"mass negligent homicide"

I would remove the word "negligent". There is no doubt in my mind that the people who constructed this spike protein with very nasty GOF inserts, detailed clearly in Cheng 2020 (PMID: 32989130) knew exactly what they were doing.

The very same people also knew that the non-pharmaceutical methods that they mandated like lockdowns, masking, distancing, separation were key to creating stress and ROS - Kim 2021 (PMID: 34555595) and that persistent ROS was key to make sure that the spike opened easily. Fossum 2022 (PMID: 37155555) and related articles show this very clearly.

We also know that the HIV inserts in the spike particularly GP120, enable sars cov-2 to use non ACE-2 receptors and directly infect T-cells - Shen 2022PMID: 35277473 and Kuklina 2022 PMID: 35790412. In fact the number of receptors that are now used are far broader than ACE 2 and nicotinamide receptors. The question has to be asked whether the constant carry on about ACE 2 receptors was to blind medical people to other receptors of importance.

This is just a tiny slice of the medical literature which actually points to deliberate preplanned, pre-engineered global democide.

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Hilary--Thanks for your detailed information. I could find these articles but I need translations for a nonscientists.

Worse... what do we tell our children? How can this massive collusion among "well meaning people" be explained? This will injure every human being on the planet....

Will the perps just hide in their bunkers while we rot and die from circulation issues and heart attacks? As Dr Mike Yeadon has explained..."they" knew exactly what the outcome would be for the gullible masses who trusted the dictates from the likes of Dr Anthony Fauci....He knew what would happen as he rode away from the Washington D.C. with a $4OO,OOO plus annuity ....He and his grotesque "wife" Christine Grady...who also held a high post in the "health" industry.

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"What do we tell our children?" First I would read "Dissolving Illusions" Dr McCullough did an interview with Roman Bystrianek a while back, so watch that too. Then read "Rising from the Dead" by Dr Suzanne Humphries, and have a look at her Odysee channel, and the interview she did with Steve Kirsch here: https://rumble.com/v5fclq5-vsrf-live-144-diseases-vaccines-and-forgotten-history-with-dr.-suzanne-hump.html.

When you feel confident, start talking to your children about the things that Dr McCullough is now realising, that for centuries, the medical system has presented the public with a mirage, which bears little resemblance to reality, just like they did with covid since before 2020. They are still presenting mirages today, to get people to take the 10th booster.

Unfortunately this mirage management also extends to education, and other areas of history which are politically inconvenient.

From a spiritual perspective, it is pure evil, as both Dr McCullough and John Leake have pointed out. Not only is the "Devil in the detail", the devil is in the very foundation which the detail is built upon.

I've been involved in this movement since 1981. We home schooled our children, and what they needed to know, became one part of the central axis of their education. We taught the children HOW to think (aka DeBono) HOW to research, How to look for "the stones" they didn't know to turn over, and to remember that people often don't know what they don't know, therefore they must assume that there is no such thing as a problem, but instead assume that every problem is a solution in disguise.

Unfortunately it means children have to be taught to ask questions of everyone including their own parents. Encourage them to challenge you, and then work together to research the challenged issue to get to a point where you have a firm foundation and grip of what is important in this world, AND what is important in terms of eternity.

The thing that kept me going, particularly when I was a lone voice and everyone else viewed me as a dragon with 10 heads from the Book of Revelation, is my personal relationship with God and the deep understanding that He put me here in this place in 1981 to start the process to wake people up in this country, perhaps for a time like this.

If you can give your children this as well, then they will have a very deep anchor within their soul as well has having the ability for the Holy Spirit to guide them when stuck between the rocks and hard places with no ability to look at data or situations.

That deep anchor is very important because it allows the stress to simply wash over and away.

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I did buy them some books COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE.... and also RFK's A LETTER TO AMERICANS

So I haven't given up. just changed tactics a bit. We will win this.

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Do you mean, RFK's 2022 book Letter to the Liberals?

There is a bigger problem. Many people walked into the brick wall like a lemming because for decades they didn't pay attention. Many people now seeing that the mRNA was a pig in a poke, still think that all the old vaccines are just fine and dandy.

Because.... they have been asleep at the wheel - and assumed that because everyone else's children had the same health issues that theirs do, that must be "normal".

This very insular observation was as far as their thinking went. Yet many people like Marge Grant, Dr Robert Mendelson, Dr J Anthony Morris, myself and many others were yelling from the rooftops. Though it was more like pissing into the wind.

The information on all vaccines has been hidden right there in the open - a place called pubmed, which for most people is like finding a needle in a haystack. Before internet it used to be in big doorstop books called "The medicus indexus" which weighed a ton.

Most parent chose not to look there assuming that they were not smart enough to understand the literature. That is a false assumption. You don't have to be smart to get into medical school.

You have to be uber compliant, do whatever you are told in school and be a very diligent parrot spitting out the right answers to get the highest marks, so that you can possibly get a job which results in big bucks.

