BREAKING--NEJM Paper Calls for Vaccine Safety Research
Do Authors Want to "Prove" Vaccines are Safe and Boost Acceptance or Really Investigate Harms?
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The New England Journal of Medicine has been notable throughout the pandemic as an effective and relentless vaccine promoter. Not a single paper has questioned the safety or effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines, nor has any author even in a letter-to-the-editor been allowed to call for a moratorium of the relentless mass vaccination campaign.

Now a brief perspective piece has been published led by Dr. Daniel Salmon along with a small group of experts calling for funding of vaccine safety research. TrialSite News has profiled the authors in their recent OPED on the report. My interpretation of the paper is that the authors’ intention is to bolster public confidence of vaccines with the goal of increasing vaccine acceptance. This is very different than what many want to see happen with vaccine safety research including: 1) identification of unsafe vaccines to remove from human use, 2) methods to improve safety such as restrictive use according to patient parameters, 3) development of safer vaccines by drug companies, 4) management strategies for vaccine injury syndromes.
At any level, one could ask if vaccines were “safe and effective” as presented to us over the decades, why would we need vaccine safety research now? Obviously beneath the surface is an ocean of concerns about adverse events after immunization.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
Once again, no one is touching my son with ANY vaccine.
SHHHHHH! Dr. McCollough, It's doing what it's intended to do. Injections were meant to depopulate safely & effectively ... What have they misled? Is it not safely & effectively killing people? Is anyone fighting back? Is there blood in the streets? Are PEOPLE DYING? I'd humbly say, it is a complete & successful depopulation. On every level from Murdering people with remdesivir & vents as to instill the initial fear as to deploy the arbitrary cure (death injection) I'd say they've ran this operation depopulation 100% effectively and to their credit, they all seem to be sitting perched above the death and destruction safely. SAFE & EFFECTIVE ....FOR WHOME? Exactly themselves.... This phase is over... time to prepare for the next...All that's left here is to watch people die miserably and painfully... I've read that these new cancers can't even be managed with traditional pain relief medicines... yea, this is a wash... it's time to break out that mental defense mechanism as so we don't drown in our own empathy...Yup, time to drag out that ageless and reliable sociopathy.... it's all we have been left as to combat a true psychopath... of course it's psychopaths. Who else could be sitting back and allowing this other than cold blooded psychopaths..... it's time for that 17 year old who had a gun thrust into his hands and then briskly flown across the world and dropped into a jungle and told die or kill...yup, our sociopaths ❤️
Werewolves (soul still intact)
Vampires (no soul anywhere)