Thank you for persisting, for all of us. My heart goes out in prayer for all who have been both harmed and deceived.

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Me too! And, likewise, for all those exposing the pure evil darkness!

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Amén! My prayers haven’t ceased for this to come to light. It literally has, to the light of a gazillion screens! If it hasn’t already, I think its pretty much guaranteed.

It’s impressive how unity where it’s needed, is what matters in the end. Our love for humanity and wondrous earth is keeping us who seek truth and peace prevailing. Never lose hope.

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We don’t want anyone to die. Especially when it’s the government behind it.

Mark Zuckerberg pinned a letter to Congress informing them that he indeed was censoring articles that our government didn’t want made public. He laid it out as he was strong armed, bullied, and blackmailed to keep any evidence against our healthcare systems, the vaccine for Covid or heaven forbid, treatment other than the vaccines, which we know did nothing to stop or prevent Covid. So, why is it still happening? Are they still being controlled as a propaganda machine of our government? One would think his public acknowledgment of his and his companies bad acts that he no longer has any reason to continue the censoring of articles such as this one and countless others pertaining to our health issues, but he does! Why is this still happening? I can assure you he is. I have had every article written about this horrific tragedy. People are still getting the vaccine. Big pharma is still promoting vaccines and anti vaccine articles are now SPAM. They’ve continued to remove any medically evidence based articles and not one has been removed because of misinformation, disinformation and malinformation. SPAM. What the heck is spam? I’ve not heard that term used since the early days of email, yet there it is. They are not identifying which articles they deem as spam.

Is it possible that the swine flu pandemic is on its way, along with three vaccines that are ready and waiting? These haven’t been tested yet on humans but the FDA is giving them a green light? The WHO and their pandemic treaty is gearing up to take over our sovereign medical care without any congressional approval at all and Facebook knows what’s coming so why stop their propaganda factchecking?? That’s my opinion. It won’t be long until I’m removed from Facebook entirely and includes its messenger app too. The algorithm on my account has pushed me into a black hole where my public account is so far down the cycle that I’m lucky if my closest family and friends see it at all. I’m a nobody. So I’m certain if it’s happening to my account I can only imagine what it’s going to be like for you and others who have the knowledge and the platform to reach millions and millions of people? I pray it can be stopped prior to Trump’s inauguration. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏time is short but I sense something is coming soon.

Thank you for your service to humanity. We must all come together. Time to set aside politics and stop this madness.

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I can only suggest you leave FB behind you and move to X for comms and Rumble for video podcasts

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I’m there as well! Truth social too. Thank you. I just want proof of what he’s still doing. Or at least until Trump gets back into the oval again…..

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Thank you 🙏 for your perseverance it is enormously important to us injured & bereaved. More people aware the better x

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You probably have succeeded this time because the Trump tidal wave is coming. And it is going to drown intellectual liars and those who censored the truth. And I say,”Hallelujah, praise be the Lord God on High!”

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Tidall wave? Drown the censors? I can't see it happening.

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Oh ye of little faith. There are more than 700,000 SEALED INDICTMENTS and each can have up to 99 names. More than 70M are going to be HELD TO ACCOUNT in THIS LIFE--then AGAIN when they have to face God Almighty for what they have done to HUMANITY. EXPOSURES COMING!

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I don't think they're going to do anything to anybody. He had 4 years "to lock her up" and he did nothing. Please watch this video to help you understand that there is no man or govt that will help us. The only help we have is our faith in Jesus Christ!


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This hasn’t aged well has it.

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See my little book, "VIVIT: A timely message from God." ( Amazon).

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Not going to happen in this life! The powers that be are far more powerful than you realize. Goes all the way into the 2nd most powerful being in the universe. Satan protects his own, until he's done with them. Then, he throws them under the bus. The evil of these corporations is addressed in the Book of Revelation..."Come out of her, My people, or share in her PLAGUES"!!

Look up the New Testament Greek translation for "sorcery". It is "Pharmacea...the use of drugs and occult" The Bible says, ain several places, that " those who practice sorcery ( pharmacaea) will NOT be in His Kingdom. They will be reserved for the " lake of fire".

The Greek word for pharmacist is "poisoner". Yet we continue to line up for destructive, toxic drugs, not just the vax, but all pharma drugs!..."Like sheep to the slaughter, all day we are killed". God's judgements are righteous. Trust In man ...get whatever man wants to do to you. Trust absolutely in God...get what He promises!

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Nov 19Edited

yes....come out of babylon, the one world woke system...group think BS, the one that wanted EVERYONE to get the poison jab...the one thats is trying to get CBDC digital money...the one that when you hear 'one religion' you'll know we're at the end. The system that tried to censor EVERYONES individual voice over the last 12 yrs...that started with cancel culture under demon oboma. Bush really started this nightmare after his planned 9/11 detonation of all the NYC buildings and blamed on planes and middle eastern BS. IT WAS BUSH/CHENEY orchestrating/colluding the whole damn thing....no amount of bushy gaslighting will ever change the fact of his demonic destruction of our personal rights. REmember bush/clinton/oboma doing their media blitz MSM sales pitch to get you poisoned by needle b/c of a fake pandemic?? they're all in collusion. If you think they gave a rat shit about your health, you need to wake up.

