So I just checked VAERS for stroke data. For the last 30 years all 98 non covid vaccines combined all types of stroke combine there were a total of 1294 strokes reported. For the covid vaccines over the last 2 years 10 months there were 17764 strokes reported. No safety signal here!

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Keep in mind when you read these numbers, that the under-reporting factor is at least 40 & may be as high as 100 according to a government-funded study from 2009, which stated that less then 1% of these kinds of adverse events are actually reported.

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Indeed, it was the Harvard Pilgrim insurance group in research affiliation with Harvard that did the study of VAERS for 2007 to 2009. Ultimately, they determined that VAERS reporting only accounts for 1% of the actual adverse events. Not to mention the data integrity suffers from self-reporting in many cases. Nonetheless these data on the covid vaccines are shocking. I have been keeping track of all the adverse events on VAERS since March 2020 shortly after all this nonsense began and in particular since the covid vaccines burst onto the scene in late 2020.

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I see you are a retired statistician. That adds weight to your comments, and to my respect for your time to keep up with this data and then comment. Thank you!

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Pure coincidence. The Covid Vaccines are entirely safe and effective. Mild reactions are at worst 1 in a million.

Oh! And I've got this used suspension bridge in Brooklyn for sale...

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I have some waterfront property in the Sahara Desert, Captain...interested?🌴

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As a Maritimer, born and raised, I have a deathly fear of water -- especially in my rye! 😘

Particularly the dry kind.. 🤔

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Wow... I'm still amazed at not only the propaganda around the jab out and how many complied back then, but now stunned by the silence in MSM. Doctors know, very few speak. I'm just appalled by the silent genocide going on to this day. Can I easily say all very jabbed countries have an excess death increase of at least 12%?.... Wow... we see our loved ones and aquaintances dying or getting new major health issues, and no one raises even an eyebrow. People see the same thing as me, but cannot connect the dots? (I'm not the brightest crayon in the box and it's clear...). Would it be too damning? too conspirationnist? I'd rather have a tinfoil hat than an cast iron visor...

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Yup.... the doctors don't want to have their money train to go off the rails... so they keep their mouths shut. My cardiologist called me in March of 2021 and told me that I should schedule the injection. My age and risk factors allowed me to get it "early". I said no thanks. I have not been back to him. I want to ask if he still thinks the "vaccine" is still a good idea. I would probably get up and leave a soon as the words "yes the vaccine is a good idea" comes out of his mouth. I have NO respect for any doctor who "thinks" the vaccine is a good thing or promotes it. In fact I think they are actually criminals who need to be arrested and tried for murder.

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Lawrence, I feel the same way! I TRUST NO DOCTORS. In fact, I’m scared to death of them! Some of us have been using our intuition more than usual. Doctors have been on the gravy train long enough.

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Tell me about it Renee.. I am afraid of them too- I call them White Coat Murderers. I have more respect for a hood criminal with a 9mm than these ass wipes. They killed people who CAME to them for help! How fucked up is that? People who swore an oath and dedicated their lives to healing KILLED innocent people so they could keep their paychecks. I just hope all of them a multiple injected with the poison. Because they ALL deserve to be hung in the public square for what they have done. We will not forget or forgive what they have done.

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I'm very concerned still by the uncanny events happening (machine don't work, inadequate medecine, horrible lung infections..., testing PCR everyday...) to our older folks who need hospitalization, I mean today. They seem to come in and they never make it (alive). I'm in Montreal. Something's going on????? Are they really killing our 70, 80, 90 yo's?? Or I'm just paranoid now???

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Your intuition is working Sophie!

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Too many real stories (of hospitalized older folks) that never made it back home. It's so heartbreaking. Yeah, who wants doctors, frankly. My trust has vanished a long time ago...

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Here you go - I listen to Jeff and Erica all the time. This will take you inside a hospital with Nurse Ann - prepare to be shocked by her stories of a real nurse trying to help people in a dysfunctional situation. https://www.bitchute.com/video/dCj694btW5WS/

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No, not paranoid. Do you know that hospitals earned up to $471k per “Covid death!?”

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Oh this is still going on? That's the thing then with the hospitals' obsession with testing at least once a day. I think once it's positive they proceed to the death protocol...

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Lawrence, I’ve had two surgeries the last couple of years. One for ovarian cancer, and one for a hernia FROM the cancer surgery. The last one did it for me! I won’t go into details. I’m a tough cookie, too.

I seriously look at some of these doctors and I can’t believe that I’ve trusted some of them for decades. It’s a very frightening awakening.

