folks this is being done on purpose.

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Bioengineering geo engineering with our tax $$$$ shut them down …..do no harm all they do is harm

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These mad scientists and their funder/ enablers should be ordered to immediately cease and desist or face imprisonment.

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While everyone keeps paying taxes? It's easy to say what others must do, but are you prepared to stop paying taxes or stop paying loans to banks? After all that is funding all this.

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We cannot accomplish this without an organized and unified voice. Yet, people foolishly continue to wait for a politician to take action on their behalf—an illusion that will never materialize.

It is imperative that we organize and act upon the principles of the Second Amendment. Those responsible for engineering these viruses to destroy our food supply must face the harshest punishments imaginable, ensuring that no one would ever dare accept a bribe from the ruling establishment to carry out such heinous acts again.

Anything less than decisive action is a failure, and it guarantees that we will condemn our grandchildren to a future of unimaginable suffering. The cowardice and willful ignorance we display today will become their burden tomorrow.

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Disgusting and evil propaganda, or bioengineering to destroy humanity. Do not comply

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Yawn. Another pack of flying lies. Let's see the proof. There is NO birdy flew of any kind and never has been. Do you know that they spray the young chicks with this vaccine crap right after birth and then this causes unvaccinated chicks to perish?

The want to destroy the food supply as eggs are very healthy and chicken meat is or was readily available. Finding some breasts with bone-in is becoming harder. All they have is boneless and skinless and I wonder how fabricated it is. Maybe like Mickey's chicken Yucknuggets. Gross.

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You are absolutely correct - there is no bird flu, this is being done for an agenda, which is to scare people into taking ridiculous medical procedures and probably worse (such as more lockdowns)

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True about difficulty in finding boned chicken breast. The essential fatty parts appear to be all but removed, as well.

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I personally don’t like the fat. I was never a good cook, obviously. I would coat the breast meat with olive oil and cover with coconut flour and various herbs and spices. Suited my taste very well.

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There are some strange statements in this post:

1."they spray the young chicks with this vaccine crap right after birth"

Chickens hatch out of eggs hence they are not "birthed"

2.this causes unvaccinated chicks to perish?

Why should the "unvaccinated" chicks perish because the others are "sprayed"?

3."The want to destroy the food supply"

Who are The? We are not told who the actor is...

4. "Finding some breasts with bone-ins is becoming harder"

Just walk into any super market and there are freezers full of whole chickens...bones and all.

I have a question for Crixcyon ---

How many total "vaccines" and "boosters" have you taken?

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OMG -> is all of your (author and commentator) participation in this continued theater real? Take shots, hide in your homes, and starve because your food supply is needlessly being destroyed. Or, you can READ old biology and understand that RNA is replication incompetent and can't do pandemic, READ about the PCR test and how it was fraudulently used to create the illusion of a spreading pathogen, and READ about how fear, isolation, lack of care, high levels of oxygen, denial of antibiotics, steroids, etc. killed...

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Yet again: no PCR test. PCR is just an amplifier. Any actual test would be ethidium fluorescence or the like.

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It is very difficult for people who have not been following this debacle for at least three years to understand how all these 'oversights' and frauds led up to at least ONE BILLION DEATHS world wide. And it is not stopping yet. Understanding all of this requires perserverance and attention to detail.

I don't know many folks who understand what a PCR test is and why it is not used to diagnose diseases, do you?

I remember about three years ago or more a stranger showed up at my apartment and said she needed some samples for a government survey. Then she crammed a Q-tip way up my nose that felt very cold. Since that time I have understood there was some quite dangerous chemical on that Q-tip which eats away at the fragile membrane that separates the nasal passage from the brain. It was done purposefully to cause damage. I feel very violated by that.

I have never taken any "vaccines" or allowed any more such violations (another word for rape} of my person. However, people have attacked my disabled husband and injected him with this bioweapon without my knowledge or consent. As his 24 hr a day care-giver, I feel this was a violation not just of him...but of me as well. I am furious about this.

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Be careful, 1 billion deaths is quite an exaggeration. A few million, sure...