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You just watch RFK Jr. In action.

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Praise be! All political issues aside. Thank you.

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Hope so. Doubt tho. He is so far consistently championing them and ignoring the conversation entirely.

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Thankyou Nicolas and colleagues. Magnificent and unassailable.

Beat their swords into ploughshares.

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Hopefully all the work you and your colleagues, in Canada, are doing will also bear fruit. You are up against tyrannical forces and I wish you every success. There may be some good movement in Alberta.

I don't think Mr. Trump will have any alternative but to remove the mRNA shots from the market. There has to be a ground swell of opposition to the technology now that Dr. Naomi Wolf and her team of 3,250 researchers have revealed what Pfizer and the FDA wanted to hide for 75 years.

Please take a few minutes and listen to this interview with Del Bigtree and Naomi Wolf. At the 11 minute mark of this interview Dr. Wolf discloses that Pfizer knew within three months of rollout that the shot didn't work. At the 13 minute mark she also reveals that Pfizer and the CDC etc. knew the shots caused heart problems by April 2021. At the 19 minute mark she talks about the major concerns for reproduction and since over 70 percent of adverse events were from woman they may have been targeted. https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/dr-naomi-wolf-reveals-shocking-details-in-the-pfizer-papers-2/ I may be misinterpreting the information revealed at the 19 minute mark but if I was a woman I would feel abused and violated by what the shots might be doing to me. Similarly the new self-replicating vaccines are they also likely to head to the ovaries? Why are the women's groups so silent?

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Let's hope that is the case -- that Trump, Kennedy, et al 'have no alternative but to remove the mRNA shots from the market'. Each day that these lethal products remain available for recommendation by unscrupulous doctors to credulous patients, more injuries and deaths will occur. If the United States acts quickly to shut down this deadly scam, other countries will follow.

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But now the self replicating shots are coming, too!

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Another ingenious Gates-funded mass-murder device. To their shame, the Japanese Ministry of Health has approved this deadly experiment. But it looks like the Japanese people will not accept it. There is a great deal of power in simply refusing to comply -- just say no.

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I hope and pray they move extremely quick as they would for things that benefit.

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"Dr. Wolf discloses that Pfizer knew within three months of rollout that the shot didn't work"

What? They knew from the moment it was being planned years ago. Like the post-1955 epidemic of cancer. Please see my book Consider the LIlies (2013):. Pdf here: https://gumshoenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/lillies_book_20Jan2014_highres368.pdf

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It's called "pharmacaea".

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'Virus' is Latin for 'VENOM'....HMMMMMM!

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It is shockingly concerning to me and any woman who knows about these things. I hope you’re right about the new admin having to pull the kill shots. I refuse to call them something they’re not. Peace and wellness to you. Thank you for bringing this up and the jaw dropping interview. Total tyrannical insanity.

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they knew well before that! kindly scroll down to my comment to Ms Maxwell

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Intelligence has been bred out of doctors of medicine.

The field attracts conformists.

The process rewards those who bow to authority.

Their educations are nothing more really than a standardized process yielding standardized dullards.

Any decent lawyer could take a look at the mountains of research that the field is based upon, and with a little sunlight, expose what, in the end, is, well,

Medical Madness.

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The problem may not be intelligence, but cajones, testicular fortitude, vertebral osteoporosis and osteomalacia-totalis, moral integrity, compounded by lack of independence—90+% of physicians are employees, employed by hospital or insurance or pharmacy based healthcare systems that were all being paid through HHS by the DOD for a quasi military operation that had been in place for at least a decade & half & only recently branded Operation Warp Speed. They were threatened with loss of jobs, specialty certification, hospital privileges & even license. And these weren’t empty threats as I and others can attest.

See flccc.net, Vaccine Safety Research Foundation & look up Pierre Kory, MD, Paul Marin, MD, Meryl Nass, MD, and others.

I am disappointed in my colleagues that more did not honor their Hippocratic oath and obligations to their patients, but I understand as an employee and with family and other financial responsibilities it would be harder than it was for me @ the end of my career & financially set.

The medical profession has some serious soul searching to do; and the health care system needs a thorough investigation, overhaul and restructuring. Physicians should not be employed except by a physician group & then only until they can become an independent contractor or a partner in a group.

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So could a decent car mechanic.

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First you prove that natural immunity is superior to any of the fucking crap people put inside themselves.

That establishes that there’s no need for Vaccines.

With no need for vaccines, you have, ipso facto, demonstrated that there’s no need for gain of function research.

I will leave it to you to understand the logic of that.

Finally, you demonstrate that gain of function research to date has failed to produce an airborne pathogen, capable of poisoning an entire human population.

Beyond that, Natural Immunity is a misnomer. It’s actually Natural Resolve.