And I’m healthy! I have become my own doctor: exercise daily, intermittent fasting, SUNSHINE, nature, etc! I just turned 60 ✝️🌞. Your body will take care of you, if you take care of it! It knows what to do!

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Good for you! I am out every day - almost 10,000 steps every day. I have become my own doctor too. I am headed for 73 and plan on staying away from the Death Care System as long as I can. I can’t believe I trusted them either. They will kill you for a nickel or maim you for a dime.

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People's response to sense of dis-ease surprise me. If I was feeling a bit tense I'd slow it all down, quietly move, stretch - I wouldn't go to the doctor to walk out with high blood pressure medication.

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What happened to Do No Harm, they did plenty of harm. Most are Scum.

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Same with me my Cardio told me to get it I said NO He said I had tell me why I should. I said did my research and NO. Came off all meds he prescribed & still standing.. Don't trust 90% of them. God bless us with common sense & gave us our wonderous immune systems!

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Yup - I take only the blood pressure medicine and I now (because of diet and lifestyle changes) have cut that in half. I don’t take the other crap he prescribed. I feel better than I ever have. I take Taurine, Motherwart and Nattokinase everyday. All great for the heart and vascular system. Good for you Judy. Keep it up… we need good people alive when this is all done.

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Good girl! I stook up to my Doctor as my cholesterol was through the roof. He wanted me on statins, that I was at risk for a stroke etc... I asked him 3 months to be able to lower my figures by myself, he got agry but agreed. He said my cholesterol was hereditary and even if I turned vegan today there is nothing I could do to lower it from one iota . I proved him wrong!!! statins be gone!

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I am off the statins too. I feel so much better. Those things are poison too!

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It’s all because of the corporate takeover of Medicine, bad for patients! Docs have to toe the organizational💰 bottom line or loose their ability to practice. Can’t just go independent because of the noncompete clauses in the contracts. No excuse though. Find and support independent docs, even if you have to pay out of pocket!!!

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I have a buddy who lost his two best childhood friends within ten days. Both in their 50’s and died suddenly. I brought up the insanity and futility of the Covid response and he was too busy ranting and raving about masks and Drumpf for me to even get to the jabs. Amazing.

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This is what I mean: it's right under their nose, goes in the "coincidence bucket" right away. Very conveniant rather than question what could reveal an unthinkable disaster. which it is.

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Nov 2, 2023Edited
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Interesting... msm and education system as the root of this desired "disconnection"? I noticed that at a very young age. It's very hard for me to be a social butterfly because I can smell the "by-product" of whatever propaganda or fashion trend.

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The silence of the Corrupted Corporate Media is further evidence that they simply regurgitate propaganda and lies because they’re corrupted to the core. Tragically. And I agree that no one raises an eyebrow about the deaths. My brother died of turbo cancer on 1/31/2023 and not one single family member or friend wondered if it could be because he got the C19 mRNA shots. So I brought it up (I know that’s what killed him), but when I do, all I get is silence and blank stares.

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I'm so sorry for your loss Cathleen. We share horror stories on a very personnal level. All of us do I guess... I lost my husband this winter, he had 2 jabs. His cardiac medical bill was stable before he got those. All of a sudden the heart valve that was fine was sheredded and his lungs sclerosed. Ok, he was an older guy, but was in top shape before; His heart and lungs let go this past February. He'll just go incognito in the story of the carnage. I know those blank stares. God bless you Cathleen.

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Sophie, I am so very sorry about your husband. You phrase perfectly how I feel about my brother: “he’ll just go incognito in the story of the carnage”. 😢 He also had just the initial two jabs. And he also was in good health, physically active, slender, had just turned 68 a month before he died. Of course, I didn’t expect him to ‘live forever’, but it was obvious he was taken well before his time. In other words: murdered. The speed of his cancer was crazy. You and I can’t prove it in a court of law…but we know what happened. My thoughts are with you.❤️

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If the covid rubbish has taught us anything, I think we all realise now, that we need to be responsible for every decision we make, not just in health.

No one is standing beside us in professional life caring whether you live or die, succeed or fail. Doctors do degrees to learn how to match up drugs with conditions and little else. So eyes ahead with inquisitive brains permanently lock in, I say!

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Well said! Just posted on Next Door the new data showing effects of shots on myocardial cells, and how it supports the autopsy studies that say “unlike any myocarditis” we’ve ever seen. More like cardiomyopathy than myo. Soundly reminded that community health is not appropriate for ND, ironically right under about 45 comments about the E. coli outbreak at a local restaurant. 🤷‍♀️😳🤬

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Lol I love stirring up the pot on Next Door

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Locked out yesterday, and be damned if I’ll sign their “agreement” to be allowed back on ND. May change my mind, cuz I snuck in a few shots…

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So where’s Trump on all this. The silence is deafening.

