The agenda of Pfizer, Moderna et al. not to leave out Monsanto-Bayer or whatever it's now going by, is clearly to me an effort to depopulate the planet. I surely hope that RFK Jr. is able to fulfill his promises.

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I noted Robert Malone in the audience at the acceptance speech.Heres hoping he’s liasing with the powers that be to that effect.

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Thank you to all involved!

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Seeing this SPAM message everywhere lately.

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All vaccines and mRNA poisons must be eradicated from use.

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Yes! Most importantly this has to be at the “Top of the List” for President Elect Trump!


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Excellent news.... Thank you for the research & the call to action!

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Thank you Lord…. blessings for writing this article… we have been embroiled in this battle since 2020. I have followed you Dr. McCullough since the beginning as well as Dr. Alexander and I’ve been a member of the Wellness company from the beginning…To all of you brave doctors brave medical researchers, thank you for standing up and not being intimidated into

inaction…We have been ridiculed, labeled, lost our jobs, but we stood our ground & never gave up. Perhaps today is a day that many of us can take a deep breath and realize this can never happen again ever….

So many people were harmed, so many people died so many children harmed & little babies & pregnant women. They were given a faux vaccine or shall I say a bioweapon. It is horrific what has been done. From the bottom of my heart I thank you… finally the good hearts, and the good minds have shut down this element of destruction that sadly invaded the medical profession. It also invaded our country and the globe…..

Now Tedros needs to lose his job because he plays ball with the “Depopulation Dozen”.

God bless all the doctors who were given the unfortunate label of the” disinformation dozen”. They were the brave Doctors, the ones who stood up and I am ever so thankful to one of those doctors who advised me back in the beginning of 2020 of details that no one could ignore.

Since then we have put one foot in front of the other every day to fight against the killing machine that affected us globally not just here in the states. Here’s to truth, here’s to living up to our oath to do no harm. God Bless! Goodbye globalists, WEF, UN AGENDA, NWO & THE WHO.

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Hear, hear! Well said!

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17 million lives could have been saved with this news. My husband would probably be alive if the real data and studies results would have been out and taken seriously, and most likely the jab would never have been approved. And now what can I say to a work colleague who also lost his wife of 33 years to an agressive colon cancer? To families who will never add 2 and 2 that their loved one's death was shot-related? To two moms with babies with health issues? to all those stuck with new health issues such as high blood pressure? who would believe me anyways unless the papers make it in MSM?

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This is a super frustrating daily occurrence for me too. So many don’t connect the dots!😜😡

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Hardly anyone watches MSM, especially if younger. Lots and lots of people would believe you, even if some would not admit it.

Sorry for your loss.

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It’s horrifyingly sad and I’m still angry. So very sorry for your loss 😢

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In Canada, the National Citizens Inquiry called for suspension of the mRNA shots in November 2023.

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Unfortunately the minions in government and MSM completely ignored the research and the recommendation. A pox on all their houses.

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Goody gumdrops. Hooray!

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Pharmaceutical Indemnity must be removed!!

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They have to ban Pharma ads on TV first.

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Immediate ban on mRNA LNP products of every kind! Ban fluoride, GMO’s, glyphosate, & chem trails too while you’re at it. Then maybe we can have some recovery of our health.

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And, if not outright banning, drastically reduce all microwave transmissions.

Ban seed oils, promote saturated fats and cholesterol.

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I had to look twice at that first table...

That's TWO THOUSAND times more likely to get a CVT from the covid-19 vaccines than from the influenza vaccines. TWO. THOUSAND. TIMES.

It's a bioweapon, nothing short of it.

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Congratulations. Nice to see an Indian journal have more integrity and grit than the Anglo-American cartel journals.

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Isn't this study enough to get them halted now? At least a pause for review.

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There have been thousands of studies, previously published, which should have done that. Pfizer's own data should have done that.

Things look brighter now, I doubt they will be allowed much past Jan 20th - if Trump and team don't ban them, then they will not have cleaned out the Health Agencies as promised.

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And the USA is still pushing this COVID vac scam….doctors must come out now to stop it totally but they are not…are they getting rebates from Big Pharma for each person they inject with genetic trash in the liquid???…very likely…we need to expose just how much and who are those making the most money exposing their patients to harm.

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