Yes, I have read and watched videos about PCR. To do it properly, is time consuming and complicated, but accurate. There were over 200 Emergency Use Authorizations for this test during the nonsense. Clearly, they were lacking proper controls and sophistication to do it at large scale as compared to doing it in a real lab. It was way more fraudulent than cycle threshold (the extent of magnification).

Don't know if a chemical on a swab briefly shoved into your nasal passages has a high probability to make you seriously ill (certainly possible), but it is a clear case of 'rape' and YOU HAVE NOW GIVEN YOUR DNA AWAY.

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The deep state is up to its old tricks.

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What a coincidence...🤔

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Deja vu , right in cue- Here we go again.

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What was their MECHANISM of/for TESTING??


We're (THEY'RE) just doing the SAME, EXACT THING that they did for 'CV19'!

And that IS..........LYING!

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And even if this bird flu virus was real, where are the chickens getting the virus from. It just seems to magically appear in various places. Sure!

Oh!! And now NO EGGS here in CA Los Angles area in the grocery stores. Governor Gruesome did that!!

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Eggs aren't many, here in CT, either.

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Enough of fear mongering. Another outbreak of LIES....this time near USDA Lab ...the "Gain of fiction" strikes again

"The same thing appears to be happening again. Oddly enough, it’s precisely the same cast of characters as last time."

Dr. Mike Yeadon: You’re Being Lied to About Chicken Influenza


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Mike Yeadon...at least one courageous individual is speaking up. It's a miracle he has not been "processed" yet. I have read all his recent statements concerning the murderous plandemic and the poison injections. He is truly awesome. Also LIONESSS OF JUDAH MINISTRY is one of my go-to sources of information.

Many thanks, LIONESS and you truly are a brave and fearless fighter as your name implies.

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Exactly! It's all a huge scam, just like with "COVID," the "virus" they made up on a computer (see the phony "Fan Wu" paper with the "in silico" modelling - they literally just made the "virus" up with a computer program!). When are the writers of this substack going to really be courageous, do the real research, and find out the truth rather than pushing the same lies? Probably not anytime soon, because they'd rather make money selling their gargles, sprays, supplements and whatever.

Mike Yeadon is truly courageous! And brilliant. Anyone who is still reading "Courageous Discourse" needs to check out Mike Yeadon to find out the truth about this whole scam (the Baileys - two MDs in New Zealand - are also doing great work, especially on "viruses." See Dr. Sam Bailey substack). Thank you, Lioness, for spreading the word!

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Enough already!!

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Jan 18Edited

The inauguration is Monday, so I thought there would be a lot more bird flu around by now.

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Well they have to get the ball rolling ahead of time… like California already declaring a state of emergency … pre emergence planning … it will be interesting to see what happens moving forward

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Another shite storm no doubt! Adding to the already tense situation in Cali, will not bode well for their puppets. It’s direct provocation to cause chaos. I’m sorry and afraid for everyone there~ and the rest of us while we wait for the next surprise those low life scoundrels plan. Enough already!!

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They need Trump in so he can get Warp Speed 2 going and inject his supporters all over again as the last batch didn't kill enough of them.

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I think you’re mistaken. Trump was following the advice of his experts “at the time”. They were all wrong as we’ve found. Very wrong. Except for Fauci they are all in hiding. We’ll see if Trump will agree with RFK Jr. & removes those covid jabs. Then we’ll know for sure. Until then I’d like to keep an open mind. So much more info is on the table now although I never believed anyone needed the poison jab. I must say that Trump did follow Dr. Zelenko’s Covid protocol after he was discharged from the hospital after Covid. Zelenko called him. He said nothing to us. I believe his Drs. feared loosing their licenses. But time will tell. We must not presume until then.

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How convenient.

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Trials and then the Death penalty for these pukes! 🔥😈🔥😈🔥😈

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dream on. If only there were judges, lawyers and juries up to this world shaking task

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And egg prices keep going up. These people are trying to drive us into a food crisis. I suspect their efforts to wreak havoc will increase to make trouble for the new administration.

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Actually here in CA Los Angeles area as of yesterday, NO EGGS at two grocery stores I went to. Thanks Gruesome!!

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I’m hoping after Monday, better practices are put into place.

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