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I still know “patriots” that are all in on him. Mind numbing.

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I may be behind the curve, but I think Trump had the best of intentions and sadly had no idea what Pfizer, Moderna et al — and the bad apples on his vaxx team — were up to. He trusted them and was so in love with the possibility of stopping Covid and stunning the world with the success of “Operation Warp Speed” that he went forward with blinders on. What is so terribly disappointing to me — and of course to countless others — is that even now, he will not acknowledge the harm that has been done, and call for all administration of the mRNA vaccines to immediately cease. Even now, he equivocates with talk about “lives that were saved” by the vaccines. So horribly disappointing to those of us who believed he was smarter than that and better than that. The only thing he has going for him in this is that he at least never was onboard with mandates.

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Everyone makes mistakes but the fact that to this day he can’t acknowledge the disastrous vaccines shows there’s no humbleness there.

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Trying not to loose the independent vote and the mind numbingly pro vax crowd?

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There is no humility in the Donald

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Oct 26, 2023
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Me too — but I’ve got fingers crossed they won’t change course, because I think Biden’s shocking mental state is so obvious to everyone that even massive fraud — or the willingness of some to let Obama keep functioning as shadow president — won’t be enough to put him back in office.

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Anyone still supporting Trump has their head in the sand. It was obvious right after the roll out of his “vaccines” that his purpose as president was to roll out mRNA technology without (too much) opposition from republicans.

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Nope; he didn’t have a clue about the dangers of the shots. It was all narcissism to be the hero, and now that it was a terrible failure, hard to know which way to jump; there’a still a huge % of folks who are pro jab. 🤷‍♀️😳

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I don’t think that he knew about the dangers either. I don’t think he cared. He still doesn’t care. He was and is just going along with whatever he has to do.

I disagree that there’s still a lot of people in favor of the jab. It’s in single digit uptake.

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He’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he speaks out as anti-vax now, MSM will just call him even more crazy and he looses the independents and pro vax. If he doesn’t, those of us who know the dangers of the shots will be furious. I think he’s trusting his supporters to understand the dilemma.

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I really like the comparison of the "attenuated" news to your dad about the car. Does it make it a lie? yes, totally! LOL! This month, in my life: my brother just had a surgery on a small cancer on an eye (that's the second person I hear having to have a growth removed on a lower eyelid); a cousin having an operation for a damaged heart valve; A colleague told me he's developped HBpressure 2 years ago; A new neuro disorder for a friend's sister; Two folks with bad fractures of the foot doing normal activity; a friend thankfully recovering from an open heart surgery for a major artery clogged at 90%. Most cannot explain their 30-40 pound weight gain (you read that right!). All are in their early 60s. Common denominator: triple jabbed. Uh oh... just medical coincidences. And I spared you the over 70 y.o. new agonies and those under 40 coming up with new health issues. Unreal.

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A sick patient is a profitable patient

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What a great story about the Cadillac! and it is a perfect comparison to the magical thinking today by the majority of mainstream and sheeple.

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And John, just as your word was discredited with your father from your false report, so will be the word of the NYT. The whole structure of the globalist/government/corporate/medical/media alliance with Hell, is coming down!

Thank God for you, for Peter, and everyone who have given their lives to Him and are working with Him and with his Son Jesus, and the whole Heavenly Host to take this Goliath down for the sake of God's Kingdom on Earth and for the sake of His children and our future generations.

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We can do our share of truth bearing for Him, but the present situation could be irreversible at this point, until He comes Himself to clean up the mess...

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Yes, He is with us now if we are with Him.

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His hand is always active whether we want it to be or not. (I sure do!!) Most people are blind to that reality, as one would expect from the materialist worldview.

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Im trying to get my head around what this will mean for the population next year and in five years.

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Try to look on the bright side…some people are thought to have received doses that were “duds” — basically dead on arrival in their arms because of careless storage and handling. And possibly, in some cases, placebos. That’s what I’m hoping was the case with my vaxxed husband and adult kids 🙄🫰🏻🙏🏻

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I hope many, many were duds.

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Danish study est 30% placebo. German study showed about that same % had no quality control testing (implying f they were saline). Howbadismybatch.com says 90% of AE’s are from 5% of the lots. Hot lots are real. 🤬

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However....now that it has been determined that likely ALL the doses had LNP encapsulated DNA floating around in them, that changes the calculus. Now we're talking not about imminent illness and death, but multigenerational illness and death.

