The Chinese government recommended chloroquine for COVID treatment in mid February 2020, and hydroxychloroquine a week later. I was the only early-treating physician in an FQHC clinic, as hurdles to prescription were raised, and I was finally forbidden to prescribe hydroxychloroquine for COVID in August 2020, just as the first good paper came out of Bangladesh, using Dr. Borody's protocol of ivermectin, zinc and doxycycline, and of course vitamin-D, always vitamin-D, every day of your life, vitamin-D.
I accepted firing for "vaccine refusal" in October 2021, on the principle of standing with the "untermenschen".
NO Godless evil 50 billion in fraud fines/ for profit and leader in cause of iatrogenic death medicine is going to spend 20 million on study for an unpalatable HCQ or Ivermectin etc. remedy! That's for the good of the people. "Let thy God's food for medicine be first, I.e., 3000-year-old Hippocrates' medicine, banned by Rockefeller’s money "medicine" scam! I.e., killing 250,000 to 800,000 annually! (! (If you believe the Johns Hopkins [lowball] iatrogenic study claiming iatrogenic patent medicine only killed 12.5 million in the last 50 years, not counting 70 million abortions or all the millions of pharma’s gain of function medicines/ Coved deaths and murders! (As mentioned in the book, What the Nurses Saw!
Remember the Lancet study that showed the danger of hydroxychloroquine that was retracted? It was supposedly a multinational study of 96,000 covid patients on 6 continents. After it was "peer reviewed" and published, it was discovered that there were "flaws in the dataset". This was a completely faked paper to discredit an effective treatment therapy for COVID-19.
Yep. 🤬 A couple of editors of previously respected journals stepped down from their positions, mentioning the problems with journalistic integrity. Perhaps someone could recruit their first hand input. They were both pretty quiet after their first statements.
To learn how that fraud system Google Americas Broken Health Care! I.e....."The New England Journal of Medicine survey I cited before contained two other findings worth noting. In 24 percent of clinical trial agreements, the sponsor (meaning the drug company) “may include its own statistical analysis in manuscripts [i.e., journal articles].” And even more outrageously, 50 percent of clinical trial agreements allow the sponsor to “write up the results for publication and the investigators may review the manuscript and suggest revisions.” In other words, 50 percent of the contracts that academic medical centers make with drug companies allow the drug companies to ghostwrite the articles. The researchers who are the named authors of the articles have the right to suggest revisions but not to make actual corrections or edits. This is not academic freedom. Nor is it an arrangement in which medical science is going to serve the interest of the American people." God save us from evil Big Pharma.
Gee fake scientific studies from a fake 50 billion in fraud fines and leader in iatrogenic death "medicine" big for profit pharma! Who could have ever known! Don't all us woke "Take Down Trump" Democrats get our info from fake evil sources?
your McCullough Foundation website has been flagged as "malicious" by my "TotalAV" antivirus program. I submitted a "false-positive" report to them. Tim H.
The "cartel" (the right word) publishes and promotes bogus science and blocks real science. FWIW, this is upside down and a surreal state of affairs. But it's SOP in our New Abnormal.
RICO, Antitrust, etc. have nicely been identified here in this article as serious criminal violations in the United States. Time for the US Justice Dept. to go after the fraudsters and prosecute them.
Prosecutions may be very unlikely but we the people must stand up for what is right and against tyranny. The US Dept. of Justice is not one and the same as big pharma, even if political influence makes big pharma untouchable. You are too easily defeated.
Maybe I'm not as jaded as you and see some hope for humanity.
And since you subscribe to this Substack which stands against tyranny by the state and unites us here, I thought everyone here pretty much had those values too. I guess you're not one of them (unlike myself and pretty much the rest of us) and I was wrong.
Normally, Pharma just hides or pretends it doesn't have information that they can't profit from or that interferes with something they want to market, but COVID was different. An active suppression even by publishing fudged, bogus research while at the same time retracting articles that conflicted with all the money the journal editors received for going along with the Democide. Money is truly the root of all evil.
The article brought to mind this quote: Peer Review - A rigorous process through which often dubious ideas gain broad scientific consensus before becoming unquestionable dogma. (web search - Despair Inc Peer Review)
See also (web search - Consensus Science and the Peer Review)
The medical community’s shameful and egregious behavior before, during and after the covid scam has not ended….until there is a complete overhaul/purge of every last higher ups in this profession the same thing WILL occur again. From silencing very good true physicians to manipulating the very data that allows us FREE WILL…to make our own path. it appears free will is what they want to extinguish Every health executive at the medical boards…hosp admin and speciality board mbr who pushed/allowed for this scam must be removed!