The flu symptoms people are so mesmerized by are actually the toxins coming out of their body. Not a response to toxins coming in.

It’s all sepsis.

The one thing all organs of the body share is that blood circulates through them.

Proteins and Toxins that are not properly evacuated from someone’s body pass to the blood. Or if you’re a complete fucking moron, you inject those very same toxins into your blood.

The vaccines are essentially turbo sepsis.

I intend to prove these points and more. Simply. While I change the oil in my car.

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Exactly. You are right.

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Amen to that! I could write a book about malpractice— was given a pill that was never tested in women. I didn’t know I was pregnant and baby had birth defect. Baby survived (only one I could have) and will be 31 next week. Still has problems

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Thanks Nicholas for your astute persistence in exposing this travesty.

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And the embalmers were being filmed pulling out never before seen HUMONGOUS and VERY LONG BLOOD CLOTS from the arteries and veins of bodies that had died suddenly.

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Read testimony from embalmers at the National Citizens Inquiry in Canada. The clots are real.

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Just from 2022-2023, transcripts of videos (and excerpts therefrom) about the fibrinaloid clots:


Best source for updates on the topic right now is Laura Kasner's blog Clotastrophe


(photos are not for the squeamish)

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Thanks for links

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Who introduced the universal mandate that prevented medical autopsies for Covid related deaths? This enforcement shut the gate on any revelations as to causality that involved both Covid "infection" and Covid "vaccine" injury. This strategy was devised by the "table-top planners" back in 2015 because big Pharma knew that such independent evidence would immediately reveal the hoax that was said to be "safe and effective".

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I remember reading back in the early days of the pandemic, after the vaccine rollout, that autopsies were not even “allowed” to be done, and I wish your article would have touched on this subtopic! I think I read this from “Died Suddenly.“ Consequently, the only evidence they were able to get their hands on was from postmortem embalmers. Can you shed any light on this, or at least give a true or false response?

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We had family members die in LA and no autopsies were performed, even thought they were 42, and 51 years old. Jabbed.

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I’m so sorry for your losses! We have got to hold these evil ones accountable, and sooner rather than later‼️

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Thank you. There's a lot to hold them accountable for, but I'm not going to hold my breathe.

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You’re right about the autopsies not being allowed. Please, don’t get me started. And rubbery clots? They’ve been seen even in the living- AND they continue growing post mortem! It’s not a joke.

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The vaccine is basically a bad airbag. It is in desperate need of recall. But too many will take the path of an establishment-type who will want to "repeal and replace" it like Obamacare. Once these things are quasi-government, medical products, you're going to have a hell of time getting rid of them. And with this one, the mother of all pharmaceutical-industrial failures, driven by unprecedented corruption, we'll be lucky to get anyone in government to do anything. Government doesn't reduce what it doesn't replace with something more soul-crushing to your freedoms. If Trump and the gang can make inroads into this abomination of grift and medical malpractice, it will be to their everlasting credit.

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be to their everlasting credit.

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Congratulations! The importance of this monumental study is that it documents a large enough number of causal deaths to justify the withdrawal of the genetic injectable products from the market. I will crosspost later today.

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It is interesting to see how long it is taking our society to recognize they are in the middle of a Democide. Now, obviously the goals of the democide have not been reached, in fact, while millions have died, the goal was for billions to have died. Be that as it may, the lack of appreciation for the greatest mass murder in human history is not well recognized (yet).

My paper, the Great Democide: https://primerascientific.com/journals/pssrp/PSSRP-02-066

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KP Stoller

I skimmed over your writing. Here is a resource that might help fill in some of your blind spots.

Video and Transcript - Session 97 Open Secrets


The Peoples Voice | Marburg and Attorney Callender


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Never been more proud of anything in my life as I am for spending the hours and hours of reading research and seeking out those who questioned all the medical censorship! I tried to pass along info to family (who listened) and friends (most listened). No one I know who did not get the shots has died in the last 4 years, even though a lot of my friends are in the 70-80+ age group. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same of those who were boosted. Latest one I saw on a Saturday, hale and running around, died suddenly the next day. He was 80 and had just had his flu/covid combo shot on the prior Wednesday. I’m sure it was just a coincidence.

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Congratulations on getting this out. I think that the captured science publications are in for a slow death not unlike that of the MSM, and it is something they have worked hard to earn. No sympathy whatsoever for those stifling any scientific discourse. If they can’t debate with their evidence,they are not qualified to work anywhere near the field.

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The clots found at autopsy are caused by the graphene oxide in the jabs, which has resulted in millions of microscopic razor blades slashing through the body. Thus the internal bleeding, thus the clotting. SO EVIL. No wonder so much heart damage.

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It’s the sickest and most despicable type of thing anyone can commit to. There’s a place for them too.

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Make America Healthy Again--it can't happen soon enough.

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I hope the recalling of these inoculations occurs sooner rather than later. My grandbaby, yet to be born in Vermont, the state that loves these jabs, is in the line of fire at 6 MONTHS OF AGE!!! RECALL NOW!

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