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Wasn’t aware of all, or even most. Thought smaller %. Devastating!

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We have a friend who is a neurologist in Florida. Both his mother and his mother in law developed low platelet levels shortly after one of the boosters. He said this can happen with other vaccines (though 2 people from the same family would be rare) as well but both of their levels went to 1. He said a normal platelet reading is around 150,000. Even after weeks in the hospital with treatment, levels only went up to around 35,000. His mother in law also had some other issues that they were trying to diagnose. They biopsied for cancer several times but came back inconclusive or negative and much of the tissue they pulled was necrotic.

They finally diagnosed her with TB even without an affirmative test for it and put her on very strong TB medication that has many side effects. Well, after not responding to the drugs and having serious side effects, they took her off and only then got a negative TB diagnoses. This took place over many months. They did another biopsy and finally diagnosed her with lymphoma (the treatable kind in the early stages). At this point it was 7 months after all of this started so by the time they started the lymphoma treatment it had advanced too far and she passed away several days later.

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the treatable kind ...

Not if the mRNAs had anything to do with it. Many *present* at stage 3/4, and succumb shortly thereafter.

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Forgot to specify 'treatable' as via conventional 'treatment'.

There may well be some hope, even for the 'turbo cancers', by turning to non-conventional methods. For example:

Synergistic pairing of ivermectin and fenbendazole found HIGHLY EFFECTIVE at preventing and treating cancer: https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/subscriber-comments-synergistic-pairing?

If I were in the situation of fighting a chronic disease I would immediately start a *urine fast*, very long-term if serious; maybe combined with ivermectin/fenbendazole for solid cancers. Books and testimonials wrt. Urine Therapy here: https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref40644295

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I'm with you on the ivermectin+fenbendazole. I don't think I want to know what a "urine fast" is all about, however!

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Gently? This is press malfeasance (if there's such a thing). People need to KNOW.

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The NYT certainly downplayed this terrible adverse event to a great extent!! Strokes are hitting more and more people of younger and younger ages. A friend's husband had a terrible stroke at age 52! He's alive but in terrible shape -- lost his ability to swallow and has been on a feeding tube since last May. The NYT needs to tell the truth about the rampant number of strokes among even the youngest people participating in this grand experiment. End this experiment NOW!

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7yo stroke, 2 artery dissections with clots. Blamed on trampoline even though no injury. Nope!

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Many will never acknowledge the truth even on their deathbeds. I have become distant from my sister in all this. She is jabbed up, went from borderline diabetic to full diabetes. I can say nothing or endure her wrath. I hear this as the case for many. Her whole immediate family has swallowed it. All this traumatic and painful to see happening for many of us. It is like the most villainous scenario playing out in front of our eyes.

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The BioWeapon Jab that keeps on giving destruction. They are Insane.

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Don't expect the Doctors who pushed the Covid lies to ever speak up. You can only sell your soul once.

As my Daddy used to say, it is easier to get a new job than a new reputation. The Covid Doctors' reputations are scared for ever. They should wear a scarlet "C" in shame. Also pray for them, because they are now victims.

All Honors to the honest Doctors. They not only had to fight disease, they had to fight their diseased profession.

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As my wife and I who are in our 60's sit here, both infected for the 3rd time with Sars-Cov2, all I can do is curse Fauci for what has happened to the world. This crap is all on his shoulders. He was told to knock off the gain of function research, so he has moved it offshore, to the laboratory of an enemy of the USA. What an arrogant and extremely greedy and ignorant reprobate. Fortunately, we never took the jabs, so we will likely be OK, but I am aware that even the spikes from the disease itself are pathogenic. When is Fauci going to be jailed for life? If you have not read the book "The Real Anthony Fauci" by RFK you should read it. It reveals just how evil and arrogant Fauci really is. His actions over the last 50 years have resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people.

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Is this a crack in the dam?

Probably not. More obfuscation. There have been so many near admittances of harm and death that I’ve lost count. And yet, we are still playing the same game. The game is that most of the country knows these are poisonous but the medical/media/political/public health community just keeps pretending to be unaware. With single digit uptake, they know that we know and yet here we are.

If someone had told me ten years ago where we would be today, I would have thought it was the most bizarre prediction ever.

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I think it is. Thats why we are going to war

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Media: “Bad news, everyone who took these has been poisoned. Sorry, no time to chat about it because WWIII.”

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They don’t do truth at the NYT. They’ll keep spinning and lying like they do about most things.

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