Absolutely. Recently, wails of, “he’s (RFK Jr) going to destroy medicine,” reverberated loudly on a “medical” site. I stayed up way too late responding politely, and my comments are still “awaiting review.” 🤣
“Recently, Springer Nature and the Academic Publishing Cartel violated COPE guidelines and unjustly retracted the ProgenaBiome and McCullough Foundation study after successful peer-review:”
Can it be any more obvious, how dangerous these “Tyrants” are? They do not give a damn who may live or who dies!
Preferably and IMO, the later largely applies. Shame on these most dangerous and powerful organizations / individuals and institutions who have been so successful at blocking nearly all medical treatment’s, if not all medical treatments, related to this widespread “COVID-FRAUD!
My biggest problem is this. Why haven’t more people and doctors, anyone else including pharmaceutical industry workers, pharmacists, etc., why haven’t they amassed enough evidence and collectively come together and put and end to those who feel the need to “Kill & Maim” millions of people worldwide?
Why? In this day and age this wouldn’t be impossible, not even remotely difficult to do. There’s millions of reasons why, a concerted & (A concerted effort is a serious and determined attempt to do something, especially when done in collaboration with others.) collective effort, could & would, make a huge impact and potentially STOP these “Tyrannical-Globalists.”
Good God why not? I understand there’s risk involved. There’s risk involved in crossing the street to. But there’s millions of dollars stolen everyday from taxpayer’s pockets.
We’re learning how many millions if not trillions of dollars “DOGE” is uncovering. Which is exactly why I’m saying this.
Are we all “lab-rats” for the sake of “Tyrant’s?” I believe the answer is yes, absolutely we’re all being treated like “Lab-Rats” and especially all of the experts medical professionals who lost everything because of a handful of “Tyrants!”
Enough is enough! This has to stop otherwise when AI is unleashed it’s goodbye to any kind of “truthfulness!”
It was the dumping of our God/ Creator inspired nation (as our founders gave us) for a neo Sodom Gamorra mass baby killing LGBTQIA+ promoting Hell bound society! You can't MAGA using Satan's play book! God Guns and Guts built Amedica! So live with it!
Absolutely Steve! Which is exactly why we’re in the “stench of Hell” we’re in today! It’s obviously clear who’s behind this “Sodom and Gomorrah” agenda, designed to make people fearful of unknowns! People must return to our founding principles and get down on their knees and thank God every day! The state we’re in has been as I’ve been saying “Slow-Boil-Frog” agendas.
Until Americans realize the “ills of their ways” and turn away from the “Fires-of Hell” we may end up burning our own houses down! This is exactly how Satan functions and has infiltrated millions of Americans.
Thank you Steve for your perfect analysis. I certainly appreciate it.
There is only one right God, i.e., Jesus Christ, who was witnessed and documented [by many] to give his life, to save yours and my life! How cool was that?
Well, no. He's Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14, God with us, see the first chapter of the Gospel of John), but as an "angel" and "fellowservant" he said to worship (bow down or prostrate unto) him not, but worship God. Rev. 19:10 and 22:9
Take up the cross (Mark 10:21). He submitted to crucifixion as an example of what may be required to enter the kingdom of heaven/God.
Great news. The simple question across all of the media, medical institutions, and universities is how can rational ideas supplant a landscape that supports intense bias and falsehoods. Much of the country believes that reality can only be recognized by illogical, progressive dogma and there is simply no truth outside of it. I live surrounded by people who nearly uniformly reject reason and a common understanding of objective reality in order to make sense of what happens in the world. They have neither the inclination towards curiosity or questioning of authority. Their thinking is a strange combination of simplicity and tortured logic and always is grounded in emotion. It's depressing.
Excellent article either great citations. Too many brilliant doctors have been censored over politics ignoring medical research.
Excellent article with great citations. Too many brilliant doctors have been censored over politics ignoring medical research.
Since 2005, it has been known that chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread
See my comment on autism research elsewhere in these comments.
The Chinese government recommended chloroquine for COVID treatment in mid February 2020, and hydroxychloroquine a week later. I was the only early-treating physician in an FQHC clinic, as hurdles to prescription were raised, and I was finally forbidden to prescribe hydroxychloroquine for COVID in August 2020, just as the first good paper came out of Bangladesh, using Dr. Borody's protocol of ivermectin, zinc and doxycycline, and of course vitamin-D, always vitamin-D, every day of your life, vitamin-D.
I accepted firing for "vaccine refusal" in October 2021, on the principle of standing with the "untermenschen".
