How did we get to the point that the whole world revolves around trying to make people take a pharmaceutical product? Have mercy on us, God, these evil forces just won't give up.

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I believe that Dr. McCUllough recently stated that Moderna has (31) mRNA "vaccines" in their pipeline. They have no intention of stopping this lethal platform anytime in the near future. All we can do is brace ourselves, keep reading & researching, and run in the opposite direction from anyone pushing or promoting them.

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I recently saw an article about a vaccination clinic in the UK that shut down because two snakes got inside. 😁 Yay snakes! (As long as they're not near me.)

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They are trying to kill us!

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I wouldn’t trust the FDA to flush my toilet.

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I’d recommend not taking an antigen based RSV vaccine. Just reject the poisons outright. Buyer beware. Just remember you cannot return for a refund if you don’t like the product.

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RSV has not previously been a concern in adults.

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The pharmaceutical cabal have created the impression of a significant disease in adults that were previously known as a "cold" and therefore must be protected with a new injection that does not have long lasting protection. The absolute risk reduction is quite low.

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Agreed! I believe the rr is <1%.

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If somebody knows where, in any statute, the FDA acquired authority to approve a drug, pray tell. All I can see is that FDA is a guardian of the purity of what is in the package. "Don't sell me a chocolate bar that has no chocolate in it" type thing.

I know I must be wrong, 'cuz everybody says the FDA approves, or withholds approval, of specific drugs on the basis of that drug's ability to help the sick.

Signed, Dying to know.

By the way, it is constitutional for a federal agency to guard product purity (as part of interstate commerce), but there is no "enumerated power" of Congress [in Article I, sec 8] to deal with health in any way, shape, or form. "Medicine" comes under the police power of the 50 states. E.g., you don't want a fake surgeon performing an appendectomy on you. Arrest that fellow!

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Seriously, what is with these people!

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Allowing Big Pharma to continue to EXIST??? Why aren't Moderna, Pfizer, etal being charged with accessory to mass murder for producing the poisons with all of the "SHOT GIVERS" (nurses, pharmacists) also charged as accessories to murder for pushing it into people, and all of the hospital doctors, nurses, protocol makers, etc., etc. guilty of MURDER for violation of "first do no harm" by MURDERING patients using methods THEY KNEW WERE POSSIBLY and some CERTAINLY DEADLY, and treating patients as badly as the Nazi's treated and abused the "prisoners" in interment camps!

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And next I'll give my opinion of what should be done to colluding government! And we ALL GET TO WATCH!!!

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I believe they WILL be tried and executed.

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I so wish you were right but I have 0 hope of that ever happening.

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All the pharmaceutical companies were given immunity from prosecution. They made billions in profit from our tax dollars and don’t have to shell out a dime for all those dead and dying as result of their poison, I will not get another vaccine ever. I didn’t take the jab and won’t take this RSV one either. Same deal as most viral illnesses. Unless you have co-morbidities symptoms most likely mild.

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Our leaders are obsessed with getting their synthetic mRNA into every human body. They clearly think that this operation benefits them in some important way.

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We must simply advise the world to stop taking any vaccine that is not trialled for efficacy or safety. Without naming names, a broad intelligent statement to decline any more warp speed medicines💖💖

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Humans are becoming a bunch of chimeras.

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Meanwhile, according to Super Sally, a native Australian woman who lives in metro Manila who frequently provides updates of what is going on in the Philippines, sent this update this morning, about data from Australia....https://supersally.substack.com/p/australian-mortality-data-for-february

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When or where does the FDA/CDC notify consumers that they are a subsidiary of Big Pharma?

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Satan knows no bounds. 🙏☝️🙏

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Listening, terrible!

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Dr McCullough,

Please will you get in touch with the RFK campaign to publicly review point by point what just went on with our Congressional Oversight Committee of COVID origins today June 3 with Anthony Fauci? There needs to be an intelligent and fact based response made public.

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More lies and fear mongering.

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