to two dIfferent Natropathic doctors. And for sure Dr. Makis. And change eating habits to healthy whole foods.

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Have you looked at zeolite clinoptilolite, curcumin, mushrooms, vitamin c infusions? Have you ever heard of an Herbal PDR (physicians desk reference book)? It's awesome. You should maybe go to the wellness company's website and pay for a consultation with their physicians.

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Thank you. I’m dealing with a VERY difficult patient.

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You have to treat them with stealth.

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Consider adding colloidal silver. Refer to the treatment by ailment section of this book: https://indd.adobe.com/view/3e2f312a-b0cc-404c-b72d-0c2cc57b7c29

Also consider using silver in a nebulizer; no need to dilute.

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Thanks Ruth

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What strength? Brand?

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Dr. Pierre Kory has been treating patients suffering with long COVID for several years via his telehealth clinic: drpierrekory.com

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I’m so sorry to see this about patients, such as yours, and hope that they too discover ways to improve their health for the long term. Thank you very much for your contributions. They are certainly helpful in continuing to battle this devastation.

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Could you please tell your audience how and where we can go to get our blood tested to see how much spike protein we have floating around In our blood and whether or not we have any nanobots or graphing oxide due to the mRNA shots? I've been trying to find this information on where we can go and I can't find it. Could you please help your audience? Thank you for all you're doing I really like the information you put out!!

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A 4,000 mag darkfield microsope is needed, like Dr Ana Mihalcea uses to see these things, see her Substrack site. Choosing one, learning how to use one and learning how to analyse what you see is another thing.

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Still dying up here in Canuckistan. My X had a young sister and she took the jab, and sitting in her car said "I do not feel well" then slumped forward DEAD.

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Oh no! I’m so sorry to see this and every one of these types of cases. May she rest in eternal peace. Farewell and stay up on your immune defenses. It is so very important, especially now.

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We tend to look on those who take the jab as stupid BUT we all trust our doctors...in my case there were three expert specialists who set me straight. Why should it be necessary to research our doctors?

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At this point in the COVID mRNA shot long game would you say the same about those people? Regardless of how much they trust their doctor there's so much evidence out there. If they choose to walk into a buzzsaw At this point there's not much you can say or do to wake them up. It really is sad.

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Excellent, imo. I look forward to seeing Senator Johnson hold hearings so our health “authorities” are forced to respond to this paper, among numerous others.

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UPDATE Sun, Feb 9:

The full Senate vote on RFK's nomination will be this week.

Keep up the calls, which are critical now. Call & email your two senators, as well as the following, enthusiastically urging them to side with the health of our children, not the profits of pharma. Tell them NOT to defend a multi-trillion-dollar medical bureaucracy that has utterly failed to protect Americans’ health. RFK is uniquely and supremely qualified to reverse chronic illness that is disabling and bankrupting our country, and clean up the corruption that is creating the most toxic food supply in the world. Succinctly telling your own story is helpful, if you wish.


Your 2 senators, find here: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm

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Susan Collins (ME-R) @SenatorCollins

DC Number: (202) 224-2523

Email: https://www.collins.senate.gov/contact

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Lisa Murkowski (AK-R) @LisaMurkowski

DC Number: (202) 224-6665

Email: https://www.murkowski.senate.gov/contact

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Mitch McConnell (KY-R) @LeaderMcConnell

DC Number: (202) 224-2541

KY Number (has voicemail): (502) 582-6304

Email: https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=ContactForm

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Cory Booker (NJ-D) @SenBooker

DC Number: (202) 224-3224

Email: https://www.booker.senate.gov/contact/write-to-cory

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Andrew Kim (NJ-D) @AndyKimNJ

DC Number: (202) 224-4744

Email: https://www.kim.senate.gov/contact/

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Sheldon Whitehouse (RI-D) @SenWhitehouse

DC number: (202) 224-2921


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John Hickenlooper (CO-D) @SenatorHick

DC number: (202) 224-5941


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If their DC number voice mail is full, call their number at their state office.

ALSO, submit your statement for the record by Tue, Feb 11:


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Best and most helpful comment of the day.

Nearly every comment should be about how to make a difference.

