BREAKING--Fatal Craniofacial Cancer Five Months after COVID-19 Vaccination
Published Report Concludes mRNA Injection is the Cause of Cancer
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Since the advent of COVID-19 mass vaccination, rates of cancer have skyrocketed in surveillance systems across the globe. Many are asking, do the vaccines truly cause cancer? In 2020, Singh et al published an in silico modelling study that concluded the S2 segment of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein could be anticipated to inhibit the p53 and BRCA1/2 tumor surveillance systems. Importantly, the S2 segment has not been found in the body after the infection, however, it is readily produced in large quantities after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination as published by Patterson et al in 2022. Additionally, there is inhibition of DNA repair, contamination with SV-40 oncogene promoters, as additional mechanisms to explain the occurrence or acceleration of cancer in mRNA vaccine recipients.
We can only take case by case and examine the evidence. Kyriakopoulos et al describe a single case of a fatal basaloid craniofacial cancer that occurred within 5 months of vaccination. A malignant mass in the parotid gland was likely the source of the cancer existing at the time of injection. The vaccine through multiple mechanisms converted this latent neoplasm into a prototypical “turbo-cancer.” I will let you read the report and draw your own conclusions on causality and generalization to other rapidly developing cancers being observed after ill-fated COVID-19 vaccination.

Here is what the authors said: “We propose that the simultaneous dysfunction of both the facial and trigeminal nerves, likely through inflammation and T-cell-mediated autoimmunity against myelin of the peripheral nerves, produced an impairment of T cell response and suppressed the innate anti-tumor immune response in our patient, facilitating the basal cell carcinoma metastatic potential.” This implies that mRNA and or Spike protein pulls down the body’s natural surveillance system against cancer, therefore this patient with an incipient or latent facial cancer was doomed after taking the injection.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
Dr M, I’m still trying to tell some of my friends who tell me “ I’m more stupid than I thought.” Where am I getting this conspiracy ? Some refuse to talk to me anymore. You, Doc Malone, Doc Kory, and others have guided me with the truth. They still want another jab, God help them all....🇺🇸
I call this phase IV of Covid Spike Protein effect. Phase I being acute respiratory issues with initial infection( seen with alpha/delta) Phase II cardiovascular damage of all types( vascular events like stroke and damaged placentas/ cardiac events like arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies) these are seen post “vaccination “ and infection. Phase III autoimmune flares and new diagnosis's ( I am seeing APS and it’s effect on placentas and random antibodies cross reacting causing false positive RPR ) and immune dysfunction resulting in yeast infections galore ( worse on skin than vagina) and a new surge of HPV and women who before had negative HPV screens…these are occurring post infection and “vaccination”.
And now onto Phase IV . My recent experience is a lovely patient of mine who presented after sudden onset (48 hours ) with a 4 cm painful lymph node in her axilla. I thought this must be infectious as it occurred so suddenly/ would have been the case 3 years ago. No , the answers is a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of breast origin completely replacing the lymph node with no evident primary in the breast. I am heart broken .
I am concerned about Phase V which I already have clues to . Yes you guessed it , neurodegenerative effects. This evil spike protein has changed our world and the game rules of how we treat, diagnose , and care for our beloved patients. How are we to fight such madness when our own governing bodies refuse to acknowledge this travesty?
Lord God help us in our time of need.