NO Godless evil 50 billion in fraud fines/ for profit and leader in cause of iatrogenic death medicine is going to spend 20 million on study for an unpalatable HCQ or Ivermectin etc. remedy! That's for the good of the people. "Let thy God's food for medicine be first, I.e., 3000-year-old Hippocrates' medicine, banned by Rockefeller’s money "medicine" scam! I.e., killing 250,000 to 800,000 annually! (! (If you believe the Johns Hopkins [lowball] iatrogenic study claiming iatrogenic patent medicine only killed 12.5 million in the last 50 years, not counting 70 million abortions or all the millions of pharma’s gain of function medicines/ Coved deaths and murders! (As mentioned in the book, What the Nurses Saw!
Get all of this information to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Staff! 🙏
Don't forget Sayer Gi's Green Med Info. He was publishing that vaccine info before RFJ Jr.
(I believe)
Remember the Lancet study that showed the danger of hydroxychloroquine that was retracted? It was supposedly a multinational study of 96,000 covid patients on 6 continents. After it was "peer reviewed" and published, it was discovered that there were "flaws in the dataset". This was a completely faked paper to discredit an effective treatment therapy for COVID-19.
Yep. 🤬 A couple of editors of previously respected journals stepped down from their positions, mentioning the problems with journalistic integrity. Perhaps someone could recruit their first hand input. They were both pretty quiet after their first statements.
To learn how that fraud system Google Americas Broken Health Care! I.e....."The New England Journal of Medicine survey I cited before contained two other findings worth noting. In 24 percent of clinical trial agreements, the sponsor (meaning the drug company) “may include its own statistical analysis in manuscripts [i.e., journal articles].” And even more outrageously, 50 percent of clinical trial agreements allow the sponsor to “write up the results for publication and the investigators may review the manuscript and suggest revisions.” In other words, 50 percent of the contracts that academic medical centers make with drug companies allow the drug companies to ghostwrite the articles. The researchers who are the named authors of the articles have the right to suggest revisions but not to make actual corrections or edits. This is not academic freedom. Nor is it an arrangement in which medical science is going to serve the interest of the American people." God save us from evil Big Pharma.
Gee fake scientific studies from a fake 50 billion in fraud fines and leader in iatrogenic death "medicine" big for profit pharma! Who could have ever known! Don't all us woke "Take Down Trump" Democrats get our info from fake evil sources?
Wouldn't it be nice if some of the misused USAID $$ could be used to help good lawyers ( Aaron Siri ) put these cartels away for good.
Appreciate your reporting. There is blood on the hands of those who censored the information about HCQ. There needs to be a reckoning.
your McCullough Foundation website has been flagged as "malicious" by my "TotalAV" antivirus program. I submitted a "false-positive" report to them. Tim H.
Unbelievable! They don’t stop, do they? Neither can we!
The "cartel" (the right word) publishes and promotes bogus science and blocks real science. FWIW, this is upside down and a surreal state of affairs. But it's SOP in our New Abnormal.
The science is settled. The vast majority of scientists agree with whoever is funding them. – Anon
Better late than never, unless of course millions die in the interim.
INDICT, PROSECUTE, BANKRUPT, IMPRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RICO, Antitrust, etc. have nicely been identified here in this article as serious criminal violations in the United States. Time for the US Justice Dept. to go after the fraudsters and prosecute them.
You expect them to prosecute themselves?
Prosecutions may be very unlikely but we the people must stand up for what is right and against tyranny. The US Dept. of Justice is not one and the same as big pharma, even if political influence makes big pharma untouchable. You are too easily defeated.
Maybe I'm not as jaded as you and see some hope for humanity.
And since you subscribe to this Substack which stands against tyranny by the state and unites us here, I thought everyone here pretty much had those values too. I guess you're not one of them (unlike myself and pretty much the rest of us) and I was wrong.
They also understand taking back “our money”
Congratulations! This is excellent news. And, hopefully more good news will be on the way.
Pharma whores turning tricks for their wicked PIMP.
Fully investigate and prosecute the criminals.
Normally, Pharma just hides or pretends it doesn't have information that they can't profit from or that interferes with something they want to market, but COVID was different. An active suppression even by publishing fudged, bogus research while at the same time retracting articles that conflicted with all the money the journal editors received for going along with the Democide. Money is truly the root of all evil.