For six decades we Boomers were insidiously programed to believe America is a democracy just because we vote and the Democrat Party State is your savior.

America is a unique Constitutional Republic, the citizenry owns it, not the hierarchy of society that subjugates by pandering to democratic platitudes that cannibalize itself.

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ADD the following:

Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) @SenatorCantwell

DC Number (202) 224-3441


We have THREE DAYS to flood the senate. Every voice counts.

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ADD the following:

Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) @SenatorCantwell

DC Number (202) 224-3441


We have THREE DAYS to flood the senate. Every voice counts. Don't let up.

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NOTE that it doesn't matter if you're their constituents, they are accountable to all Americans. They need to hear us loud and clear to get on the right side of history by confirming RFK before it's too late for our ailing, disabled and dying country. The country and world are watching.

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John Fetterman (D-PA) @SenFettermanPA

DC Number (202) 224-4254


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Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) @SenGillibrand

DC Number: (202) 224-4451


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My batches (EN6204; EW0167) were a combined 5x worse (for deaths anyway) than this case's EW0175 batch. Hard to blame my lacunar infarct on the jab juice (only four solid Bradford Hill criteria checked) but seeing a case 555 days post-jab, it gives credence to a temporality argument. Who knows what long term effects that we'll be seeing?

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Is there any way to get access to tissue samples taken during the autopsy of this man? Since an autopsy was done, I’m assuming that someone wanted to understand the COD. The family, apparently, consented to the autopsy.

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I understand you can request tissue samples after an autopsy, as they are kept for a certain amount of time. I would think only the family would have access unless they signed a release.

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A sad story but it is good to know that you continue to gather evidence that may be needed in future trials.

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I’m curious to know why now and why not closer to the date of the jab? Is it simply because some bodies are stronger than others?

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This helps to explain why young, seemingly healthy adults are mysteriously dying.

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Bill Gates must die.

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This is terrifying. So many of my loved ones were duped into taking these. I just assumed they were in the clear since it’s been a couple years. Apparently not.

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That poor man. If that was my son and I knew the shot did this to him I would flip out!

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Well, 5 to 10 years life expectancy when myocarditis is diagnosed....it seems this toxic biological weapon really has legs. These scumbag globalists wef Rockefellers Rothschilds masons must be soooo proud!

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It’s not complicated. When people surrender all they know believing that history is unimportant, indeed all past practices surrender to artificial intelligent creators that eventually cannibalizes democracy, then they have begun the exponential marching in lockstep down a dystopian road to utopia without guardrails. Here, even medicine that is only about humanity breaks its own standard that was long determined on the precipice of past discovery. Progressing cautiously, is now antithetical. AI has identified the strands of DNA, boring it’s way down the rabbit hole of inquiry, “now what happens if we place the cart before the horse” says the programmer, brushing aside the cumbersome ethics and morality of the physician, AI is about combined knowledge, and speed of progress, outcome is self perpetuating.

“We got it”! We already have China global Pharma and the cohort signature from the bureaucracy about Jabs, themselves burdened by their own government mantra of “for the good of all”, but they have unburdened all collaborators by generously removing all liability. We long ago cleared the dystopian road for AI to make and market medicine, three decades since the miracle of TV propaganda began the process of advertising medications simultaneously purging physicians into becoming corporate Socialized “practitioners” with increments of partial hours per dollar schedules like auto mechanics.

Really, and you refuse to believe global cabals have been working on this social engineering for six decades knowing AI was coming? Capturing your Representatives by complicity of wealth. Their eugenicist friends working on instant abortion, any time, anywhere on one end, assisted suicide the others, and expunging the nuclear family in between. Neither the Oligarchy nor government ever spends their own money, collateral damage increasingly indifferent to the masses, it falls under oops. Your money, your life.? Good luck finding a physician un purged.

Oh look, we’re all becoming little doctors, learning strange names, fumbling around in the midst of malaise, real and imagined, ain’t it great? Who needs a doctor if you can find one. Between China Pharma, with the big five or six labels on the chems all we need are the practitioner's thumbs up (for now), and Amazon delivers. Soon it will all be totally free, and all you need do is give up your first born.

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555 days soon to be 5,555 with new safe and effective mRNA poisons.

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