Any "curiosity" usually only comes after graduation, as the doubts start piling up, but there isn't much a doctor with the golden handcuffs of a half million student loan to pay off, can do. They aren't trained for anything else.

The sorts of books people need to get their heads around, are books like RFK's Fauci book, Dr Christopher Shaw's book Dispatches from the vaccine wars, Roman Bystrianek and Dr Humphries book "Dissolving Illusions" and Dr Humphries autobiography, "Rising from the dead"

If you can get a copy of Marge Grants book "A stolen Life" that will give you good historical background as to how long people in America have been speaking out and what prompted them to do so.

People have to realise that ALL vaccines have potentially serious issues. Not just the covid gene therapies etc.

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That might have worked 2O years ago. I am "old" now and they are "big"....doctors and such. One bright spot....daughter came to me and said flatly "Mom...you were right about those 'vaccines'.." This is cold comfort being that she had her disabled Dad injected as well as her entire family.....tears.

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I believe in "god"...an intelligent creator etc.

He hasn't said anything to me. I call and there is no answer.

This is all I get....

Micah 6:8 NIV - "He has shown you, O mortal what is good.

And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

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Christine Grady, MSN, PhD - National Institutes of Health Clinical Center

CGrady@cc.nih.gov. 301-496-2429. Dr. Christine Grady's contributions are both conceptual and empirical and are primarily in the ethics of clinical research, including informed consent, vulnerability, study design, recruitment, and international research ethics, as well as ethical issues faced by nurses and other h

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I agree that “negligent” implies that the homicide was due to lack of reasonable care rather than to a deliberate act. That’s why they, along with the manufactured virus/agent are bioweapons.

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did you not observe the incessant hounding...the ceaseless yammering from all the media about "doing your bit" and getting "vaccinated" for your family, your loved ones and your community. This "vaccination" campaign was incessant and relentless--remember Jimmy Kimmel....the swine. I am sure he was "in" on it....

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Jimmy Kimmel says unvaxxed Americans don't deserve ICU beds - New York Post

Sep 8, 2021ABC late-night host Jimmy Kimmel took a shot at unvaccinated Americans on air Tuesday, saying they shouldn't be admitted to ICU beds. Ranting about inflated COVID-19 rates during his opening ...

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Define ROS please for us lay people. Thank you dor your informative post.

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ROS or reactive oxidative stress is something we need during infection, and at low levels constantly and these are kept in balance by eating anti-oxidant foods. But when the stress is prolonged and psychological, the ROS levels build up and cause cellular damage in the body and stresses the immune system.

What are reactive oxygen species? "A type of unstable molecule that contains oxygen and that easily reacts with other molecules in a cell. A build up of reactive oxygen species in cells may cause damage to DNA, RNA, and proteins, and may cause cell death. Reactive oxygen species are free radicals. Also called oxygen radical."


A broad sweep definition of what Reactive oxygen species do, could be this one from a medical article: "Oxidative stress refers to elevated intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cause damage to lipids, proteins and DNA. Oxidative stress has been linked to a myriad of pathologies. However, elevated ROS are also signaling molecules i.e. redox biology that maintain physiological functions."


The article is quite technical, but ROS is one of things functions where a little is what you need for good health, but a lot, constantly, can result is biochemical chaos creating pathology, or conditions which harm health.

So when we talk about "stress" negatively mpacting health, this is what we are talking about.

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LOL….Smoking. Actually we do have nicotine receptors in our brains. Here’s a tin foil hat argument for you: First, the incidence of smoking has been reduced to about 25% of the world’s population, yet lung cancer incidence has continued to rise. Interesting. Despite mainstream advising that nicotine is ‘highly addictive’, it is actually out of your blood stream in 72 hours….the difficulty in stopping smoking is not due to the nicotine, but due to the need for behavior patterns that no longer exist when you stop smoking. Interesting as well. While yes, tobacco companies put thousands of additional chemicals into cigarettes (rather than reducing them), what if….just what if….it was found that nicotine was actually beneficial to humans, so the powers that be wanted to ensure that nicotine consumption by humans was reduced. After all, eugenics was an ‘interest’ well before tobacco reduction was an issue. Just a thought. And yes, it is also statistically proven that not only are smokers less affected by the vax, but they were also less affected by the virus itself. Hmmm…..

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Indeed, Dr. Bryan Ardis has long been recommending the use of nicotine patches or gum, and researched to find only 5% of hospitalized patients for covid were smokers. The spikes/poisons settle into our nicotinoid receptors which are all throughout our bodies. When those receptors are occupied by the nicotine, the spikes/poisons cannot settle in. I know many folks who wear patches every day, whether vaxxed or not. BTW the brand Dr. Ardis reco0mmends as being "cleanest" he has found is called Rugby, still available on amazon.

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This is a link to a detailed analysis of nicotine by Dr. Ardis. He sites numerous studies to back up his beliefs: https://thedrardisshow.com/episode-04-10-2024-the-other-n-word Well worth a listen.

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It is genocide! They want us all dead!

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Dr McCullough: "I think we have got five to fifteen years of worry"

....OH MY GAWD.....!!!!!!!!