The article brought to mind this quote: Peer Review - A rigorous process through which often dubious ideas gain broad scientific consensus before becoming unquestionable dogma. (web search - Despair Inc Peer Review)
See also (web search - Consensus Science and the Peer Review)
The medical community’s shameful and egregious behavior before, during and after the covid scam has not ended….until there is a complete overhaul/purge of every last higher ups in this profession the same thing WILL occur again. From silencing very good true physicians to manipulating the very data that allows us FREE WILL…to make our own path. it appears free will is what they want to extinguish Every health executive at the medical boards…hosp admin and speciality board mbr who pushed/allowed for this scam must be removed!
Absolutely. Recently, wails of, “he’s (RFK Jr) going to destroy medicine,” reverberated loudly on a “medical” site. I stayed up way too late responding politely, and my comments are still “awaiting review.” 🤣
Which site? Medscrape? Flexner and the NIH/CDC/DOD destroyed medicine long ago.
The DO D shut down a legit study into potential early treatments for C if it included an IVM arm.
Doximity. It’s read by a wide variety of healthcare providers and where I find the most ludicrous arguments.
Tech for dictators, is it? Worth getting an account, or will Medscrape suffice?
“Dox” is sorta fun because they link MSM articles. 😁
“Recently, Springer Nature and the Academic Publishing Cartel violated COPE guidelines and unjustly retracted the ProgenaBiome and McCullough Foundation study after successful peer-review:”
Can it be any more obvious, how dangerous these “Tyrants” are? They do not give a damn who may live or who dies!
Preferably and IMO, the later largely applies. Shame on these most dangerous and powerful organizations / individuals and institutions who have been so successful at blocking nearly all medical treatment’s, if not all medical treatments, related to this widespread “COVID-FRAUD!
My biggest problem is this. Why haven’t more people and doctors, anyone else including pharmaceutical industry workers, pharmacists, etc., why haven’t they amassed enough evidence and collectively come together and put and end to those who feel the need to “Kill & Maim” millions of people worldwide?
Why? In this day and age this wouldn’t be impossible, not even remotely difficult to do. There’s millions of reasons why, a concerted & (A concerted effort is a serious and determined attempt to do something, especially when done in collaboration with others.) collective effort, could & would, make a huge impact and potentially STOP these “Tyrannical-Globalists.”
Good God why not? I understand there’s risk involved. There’s risk involved in crossing the street to. But there’s millions of dollars stolen everyday from taxpayer’s pockets.
We’re learning how many millions if not trillions of dollars “DOGE” is uncovering. Which is exactly why I’m saying this.
Are we all “lab-rats” for the sake of “Tyrant’s?” I believe the answer is yes, absolutely we’re all being treated like “Lab-Rats” and especially all of the experts medical professionals who lost everything because of a handful of “Tyrants!”
Enough is enough! This has to stop otherwise when AI is unleashed it’s goodbye to any kind of “truthfulness!”
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
It was the dumping of our God/ Creator inspired nation (as our founders gave us) for a neo Sodom Gamorra mass baby killing LGBTQIA+ promoting Hell bound society! You can't MAGA using Satan's play book! God Guns and Guts built Amedica! So live with it!
Absolutely Steve! Which is exactly why we’re in the “stench of Hell” we’re in today! It’s obviously clear who’s behind this “Sodom and Gomorrah” agenda, designed to make people fearful of unknowns! People must return to our founding principles and get down on their knees and thank God every day! The state we’re in has been as I’ve been saying “Slow-Boil-Frog” agendas.
Until Americans realize the “ills of their ways” and turn away from the “Fires-of Hell” we may end up burning our own houses down! This is exactly how Satan functions and has infiltrated millions of Americans.
Thank you Steve for your perfect analysis. I certainly appreciate it.
The "Great Architect" is the wrong "God"!
There is only one right God, i.e., Jesus Christ, who was witnessed and documented [by many] to give his life, to save yours and my life! How cool was that?
Well, no. He's Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14, God with us, see the first chapter of the Gospel of John), but as an "angel" and "fellowservant" he said to worship (bow down or prostrate unto) him not, but worship God. Rev. 19:10 and 22:9
Take up the cross (Mark 10:21). He submitted to crucifixion as an example of what may be required to enter the kingdom of heaven/God.
Okay, I hope this complete this Sunday's sermon.
Great news. The simple question across all of the media, medical institutions, and universities is how can rational ideas supplant a landscape that supports intense bias and falsehoods. Much of the country believes that reality can only be recognized by illogical, progressive dogma and there is simply no truth outside of it. I live surrounded by people who nearly uniformly reject reason and a common understanding of objective reality in order to make sense of what happens in the world. They have neither the inclination towards curiosity or questioning of authority. Their thinking is a strange combination of simplicity and tortured logic and always is grounded in emotion. It's depressing.