How can anyone ever put a monetary value on this?

We have been "genocided" as Dr. McCullough articulates here.....

"Why do they want to lie to the American people?" asks Brannon

Why indeed? Research Avril Hanes.....from the WEF---has anyone got links?

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We know that part of the idea of the globalists is ‘depopulation’, so perhaps other than ‘genocide’ we should just consider depopulation….life expectancy being reduced, fertility reduced, etc., etc.

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If this isn't "MASS GENOCIDE" I don't know what is!

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If vaccine mandates had been successfully installed in a permanent manner, then we would be one injection away from genocide.

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Dead athletes through December 2023 following covid "vaccines"....https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/

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And still being gaslighted as to the cause. Four of these football players’ deaths blamed on heat related illnesses: nope.

A High School Football Player Dies After Practice.

Semaj Wilkins, 14-years-old, Aug. 14, 2024

New Brockton High School, New Brockton, Alabama


A High School Football Player Dies After Practice.

Leslie Noble, 16-years-old, August 18, 2024

Franklin High School, Baltimore, Maryland


A High School Football Player Dies After Practice.

Ovet Gomez Regalado, 15-years-old, August 19, 2024

Shawnee Mission Northwest High School, Kansas City, Kansas


A middle school student dies after collapsing on campus.

Lailyn Lomas, 13-years-old, August 14, 2024

Dutchtown Middle School, Geismar, Louisiana


A middle school student dies after collapsing on campus.

Landon Payton, 14-years-old, August 15, 2024

Marshal Middle School, Houston, Texas


A 4th grader dies of a heart attack after collapsing during recess.

Lucy Nash, 9-years-old, August 9th, 2024

Clairo Elementary School, Henderson, Kentucky


And a “friend” of Dr. Sharkey suggested that she died of heat related illness too. Also nope, AFAIK. Heat related illnesses do not present with sudden collapse without prodrome.

RIP Dr. Michele Louise Sharkey, DVM

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This is all true. I live in Givens Estates in Asheville---HORRIFYING. people are being left to die.

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Your study link is broken

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Those numbers will get much worse when all methods of killing attaches to the death injections.

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The highly fit people seem to have a much higher output of spike protein. every cell in their body is pumping it out. So you could say that in many very high exercised people the risk is self generated dose ie dose of spike protein.

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Yes, because highly fit athletes also exercise to the extreme which in itself results in constantly high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in their bodies, which suppresses the immune system.

It was the same during the polio years. Rarely did doctors ever see couch potatoes with polio. Clinical polio was most often seen in Type A personalities - people who burned the candle at 10 ends, never got enough sleep, didn't eat properly and drove themselves beyond what is healthy with IMbalance in their lives.

They are sitting ducks, because ROS is the key to efficient spike production.

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I recall seeing studies showing that smokers did better when infected with covid.

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Please help us bring hope and undo the works of the enemy😊🙏❤️…

A Night of Art & Music: Restoring Hope for the COVID “Vaccine" Injured (update posted 09/20/24)

🎶 Exciting News! 🎶

We are thrilled to announce that Jessica Sutta, singer, dancer, and former member of the chart-topping Pussycat Dolls, will be lighting up our stage at our Fusion of Art and Music event in Spokane, WA, benefiting REACT19 and the vaccine injured!

Her incredible heart and world-class talent are sure to make this a night to remember.🎤✨

📅 Date: Oct 25th, 2024

📍 Location: Calvary Spokane | 511 Hastings Rd., Spokane, WA | Map HERE: https://maps.app.goo.gl/CM6Yau645qWiiGTTA

🎟️ Grab your tickets HERE (Get Tickets): https://bit.ly/Spokanefundraiser

💰Sponsorships available HERE (Get Tickets): https://bit.ly/Spokanefundraiser

ℹ️ More information: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/a-night-of-art-and-music-restoring?r=14nzxn

#JessicaSutta #LivePerformance #UnforgettableNight #SpokaneEvents #REACT19

Join us for a night of incredible music and entertainment and an opportunity to make a meaningful difference. Together, we can raise awareness and funds for the COVID “vaccine” injured.

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All “medical personnel”- most especially “Doctors” who REFUSE ( for any “reason”) to WASH THEIR HANDS & CONSCIENCES IN TRUTH AND THE TRUE SERVICE OF HUMANITY - are like Pilate who sought to absolve himself while he washed his hands in the blood of THE GREAT PHYSICIAN .

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Great Post and link to the Brannon Howse interview. It was amazing to learn that you, Dr. McCullough, had Covid 3 times. And I believe that you take a protocol available from the 'Wellness Company' that contains Nattokinaise and 2 other ingredients to address Spike Protein issues. I know from their admissions that Dr. Pierre Kory & Dr. Paul Marie received the first 2 Covid shots in 2021. Steve Kirsch did as well. Did you also receive them as well back then ? Kory & Marik explained that they were misled about the safety of the injections by the medical establishment, whom they totally trusted at that time. Thank you for your efforts. I wish you much radiantly great good health

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